The aim of the paper is to identify the educational problems faced by Polish female chess grandmasters during the talent development process, i.e. the time required to win the highest women’s title. A free-form, in-depth, qualitative interview method was used; the research tool was a guide prepared based on Françoys Gagné’s Comprehensive Model of Talent Development (CMTD). The data was subjected to qualitative analysis: codes and categories relating to educational problems were applied to the interviews with 14 female chess grandmasters. For female athletes, it is especially important to find a balance between school/academic life and sports practice. Women have much fewer opportunities to make a living from sports than men and are thus forced to prepare for other professions, which is tantamount to combining a sports career with getting an education. This situation can also be observed among female chess players. Additionally, women’s performance in chess is significantly lower than men’s. Thus, in the series of papers titled “Women in Chess. Problems…”, an attempt was made to present female chess grandmasters in the context of hardships that significantly affected the development of their talent. This paper presents hardships related to education. The study showed that most of the future female grandmasters experienced education-related hardship during secondary school, mainly due to absenteeism from school, poor attitudes of teachers, a lack of interest from the school in their successes, and a non-conformist attitude towards the rules of the school system. As a result of the analysis, it is suggested to disseminate knowledge throughout the school environment concerning the specific nature of chess as a sport discipline and to implement support programs for female and male students who practice it.
The goal of the analyses presented in the article was to discover the issues connected to the family of origin, which the Polish female chess grandmasters were dealing with during the process of talent development, meaning the time they were achieving the highest female chess title. The method used in the research were in-depth, unstructured, qualitative interviews. The research tool guide was prepared on the basis of Françoys Gagné’s Comprehensive Model of Talent Development (CMTD). The statements of the 14 researched female chess grandmasters underwent qualitative analysis, which demonstrated that nearly all of them experienced difficulties related with their families of origin. Two types of problems were identified: general, resulting from the condition of the family, professed values, or attitudes (financial and time-related family problems, parents’ incompatible attitudes towards practicing chess, lack of support from one of the parents, a sense of “playing for the father,” general unfavorable household atmosphere), as well as those relating to chess as a sport (pressure for good results, obligation to train, and practicing with a specific coach, not understanding sport-related aspects).
Celem analiz zaprezentowanych w artykule było poznanie problemów związanych z rodziną pochodzenia, z jakimi zmagały się polskie arcymistrzynie szachowe podczas procesu rozwoju talentu, czyli czasu dochodzenia do najwyższego szachowego tytułu kobiecego. W badaniach zastosowano metodę wywiadu swobodnego pogłębionego, jakościowego. Narzędzie badań stanowił przewodnik przygotowany w oparciu o Zintegrowany Model Rozwoju Talentu (CMTD) Françoys Gagnégo. Wypowiedzi 14 badanych arcymistrzyń szachowych poddano analizie jakościowej, która wykazała, że niemal wszystkie przyszłe arcymistrzynie doświadczały trudności związanych z rodziną pochodzenia. Ustalono ich dwojaki rodzaj: ogólny, wynikający z kondycji rodziny, wyznawanych wartości czy postaw (problemy finansowe i organizacyjne, niezgodność postaw rodziców wobec uprawiania szachów i brak wsparcia jednego z rodziców, poczucie „grania dla ojca”, niesprzyjająca atmosfera w domu), oraz odnoszący się do szachów jako dyscypliny sportu (presja na wynik, przymus trenowania, przymus pracy z określonym trenerem, niezrozumienie aspektów sportu).
The aim of the research is to investigate children’s ideas about outstanding people (geniuses). Three research questions were posed to 38 children aged 8–9 years: How do children imagine a genius? What gender do they identify with a genius? and What are the emotions of the genius they imagine? The research used the projection method, in which the children were asked to draw a genius and to add a description to the drawing. Qualitative analysis was conducted on the results; the codes and categories appearing in the drawings and descriptions were identified. The research showed that children envision geniuses as both men and women (women although less frequently); in one case, it was said that a genius is everyone. Most often they were seen as scientists, but athletes, historical figures, characters from fairy tale or advertisements, or ordinary real people were described as well. The characters drawn by the children were mostly positive: attractive, elegant, and active. Only a few features testified to negative emotions accompanying the idea of a genius: being ridiculed, helpless, or disliked. The children’s conceptions of geniuses indicated that they are people (not traits) who stand out from others with their actions, appearance, and achievements and are more likely to be a man. These findings require further investigation, particularly in the context of creating labels and stereotypes about above-average people and the outstanding capabilities of women and men.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to learn about parental experiences and impact related to the development of sports abilities in children before and during social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: In the presented article, parents’ statements regarding their influence on the development of their children’s sports abilities in a situation of social isolation were analyzed. The research method was the in-depth free interview.THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The key concepts for the analysis were defined and the importance of parental impact for the development of children’s sports abilities was characterized.RESEARCH RESULTS: In parental activities aimed for the development of children’s sports abilities before the pandemic, the most important are: early identification of children’s potential, decision on developing their skills, involvement of parents in the organization and financing of various forms of development, care for overall physical development and health, and providing mental support. During the social isolation caused by COVID-19, the parents’ actions changed their nature – it was necessary to find a place and time at home for training, as well as organizational and mental support, especially motivation, while reconciling it with learning and remote work of all family members. The difficulty for parents was that they had to replace the coaches at home, without having the appropriate competences to do so, and also working on motivating their child to keep them in sports and regular training. On the other hand, when analyzing the opportunities related to the development of sports skills resulting from social isolation, their relationship with the specific experiences of young athletes becomes apparent.CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION: During the pandemic, parents were forced to take over the function of trainers, mostly without sufficient competences or domestic conditions. Excluding specialized institutions from caring for gifted people can significantly reduce the motivation of young athletes and thus lead to a loss of achievement.→KEYWORDS:sports abilities, parental impact, social isolation
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest poznanie doświadczeń i oddziaływań rodzicielskich związanych z rozwojem uzdolnień sportowych dzieci przed i w czasie izolacji społecznej spowodowanej pandemią COVID-19.PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: W prezentowanym artykule analizom poddano wypowiedzi rodziców odnoszące się do oddziaływań na rzecz rozwoju uzdolnień sportowych ich dzieci w sytuacji izolacji społecznej. Metodą badań był wywiad swobodny pogłębiony.PROCES WYWODU: Zdefiniowano kluczowe dla analizy pojęcia i scharakteryzowano znaczenie oddziaływań rodzicielskich dla rozwoju uzdolnień sportowych dzieci.WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: W działaniach rodziców na rzecz rozwoju uzdolnień sportowych dzieci przed pandemią najważniejsze są: wczesne rozpoznanie potencjału, decyzja o rozwijaniu zdolności, zaangażowanie opiekunów w organizację i finansowanie różnych form rozwoju, dbałość o ogólny rozwój fizyczny i zdrowie oraz udzielanie wsparcia psychicznego. Wczasie izolacji społecznej spowodowanej COVID-19 działania rodziców zmieniły swój charakter – pojawiła się konieczność wygospodarowania w domu miejsca i czasu na treningi oraz wsparcia organizacyjnego i psychicznego, szczególnie motywacji przy jednoczesnym godzeniu tego z nauką i pracą zdalną wszystkich członków rodziny. Dla rodziców trudnością było to, że musieli zastąpić trenerów w domu, nie mając ku temu odpowiednich kompetencji, a także praca nad motywacją dziecka, by utrzymać je w regularnych treningach. Natomiast analizując szanse związane z rozwojem uzdolnień sportowych wynikające z izolacji społecznej, uwidacznia się ich związek z konkretnymi doświadczeniami młodych sportowców.WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Rodzice podczas pandemii zmuszeni zostali do przejęcia funkcji trenerów, nie mając w większości ku temu wystarczających kompetencji ani warunków domowych. Wyłączenie z opieki nad zdolnymi wyspecjalizowanych instytucji może znacząco obniżać motywacje młodych sportowców i tym samym prowadzić do zaniku osiągnięć.
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