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The article presents the issue of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of a logistics process with the use of a simulation model and queue theory. The process that has been analyzed is the process of goods’ delivery at the technical object. Firstly, a literature review was carried out. Next, the authors described the process using the QT (Queueing Theory). This was possible due to the fact that QT is widely used in the analysis of systems as well as the assessment of their effectiveness, maintenance, and reliability. The description, characteristics and graphic presentation of the system in which the process is carried out have been included in the study too. Then the process was implemented in the computer simulation environment. Simulations were carried out and four variants of the system operation were analyzed. The comparison of the operating parameters of the system for each variant allowed for a detailed analysis of its operation and the influence of selected factors on the implementation of the process as well as it effectiveness or reliability.
The article analyzes and evaluates costs, transport time and CO2 emissions by selected vans. The research was carried out on the example of three models of Iveco Daily vehicles powered by: diesel oil, electricity and compressed natural gas (CNG). The result of the research presented in the article is the determination of the operating costs of vehicles powered by various energy sources and the level of CO2 emissions. The comparative analysis was carried out on real data for the established transport task. Vehicles with engines powered by compressed natural gas are characterized by the highest savings in terms of transport costs. As the authors pointed out, this may be due to the fact that this type of engines, despite the low interest of buyers at the moment, may gain much more popularity in the future. On the other hand, in relation to vehicles with electric motors, the cost of transport is the highest, which means that this type of technology is ineffective in relation to long-distance transport.
This article presents the issue of using decision support tools to select the variant of organization of urban transport system. Two scenarios for the use of electric vehicles were compared, considering not only their emissions and fuel consumption but also the limited accessibility of conventional vehicles to the city. The authors assume that the development of urban traffic organization must go hand in hand with the challenges of planning sustainable urban mobility and reducing harmful exhaust fumes. Furthermore, decision-makers should be equipped with simple decision support tools to generate the best option considering the expectations of transport users. The PTV VISUM tool was used to analyse and visualize two different organization scenarios for a selected city in Poland.
The value chain can be defined as a set of all processes and procedures necessary to deliver a product or service to the end-user through various stages of development. A concept of the value chain is essential in the context of transport, as the transport process is usually one of the last elements of the value chain and determines the final value of a product or service offered. In recent years, the domestic and international rail transport market has undergone significant changes, including ongoing globalisation processes, growing importance of international trade, increase in intermodal transport significance, numerous investment outlays in transport infrastructure, means of transport, and the area of rail transport interoperability. All the above-described aspects have an impact on the value chain in transport. This paper presents an analysis of the value chain in transport processes in an aspect of rail transport. Elements of the railway transport organisation process, which affect the entire value chain, were briefly characterised in this article. Moreover, based on statistical data and a literature review, factors that fundamentally impact the efficient organisation of rail transport processes were identified.
Wybór proponowanych do realizacji projektów infrastrukturalnych, które zapewnią osiąganie celów rozwojowych, jest jednym z kluczowych zagadnień planowania. W Polsce, w obszarze strategicznego planowania rozwoju infrastruktury transportowej, metody wspomagania decyzji nie są kompleksowo stosowane. Artykuł ten ma na celu wypełnienie tej luki za pomocą modelu decyzyjnego rozwoju transportu z zastosowaniem logiki rozmytej. Zaprezentowana metoda umożliwia ocenę projektów kolejowych i drogowych względem grupy kryteriów odpowiadających głównym paradygmatom rozwoju, tj. zrównoważonemu rozwojowi i jakości życia. W celu praktycznego zastosowania logiki rozmytej wykorzystano moduł Fuzzy Logic Toolbox dostępny w pakiecie MATLAB. Model rozwoju obejmuje definicję zmiennych lingwistycznych odpowiadających kryteriom decyzyjnym, funkcje przynależności, reguły wnioskowania oraz ocenę wyników. Model został zastosowany do oceny dwóch rzeczywistych projektów infrastrukturalnych w zakresie linii kolejowej i drogi. Rozważania przeprowadzone w tym artykule wskazują na przydatność logiki rozmytej do wspomagania decyzji w planowaniu rozwoju transportu.
The selection of infrastructure projects proposed for implementation that will ensure the achievement of development objectives is one of the key planning issues. In Poland, in the area of strategic planning of infrastructure development, methods of supporting decision-making, are currently not applied comprehensively. The article aims to address this gap with Fuzzy Logic-based Decision Model for Transport System Development. The presented method allows to assess infrastructure development projects in road and rail transport against a number of criteria corresponding to the main development directions, i.e. sustainable development and quality of life. To allow practical application of fuzzy logic, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package available in the MATLAB environment has been employed. The developed model contains defined linguistic variables reflecting the decision-making criteria, membership functions, inference rules as well as assessment results. Model was applied in two real-life project evaluation cases of rail and road infrastructure projects. The deliberations described in this paper indicate the applicability of fuzzy logic for supporting decision-making in planning transport development.
The publication presents an example of the application of the selected method of multi-criteria consideration. The purpose of the research undertaken was to identify the leading technical and technological features of oversized low-loader combinations used in the structures of the Polish Army and units of the United States Army, and to select the most favorable decision option using the ELECTRE I multi-criteria method. The research area analyzed in the publication is very important from the point of view of military units, with emphasis on the ever-increasing total weight and dimensions of this type of combat vehicles used by the Polish Army. The article reviews the literature on the essence and importance of multi-criteria methods. Identification of technical parameters of vehicles used in the transportation of militaria was made, taking into account their individual equipment, necessary during the organization of transportation. In the second part of the article, a multi-criteria analysis of vehicle assemblies used in the movement of the heaviest combat units was carried out using the ELECTRE I method. The analysis of the results shows that the parameters that had the greatest impact on the course of the study were: maximum engine torques and the permissible weight of the transported load. The study indicates that the most favorable solution turned out to be the vehicle combination offered by the American company Oshkosh.
W publikacji przedstawiono przykład zastosowania wybranej metody rozważania wielokryterianego. Celem podjętych badań było wyłonienie wodzących cech techniczno-technologicznych ponadnormatywnych zestawów niskopodwoziowych stosowanych w strukturach Wojska Polskiego i jednostkach Armii Stanów Zjednoczonych oraz wyłonienie najkorzystniejszego wariantu decyzyjnego przy użyciu metody wielokryterialnej ELECTRE I. Obszar badawczy analizowany w publikacji jest bardzo ważny z punktu widzenia jednostek wojskowych, z naciskiem na ciągle rosnącą masę całkowitą oraz wymiary tego typu pojazdów bojowych wykorzystywanych przez Wojsko Polskie. W artykule dokonano przeglądu literatury dotyczący istoty i znaczenia metod wielokryterialnych. Dokonano identyfikacji parametrów technicznych pojazdów wykorzystywanych w przewozach militariów uwzględniając ich indywidualne wyposażenie, niezbędne w trakcie organizacji przewozu. W drugiej części artykułu przeprowadzono analizę wielokryterialną zespołów pojazdów stosowanych w przemieszczaniu najcięższych jednostek bojowych z zastosowaniem metody ELECTRE I. Analiza wyników wskazuje, że największy wpływ na przebieg badań miały parametry: maksymalne momenty obrotowe silników oraz dopuszczalna masa przewożonego ładunku. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że najkorzystniejszym rozwiązaniem okazał się zespół pojazdów oferowany przez Amerykański koncern Oshkosh.
In the article, the authors presented the technical, technological, legal, and business conditions of the functioning of rail freight transport in the international transport market. The authors analyzed the literature, considering this area's most important national and international normative documents. An essential element of the considerations is the presented schematic concepts of models for various forms of rail freight transport. The main ways of organizing freight transport at the eastern border were also indicated. The reasons for barriers that negatively affect the competitiveness of rail transport with other modes of transportation, especially in international transport, were shown. The rail transport market has undergone many changes recently, including investments in railway infrastructure, the growing importance of intermodal transport, and support for a more sustainable transport system. The article indicates the reasons for the occurrence of barriers that negatively affect the possibilities of further development of railways and the competitiveness of rail transport with other modes of transportation, especially in international transport.
The article presents variants of shaping cross-docking facilities in which products from the dairy industry are served. Due to the type of goods, it is important to shorten the supply chain, as the products quickly turn sour or change consistency. The cross-docking method is defined as the distribution of goods, which eliminates the stage related to product storage in the supply chain. The goods go from suppliers to the facility, where they are properly consolidated and then directly shipped to a given recipient, in accordance with his order. The technical object aims to simplify the network of connections between them. Thanks to the cross-docking solution, it is possible to obtain shorter order fulfillment times and reduce the costs associated with the storage of goods. The use of appropriate technology in a cross-docking facility improves the flow of cargo, increases process safety and improves efficiency. Considering the dairy industry products, you should also pay attention to the rules and legal regulations that play a very important role in the transport of goods in order to maintain the cold chain.
W artykule przedstawiono warianty kształtowania obiektów cross-dockingowych, w których obsługiwane są produkty z branży mleczarskiej. Ze względu na rodzaj towaru ważne jest skrócenie łańcucha dostaw, ponieważ produkty w niekontrolowanych warunach szybko kwaśnieją lub zmieniają konsystencję. Metoda cross-docking definiowana jest jako dystrybucja towaru, która eliminuje etap związany z magazynowaniem produktów w łańcuchu dostaw. Towar trafia od dostawców do obiektu, gdzie jest odpowiednio konsolidowany, a następnie bezpośrednio wysyłany do danego odbiorcy, zgodnie z jego zamówieniem. Obiekt techniczny ma na celu uproszczenie sieci połączeń między nimi. Dzięki rozwiązaniu cross-docking możliwe jest uzyskanie krótszych czasów realizacji zamówień oraz obniżenie kosztów związanych z magazynowaniem towaru. Zastosowanie odpowiedniej technologii w obiekcie cross-dockingowym poprawia przepływ ładunków, zwiększa bezpieczeństwo procesu i poprawia wydajność. Mając na uwadze produkty branży mleczarskiej należy również zwrócić uwagę na zasady i regulacje prawne, które odgrywają bardzo ważną rolę w transporcie towarów w celu utrzymania łańcucha chłodniczego.
This article addresses the centralized LEU (Lineside Electronic Unit) encoder used in ERTMS/ETCS Level 1 (European Rail Traffic Management System / European Train Control System). It is explained what a centralized LEU encoder is and why this solution offers more possibilities than a distributed approach. Also explained the general principle of the encoder and how it works with switchable Eurobalise. The paper also juxtaposes how it works with and connects to the interlocking system in both the distributed and centralized approaches. The differences between the centralized and decentralized LEU encoder in diagnostic and management capabilities are also described.
The article presents the problem of planning effective modular supply chains to resist adverse events. The lack of effective models for planning such supply chains based on the synergy of individual links widens the knowledge gap in this area. The analyses confirm the legitimacy of forming effective and reliable supply chains ready for fitting supplies to specific orders, adaptation to flexible and innovative transformations, and minimization of time losses and costs of restoring supply capacity in case of a threat. The authors provide a theoretical analysis of the problem and present a proprietary approach to constructing reliable modular supply chains in the automotive industry. It has been shown that the synergy effect can measure the effectiveness of the design of such chains. A proprietary synthesis model was presented. The model can serve as a tool to support the planning of modular supply chains that are resistant to adverse events.
Deliberations on transport development indicate that planning is its most significant aspect. One of the key issues in planning is selecting infrastructure projects for completion that will contribute to achieving the development objectives. The important functions of planning, as well as its complexity, indicate the need to use solutions in the decision-making support field. In Poland, in the area of strategic planning of infrastructure development, methods of supporting decision-making aimed at selecting infrastructure projects, taking into account their degree of compliance with strategic goals, are currently not applied comprehensively. The paper aims to address this gap with MCDA solution basing on review of literature combined with the authors’ experience in transport planning. Therefore, authors presented a proposed tool for supporting decision-making in planning transport development on a strategic level. The presented method allows for assessing infrastructure development projects in road and rail transport. Such assessments take into account a number of criteria corresponding to the main development directions, i.e. sustainable development and quality of life. Due to the method of formulating development objectives, it has been decided that it will be advantageous to apply fuzzy logic, which enables using natural language in decision-making support systems. To allow practical application of fuzzy logic, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package available in the MATLAB environment has been employed. The developed model contains a structure along with defined linguistic variables reflecting the decision-making criteria; also, it includes membership functions, inference rules as well as assessment results. The paper also defines the algorithm of decision-making support procedure. For verification purposes, the decision support model was applied in several real-life project evaluation cases, including a variety of projects in construction, development, and renovation of rail and road infrastructure. The deliberations de scribed in this paper indicate the usefulness of fuzzy logic for supporting decision-making in planning transport development. It’s beneficial that the defined criteria can be applied in the case of projects in early preparation phase, enabling their practical application. Implementation of the solution in the MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox enables achieving fast results of the assessment of decision-maker preference level.
The aim of this article is to assess the risk of performance of rail freight transport on the basis of an analysis of identified risk areas based on statistical data on the causes of accidents that occurred on the lines of railway transport in Poland. A critical review of selected scientific studies relating to the risk assessment process for identified areas of the railway system has been undertaken. Based on statistical data, the authors analysed the causes of accidents on railway lines in 2019 in Poland and determined the probability of occurrence of a given cause. In addition, the article calculates the probability of vehicle delays for different emergency situations occurring in the performance of rail freight transport operations. This enabled the authors of the article to carry out a risk assessment of freight train delays on railway lines.
The article presents the issue of container handling processes at a rail-road intermodal terminal. In the article, we have focused on the problem of a terminal layout design from the point of view of parking lots for external trucks. The main purpose of this article is the assessment of the necessary parking lots for the trucks considering daily turnover of containers and the trucks appointment time windows. We analyze how the length of the truck’s appointment time windows as well as the difficulties in containers loading operations and a number of handling equipment influence the necessary parking lots for trucks in the intermodal terminal. The trucks planned for loading of import containers may arrive at the terminal before the loading moment that is specified in crane operations schedule. The container handling time is given by a probability distribution. The equations defining the most important elements of the considered problem were presented in the general form. The special case of this model has been developed in the FlexSim simulation software. Based on the simulation research and calculations we pointed out that right truck’s appointment time windows can significantly reduce necessary parking lots at the yard. The literature analysis presented in the article indicates that most of the research in the field of intermodal terminal is focused on operations in container ports. There is lack of literature considering rail-road terminal layout planning in terms of the necessary parking lots and truck’s appointment time windows.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie procesów obsługi kontenerów w kolejowo-drogowym terminalu intermodalnym. W artykule skupiono się na problemie projektowania układu terminali z punktu widzenia niezbędnych parkingów dla pojazdów ciężarowych dowożących/odwożących kontenery do/z terminala. Głównym celem artykułu jest wyznaczenie niezbędnej liczby miejsc parkingowych dla ciężarówek, biorąc pod uwagę dzienny obrót kontenerów, a także okna czasowe awizacji pojazdów ciężarowych. Analizowano, w jaki sposób szerokość okien czasowych awizacji pojazdów ciężarowych a także trudności w operacjach załadunku kontenerów i liczba urządzeń przeładunkowych wpłyną na niezbędną liczbę miejsc parkingowych dla pojazdów ciężarowych na placu terminala intermodalnego. Założono, że ciężarówki planowane do załadunku kontenerów importowych mogą przybyć do terminalu przed momentem załadunku określonym w harmonogramie pracy suwnicy. Założono również, że czas przeładunku kontenera wynika z rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa. Równania definiujące najważniejsze elementy rozważanego problemu zostały przedstawione w formie ogólnej. Badane problem zamodelowano w narzędziu symulacyjnym FlexSim. Na podstawie badań symulacyjnych i przedstawionych obliczeń wskazano, że właściwe ustalenie okien czasowych awizacji pojazdów ciężarowych może znacznie zmniejszyć liczbę potrzebnych miejsc parkingowych na terminalu. Analiza literatury przedstawiona w artykule wskazuje, że większość badań w obszarze terminali intermodalnych koncentruje się na optymalizacji operacji w portach kontenerowych. Brakuje literatury na temat układu terminali intermodalnych z punktu widzenia liczby niezbędnych miejsc parkingowych dla pojazdów ciężarowych.
W artykule opisano zastosowanie algorytmu mrówkowego w wyznaczaniu przydziału pojazdów do zadań w transporcie zbiorowym. Analizowany problem przydziału jest złożonym zagadnieniem optymalizacyjnym, klasyfikującym go do problemów NP-trudnych. W obszarze dotyczącym zagadnień miejskiego transportu zbiorowego jest podstawowym problemem, który należy rozwiązać w procesie konstruowania rozkładów jazdy oraz planów pracy pojazdów i kierowców. Celem niniejszej publikacji było opracowanie nowego narzędzia optymalizacyjnego adekwatnego do analizowanego zagadnienia przydziału pojazdów do zadań w komunikacji miejskiej. Przedstawiony algorytm mrówkowy jest nowym podejściem zastosowanym do rozwiązywania zagadnień przydziału w transporcie zbiorowym i stanowi podstawę do dalszych badań nad tematyką opracowywania nowych metod optymalizacyjnych w badanym problemie. Opracowany algorytm minimalizuje liczbę pojazdów przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji czasu pracy oraz przebytej drogi przez wykorzystane pojazdy. Opracowano model matematyczny zagadnienia przydziału pojazdów do zadań w transporcie publicznym, tj. zdefiniowano zmienne decyzyjne, ograniczenia oraz funkcje kryterium. Ograniczenia przydziału wynikają z czasu realizacji kursów w danym dniu roboczym, ograniczeń prawnych w zakresie czasu pracy i jazdy kierowcy, a także dostępnej liczy pojazdów. Problem został przedstawiony w aspekcie wielokryterialnym, gdzie decydujące znaczenie w ocenie efektywnego przydziału mają czas i dystans pokonany przez wszystkie pojazdy realizujące zlecone zadania. W artykule przedstawiono ogólną koncepcję algorytmu mrówkowego, która jest w trakcie procesu weryfikacji na danych teoretycznych i rzeczywistych bazach danych przedsiębiorstw komunikacji miejskiej.
The article describes the application of the ant algorithm in the problem of vehicle allocation to tasks in public transport. The analyzed allocation problem is a complex optimization problem that classifies it as NP-difficult. In the area of public transport issues it is a basic problem that should be solved in the process of constructing timetables and work plans for vehicles and drivers. The purpose of this publication was to develop a new optimization tool adequate to the analyzed issue of the allocation of vehicles to tasks in public transport. The presented ant algorithm is a new approach used to solve allocation issues in public transport and is the basis for further research on the development of new optimization methods in the studied problem. The developed algorithm minimizes the number of vehicles while minimizing working time and the distance traveled by the operating vehicles. A mathematical model has been developed on the issue of allocation of vehicles in public transport, i.e. decision variables, constraints and criterion functions were defined. The restrictions on the allocation result from the duration of the courses on a given business day, legal restrictions on the driver’s working time and driving time, as well as the available number of vehicles. The problem was presented in a multi-criteria aspect, where the decisive factor in assessing the effective allocation is the time and distance covered by all vehicles carrying out the assigned tasks. The article presents the general concept of the ant algorithm, which is in the process of verification on theoretical data and real databases of public transport companies.
The paper presents decision problems related to the development of transport systems facing planning challenges of sustainable urban mobility. Currently, city decisionmakers must deal with growing difficulties related to the organisation of public transport systems. These difficulties involve the primary need for effective and ecological public transport systems and the capacity of transport service providers. These issues require a wide spectrum of research and analysis to determine expected future economic and social benefits from the implementation of environmentally friendly infrastructure investments and increasing capacity of service providers. The paper touches on the problem of the so-called green mobility in urban areas and the main management strategies associated with its development. A general formulation of the decision model, including boundary conditions and the criteria function using a sum of revenues from making the public transport offer more attractive, were proposed and discussed.
The paper presents problems of decision-making for planning and implementation of vehicle service system supplies with spare parts under incomplete information. The lack of effective supply planning models using artificial intelligence principles contributes to widening the gap in the problem. The analyses confirm that information uncertainty is one of the main factors in supply failures leading to financial losses for both vehicle service stations and supply companies. Authors structured national vehicle service system by classifying its three different segments. This allowed the identification of risks of making incorrect logistics decisions in each of defined segments. It has been shown that the supply planning process in each of segments is carried out according to different rules. Authorial decision models for each of segments are then presented. The models can be used as a tool to support and improve supplying vehicle service stations in conditions of information uncertainty. In the application part, a proprietary algorithm has been developed to solve proposed models.
This article focuses on the application of the queueing theory for the analysis of transport processes with regard to rail traffic. Selected aspects of queueing theory application for the analysis and rail traffic flow assessment are presented. A literature review regarding process modelling in rail transport using mass service theory models was performed. In order to study rail traffic flow, the application Java Modelling Tools- JSIM graph was used. The train movement process was analysed with regard to the traffic flow. The study was conducted on the basis of selected stretches of railway lines, numbers 2 (central long-distance in Warsaw) and 448 (central suburban in Warsaw).
The transport system has a direct impact on the economic and socio-economic situation of each country. Planning its development is an important element of policy. Bearing in mind the importance and complexity of this issue, it should be considered using both quantitative methods and mathematical models, as well as advanced simulation tools for modelling transport. The article presents a proposal for an approach to simulation tests of the different transport system in the aspect of the emission of harmful exhaust gas compounds from road transport. The tool for analysing and assessing the functioning of existing or designed systems is a model in which the properties of the real system, which are important from the point of view of the research objective, should be mapped. The Model of Proecological Transport System (MEST) was presented formally as an ordered four. Also elements of optimization taks shaping of proecological transport system in form of datas, decision variables, conditions and goal function were presented. An example of tests on simulation model was shown.
W artykule omówione zostały problemy decyzyjne związane z kształtowaniem proekologicznego systemu transportowego. Przedstawiono problematykę kształtowania systemu transportowego z uwzględnieniem aspektów proekologicznych oraz omówiono kryteria oceny. Przedstawiono model proekologicznego systemu transportowego oraz sformułowano przykładowe zadanie optymalizacyjne rozłożenia potoku ruchu dla proekologicznego systemu transportowego.
The article discusses decision problems related to shaping the pro ecological transport system. The problems of shaping the transport system including pro-ecological aspects were discussed and evaluation criteria were discussed. The model of a pro-ecological transport system was presented and an exemplary task of optimizing the distribution of a traffic flow for a pro-ecological transport system was formulated.
In the era of rapidly changing market and consumer needs, there are dynamic changes in the services offered. This also applies to the car fleet market. Currently, the approach to owning a vehicle is changing to other forms such as rental or subscription. Different types of funding are conducive to changes in the fleet management industry. More and more sophis-ticated services are offered for corporate clients, but also private customers. In the context of these changes, the approach to different aspects of vehicle use is also clarified, including what has been noticeable in recent years, increased interest in road safety, environmental issues and most importantly costs of use and possession of the vehicle. This puts high demands on fleet managers who sustainably need to match the structure of their fleets to the needs and capabilities of their customers while taking into account safety and ecology issues. This is a complicated task that requires decision-making assistance. This article addresses the support of the fleet manager decision, taking into account the sustainable management model. The article aimed to develop a model that takes into account the aspects of safety and ecology from the operator-financier the point of view. The result of the article is to provide a decision-making tool for the selection of vehicles and drivers, taking into account their characteristics to accomplish their tasks. The work presents the problem of fleet management, shows the characteristics of different forms of financing and the impact of market trends on the current approach to these problems. The analysis of safety aspects to the possibility of using different methods affecting its level was then presented. Another element of the article is a mathematical model of the problem of resources assignment for tasks. The developed model is universal and can be used for evaluation and optimisation. To this end, the function of the criterion has been formulated, taking into account the aspects of safety, ecology and financial aspects. It also takes into account the randomness of adverse events and the duration of the remaining appropriations in the out-of-order state. This Model can be used for the risk assessment of the driving staff. The developed model was implemented in the Flexsim environment for a computational example for a trading company. Computational experiments have indicated the correctness of the model and its high application potential, as well as further directions of model development to support complex management processes carried out by fleet managers.
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