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w słowach kluczowych:  content marketing
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Purpose: The aim of the article is a study of the development of the concept of "direct marketing", research of the methodological and informative providing of realization of direct sale in activity of sale enterprises. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: systematization, comparison and analysis of theoretical approaches of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists, is to essence of concept "direct marketing"; researches of basic instruments of realization of direct sale by the performers of entrepreneurial activities; determinations of advantages and lacks of the use of the direct marketing are in activity of enterprises; grounds of the use of the direct - marketing are in activity of sale enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: To the article were used methods of comparison, grouping and generalization – for research and analysis of opinion of scientists in relation to development of the direct marketing, method of systems analysis – for systematization of modern forms of the direct marketing and ground of them role in the sale activity of enterprises, and also formulating of conclusions. Findings: The analysis of scientific labours and researches in relation to the use of the direct marketing in activity of the Ukrainian enterprises showed that the direct marketing was the special form, process, method of effective realization of sale of products, in the modern business conditions. Practical implications: Researched in the article modern forms of the direct marketing show that today, their use in the sale activities of enterprises not only facilitates the sale of goods and services at the market, but also allow to form effective, direct of long duration relations with consumers, to choose effective marketing strategy and program of actions, which influences on informing of market environment, growth of having a special purpose audience, increase of volumes, sale and expansion of limits of realization of business. Originality/value: The article contains the validity of the practical use of modern forms of direct marketing in the activities of Ukrainian enterprises: Premium Food (Mr. Grill), LTS “Solomia”, “Rodinna kovbaska”, “Henkel Bautekhnik Ukraine”, TM “Curtis” and others.
In the era of a digital transformation of the manner of presenting and distributing content determined by activeness of Internet users, there is a necessity to identify optimum content creation. This aspect is analysed both in the dimension of information as well as marketing strategies. An important element then is to determine both technological as well as behavioural reasons that influence the form of the disseminated information. The paper will present marketing formats of content creation in the processes of disseminating knowledge on health and safety. In this light the Author will also analyse the effectiveness of particular types of content. Classification and characteristics of content will be presented in it as well. The research will be supported by selected tools of internet analytics so as to identify the types of content transfer carriers and the scale of their impact (such as, for example, Google Trends, Google Planner, Ubersuggest, Buzzsumo, Brand24 itp). The presentation will also include expert industry reports that indicate the extent to which in a general grasp the presented creations are applied to formulate interdependencies of applying the identified contents in the scope of the issues related to health and safety. Identifying potential division lines within the content category will allow to formulate a profiled methodology of their application within this specialist area.
Komunikacja to jeden z najbardziej naturalnych procesów, który stale ewoluuje pod kątem narzędzi. Duża część procesu komunikacji w XXI wieku przebiega w Internecie, a coraz to nowsze narzędzia internetowe wymuszają wprowadzenie zmian w komunikacji zarówno między użytkownikami indywidualnymi jak i w relacjach B2C. Nowe możliwości technologiczne oraz komunikacyjne to również nowe wyzwania dla budowania lojalności z e-konsumentem. E-biznes ma w tym celu do dyspozycji wiele narzędzi, które mogą ułatwić cały proces i zarazem wyróżnić konkretną firmę na tle konkurencji. Artykuł koncentruje się na wyjaśnieniu nowoczesnych narzędzi budowania relacji i lojalności w Internecie, takich jak content marketing, real-time marketing, aplikacje mobilne, portale społecznościowe czy też komunikacja video oraz wskazaniu korzyści z ich zastosowania w praktyce.
Communication is one of the most natural processes that is constantly evolving in terms of tools. A large part of the communication process in the 21st century takes place on the Internet, and more and more new Internet tools imply changes in communication both between individual users and in B2C relationships. New technological and communication opportunities are also new challenges for building loyalty with the e-consumer. E-business has many tools that can facilitate that process and at the same time to distinguish a particular company from the competition. The article focuses on explaining modern tools for building relationships and loyalty on the Internet, such as content marketing, real-time marketing, mobile applications, social networking sites or video communication, and showing the benefits of their use in practice.
W artykule została przedstawiona jedna z alternatywnych form marketingu - „content marketing”, czyli marketing treści. Koncepcja została odniesiona do przykładów występujących na rynku, a następnie szczegółowo przeanalizowana pod kątem branży kurierskiej. Przedstawione zostały sposoby zastosowania content marketingu na płaszczyźnie B2C wybranych, zagranicznych firm kurierskich. Wspomniano również o formach zastosowania marketingu treści na płaszczyźnie B2B. Kolejno przedstawiono zalety i ryzyko stosowania koncepcji marketingu treści. Pojęcie content marketingu odniesiono również do polskich firm świadczących usługi kurierskie.
In the thesis there was presented one of alternative form of marketing – content marketing. The concept was related to examples available on market and analyzed on courier companies services. There were presented methods of using content marketing to B2C area by selected foreign courier companies. It was also mentioned about form of using content marketing to B2B area. Then were shown benefits and risks of content marketing. Finally, the concept of content marketing was related also to Polish courier service companies.
Czym jest content marketing? Najogólniej, content marketing to technika marketingowa polegająca na tworzeniu, a następnie rozpowszechnianiu wartościowych z punktu widzenia odbiorców treści, zmierzających do pozyskania uwagi, a tym samym zaangażowaniu społeczności skupionej wokół określonej grupy docelowej. Content to treść, którą użytkownicy chcą czytać, poznawać, oglądać czy doświadczać. Z perspektywy biznesu, content jest istotną informacją prezentowaną na stronie internetowej, w aplikacji lub za pośrednictwem innych dostępnych kanałów cyfrowej prezentacji, której misją jest komunikacja. Dziś content marketing nie jest już czymś, co dobrze mieć. To trzeba mieć. Konieczne jest przy tym tworzenie treści na bieżąco. Nie może to być rzecz jasna zwykła treść, ale treść w przekazie rzetelna i wysokiej jakości. Ponadto musi być na tyle wartościowa, by na drodze interakcji z odbiorcą przekaz ten dostarczył mu takich korzyści, które zaspokoją jego potrzeby i oczekiwania. Istotnym aspektem w content marketingu jest także określenie grupy docelowej, do której kierowana jest treść przekazu. Pociąga to za sobą konieczność tworzenia a następnie dystrybucji takich informacji, które wprowadzą odbiorcę w obszar marki, produktu czy usługi, której jest tematem.
Content marketing is a marketing technique which involves creating and spreading contents valuable from the point of view of recipients of the content, aimed at drawing attention and thus engaging a community gathered around a particular target group. Internet as a tool of global digital communication is evolving constantly. Every entity which wants to achieve profit through the exceptional potential of the message which is its source should use the instruments it provides to the greatest possible extent. Along with the quality of the published content, the quantity and distribution play a major role, as through broader dissemination of the created content its influence grows. For this reason, every marketing specialist who wants to derive benefits from content marketing should take into consideration not only information gathered around a product, or service he represents, but also information associated with various aspects of people's lives. When most people think about content, they see written words, as well as visual and audio messages in form of images, photographs, video and audio presentations, charts or infographies. In the digital environment this content can be conveyed in a convincing way through the tools that the strategy of content marketing provides. These messages can be educational, informative in character and in case of purchasing decisions they may be helpful, often funny and above all useful. Regardless of what kind of method for conveying content we choose, whether it is just a text, photograph or video material, or all these instruments combined, the essence of the issue is strategy which guarantees that the generated content is interesting, creative and provides recipients with value. Content marketing creates value and helps people, it answers questions and provides fundamental, basic information. This in turn leads to a situation in which the recipient, consumer, is educated and informed enough to make a decision concerning a potential purchase, or thanks to having this information he can recommend the purchase to his friends, family or superiors. It is employed by marketers from big and small companies running marketing activities both using the business-to-business and business-to-customer model. Some use content in order to expand the scope of traditional advertising campaigns. Others take advantage of the content strategy to completely replace traditional forms of marketing and advertisement. The message can evoke the engagement of the customer on every stage of the purchasing cycle. It can also help establish lasting contacts, which in the long term expand client base. The message can strengthen the existing relationship, relations, stimulate (lead to) up-selling or cross-selling, contribute to the reactivation of relations or gaming contacts by recommendation. Creating good, convincing, educational, ñinny and helpful content is important, but not sufficient. It is also very important to disseminate the content using all available channels of digital distribution. This also requires working out such a strategy of distribution and dissemination of content that will allow the recipient to find it easily. Publishing content on a website, blog or in the social media may be effective, but it shouldn't be limited to these means. Strong strategy of distribution (dissemination) creates opportunities greatly raising the influence and coverage of the generated message.
Content marketing is a marketing technique which involves creating and spreading contents valuable from the point of view of recipients of the content, aimed at drawing attention and thus engaging a community gathered around a particular target group. Internet as a tool of global digital communication is evolving constantly. Every entity which wants to achieve profit through the exceptional potential of the message which is its source should use the instruments it provides to the greatest possible extent. Along with the quality of the published content, the quantity and distribution play a major role, as through broader dissemination of the created content its influence grows. For this reason, every marketing specialist who wants to derive benefits from content marketing should take into consideration not only information gathered around a product, or service he represents, but also information associated with various aspects of people's lives. When most people think about content, they see written words, as well as visual and audio messages in form of images, photographs, video and audio presentations, charts or infographies. In the digital environment this content can be conveyed in a convincing way through the tools that the strategy of content marketing provides. These messages can be educational, informative in character and in case of purchasing decisions they may be helpful, often funny and above all useful. Regardless of what kind of method for conveying content we choose, whether it is just a text, photograph or video material, or all these instruments combined, the essence of the issue is strategy which guarantees that the generated content is interesting, creative and provides recipients with value. Content marketing creates value and helps people, it answers questions and provides fundamental, basic information. This in turn leads to a situation in which the recipient, consumer, is educated and informed enough to make a decision concerning a potential purchase, or thanks to having this information he can recommend the purchase to his friends, family or superiors. It is employed by marketers from big and small companies running marketing activities both using the business-to-business and business-to-customer model. Some use content in order to expand the scope of traditional advertising campaigns. Others take advantage of the content strategy to completely replace traditional forms of marketing and advertisement. The message can evoke the engagement of the customer on every stage of the purchasing cycle. It can also help establish lasting contacts, which in the long term expand client base. The message can strengthen the existing relationship, relations, stimulate (lead to) up-selling or cross-selling, contribute to the reactivation of relations or gaming contacts by recommendation. Creating good, convincing, educational, ñinny and helpful content is important, but not sufficient. It is also very important to disseminate the content using all available channels of digital distribution. This also requires working out such a strategy of distribution and dissemination of content that will allow the recipient to find it easily. Publishing content on a website, blog or in the social media may be effective, but it shouldn't be limited to these means. Strong strategy of distribution (dissemination) creates opportunities greatly raising the influence and coverage of the generated message.
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