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This paper presents the results of a numerical analysis of nitride-based edge-emitting lasers with an InGaN/GaN active region designed for continuous wave room temperature emission of green and blue light. The main goal was to investigate whether the indium thin oxide (ITO) layer can serve as an effective optical confinement improving operation of these devices. Simulations were performed with the aid of a self-consistent thermal-electrical-optical model. Results obtained for green- and blue-emitting lasers were compared. The ITO layer in the p-type cladding was found to effectively help confine the laser mode in the active regions of the devices and to decrease the threshold current density.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt azotkowego lasera VCSEL z bezpośrednim wstrzykiwaniem prądu do obszaru czynnego lasera. Bezpośrednie wstrzykiwanie pradu do obszaru czynnego uzyskano stosując zamiast górnrgo zwierciadła DBR zwierciadło w postaci metalizowanej monolitycznej siatki podfalowej o wysokim kontraście współczynnika załamania. Korzystając z autorskiego oprogramowania powstałego w Zespole Fotoniki w Instytucie Fizyki Politechniki Łódzkiej przeprowadzono obliczenia numeryczne pozwalające wyznaczyć podstawowe parametry pracy zaproponowanej struktury laserowej.
The paper presents the design of the nitride-based VCSEL enabling direct current injection into the active region of the laser. The direct injection of current into the active region is possible due to semiconductor-metal subwavelength grating used as top facet mirror. Using the multiphysics model of laser operation developed in the Photonics Team at the Institute of Physics of the Lodz University of Technology, numerical calculations were performed determining fundamental operation parameters of the proposed nitride-based VCSEL.
Subwavelength high contrast gratings (HCG) can be used as high reflective mirrors and can be used as mirrors of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. HCG mirrors can be designed in such a way that they are extremely sensitive to environmental changes - changes in the refractive index of ambient substance or changes in the absorption coefficient may cause changes in mirror reflectivity. This phenomenon can be used to detect liquids and gases. In this paper we present analysis of HCG properties. We consider the various HCG mirror designs and the possibilities of detecting gases and liquids.
Zwierciadła HCG to podfalowe siatki dyfrakcyjne wykonane z materiału o wysokim współczynniku załamania światła. Mogą one zostać wykorzystane jako zwierciadła o wysokiej odbijalności w laserach typu VCSEL. Zwierciadła HCG można zaprojektować w taki sposób, że będą wyjątkowo czułe na zmiany współczynnika załamania światła lub współczynnika absorpcji w otoczeniu zwierciadła. Zmiana tych parametrów powoduje zmianę odbijalności zwierciadła HCG. Zjawisko to może być wykorzystane w sensorach optycznych. W niniejszej pracy prezentujemy analizę właściwości zwierciadeł HCG. Rozważamy różne struktury zwierciadeł HCG i pokazujemy, że mogą być one wykorzystane do detekcji gazów i cieczy.
This paper presents the differences arising from the use of scalar (Effective Frequency Method) and vector (Fourier’s and Bessel’s Admittance Methods) calculation methods in optical analysis of arsenide Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs). Discussed results demonstrate that the vector methods are more accurate than the scalar one, but also they are more time consuming. By comparing two vector methods, it can be seen that the Bessel’s Admittance Method allows to obtain similar qualitatively and quantitatively results in a slightly shorter time. The calculations were performed for structures with varied aperture radius and its location in the resonant cavity. Moreover, this paper includes the comparison of calculation results for a structure in which there are layers with gradually changing refractive index, and the structure in which these layers are replaced by a layer with a constant average refractive index.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń propagacji emitowanej fali elektromagnetycznej (jej długości i czasu życia fotonów) dla arsenkowego lasera typu VCSEL. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie różnic płynących z zastosowania skalarnych i wektorowych metod obliczeniowych. Omówione wyniki pokazują, iż metody wektorowe są dużo dokładniejsze od metody skalarnej, ale jednocześnie bardziej czasochłonne. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla struktur różniących się wartością średnicy apertury oraz jej położeniem wzdłuż wnęki rezonansowej. Ponadto metodą skalarną wykonano obliczenia dla struktury, w której występują warstwy o gradientowo zmieniającym się współczynniku załamania, oraz dla struktury, w której warstwy te zastąpiono warstwą pośrednią o stałym współczynniku załamania. Celem pracy jest również pokazanie różnic w wynikach otrzymanych dla powyższych przypadków.
Content available remote Innowacyjne konstrukcje laserów z pionową wnęką rezonansową
Praca prezentuje najnowsze modyfikacje konstrukcji laserów emitujących powierzchniowo z pionową wnęką rezonansową. Modyfikacje te mają na celu dalszą miniaturyzację tego typu przyrządów, a także poprawę ich sprawności i niezawodności. Kluczową kwestią w tych dążeniach jest wyeliminowanie ze struktury epitaksjalnej laserowej wielowarstwowych zwierciadeł Bragga, które znacznie zwiększają stopień jej złożoności, a ponadto hamują odbiór ciepła z obszaru aktywnego, obniżając tym samym efektywność generacji promieniowania. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane, alternatywne konstrukcje laserów, w których zwierciadła Bragga zostały zastąpione innymi elementami o zbliżonych własnościach optycznych. Zasadność zaproponowanych innowacji potwierdzają wyniki badań eksperymentalnych i obliczeń numerycznych. Wszystkie prezentowane wyniki zostały uzyskane w ramach prac nad laserami emitującymi powierzchniowo, prowadzonych w Instytucie Technologii Elektronowej oraz Instytucie Fizyki Politechniki Łódzkiej.
In this paper we present selected modifications of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, aimed at their further miniaturization, as well as at improvement of their efficiency and reliability. The key issue is to eliminate semiconductor Bragg mirrors from the laser structure. These multi-layer components not only significantly increase complexity of the laser chip, but also limit heat flow within the structure, hindering effective cooling of the active region and thereby decreasing efficiency of lasing. In the discussed here, alternative constructions of surface emitting lasers the Bragg mirrors have been replaced by other optical elements of similar properties. In the first case an internal cavity of the laser is enclosed by high-contrast subwavelength gratings, in the second one - by heat-spreading diamond plates. The proposed innovations have been validated by numerical calculations and confirmed experimentally. All presented results were obtained as a part of research on vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, conducted jointly by Institute of Electron Technology and Institute of Physics of Technical University of Lodz.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń propagacji emitowanej fali elektromagnetycznej (jej długości i czasu życia fotonów) dla arsenkowego lasera typu VCSEL. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie różnic płynących z zastosowania skalarnych i wektorowych metod obliczeniowych. Omówione wyniki pokazują, iż metody wektorowe są dużo dokładniejsze od metody skalarnej, ale jednocześnie bardziej czasochłonne. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla struktur różniących się wartością średnicy apertury oraz jej położeniem wzdłuż wnęki rezonansowej. Ponadto metodą skalarną wykonano obliczenia dla struktury, w której występują warstwy o gradientowo zmieniającym się współczynniku załamania, oraz dla struktury, w której warstwy te zastąpiono warstwą pośrednią o stałym współczynniku załamania. Celem pracy jest również pokazanie różnic w wynikach otrzymanych dla powyższych przypadków.
This paper includes the results of calculation for arsenic VCSEL laser. The aim of this paper is to present the differences arising from the use of scalar and vector calculation methods. Discussed results demonstrate that the vectorial methods are more accurate than scalar method, but also more time consuming. The calculations were performed for structures of varying the radius of the aperture and its location along the resonant cavity. Moreover, tis paper includes the results of calculations for a structure in which there are layers of the gradually changing refractive index, and the structure in which these layers were replaced by the intermediate layer with a constant refractive index. The aim is also to show the differences in the results obtained for the above cases.
W niniejszej pracy omówiona została możliwość wykorzystania monolitycznych podfalowych siatek dyfrakcyjnych o wysokim kontraście współczynnika załamania światła (siatek MHCG) jako zwierciadeł w azotkowych laserach VCSEL. Odpowiednio zaprojektowane siatki MHCG mogą cechować się bardzo wysoką odbijalnością. W pracy podano parametry geometryczne siatki MHCG wykonanej z azotku galu i zaprojektowanej na 414 nm, dla której odbijalność przekracza 99,99%. Zakres długości fal, dla których odbijalność takiego zwierciadła przekracza 99% jest wyraźnie większy niż dla zwierciadeł DBR wykonanych z materiałów azotkowych stosowanych w konstrukcjach niebieskich laserów VCSEL.
In this paper we present idea of using monolithic high contrast grating (MHCG) as mirrors in nitride VCSELs. This solution can make nitride VCSEL production easier. Properly designed MHCG made of gallium nitride can be highly reflective structure. We present construction of GaN MHCG mirror designed for 414 nm which for reflectance is higher than 99.99%. The range, where reflectance of MHCG is higher than 99% is much wider than for nitride DBRs.
Content available remote Selekcja modowa w laserach kaskadowych ze sprzężonymi wnękami rezonansowymi
W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono analizę numeryczną lasera kaskadowego ze sprzężonymi wnękami rezonansowymi. Zaobserwowano, iż właściwe dobranie niezależnych prądów zasilających obie wnęki rezonansowe umożliwia uzyskanie emisji jednomodowej.
In this paper numerically investigate the evolution of the mode spectrum of the two coupled Fabry-Perot cavities, controlled by the driving currents of both sections leading to single mode operation. Theoretical analysis showed that most efficient single mode operation takes place in the case of relatively close current densities in both sections of the coupled-cavity quantum cascade laser which assures the overlap of the gain spectra.
W artykule przedstawiono komputerową analizę wpływu domieszkowania substratu InP w elektrycznie pompowanym laserze o emisji powierzchniowej z zewnętrzną wnęką rezonansową (Electrically Pumped Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Laser – E-VECSEL) emitującym promieniowanie o długości fali 1480 nm na próg akcji laserowej. Pokazano, że minimalna moc elektryczna dostarczana do lasera umożliwiająca osiągnięcie progu jego akcji laserowej może być uzyskana dla struktury z podłożem o domieszkowaniu n = 2•1016 cm-3.
In the following paper computer aided analysis of InP substrate doping level in 1480 nm Electronically Pumped Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers is presented. It is shown that in such structure the lowest threshold power is obtained for substrate n-doping level n = 2•1016 cm-3.
Content available remote GaAs/AlGaAs photonic crystals for VCSEL-type semiconductor lasers
The results of modelling of the influence of photonic crystal on the performance of VCSEL-type semiconductor laser structure are shown and indicate that the use of those structures would significantly improve the working parameters of the devices. The method of fabrication of photonic crystals in the Bragg mirrors of GaAs/AlGaAs-based VCSELs is presented.
Results of the self-consistent comprehensive analysis of a room-temperature operation of InP-based 1300-nm AlInGaAs photonic-crystal (PhC) VCSELs are presented. In particular, an influence of PhC parameters on thermal effects within VCSEL volume and its emission wavelength are analysed. The PhC has been found to introduce a number of opposite effects including a possible light leakage through PhC holes. From one side, PhC holes make more difficult heat-flux extraction from VCSEL volume leading to higher temperature increases within it. But, from the other side, a properly manufactured PhC creates an efficient radial confinement mechanism for VCSEL radiation field. It enhances an interaction between the field and the active-region carriers leading to a decrease in both the VCSEL lasing threshold and temperature increases. Seemingly both effects may similarly affect VCSEL operation, but our analysis revealed, that thermal properties of the PhC VCSEL are mainly dependent on an efficient confinement of its radiation field within the active region impeding a mode leakage through PhC holes, whereas an importance of deterioration of heat-flux extraction from VCSEL volume is much less essential. The wavelength shift induced by a change of PhC parameters has been found not to exceed 4×10⁻³ μm.
Optical model, scalar orvectorial one, describing behaviour of an optical field within a diode-laser cavity, is one of the most important parts of modelling of a diode-laser operation. As compared to more accurate vectorial optical approaches, scalar ones are known to be less exact but simultaneously they need much less computation time. Besides, they have been sometimes found to be surprisingly exact even beyond their confirmed range of validity. Therefore, in this paper, real validity limits of their application have been determined by comparing their simplified results with more exact results obtained with the aid of vectorial models. The analysis comprises a comparison of an application of the most popular scalar approach to optical properties of diode lasers, i.e., the effective index method, and the vectorial method of lines for the standard 1.3µm GaAs-based stripe-geometry diode laser. The scalar model has been found to be quite exact in the case of a determination of the effective refractive index, i.e., the wavelength of emitted radiation, whereas its exactness in the lasing threshold analysis is much worse, especially in the case of higher-order modes. Our analysis is concluded with a determination of the regions where both models give satisfactorily close results.
The modelling of optical fields within cavities of GaAs-based oxide-confined edge-emitting diode lasers is analysed treating the 1.3-mm InGaAs/GaAs quantum-well laser as an example of a typical device. Usability of two different optical approaches is compared. While in the first approach, based on the scalar wave simplification, optical fields within laser resonators are found to be composed of the TE modes, an alternative, more precise vectorial approach leads to the hybrid modes: EH and HE. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed and their validity limits in determination of mode intensities are compared. Simplified scalar approaches have often happened to be surprisingly exact, except for their weaker guidance occurring for higher-order modes, narrower aperture widths and/or thinner oxidation layers, when more exact but also more time-consuming vectorial approaches should be exclusively used.
The self-consistent optical-electrical-thermal-gain model of the oxide-confined edge-emitting diode laser has been used to simulate the room-temperature operation of the long-wavelength 1.3-[litera grecka mu m] quantum-dot (InGa)As/GaAs diode laser. The validity of the model has been verified using some experimental results for comparison. An impact of quantum-dot density on laser operation characteristics as well as on temperature dependence of lasing threshold have been discussed.
Content available remote Single-photon devices in quantum cryptography
Modern communication in absolute secrecy requires creation of new intrinsically secure quantum communication channels. It is particularly necessary during the first connection between two parties establishing then in assumed unconditional security the secret cryptographic key which is supposed to be used afterwards during normal information exchanging. This new emerging field of quantum information technology is based on na new type of light sources, in which numbers of emitted photons can be carefully controlled. Especially advantageous are sources of single photons emitted at strictly predetermined moments, so called single-photon devices. Then any possible eavesdropper activity will be followed by some unavoidable disturbance which alerts both communication parties to an event. In the present paper, the Purcell effect associated with enhancement of spontaneous emission coupled to a resonator is explained, methods used to produce streams of antibunched photons are given, mechanisms applied to control carrier injection into quantum dots are shown and some possible designs of single-photon devices are presented and described. These devices are based on taking advantage of both the Purcell effect and the atom-like energy spectrum of quantum dots.
Content available remote Simulation of threshold operation of GaInNAs diode lasers
The advanced three-dimensional fully self-consistent optical-electrical-thermal-gain model of the 1.3-um (GaIn)(NAs)GaAs vertical cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) has been developed to simulate its room-temperature (RT) continuous-wave (CW) performance characteristics and to enable its structure optimisation. The standard GaInNAs VCSEL structure with an intracavity-contacted configuration exhibits very nonuniform current injection into its active region, whereas a uniform current injection is important in long-wavelength VCSELs for low thereshold, high-efficiency and stable-mode operation. Therefore we decided to insert an additional tunnel junction withim the active-region neighbourhood. The tunnel junction is shown to enhance effectively hole injection via a lateral electron current, with only a modest increase (a small penalty) in voltage drop and series resistance compared to standard devices.
A comprehensive, fully self-consistent, optical electrical-thermal-gain, three-dimensional model of edge-emitting (EE) nitride diode lasers has been developed and used to simulate a room-temperature (RT) continuous-wave (CW) threshold operation of typical EE designs of a nitride diode laser. With the aid of the model, some RT CW performance characteristics of the laser have been anticipated taking into consideration important features of nitride materials. These features have proved already to be often essentially different from those of other AIII BV materials, therefore expected properties of nitride devices cannot be estimated on the basis of known properties of analogous devices manufactured from other materials.
Performance of various possible designs of 400-nm nitride vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) has been analysed with the aid of the advanced three - dimensional (3D) thermal-electrical-optical-gain self-consistent threshold simulation. It has been demonstrated that it is practically impossible to reach the fundamental - mode operation in nitride VCSELs of the traditional design with two ring contacts. To enhance this desired operation, uniformity of current injection into VCSEL active regions should be dramatically improved. Therefore we focused our research on designs with tunnel junctions and/or a semitransparent contact. In particular, it has been proved that the design with two cascading active regions, two tunnel junctions and a semitransparent contact may offer the most promissing room-temperature performance characteristics for both pulse and continuous-wave operation. In particular, this design offers high mode selectivity with distinct fundamental transverse mode domination. Our simulations reveal, that the thickness and localization of a semitransparent contact as well as localization of active regions and tunnel junctions are crucial for a succesful construction designing.
Content available remote Optical gain saturation effects in InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots
An attempt has been made to understand electronic structure and optical (lasing) properties of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QD) and to describe saturation effects in QD levels population. The new, improved rate equation model has been developed. The impact of carrier relaxation and level depopulation inside quantum dots on lasing properties, in particular on gain depressing, is discusse.
Content available remote Method of lines-the new vectorial approach to optical phenomena in diode lasers
A comprehensive vectorial optical approach to optical phenomena in diode lasers, namely the method of lines (MoL), has been compared with a scalar approach, i.e., the effective index method (EIM). Both methods have been applied to model optical behaviour of a modern oxide-confined 1.3-mm quantum-dot (InGa)As/GaAs edge-emitting diode laser. As expected, the scalar EIM approach gives accurate results for diode lasers of standard constructions, i.e., laser structures with relatively wide active regions and slow (not abrupt) changes in the index of refraction. The vectorial MoL, on the other hand, enables us to investigate optical fields in more complicated diode laser structures (for example, in microresonator lasers) for which the above restrictions are not valid
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