Mając na celu zmniejszenie wpływu na środowisko, a jednocześnie nadanie pozostałościom poprodukcyjnym drugiego życia, w ostatniej dekadzie wzrosło zainteresowanie ponownym wykorzystaniem i uszlachetnieniem ubocznych produktów żywnościowych pochodzących z przetwórstwa. Pozostałości z przemysłu owocowo-warzywnego, tj.: skórki, pestki, nasiona są dobrym źródłem białka, polisacharydów, błonnika, a przede wszystkim fitochemikaliów, które mają działanie przeciwutleniające i chronią ludzkie komórki przed uszkodzeniem oksydacyjnym. Wykorzystanie tak cennych pozostałości poprodukcyjnych umożliwia poprawę poziomu i warunków życia ludności, ogranicza stosowanie sztucznych dodatków (barwników i przeciwutleniaczy), eliminuje żywność wysoko przetworzoną, i co najważniejsze zwiększa produkcję wyrobów prozdrowotnych. Odpowiednio spreparowane pozostałości z owoców czy warzyw nadają się idealnie jako dodatki o właściwościach wzbogacających między innymi jogurty, makarony, ciastka, mięso i wyroby pochodzenia zwierzęcego.
With the goal of reducing environmental impact while giving post-production waste a second life, interest in reusing and refining food by-products from processing has increased over the last decade. Residues from the fruit and vegetable industry, i.e. peels, pips and seeds, are agood source of protein, polysaccharides, fiber and, above all, phytochemicals that have an antioxidant effect and protect human cells against oxidative damage. The use of such valuable post-production residues makes it possible to improve the standard and living conditions of the population, limits the use of artificial additives (dyes and antioxidants), eliminates highly processed food, and most importantly increases the production of health-promoting products. Properly prepared fruit or vegetable remains are ideal as additives with enriching properties, including yogurts, pasta, cookies, meat and animal products.
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The seasonal reversal of ocean circulation associated with seasonal change in the direction of prevailing winds and the occurrence of several anomalous events in the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO) make this region dynamic and complex in terms of its biogeochemical characteristics. Two multidisciplinary cruises were conducted to measure nutrients and associated physicochemical parameters across the water column (up to 1000 m) of the EEIO during boreal summer and winter monsoons to understand the distribution of nutrients and their spatio-temporal variability from a biogeochemical perspective. The seasonality in the thermohaline structure of the region is indistinct except for surface salinity drop during summer monsoon due to more precipitation on-site and in adjoining areas. Low concentrations of chlorophyll at the surface and in the deep chlorophyll maxima represent the oligotrophic nature of this region. Surface water was found nutrient-depleted (0.03–0.4 µM Nitrate, 0.02–0.13 µM Phosphate). The maxima of vertical profiles of nitrate and phosphate were recorded at a shallower depth (150–200 m) when compared to its maxima in usual oceanic conditions, but a silicate maximum was recorded in deeper water. In the surface and upper mixed layer paucity of nutrients resulted in low N:P and N:Si ratios. Therefore, nitrogen limitation is evident. The overall ratio of N:P yielded a mean value of 15.33 and matched with the representative literature value for the Indian Ocean. The minimum oxygen values (<50 µM) in the deep water (150–200 m) indicated a hypoxic condition. No signature of denitrification and a moderate nitrate deficit were observed in deep waters. The negative values of Nitrate anomaly (N-tracer) at 50–100 m depth were attributed to a Watermass influenced by denitrification. The prevailing oligotrophic condition caused limited synthesis of organic matter and subsequently little decomposition in deep water. The maxima in the apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) profile are confined to 150 to 200 m depth and represent the most active zone for regeneration that is limited to shallow depth. Regenerated nutrients reached maxima at shallower depth and primarily control material cycling in this region. Supply of nitrate to the surface water based on the preformed values of prevailing water mass was primarily by Bay of Bengal water. According to the findings of this study, preformed nitrate concentrations between 100 and 200 metres below the surface were found very low, indicating that Indonesian Through Flow (ITF) has little impact on the distribution of nutrients in this area.
The method of utilization of biomass ash in agriculture as an agrochemical is considered. Studies have shown that biomass ash contains a number of macro-and microelements essential for agriculture, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur. Based on the content of the main chemical components and physical and chemical parameters of wood and plant ash, conclusions are drawn regarding its use. Wood ash with a high calcium content is suitable for agromelioration of soils with a low pH value. Ash from agricultural crop straw with a high calcium and potassium content is suitable for the production of potash fertilizers, and with a high potassium and phosphorus content–for the production of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
Gospodarka cyrkulacyjna koncentruje się głównie na gospodarce odpadowej. Jednakże wraz z nowym paradygmatem dotyczącym odzysku na oczyszczalniach ścieków zasobów i energii, gdy stają się one coraz bardziej niedostępne, potencjał cyrkulacyjny niewątpliwie wzrośnie. Paradygmat gospodarki wodno-ściekowej ulega bardzo szybkim zmianom. W przeszłości bardzo ważnym celem była ochrona jakości wody. Obecnie akcent położony jest na realizację ochrony jakości wody przy najmniejszym koszcie społecznym. Paradygmat „N-E-W” kładzie nacisk na trzy kluczowe zasoby: Nutrienty, Energię i Wodę związane ze ściekami i osadami ściekowymi.
Circular economy focuses attention mainly on solid waste management. However, a new paradigm for recovery of resources and energy at wastewaters treatment plants, as vital resources have become increasingly scare, the potential for circularity will no doubt increase. The paradigm for water and wastewater management is changing very rapidly. In the past, one very important goal was protecting water quality. Presently, maintaining water quality protection at the least cost for society. The "N-E-W” paradigm focuses on recovery of three key resources: Nutrients, Energy, and Water present in wastewater and sludge.
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Among the many factors determining the quality of river waters, the influence of the hyporheic zone (HZ) is gaining in importance. Watercourses that exist in the higher parts of catchments are relatively steep and shallow, and the topography of their valleys activate hyporheic flow. The main goal of this work is to assess the impact of the HZ on the hydrochemical state of the head watercourse of the Malina in the suburbs of the city of Zgierz with the focus on biogenic compounds. The riverbed of this stream was researched across two distinct stretches: erosive and accumulative, which differ in the conditions for the hyporheic zone’s interaction with the riverbed. The nutrients are delivered to the stream mainly in the erosive stretch and are related to the inflow of nutrient-rich groundwater from the urbanised catchment. The pollutants transported down by the stream are then delivered to the HZ in the accumulative stretch, where nitrates are denitrified and phosphates are deposited with the suspension. Ammonium nitrogen, in turn, is introduced into the stream from the HZ as a result of either the process of ammonification of organic matter deposited in sediments or inflow with polluted groundwater. The results indicate that the winter season is the most important period in shaping the interaction of river waters with the underlying hyporheic zone, in which the causal side of the relationship should be associated with the subchannel environment, and the effects are recorded in the river waters.
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The article analyzes the impact of nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) supplied from the land on the waters of the Puck Lagoon (Gdańsk Basin, southern Baltic). The study is based on the numerical modelling. The model data was verified by comparison with the in situ measurement data. The spatial and temporal variability of the concentrations of nitrate, phosphate, and chlorophyll a were analyzed. We came to the conclusion that the load of nutrients deposited from the land side to the waters of the Puck Lagoon is relatively small (but not negligible compared to the Vistula River). However, even when a little runoff enters the reservoir with a very limited water exchange, like the Puck Lagoon, there are periods when riverine nutrients load significantly affects the functioning of the ecosystem.
The objective of the study was to trace the variability of the hydrochemical conditions in three lakes of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship (Poland) - Starzyca, Maszewskie and Nowogardzkie in the annual cycle. The research was done in 2018-2019, and samples for analysis were collected 4 times a year. All analyses were performed applying standard methods. Such hydrochemical indices were determined as dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, content of orthophosphates, total phosphorus, nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, chlorophyll a and iron. The study showed that all lakes in the research cycle were characterised by a polymictic type of water mixing, and the trophic level, based on the adopted criteria, indicated advanced eutrophy, which may also be caused by anthropogenic pressure. Oxygen conditions characterised by deoxidation of the waters in the bottom layer in the spring and summer seasons, and clear oxygenation in the surface water layer (in Lake Maszewskie reaching even 188.5% in the spring) confirm the significant advancement of the eutrophication process. The supply of phosphorus and nitrogen in spring from pelagic waters in the waters of the examined lakes influences concentrations of chlorophyll a in the summer. The influence of “internal supply” (bottom waters and bottom sediments) on the amount of nutrients available for autotrophs is clearly visible in the analysed lakes - an increase in nitrogen and mineral phosphorus concentrations in relation to surface waters was observed in the bottom layer.
Morocco is one of the countries most affected by the scarcity of water resources and the poor distribution of rainfall. Natural lagoon is the most widely used treatment process in Morocco. Indeed, Morocco is a sunny country throughout the year. The lagoon system requires minimal effort in operation and maintenance. Moreover, this system is the best process for removing bacteria indicators. For these reasons, a study of the purification performance of natural lagoons during five years, located in Chichaoua region (Morocco) was carried out. The lagoon system was monitored for five years, with measurements taken every three months at the input and output of the system. It received a hydraulic loading rate (HLR) between 1171 and 2760 m3 with an average of 2053 m3/day. The obtained results show the removal of 37% of TSS, 63% of BOD5, 60% of COD, 61% of NH4+, 37% of TP, and 6.5 log units of coliforms during the mentioned monitoring period. Thus, the effluent values do not always comply with the Moroccan water quality requirement for irrigation reuse. Additionally, the statistical analyses confirm the presence of a strong linear correlation between almost all variables in the lagoon output. Therefore, the performance efficiency of the lagoon in removing organic matter and nutrients was significantly (p < 0.05) dependent on the season. However, the fecal contamination was not significantly (p > 0.05) affected by the seasons in this study. At the end of this study a complementary treatment before the reuse of treated wastewater, was proposed.
The intensive development of industry generates a number of negative consequences, which leads to an ecological crisis. As a result, the soil on which plant products are grown is polluted by radionuclides, heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals. That is why in the early 1960s, the alternative farming, which is also called biological, biodynamic or organic, began to develop in Europe. The movement for alternative farming is widely developing in industrialized countries with a high level of chemization of agriculture. Therefore, the proposed topic is extremely relevant in terms of rational nature use, ensuring the sustainable development of territories, as well as food security in Ukraine. The article deals with agroecological assessment of suitability of agricultural land of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine for ecological farming and bases on the modern data from the Kherson branch of the state institution “Institute of Soil Protection of Ukraine”. Spatial modeling of the presence of nutrients in the steppe soil of Ukraine was made by the means of ArcGIS 10.1 product. Taking into account the obtained data and spatial modeling, the territories with soils of limited suitability for ecological farming occupy 67.2% (1194.5 thousand hectares) of the Kherson region, unsuitable soils are located on 16.7% (297.4 thousand hectares) of agricultural land of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine and suitable lands were detected on 16.1% (286.2 thousand hectares) of the territory of the studied lands. The conclusion was made that with the actual availability of lands occupied under ecological farming (4.3% or 75.9 thousand hectares), the territory of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine has a prime potential to increase the area under ecological farming by 4.2 times. Therefore, the article paid attention to ecological farming, taking into account the specifics of the content of trace elements in the steppe soils and their compliance with the methodology for determining whether soils belong to the categories of suitable, limited-suitability and unsuitable for ecological farming.
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Pływające wyspy hydrofitowe są coraz częściej spotykanym elementem krajobrazu - szczególnie na otwartych akwenach miejskich. Posiadają walory estetyczne, są rozwiązaniami opartymi na naturze, poprawiają mikroklimat, a przede wszystkim pełnią funkcję oczyszczającą. Do tej pory jednak nie udało się precyzyjnie sklasyfikować rozwiązań pływających wysp hydrofitowych (z ang. floating treatment islands) w nomenklaturze polskiej. Brakuje również specyficznych wytycznych do ich projektowania. W niniejszym artykule podjęto się wyjaśnienia idei metody, klasyfikacji systemu pływających wysp hydrofitowych, omówiono podstawowe mechanizmy usuwania zanieczyszczeń oraz wybrane zagadnienia projektowe. Praca powstała w wyniku realizacji projektu Preludium 18 [2019/35/N/ST8/01134].
The popularity and presence of floating treatment istalnds in the landscape is increasing rapidly, particularly on open urban reservoirs. They are distinguished by their aesthetic value, belong to nature-based solutions, improve the microclimate, and, most importantly, have a cleansing function. However, in the Polish nomenclature, floating treatment islands solutions have yet to be precisely classified. There are also no specific design guidelines. This article attempts to explain the method’s concept, classify the system of Floating Treatment Wetlands, discuss the basic pollutant removal mechanisms, and discuss selected design issues. The work was created as a result of the Preludium 18 project [2019/35/N/ST8/01134].
Zakwity wód zdominowane przez toksyczne sinice (cyjanobakterie) są ważnym problemem środowiskowym w erze antropocenu, obserwuje się wzrost ich zasięgu geograficznego oraz częstotliwości, w skali globalnej. W nizinnym, retencyjnym zbiorniku Sulejowski (Sulejów) rokrocznie odnotowywane są, w sezonie letnim, zakwity z sinicami z rodzaju Mircocystis oraz Aphanizomenon. Dodatkowo, pogarszający się stan wody związany jest z cyklicznym wystepowaniem hepatotoksyn sinicowych - mikrocystyn. Wieloletnie badania prowadzone na zbiorniku wskazują na wiodącą rolę stężenia biogenów oraz czasu retencji wody dla rozwoju toksynogennych cyjanobakterii.
Water blooms dominated by toxic cyanobacteria have been an important environmental problem in the Anthropocene, with an increase in their geographical extent and frequency, globally. In the Sulejów - lowland, retention reservoir, cyanobacterial blooms of the genera Mircocystis and Aphanizomenon are recorded annually, during the summer season. In addition, the worsening condition of the water is associated with the cyclic occurrence of cyanobacterial hepatotoxins - microcystins. Long-term studies conducted on the reservoir indicate the leading role of nutrient concentration and water retention time for the development of toxinogenic cyanobacteria.
Z roku na rok jakość wód powierzchniowych ulega znacznemu pogorszeniu. Woda jest zasobem niezbędnym do funkcjonowania ekosystemu, gospodarki, a także społeczeństwa.
The study was carried out to assess surface water quality in water bodies in Hau Giang province, Vietnam using individual surface water quality parameters and water quality index. In addition, the correlation of phytoplankton and zooplankton composition with surface water quality was also examined. The results showed that surface water quality in Hau Giang province was contaminated with organic matters, nutrients, iron and microorganisms. The water quality index (WQI= 37-84) showed that surface water ranged from moderate to good. A total of 164 species belonging to five phyla of phytoplankton were recorded with the density from 370–2260 individuals/L and 91 species belonging to five phyla of zooplankton with a density of 11,332–121,600 individuals/L. The predominance of the phytoplankton species Oscillaroria, Euglena, Phacus and the predominance of zooplankton species of the Nauplius, Rotifera and Protozoa signalize an aquatic environment rich in organic matters and nutrients. The correlation results showed that BOD, COD, NH4+-N, NO3--N and PO43--P were closely related to the density of phytoplankton while pH, DO, BOD, NH4+-N and coliform play an important role in determining the density of zooplankton species.
W dobie trendów promujących zdrowy styl życia nieustannie na popularności zyskuje tak zwany superfood, czyli z założenia nieprzetworzona żywność pochodzenia naturalnego, bogata w składniki odżywcze, których ilość i właściwości mają działać korzystnie na organizm człowieka.
The probabilistic model of municipal wastewater quality process is proposed in the chapter. The methods of its characteristics and parameters statistical identification and prediction are presented. Next the proposed model is practically applied to examine and characterized the quality of the municipal wastewater collected in the exemplary sewage treatment plant.
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Przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań jakości wody zbiornika Turawa przeprowadzonych w obrębie Instalacji Poprawiającej Jakość Wody w początkowym okresie jej funkcjonowania. Podano wyniki analizy zmian takich wskaźników wody, jak odczyn, przewodność elektrolityczna, azot azotanowy i fosfor fosforanowy. Analizy przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem statystyk podstawowych i testu rang Wilcoxona. Na podstawie wyników uzyskanych w analizowanym okresie 2020 r. sformułowano wnioski dotyczące stopnia poprawy jakości wody poprzez obniżenie zawartości biogenów w wodach tego zbiornika. Wskazano możliwe kierunki rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych, które borykają się z eutrofizacją retencjonowanych w nich wód.
Preliminary water quality tests in the Turawa reservoir were carried out within the Water Quality Improvement Installation in the initial period of its operation. The changes in such water indicators as pH, electrical conductivity, nitrate and phosphate content were tested. The analyzes were performed using descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The degree of improvement in water quality was assessed by reducing the content of nutrients in the waters of this reservoir. Possible directions of reclamation of water reservoirs that struggle with water eutrophication were indicated.
Milk and fermented milk drinks are foods rich in a range of essential nutrients. They include, among others highly digestible proteins, B vitamins, vitamins A and D, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. It is also worth noting that the use of bacterial starter cultures in the production of fermented milk drinks increases the bioavailability of some of these nutrients. The fermentation leading to the formation of such beverages therefore results in the end-products gaining not only a texture, aroma and taste different from milk, but also other properties. Increases, among others digestibility of their proteins, and as a result of the partial breakdown of lactose, they become more affordable for people with intolerance to this disaccharide. The nutritional value of milk and fermented milk drinks has a positive impact on human health. Among other things, the beneficial effect of the ingredients of these products on bone health and the ability to lower blood pressure have been proven, and the preventive role of milk in the risk of developing metabolic syndrome diseases has been confirmed.
Mleko i mleczne napoje fermentowane to produkty bogate w szereg niezbędnych składników odżywczych. Należą do nich wysoce przyswajalne białka, witaminy z grupy B, witaminy A i D, wapń, potas i fosfor. Warto także zauważyć, że użycie kultur starterowych bakterii podczas produkcji mlecznych napojów fermentowanych przyczynia się do zwiększenia biodostępności niektórych z tych składników odżywczych. Fermentacja prowadząca do powstania takich napojów sprawia zatem, że końcowe produkty zyskują nie tylko odmienną od mleka teksturę, zapach i smak, ale także inne właściwości. Zwiększa się strawność ich białek, a w wyniku częściowego rozpadu laktozy, stają się one bardziej przystępne dla osób z nietolerancją tego dwucukru. Wartość odżywcza mleka i mlecznych napojów fermentowanych ma swoje przełożenie na ich pozytywny wpływ na zdrowie człowieka. Udowodniono, między innymi korzystne oddziaływanie składników zawartych w tych produktach spożywczych na zdrowie kości, zdolność obniżenia ciśnienia krwi, a także potwierdzono prewencyjną rolę mleka w przypadku ryzyka rozwoju chorób zespołu metabolicznego.
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To understand the role of physical processes and their interannual variability on the dissolved nutrient concentration and phytoplankton biomass distribution, field data collected in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (ISSO) during the austral summer of 2009–2011 are used. In the subtropical zone, macronutrients were limited (N:P < 1, N:Si < 1, Si:P ≈ 1) and the phytoplankton biomass variability was mainly governed by the mesoscale eddy activity associated with the Agulhas Return Current. High nutrient low chlorophyll condition prevailed in the sub-Antarctic zone and further south. A South-North gradient of the upper layer dissolved SiO2 was higher than that of NO3. The sub-Antarctic zone was characterized by the highest N:Si ratio (>4) and it was associated with the enhanced draw down of silicate due to the winter/spring diatom blooms in the region. The chlorophyll-a (CHL) concentration in the Polar Frontal Zone was low (0.2 mg m–3) in 2009 and 2010 but it was high (0.5 mg m–3) in 2011. This increase in CHL in 2011 was due to the supply of dissolved iron from the strong winds and subsequent mixing during the winter of 2010. Further, the increased CHL values in the Antarctic zone (0.5 mg m–3) in 2011 compared to 2009 and 2010 could be due to the increased sea ice melting associated with positive Southern Annular Mode. The increased phytoplankton biomass in the summer of 2011 coincides with an increase in nitrate utilization (N:P≈13) compared to 2009 and 2010. Observations showed that ISSO frontal zones are characterized by inter-annual variability in terms of nutrient utilization and phytoplankton biomass production.
The study objective was to analyse the number of tourists present in the shore zone and bathing areas of lakes with regard to their tourist carrying capacity and the amount of biogenic substances potentially entering the ecosystem from the beach and bathing areas. The procedures from project between the EU and Poland, in the module “Development of the sanitary supervision of water quality” were used in three categories: physiological substances - sweat and urine; water-soluble and insoluble organic compounds; and biogenic elements - nitrogen and phosphorus. The research was conducted in two model mesotrophic lakes, Piaseczno and Zagłębocze, located in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland (eastern Poland). The data were analysed in reference to biological trophic status indices defining the limnological status of lakes in the summer of 2014 and 2016. Analyses of gross primary production of phytoplankton using the light and dark bottles method and the analysis of chlorophyll a concentration were applied using the laboratory spectrophotometric method. The relatively small number of tourists recorded in the shore zone of both lakes did not exceed their tourist carrying capacity, and their potential contribution of biogenic substances to the lake ecosystems was small. Biological trophic indices for both lakes indicated that they had been continually late-mesotrophic for decades. The amount of biogenic substances directly linked to beach tourism usually has a minor effect on the limnological status of mesotrophic lakes. Due to the specific character of lake ecosystems, however, even small amounts of these substances can contribute to the destabilisation of the biocenotic system.
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Zagospodarowanie komunalnych osadów ściekowych może być realizowane przy zastosowaniu procesu kompostowania, który jest formą recyklingu organicznego. Ze względu na wysokie uwodnienie osadów ściekowych, ich niską porowatość oraz niską proporcję węgla do azotu (C/N), uzyskanie odpowiedniego wsadu wymaga wprowadzenia materiałów strukturotwórczych i korygujących. W niniejszej pracy proces kompostowania osadów z materiałami lignocelulozowymi (słoma pszeniczna, zrębki drewniane) prowadzono w układzie dwustopniowym (1° — napowietrzany bioreaktor, 2° — okresowo przerzucana pryzma). Wykazano, że temperatura powyżej 55°C (warunki termofilowe) utrzymywała się do 6. dnia procesu, a po 2 tygodniach uległa obniżeniu do 40°C. W kompoście nie stwierdzono żywych jaj pasożytów jelitowych oraz bakterii z rodzaju Salmonella, co oznacza, że czas trwania fazy termofilowej był wystarczający do higienizacji osadów ściekowych. Mimo stosunkowo wysokiej zawartości materii organicznej w gotowym produkcie (766 g/kg s.m.), stabilny kompost uzyskano już po 60 dniach procesu, o czym świadczy wartość AT4 na poziomie około 10 g O2/kg s.m. Kompost charakteryzował się wysoką zawartością pierwiastków nawozowych (NPK), a stężenia metali ciężkich nie przekraczały wartości normatywnych.
Composting, as a form of organic recycling, may be used for municipal sewage sludge treatment. Due to the high moisture of sewage sludge, and both its low porosity and the carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N), to obtain the appropriate feedstock, bulking agents and amendments must be added. In the present study, the composting process of sewage sludge with the lignocellulosic materials (wood chips, wheat straw) was conducted in a two-stage system (1° — aerated bioreactor, 2° — periodically turned windrow). The temperature above 55°C (thermophilic conditions) maintained until the 6th day of the process, and after 2 weeks it decreased to 40°C. There were no live eggs of intestinal parasites and Salmonella bacteria in the compost. This means that the length of the thermophilic phase was sufficient for the sewage sludge hygienization. Compost had relatively high content of organic matter (766 g/kg dry matter), however, the product achieved stability only after 60 days of composting, as evidenced by the AT4 value on the level ca. 10 g O2/kg DM. Compost was characterized by a high content of nutrients (NPK) and heavy metals concentrations were below the normative values.
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