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This paper analyzes whether physicochemical properties significantly influence the occurrence of zooplankton in a brackish reservoir. The studies were carried out on the Vistula Lagoon in August and September from 2006 to 2009 at 32 research sites. The environmental conditions in the Vistula Lagoon varied widely. At the time of the investigation, 17 species of rotifers, six species of Cladocera, and ten species of Copepoda were noted, and the total density of plankton fauna ranged from 145 to 765 ind. dm−3. Statistical analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between the occurrence of some zooplankton species and certain environmental parameters, whereas the sampling sites were grouped according to study years. The zooplankton systems recorded at the research sites in 2006 constitute the most disparate group. Thus, it can be concluded that physicochemical properties might significantly impact both individual species (depending on their environmental demands) and entire zooplankton clusters.
Przedstawiono przyczyny i skutki zmian zachodzących w strukturze i rozwoju fitoplanktonu w Jeziorze Kortowskim w warunkach dominacji oraz zwiększenia stałości występowania sinic. Przeanalizowano specyficzne możliwości adaptacyjne sinic, które mogły mieć wpływ na to zjawisko oraz powodować ograniczenie występowania i rozwoju innych glonów. W tym celu przeprowadzono analizę jakościową i ilościową fitoplanktonu Jeziora Kortowskiego, w oparciu o którą wyznaczono strukturę dominacji i stałości występowania glonów planktonowych. Na tej podstawie wykazano istotne zwiększenie stałości występowania i dominacji sinic w jeziorze. Stwierdzono, że w tych warunkach stabilność występowania i rozwój innych glonów planktonowych były coraz mniejsze. Wzrastająca dominacja i stałość występowania sinic w jeziorze przyczyniały się do przebudowy struktury taksonomicznej i decydowały o tempie rozwoju całego fitoplanktonu. Stwierdzono, że zwiększenie stałości występowania i dominacji sinic spowodowało szereg kompleksowych przemian kształtujących zbiorowisko glonów planktonowych i był mechanizmem aktywującym zachodzenie tych zmian. Tendencje zmian potwierdzono w siedmio-letniej (1987–1990, 1999, 2009, 2010) obserwacji fitoplanktonu w warunkach wzrostu stałości i dominacji sinic.
Causes and effects of changes in structure and growth of phytoplankton in Lake Kortowskie (Olsztyn, Poland) were presented, under the conditions of blue-green algae dominance and increase in their stability of occurrence. Specific adaptation abilities of the blue-green algae which could have an impact on this phenomenon, but also could be a limiting factor in occurrence and growth of other algal groups, were analyzed. Qualitative and quantitative phytoplankton analysis for Lake Kortowskie was performed and applied as a basis for the planktonic algae dominance structure and stability of occurrence determination. As a result, a significant increase in the blue-green algae stability and dominance was demonstrated. It was established that under these conditions stability level and growth of other planktonic algae groups gradually decreased. The increasing dominance and stability of the blue-green algae in the lake contributed to shifts in the taxonomic structure and affected growth rate of the entire phytoplankton assemblage. It was established that the increase in the blue-green algae dominance and stability triggered a series of complex transformations shaping the planktonic algae community. Trends in dynamics were documented during the seven-year phytoplankton studies (1987–1990, 1999, 2009, 2010) under the said conditions of increase in the stability and dominance of the blue-green algae.
Wiele współczesnych uczelni, również w Polsce, koncentruje się głównie na działalności dydaktycznej oraz naukowo-badawczej, w niewielkim stopniu orientując się na potrzeby praktyki gospodarczej i rynku. Jest nieliczna grupa ludzi nauki, którzy rozumieją i praktycznie realizują gospodarczą misję uczelni i jednostek naukowo-badawczych, jako kluczowych dostawców nowych idei w nabierającej coraz większego znaczenia gospodarce opartej na wiedzy. Wielu naukowców koncentruje się na statutowej działalności instytucji, w której są zatrudnieni, dziś na ogół ograniczonej dokształcenia i badań naukowych. Wynika to po części z wymagań ustawowych, nakazujących realizację kształcenia i badań naukowych, promowanych obowiązującymi kryteriami oceny parametrycznej jednostek naukowo-badawczych. Po części jest to również efekt wygody i braku chęci wyjścia poza znane sobie obszary i sposoby działalności, charakterystyczne dla sporego odsetka kadry naukowo-dydaktycznej. Małe zainteresowanie dla praktyki gospodarczej w wielu środowiskach uczelnianych bywa również skutkiem niedostatku wiedzy o jej potrzebach oraz nieumiejętności ich rozpoznania. Może to świadczyć o małej otwartości ludzi nauki na zmiany w otoczeniu i nadmiernej koncentracji na własnym polu aktywności. Jedną z przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy jest ograniczona wiedza ludzi nauki oraz zarządzających nauką menedżerów o roli i możliwościach współczesnego marketingu. W potocznym rozumieniu marketing kojarzony jest z promocją i reklamą. Praktycy gospodarczy, w tym również naukowcy, postrzegają marketing, jako pojęcie równoznaczne z reklamą i promocją, a promocję - jako sztukę manipulowania odbiorcami rynkowymi, która nie mieści się w ramach działalności uczciwego inżyniera, eksperta gospodarczego czy naukowca. W ten sposób wielu z nich zwalnia się z obowiązku właściwego zrozumienia, czym w istocie jest marketing oraz z potrzeby podjęcia starań, jak można skorzystać z jego dorobku w pracy naukowo-badawczej. Ta problematyka stała się kanwą niniejszego artykułu.
The essence of marketing is providing values expected by the recipients who. in case they are satisfied, are ready to allow the provider to achieve his business goals. This rather obvious rule should be applied also in case of relations of universities with final recipients of the results of their works, especially on the market. Marketing can facilitate the transfer of technology understood as transferring knowledge and know-how for the purpose of commercial utilization. The participants of these processes base their decisions and actions on market mies. Basing them on the mies of marketing boosts the likelihood that all participants will be satisfied and successful. At Gdansk University of Technology the transfer of technology takes place above all in form of didactic transfers, carrying out research and development works for companies, obtaining scientific degrees, building networks of cooperation with scientific and commercial partners, as well as by means of informal contacts between people. Marketing in the transfer of technology at Gdansk University of Technology is used to a limited extent, mainly in form of operating a database of competences of scientific and research employees, fragmentary research on the needs of chosen clients and market, as well as in form of promotion of inventions and patents. There are substantial areas of training-didactic, research-development and service activities, where the implementation of mies of marketing would improve the efficiency of the transfer of technology from the university to commercial practice. A series proposals for the improvement of marketing of new technologies at Gdansk University of Technology have been formulated. They cover such areas as market and client analysis, recognition of legal environment, preparing a business offer based on the results of development works or building long-lasting relations with clients. A condition for the efficiency of facilitating the marketing of new technologies is raising the status of commercial implementation in the assessment of employees of research and development units and creating incentives to cooperation for companies and universities and real consideration of the risk associated with innovative ventures.
Many contemporary universities, also in Poland, focus mainly on their didactic and research-scientific activities and don't pay much attention to the needs of economic practice and the market.There is a small group of people of science who understand and in practice implement the economic mission of universities and research and scientific units, as key providers of new ideas in economy based on knowledgewhich is gaining more and more importance. Many scientists focus merely on the statutory activities of the institutions employing them, which now generally are limited to educating and scientific research.This to some extent results from statutory requirements ordering education and scientific research, promoted by the binding criteria of parametric assessment of scientific and research units. To some extent this is also the effect of convenience and lack of will to go beyond the well-known areas and modes of activity, typical of a substantial proportion of the scientific and didactic staff. Little interest in economic practice in many university circles may also in many cases be the effect of lack of sufficient knowledge about its needs and the inability to recognize them. This could suggest that people of science are not open to changes in their environment and that they are focused too much on their own areas of activity. One of the reasons for this state of affairs is limited knowledge of the people of science and mangers of science about the role and possibilities of contemporary marketing. In common understanding, marketing is associated with promotion and advertising. People who deal with economic practice, including scientists, regard marketing as an equivalent of advertising and promotion and they regard promotion as an art of manipulating recipients, which is not what fits into the scope of activities of an honest engineer, economic expert or scientist. This way many of them avoid the duty of proper understanding of the essence of marketing and the need to try to find out how marketing could be used to take advantage of the results of their scientific and research works. This issue is the leading plot of this article.
The stronghold complex in Gniezno located on the Lech's Hill belonged to the main centers of the early Polish State described for the first time in historical documents as Civitas Schinesghe - the Gniezno State. Recent archaeological studies indicate that the site on Lech's Hill was originally a tribal cult center. Palaeoecological studies provided records of environmental changes and cultural landscape development in the prehistoric periods and early historical times. Reconstructed changes of floristic diversity correlate well with the cultural processes.
Environmental conditions, animal and plant economy of the Early Medieval stronghold complex at Ostrów Tumski - and island on Warta river - have been discussed. The stronghold complex with the nearby open settlements, its role as a center of administration, church, and trade center have been considered as the early urban type of settlement. It finally developed into main economic and cultural center of western Poland - Poznań city.
A study of the chironomid community was undertaken in Lake Łękuk Wielki during the 1997-1999 period. Twenty six taxon belonging to the subfamilies Tanypodinae and Chironomini were identified. Taxonomic diversity decreased with increasing depth in the lake, but the occurrence of Chironomidae larvae was noted even in the deepest part of the lake. Chironomidae clearly indicated that Lake Łękuk Wielki is recovering.
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