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The consumption of organic food is becoming increasingly popular and, to avoid numerous threats to human health and the natural environment, the issues devoted to it require greater attention from decision-makers, producers, and consumers. Consumer decisions have an impact on shaping food consumption patterns and recently the trend of the consumption of conventional versus organic food products has been widely discussed. This is especially true given the fact that the area of human health is strongly related to the consumption of food products produced under the challenges of environmental protection and sustainability. The study aimed to investigate if the perception of consumption among Polish respondents was risk-indicative or sustainable based on the animal, fruit, and vegetable products purchased from conventional or organic production. The results revealed that fruit and vegetable consumption was not identically related with socio-demographic features, but the income level equally affected consumer choices regarding the purchase of organic food products. Gender and marital status only influenced decisions regarding the purchase of organic fruit. The consumption of animal products regarding the frequency of their consumption did not reveal the features of sustainability. The metal accumulation index (MAI) for conventionally cultivated vegetables was not higher for all of the investigated vegetables, namely pumpkin, spring onion, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and garlic. Our study contributes to addressing the knowledge gap on consumer choices about organic food products in Poland.
Purpose: Smart water meters (Internet of Things based) are technologically advanced tools delivering precise data on water consumption in a household. However, it has not been examined yet what influences consumer intention to adopt smart water meters. The study objective is to investigate predictors of consumer intention to install smart water meters. The Technology Acceptance Model was applied as the main theoretical framework. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from 366 respondents through an online survey conducted in 2021. Structural equation modeling was used for hypotheses verification. Findings: The intention to adopt smart water meters was mainly predicted by attitude towards the use of smart water meters. which, in turn, was predicted both by perceived ease of use and by perceived usefulness of these devices. The direct positive impact of perceived ease of use on the intention to adopt smart water meters was also found, whereas the direct relation between perceived usefulness of smart water meters and the intention for the adoption turned out to be statistically insignificant. Research limitations/implications: One research limitation is the probable lack of smart water meter usage among the responders, which may have affected their perception on how these devices are useful and easy to use. Additionally, only the main variables of TAM were applied, thus, other variables were not considered that may have had impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use or usage behavior. Social implications: Considering practical implications, by analyzing what may influence consumers to adopt smart water meters, we are able to apply this knowledge in real life and increase the amount of smart water meters in households, which may lead to household water reduction. Originality/value: In previous research. what influences consumers to apply smart water meters has not been examined. This research indicates variables (adopted by TAM) influencing consumers to apply smart water meters, potentially leading to reduction in household water consumption.
Purpose: The development of digital technology is one of the most important factors driving changes in consumer behavior in the 21st century. Today, the sharing economy covers more and more areas of consumers' daily lives. Using online apps to exchange, sell, buy or rent clothes has become one of the most popular ways of consuming fashion around the world. The main objective of this paper is to assess the importance and estimate the impact of the determinants (motives and unpleasant user experience) of providers' engagement in collaborative fashion consumption (CFC). Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted using an online survey with 420 respondents in Poland - users (providers) of CFC platforms. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM) was performed using AMOS 21.0 version. The conducted research allowed to identify the importance and to determine the influence of examined factors on attitudes toward CFCs and willingness to use CFC apps in the future. Findings: Economic motives did not outperform non-economic motives to participate as a provider in CFC. Pragmatic motives were by far the most important determinants of fashion sharing. Environmental factors are an important reason for providers to participate in CFC but they may not be a direct motivation for CC participation. Social motives recorded the lowest average importance rating in the context of participation in CFC. Unpleasant user experience negatively influence both the attitudes toward using CFC apps and the willingness to use them in the future Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted only on Polish users, so due to cultural differences, the meaning and impact of the motives of using these apps may be different in other countries. Due to the method of sampling and sample size, the results cannot be treated as representative for the population of Polish users of CFC platforms. Future research could include conducting cross-country research and one may attempt to broaden the scope to include other categories of motives. Future research could also extend the scope of unpleasant user experience with other factors. Practical implications: The results of research on the motives of users' use of CFC apps should be useful for enterprises in the context of designing activities in the field of marketing communication. Originality/value: The paper fills a research gap in the field of research on the determinants of polish providers' engagement in collaborative fashion consumption (CFC).
Zrównoważony rozwój systemów żywnościowych powiązany jest z transformacją cyfrową przemysłu spożywczego, ułatwiającą przejście od gospodarki linearnej do gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym. Oparte na koncepcji przemysłu 4.0 systemy kontroli na wszystkich etapach łańcucha żywnościowego i wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji do analizy danych, powinny pozwolić na efektywne wykorzystanie surowców, optymalizację procesów, minimalizację ich negatywnego wpływu na środowisko i zapewnienie stałej jakości produktów. Wysoka jakość, uwzględnienie potrzeb konsumentów na etapie projektowania i rozwoju produktów zapewnią żywność o wysokich walorach odżywczych i sensorycznych, i przyczynią się do dobrostanu społeczeństwa i ograniczenia marnotrawstwa żywności. Jednym z wyzwań w przekształceniu przemysłu spożywczego zgodnie z koncepcją przemysłu 4.0 jest opracowanie metod kontroli jakości i ich implementacja w łańcuchu żywnościowym „od pola do stołu”. Prace w tym zakresie wymagają współpracy naukowców i praktyków z różnych dziedzin i są źródłem innowacji.
The sustainability of food systems is linked to the digital transformation of the food industry, which facilitates the transition from a linear to a circular economy. Based on the concept of Industry 4.0, control systems at all stages of the food chain and the use of artificial intelligence for data analysis should allow for the effective use of raw materials, optimization of processes, minimizing their negative impact on the environment and providing high-quality products. High quality, considering the needs of consumers at the stage of designing and developing products, will ensure food with high nutritional and sensory values, and will contribute to the well-being of the socjety and reduce food waste. One of the challenges in transforming the food industry into Industry 4.0 is the development of food quality control methods and their implementation in the food chain ‘from farm to fork’. Work in this field requires the cooperation of scientists and practitioners from various fields and is a source of innovation.
Young consumers (children and adolescents) play an increasingly important role in the functioning of the modern consumer market. Accordingly, it is becoming more important to promote sustainable, ecological consumption patterns among this group. The authors of the article analysed the results of a survey conducted on a group of 1326 children aged 9 to 15. The purpose was to diagnose the awareness and functioning patterns of consumption among the studied group of young consumers from the Polish market and to formulate a set of recommendations for the process of their ecological, economic and social education aimed at building sustainable consumption patterns. During the research process, an attempt was made to diagnose the ability to identify eleven selected, popular, pro-ecological graphic symbols placed on consumer products, aimed at assessing the skills of young consumers to identify products with better environmental parameters. The collected empirical data was analysed with the R-project program using the following methods: descriptive statistics, nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test and Pearson Chi-square test of independence. As a result of the use of the comparative analysis method, the results of research in individual age groups of young consumers were compared and interpreted. After the research, the authors concluded that the education system lacks actions to consolidate the acquired knowledge in the field of ecolabeling, which results in large disproportions in the recognition of eco-labels both in individual age groups and in relation to selected symbols. It is disturbing that only 12.2% of the interviewed learners indicated the eco-label as a decisive factor in purchasing a food product. The authors of the article believe that among the group of young consumers, actions should be taken to raise awareness of sustainable consumption, and this requires consistent and differentiated steps at all levels of their education.
A uniform is distinctive clothing worn by members of the same firm or organisation. In China, the market for professional garments is extremely large. However, as mandatory professional clothing, uniforms are frequently used, torn, and replaced, leading to textile waste. Further, the use of non-recyclable or non-biodegradable fabrics is bound to create greater environmental pressure. This study focuses on the textile material in the uniform market to analyse the motivational conditions behind sustainable fabric consumption. A total of 294 usable online surveys were obtained in 2019. Multi-item scales were adopted to measure five variables: corporate public image, corporate ethics, employee social status, environment awareness, and sustainable premium. Structural equation modelling was applied to test the hypothesises. Results reveal that the improvement of an employee's social status can effectively facilitate the probability of utilising eco-friendly fabrics. This study can thus help increase the usage of eco-friendly fabric in China’s uniform market.
Uniform to charakterystyczna odzież noszona przez członków tej samej firmy lub organizacji. W Chinach rynek odzieży profesjonalnej jest niezwykle duży. Jednak, jako obowiązkowa odzież zawodowa, uniformy są często używane i wymieniane, co prowadzi do marnotrawstwa tekstyliów. Ponadto stosowanie nienadających się do recyklingu lub nieulegających biodegradacji tkanin może powodować większą presję na środowisko. W badaniu skoncentrowano się na materiale tekstylnym na rynku jednolitym, przeanalizowano motywacyjne warunki stojące za zrównoważoną konsumpcją tkanin. W 2019 roku uzyskano łącznie 294 użytecznych ankiet on-line. Do pomiaru pięciu zmiennych: wizerunku publicznego firmy, etyki korporacyjnej, statusu społecznego pracowników, świadomości środowiskowej i zrównoważonej składki zostały przyjęte skale wielopozycyjne. Do testowania hipotez zastosowano modelowanie równań strukturalnych. Wyniki pokazały, że poprawa statusu społecznego pracownika może skutecznie zwiększyć prawdopodobieństwo używania tkanin przyjaznych dla środowiska. Badanie to może zatem pomóc w zwiększeniu wykorzystania tkanin przyjaznych dla środowiska na jednolitym rynku Chin.
This article is devoted to the issue of the sharing economy. In Poland, the sharing economy is a relatively new area but with high development dynamics. Therefore, the paper aims to answer the question: „is Polish society ready to adopt the sharing economy concept?”. In Poland, there is a research gap in the context of the sharing economy. The phenomenon of collective consumption concerning Polish consumers is a relatively new area that requires careful research . For this purpose, a pilot study was used with the use of the diagnostic survey method using the questionnaire survey technique.The presented research results show that 39.7% of the respondents have come across the sharing economy concept. However, ignorance of the concept does not mean that the respondents did not use services based on the assumptions of the sharing economy. 56.7% of respondents used at least one service provided by the sharing economy. There is a visible relationship between the respondents’ age and education and their awareness of the sharing economy. The highest knowledge of the sharing economy was found in the age group under 36 and among respondents with higher education. Most of the respondents support the directions of activities presented by the sharing economy and use its services.The conducted research is of a pilot nature. However, it allows drawing attention to an important issue in the acceptance of new solutions related to the application of the sharing economy by the older generation of Polish consumers. This is a field for further research on a much wider research sample.
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu dotyczącemu ekonomii współdzielenia. W Polsce gospodarka współdzielenia jest obszarem relatywnie nowym, jednak o dużej dynamice rozwoju. Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie: „czy społeczeństwo polskie jest gotowe na przyjęcie koncepcji gospodarki współdzielenia”. W Polsce występuje luka badawcza w kontekście gospodarki współdzielenia a zjawisko konsumpcji wspólnej w odniesieniu do polskich konsumentów jest stosunkowo nowym obszarem, który wymaga dokładnych badań. W tym celu wykorzystano badanie pilotażowe z zastosowaniem metody sondażu diagnostycznego techniką kwestionariusza ankiety. Zaprezentowane wyniki badań wskazują, iż z pojęciem ekonomia współdzielenia zetknęło się 39,7% respondentów. Nieznajomość pojęcia nie oznacza jednak, że badani nie korzystali z usług bazujących na założeniach ekonomii współdzielenia. 56,7% badanych skorzystała z przynajmniej jednej świadczonej przez ekonomię współdzielenia usługi. Widoczna jest zależność pomiędzy wiekiem i wykształceniem badanych a świadomością w zakresie gospodarki współdzielenia. Najwyższa znajomość gospodarki współdzielenia wystąpiła w grupie wiekowej poniżej 36 roku życia oraz wśród respondentów z wykształceniem wyższym. Większość badanych popiera kierunki działań jakie prezentuje gospodarka współdzielenia i korzysta z jej usług. Przeprowadzone badania mają charakter pilotażowy ale pozwalają zwrócić uwagę na istotne zagadnienie w kontekście akceptacji nowych rozwiązań związanych z zastosowaniem ekonomii współdzielenia przez starsze pokolenie polskich konsumentów. Stanowi to pole do dalszych badań już na znacznie szerszej próbie badawczej.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the determinants of behaviour of drivers with regard to the possession and use of cars and their approach to the alternative which allows to rent cars in the market today – the so-called car sharing service, which is becoming increasingly popular and consists in using a vehicle without having to own it. Design/methodology/approach: For the purposes of this article a survey was conducted among current and potential users of the car sharing service. The purpose of this publication was also to gain knowledge on the market's needs in terms of mobility and consumer perception of the services of car rental companies. Findings: According to the respondents' opinion, factors affecting the decision to use the car sharing service were verified in the surveys. Attention was paid to such issues as the availability of parking spaces for cars in the car sharing service, the price of this service and a modern fleet of vehicles made available in the service. Research limitations/implications: It is advisable to carry out further scientific research in the field of the use of car sharing services due to the fact that it is an increasingly popular way of communication, mainly among the inhabitants of urban agglomerations. Practical and social implications: The approach to car ownership is changing. Young people are increasingly giving up car ownership and prefer its use. They do not have to pay for the purchase of the car, its operating costs, insurance or garage. The car sharing service is a convenient form of using a car without unnecessary expenses. Originality/value: The transport services market is constantly expanding, both in the field of the carriage of goods and passengers. The number of cars per capita increases year after year, which directly translates into increased number of cars on the roads in Poland and in the world. The problem is most evident in large city centres where car parks are overcrowded and urban infrastructure is unable to cope with the growing number of cars. This was the reason for addressing the issue of changing the current model of passenger movement that could solve the problem of crowded cities.
Economic growth, excessive consumption and the consequent growing exploitation of natural resources pose the risk of a global ecological disaster. Therefore, it is vital to create a new consumer awareness concerned about the natural environment. This paper describes the issue of sustainable consumption in the context of sustainable development. It has been assumed that the increasing popularity of ecological awareness, plays the key role in the implementation of the objectives of sustainable consumption and sustainable development. The aim of this paper is to explain mechanisms responsible for the increasing role of consumption in the modern world and to draw attention to the need to raise the ecological awareness of consumers. The paper uses the analytic-synthetic method.
Wzrost gospodarczy, nadmierna konsumpcja, a w konsekwencji rosnąca eksploatacja zasobów naturalnych, stwarzają ryzyko globalnej katastrofy ekologicznej. Dlatego ważne jest, aby kreować nową świadomość konsumentów dotyczącą środowiska naturalnego. W artykule opisano zagadnienie zrównoważonej konsumpcji w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Założono, że rosnąca popularność świadomości ekologicznej odgrywa kluczową rolę w realizacji celów zrównoważonej konsumpcji i zrównoważonego rozwoju. Celem tego artykułu jest wyjaśnienie mecha nizmów odpowiedzialnych za rosnącą rolę konsumpcji we współczesnym świecie oraz zwrócenie uwagi na potrzebę podnoszenia świadomości ekologicznej konsumentów. W pracy wykorzystano metodę analityczno-syntetyczną.
The transition to circular economy requires diversifying material sources, improving secondary raw materials management, including recycling, and finally finding sustainable alternative materials. Both recycled and bio-based plastics are often regarded as promising alternatives to conventional fossil-based plastics. Their broad application instead of fossilbased plastics is, however, frequently the subject of criticism because of offering limited environmental benefits. The study presents a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of fossil-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) versus its recycled and bio-based counterparts. The system boundary covers the plastics manufacturing and end-of-life plastic management stages (cradle-to-cradle/grave variant). Based on the data and assumptions set out in the research, recycled PET (rPET) demonstrates the best environmental profile out of the evaluated plastics in all impact categories. The study contributes to circular economy in plastics by providing transparent and consistent knowledge on their environmental portfolio.
In 2015 the Agenda 2030 was introduced, framed of 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) with 169 targets, which were adopted by the United Nations Member States and should bring prosperity and growth to the global society. In this paper a focus is given to the SDG 12 Sustainable consumption and production from the e-mobility perspective. SDG 12 aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns – it is about promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs, and a better quality of life for all. Many stakeholders from public and private sector are investing a lot of effort to identify consumer behaviour for future improvements in development of their green products and strategies Because sustainable mobility and consequently low emission vehicles (LEV) are closely related with sustainable consumption within the personal mobility this paper focuses on consumer segmentation of potential LEV buyers and their willingness to buy LEV. Results have revealed that the segment of potential alternative fuel vehicles buyers is much larger than we initially anticipated. Such vehicles are, surprisingly, also more attractive for the older population, according to our results.
The paper seeks to reveal the holistic approach to the sustainable consumption behaviour spill-over from workplace to private life. The results of theoretical research contribute to the development of sustainable consumption theory highlighting the importance of adequate human resource management practices for the spill-over effect. Previous research on the topic indicate their focus on the spill-over across domains, such as water, energy, etc. Consequently, there is a lack of conceptual background for further research, so the aim of the paper is to determine patterns how sustainable consumption behaviour can be spilled-over from workplace to private life. Conceptual framework is based on the preposition that workplace is considered as an inducing source, which can stimulate or draw-back sustainable behaviour both at workplace and in private life. The main findings of theoretical research, herewith the main elements of conceptual model are organizational and private life settings and their interrelation drivers which enable the sustainable consumption behaviour spill-over from workplace to private life.
Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie holistycznego podejścia do zrównoważonych zachowań konsumpcyjnych, które przenikają z miejsca pracy do życia prywatnego. Wyniki badań teoretycznych przyczyniają się do rozwoju teorii zrównoważonej konsumpcji, podkreślając znaczenie odpowiednich praktyk zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi dla efektu mnożnikowego. Wcześniejsze badania na ten temat wskazują, że koncentrują się one na rozprzestrzenianiu się między domenami, takimi jak woda, energia itp. W konsekwencji brakuje konceptualnego tła dla dalszych badań, więc celem artykułu jest określenie wzorców zrównoważonej konsumpcji zachowania, które można przenieść z miejsca pracy na życie prywatne. Ramy koncepcyjne opierają się na założeniu, że miejsce pracy jest uważane za źródło pobudzające, które może stymulować lub cofać zrównoważone zachowania zarówno w miejscu pracy, jak iw życiu prywatnym. Główne wyniki badań teoretycznych, a tym samym główne elementy modelu koncepcyjnego, to ustawienia organizacyjne i prywatne oraz ich wzajemne powiązania, które umożliwiają rozprzestrzenianie się zrównoważonych zachowań konsumpcyjnych z miejsca pracy na życie prywatne.
Based on concerns raised in other disciplines, the presented study aimed to investigate whether response bias affects the results of declarative research on ecological behaviour. The study was conducted in order to determine how the design and execution of declarative tests influenced the obtained results. A series of experiments was conducted in which the research techniques, persons delivering the surveys, or order of questions were changed or modified, or where little incentives were used. The tests showed that the results of declarative research on ecological behaviour is subject to response bias. The respondents declared rarer non-ecological behaviour in face-to-face interviews than in surveys, when the study was conducted by a lecturer, and when they were first asked to express their opinion on this type of behaviour. This effect weakened as the respondents answered further questions in the survey.
The article addresses the issue of upcycling as a new pattern of consumer behaviour, enabling the production of new goods from the previously used products, which prolongs their life. Such behaviour also leads to a reduction in the use of new products on a market basis and reduces the need to throw things out that have lost their former usefulness. Creativity is an important element of upcycling, which allows us to find new uses for things, which have previously been treated as useless rubbish or waste. Increasingly, large corporations take the example from individual and undertake activities related to upcycling of their products or convert things which have so far been treated as waste into starting material for manufacturing products. The activities described earlier are strengthened by the media, which promote the ideas of upcycling as a modern form of business, art and a new pattern of sustainable consumption. The following paper attempts to address these perspectives and indicates the opportunities and threats that are brought about by this phenomenon for the functioning of the communal services sector.
Artykuł porusza zagadnienie upcyclingu jako nowego wzorca zachowań konsumenckich, umożliwiających wytworzenie z zużytych wcześniej produktów nowych dóbr co przedłuża ich życie. Zachowania tego typu prowadzą również do ograniczenia korzystania z nowych produktów na zasadach rynkowych oraz zmniejszają konieczność wyrzucania rzeczy, które straciły swoją dotychczasową przydatność. Ważnym elementem upcyclingu jest kreatywność, pozwalająca znaleźć nowe zastosowanie dla rzeczy, które wcześniej były traktowane jako bezużyteczny śmieć czy odpad. Coraz częściej wielkie korporacje biorą przykład z osób indywidualnych i podejmują działania związane z upcyclingiem swoich produktów lub przekształcają rzeczy dotychczas traktowane jako śmieci w materiał wyjściowy do wytwarzania produktów. Działania opisane wcześniej wzmacniane są przez media, które promują idee upcyclingu jako współczesnej formy biznesu, sztuki oraz nowego wzorca zrównoważonej konsumpcji. Poniższe opracowanie próbuje odnieść się do tych perspektyw oraz wskazuje szanse i zagrożenia jakie te zjawisko niesie dla funkcjnowania sektora usług komunalnych.
Celem artykułu jest ukazania roli jaką odgrywa integracja koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (CSR) oraz koncepcji zrównoważonej konsumpcji i produkcji w procesie tworzenia i wdrażania eko-innowacji. Obecnie CSR jest uznawany za zobowiązanie przez większość organizacji biznesowych. Nadal jednak do rzadkości należy strategiczny CSR, który jest otwarty na zmianę modelu biznesowego i daje podstawę do rozwoju i wdrażania innowacji zmniejszających lub eliminujących negatywny wpływ biznesu na środowisko naturalne. Wsparcie dla tego kierunku rozwoju organizacji biznesowych stanowi rozwój koncepcji zrównoważonej konsumpcji i produkcji wymuszającej aktywne rozwijanie i wdrażanie eko-innowacji, nie tylko na poziomie pojedynczych firm, ale w skali całego cykl życia produktu.
The aim of the article is to present and discuss the role of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Consumption and Production concepts integration in the process of eco-innovations’ development and implementation. Nowadays majority of the business organisations consider CSR as the obligation. Unfortunately, not many of them implement strategic model of CSR that assumes the change of the business model towards more sustainable (including ecological) one. This direction of business development is supported by the Sustainable Consumption and Production concept as it pushes business towards eco-innovations’ development and implementation in the product life cycle.
In contrast to the escalating materialism and consumerism, more and more trends are emerging, aiming to reduce the negative effects of consumption on the environment and society. Responsible consumption is not only one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, but also an important way of implementing the remainder. The purpose of this article is to encapsulate the concept of a responsible consumer in the context of consumer behaviour noticeable nowadays, in view of the current topic, primarily based on a web and desk research analysis.
The issues discussed in this article focus on the presentation of the stages in reaching the ecologically-motivated market behavior by a consumer. It constitutes the main objective of the article. The paper consists of the theoretical part in which the stages in reaching the ecologically-motivated market behavior are described and the analysis of data on the level of environmental awareness among the Poles and their pro-ecological behavior in respect of the consumption. This article is based on the available references and secondary data provided by the Institute for Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Environment.
Prezentowane w artykule rozważania koncentrują się na przedstawieniu etapów dochodzenia konsumenta do zachowań rynkowych motywowanych ekologicznie. Stanowi to zasadniczy cel artykułu. Artykuł składa się z części teoretycznej, w której przedstawiono kolejne etapy dochodzenia konsumenta do zachowań rynkowych motywowanych ekologicznie oraz analizy danych dotyczących stanu świadomości ekologicznej Polaków i wykazywanych przez nich zachowań proekologicznych w sferze konsumpcji. Artykuł oparto na literaturze przedmiotu oraz danych wtórnych pochodzących z badań prowadzonych przez Instytut na Rzecz Ekorozwoju, Ministerstwo Środowiska.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono wielowymiarową ocenę zróżnicowania rozwoju społecznego województw Polski w latach 2005 oraz 2013. Analiza postępów regionów w realizacji koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekście ładu społecznego została oparta na rankingach województw w ramach obszarów tematycznych obrazujących poziom rozwoju społecznego, poziom spójności terytorialnej oraz kierunek i tempo zachodzących zmian w roku 2013 w porównaniu z rokiem 2005. Syntetyczne mierniki wyznaczone metodą TOPSIS ze wspólnym wzorcem rozwoju, przez łączną analizę wskaźników cząstkowych, pozwoliły ocenić ogólny poziom rozwoju regionów oraz uszeregować i pogrupować badane regiony ze względu na rozważane obszary tematyczne rozwoju społecznego.
The aim of this study was to estimate regional differentiation of social development of Polish voivodeships between 2005 and 2013 in the context of sustainable development. In the present study social differentiation of the regions was assessed by means of a synthetic measure TOPSIS with common development factor. The study uses the data of Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS).
Celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie barier oraz przedstawienie pozytywnych tendencji wprowadzania w Polsce koncepcji zrównoważonej konsumpcji.
The paper presents both the barriers and the possibilities in the implementation of the concept of sustainable consumption in Poland. At the beginning, the concept of sustainable consumption is discussed. Sustainable consumption as one important goal of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the years of 2016-2030 is presented. Following, there are obstacles and positive tendencies in the development of sustainable consumption in Poland are analysed. It has allowed compiling a summary which can help to develop the Strategy of Sustainable Consumption in Poland. The article uses the method of critical analysis of literature.
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