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Purpose: This article aims to conduct a rigorous examination of the literature surrounding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Criticisms of the strategy will be articulated and substantiated through concrete examples from the business sphere. Additionally, the delineation of alternative approaches for implementing the tenets of responsible business is emphasized. Design/methodology/approach: Grounded in a critical literature review, the methodology involves investigating various forms of CSR-washing, using examples to examine different definitions and implications. Additionally, CSR reports are scrutinized to identify disparities between declarations and actual situations. Furthermore, examples for each type of CSR-washing are meticulously selected, and a guidance list is created to prevent such occurrences. Findings: Derived from the extant literature, unethical practices have been categorized and designated. Moreover, specific instances have been referenced to underscore the distinctions among various manifestations of “washing”. Social implications: The foundational literature integral to subsequent deliberations on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept has been restricted to publications available in both English and Polish. The illustrative case studies, which highlight instances of “washing”, are gleaned from a thorough analysis of academic literature on CSR-washing, practitioner documents, and activist discourse, along with notable actions described in the media. Originality/value: This article undertakes a critical analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by elucidating key imperatives and delineating inequitable practices within the purview of the supply side, using a case study as an illustrative vehicle. Additionally, it endeavors to unveil alternative paradigms for responsible business conduct, thereby contributing to the discourse on the depreciation of CSR's positive standing.
Purpose: The main objective of this article is to identify and analyze the attitudes of Polish consumers toward practices related to sustainable logistics. Design/methodology/approach: The results will be based on empirical research concerning attitudes toward practices related to sustainable logistics in a research sample of 130 consumers. The research was conducted in November 2023 and covered the entire area of Poland. Findings: The vast majority of respondents are positive when assessing their ecological attitude. Therefore, they have specific preferences in the field of urban transportation. Most often they use electric bicycles or scooters. In addition, they prefer goods to be delivered to parcel machines. They appreciate when shipments are combined into one delivery or the switching of paper transport documents into electronic ones. Priority solutions in sustainable logistics include, in the opinions of consumers, organizing intelligent and ecological warehouses and modernizing the transport fleet. In addition, almost half of the respondents assessed that they are aware of greenwashing in the logistics industry and in their opinion the phenomenon is mainly manifested by the abuse of not insignificant formations in the field of sustainable development. Research limitations/implications: Among the limitations of the research are the small sample size of the empirical study, as well as the limited nature of the survey questionnaire. Practical implications: This research has provided a lot of practical information that can be used in the business environment. Firstly, companies knowing consumer preferences can better adjust their marketing strategies to meet expectations, as well as develop more attractive product offerings. In addition, the research points to the need for public campaigns to educate consumers about sustainable logistics, as well as greenwashing. Social implications: This research can be a systemic shift toward more environmentally and socially responsible practices in both the private and public sectors. By influencing public attitudes, corporate behavior, policy development, and quality of life, it can contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient society for future generations. Originality/value: Up-to-date knowledge of consumer attitudes toward sustainable logistics activities is particularly important for both the business and government communities.
Content available Marking of packaging with ecological symbols
Do you know how to mark correctly the packaging? The situation connected with the environmental marking of packaging is somewhat difficult. There is no uniform approach to marking issue in the European Union. The binding rules are insufficient and remain too large freedom in this respect - it causes, in turn, the fact that some countries have commenced to create their own initiatives and introduce their own principles concerning labelling. The present paper is an attempt to organize the knowledge concerning the environmental marks on the packaging. It includes the discussion of the basic groups of the signs together with the guidelines relating to their application. The text refers also to the present and obligatory legal acts, existing in Poland. In the paper, the problems of different requirements concerning packaging marking in different European countries have been discussed.
Czy potrafimy prawidłowo oznaczać opakowania? Sytuacja związana ze znakowaniem środowiskowym opakowań jest dosyć trudna. W UE nie ma jednolitego podejścia do tematu znakowania. Obowiązujące przepisy są niewystarczające i pozostawiają zbyt dużą dowolność w tym zakresie - to z kolei powoduje że, niektóre kraje zaczęły tworzyć własne inicjatywy i wprowadzać własne zasady dotyczące znakowania. Poniższy artykuł stara się uporządkować wiedzę dotyczącą znaków środowiskowych na opakowaniach. Omówione w nim zostały podstawowe grupy znaków wraz z wytycznymi co do ich stosowania. Tekst odwołuje się do też, do istniejących i obowiązujących w Polsce aktów prawnych. A także porusza problematykę różnych wymagań dotyczących znakowania w różnych krajach Europy.
Purpose: The article presents green marketing and greenwashing as phenomena in the context of the promotion of selected brands. The aim of the article is to present the essence of green marketing and greenwashing and, on this basis, to show and expose bad practices used in marketing activities that pretend to be truly ecological projects. Design/methodology/approach: In the article, the following research methods and techniques were used: problem, analytical, synthetic, chronological, interview, questionnaire, comparative, and participant observation. Findings: Green marketing was sufficiently shown in many studies. Greenwashing, on the other hand, as a dynamic and willingly practiced in marketing activities phenomenon, aroused the greatest research attention of the Author, who, by giving many examples, revealed tricky methods and eristic tricks leading to a quick promotion of a company and achievement of undeserved profits. In the opinion of the Author, it is advisable to present brands that promote themselves through green marketing, because their names should be remembered. On the other hand, for companies that use greenwashing, as entities negatively assessed by consumers, being included in the scientific text, cannot be an opportunity to promote. Originality/value: Despite many positive actions, we can still observe companies using greenwashing that soak their messages with ecological hollow words. Greenwashing harms not only consumers, but also honest companies that take problems of sustainable growth seriously. Therefore, the ability to recognize unfair practices is extremely important. At this point, we can indicate the relationship between the level of environmental awareness of customers and the actual or apparent activities of companies. Therefore, this article is aimed especially at consumers and people interested in sustainability.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to show the negative impact of greenwashing on the company's reputation and to propose ways of using CSR and green marketing tools to reduce green reputation risk. Design/methodology/approach: The article attempts to answer the question: How to use CSR and green marketing tools so that they are not perceived as greenwashing and do not generate green reputation risk? The following methods were used: literature review, deductive inference based on the analysis of the following concepts: CSR and sustainable development, stakeholder theory, corporate reputation management, stakeholder engagement and social innovation. Findings: The most frequently postulated method of limiting greenwashing is the legal regulation of CSR, but due to its weaknesses, it is proposed to develop cooperation with stakeholders in order to jointly create green strategies and social innovations. Practical implications: The methods and directions of activities limiting the negative effects of greenwashing in the context of reducing green reputation risk and improving the reputation management process were indicated. Originality/value: The article contributes to the development of reputation management theory by drawing attention to another source of reputational risk, the so-called green risk, such as greenwashing, with an indication of how to reduce or avoid it.
Zielona etykietka, zielony certyfikat i kilka dodatkowo posadzonych drzew mają uratować miasto przed katastrofą klimatyczną. Głośne i medialne akcje promujące takie zachowania mają na celu wzbudzenie w odbiorcach poczucia odpowiedzialności za obecny stan i sprawienie, że uwierzą oni w słuszność intencji nadawcy. Ekościema, ekokłamstwo, eko dla naiwnych – taki jest prawdziwy obraz tego rodzaju przekazów.
Content available remote Dezinformacyjne niezrównoważone praktyki w działalności biznesowej
Popularyzacja trendu na bycie „eko” przyczyniła się do nadmiernego posługiwania się nim przez wiele przedsiębiorstw. Chcą one wykorzystywać wspomniane nazewnictwo, jednak nie dostosowują odpowiednio swoich wyrobów do wymaganych kryteriów, jakim podlegać muszą produkty przyjazne człowiekowi i środowisku. Wielu producentów świadomie wprowadza swoich odbiorców w błąd, komunikując o licznych cechach świadczących o tym, że produkt jest „bio” lub „eko”, podczas gdy w rzeczywistości wcale tak nie jest. Ten mechanizm, noszący nazwę greenwashing, jest skomplikowanym zagadnieniem, gdyż konsumentom ciężko odróżnić prawdę od koloryzowanego zielonego kłamstwa. Współcześnie przedsiębiorstwa wykorzystują ludzką naiwność i niewiedzę w obszarze ochrony środowiska oraz ekologii i stosują nieetyczne popularne narzędzie marketingowe, co jest wynikiem rosnącej mody na ekologiczny asortyment. W takiej sytuacji oferowane produkty nie mają nic wspólnego z troską o środowisko naturalne. Greenwashing obejmuje dezinformujące praktyki w działalności biznesowej przedsiębiorstw, podczas której posługują się one ekologicznym nazewnictwem tam, gdzie nie powinny. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie istoty greenwashingu, wskazanie jego praktyk i przedstawienie propozycji przeciwstawiania się tym nieetycznym działaniom, aby wyeliminować je z działalności biznesowej.
Popularization of the trend of being „eco” contributed to the excessive use of it by many enterprises. They want to use this naming, but they do not adapt their products to the required criteria for the products that are friendly to man and the environment. Many producers consciously mislead their recipients by communicating the numerous features that indicate that a product is “bio” or “eco”, while in reality it is not. This mechanism called greenwashing is a complex issue, because it is difficult for consumers to distinguish the truth from the colorized “green lie”. Nowadays, companies use human naivety and ignorance in the area of environmental protection and ecology and they use unethical popular marketing tools, which is influenced by the growing fashion for an ecological assortment. In this situation, the products offered have nothing to do with caring for the environment. Greenwashing contains disinforming practices in business operations of companies, where they use ecological names where they should not. In the article, the aim of the author is to present the essence of greenwashing, show his practices and present a proposal to oppose this unethical action, to eliminate them from business activities.
Content available Greenwashing as a form of modern eco-marketing
The article analyzes development trends of ecological production traded internationally. It focuses on such forms of eco-marketing as greenwashing and highlights a set of tools that negatively affect the consumer perception of eco-products. It proposes a systematic approach to counter the greenwashing effect at different levels, forming the background for monitoring it and implementing effective countermeasures. Such a scientific approach affects the real environmental commitment of companies, strengthens the social responsibility of business and enhances economic efficiency.
Greenwashing is a way of achieving unfair competitive advantage due to creating a false perception that a proffered product or service is environmentally sound. The article presents a study both on the methods and tools that are used in the case of the greenwashing phenomenon in Polish and world enterprises, and the main purpose of article is to analyse the different ways and examples of their use. In this article, we also present data which is connected to statistical greenwashing usage and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in world-class companies operating in four different sectors.
This study focuses on the presentation of the relationship greenwashing and reporting practices of corporate social responsibility. The purpose of this publication is to present the concept of greenwashing, his practice and describe possibility of adulteration of CSR reporting practices by greenwashing. There is also an analysis of capabilities to counter the phenomenon.
Niniejsze opracowanie koncentruje się na omówieniu relacji praktyk greenwashing i raportowania społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest zaprezentowanie koncepcji greenwashing i jej działań, zwrócenie uwagi na możliwości zafałszowania raportów CSR w wyniku greenwashingu oraz analiza możliwości przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku.
W artykule zaprezentowano mechanizmy podejmowanych przez przedsiębiorstwa nieuczciwych praktyk marketingowych związanych z ekologicznymi zaletami produktów i ich elementów, w tym przypadku opakowań. Wskazano, iż podstawowym czynnikiem zachęcającym producentów do tego typu działań jest moda na ekologiczny tryb życia w połączeniu z niewystarczającą wiedzą konsumenta na temat zarówno samej ochrony środowiska, jak i procesów wytwarzania poszczególnych rodzajów materiałów opakowaniowych. Przedstawiono również praktyczne przykłady analiz i regulacji, przede wszystkim branżowych, w zakresie etyki tzw. zielonego marketingu, takich jak zapisy Kodeksu Etyki Reklamy.
The article presents mechanisms of unfair marketing practices related to the environmental aspects of products and their elements, including packaging. It was emphasized that the basic factor, encouraging the manufacturers to the mentioned activities, is the eco-friendly lifestyle fashion combined with the relatively low level of consumer knowledge on the environment protection as well as on the particular types of manufacturing processes of packaging materials. There were also mentioned some practical examples of analyses and regulations connected with ethics of the so-called green marketing, such as, inter alia, Code of Ethics in Advertising (Kodeks Etyki Reklamy).
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