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Przegląd literaturowy dotyczący antropogenicznych źródeł zanieczysz czenia rtęcią (i jej związkami) Morza Bałtyckiego. Omówiono wpływ zatopionej amunicji konwencjonalnej i chemicznej, wraków statków, zdeponowanych odpadów przemysłowych na uwolnienie rtęci do wody i osadów dennych. Przedstawiono rolę licznych instytucji naukowych, organizacji rządowych, unijnych, międzynarodowych (w tym HELCOM) w monitorowaniu stanu wód Morza Bałtyckiego i przeciwdziałaniu kumulacji rtęci. Omówiono też skutki ratyfikacji przez państwa bałtyc kie Konwencji z Minamaty w sprawie rtęci. Obecnie nie obserwuje się nadmiernej akumulacji rtęci w elementach środowiskowych, realnie nie istnieje zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa ludzi, transportu morskiego, rybactwa i całego ekosystemu bałtyckiego. Pewne ograniczenia wska zane są natomiast w konsumpcji niektórych gatunków ryb bałtyckich.
A review, with 74 refs., of anthropogenic sources of Hg and its compds. polluting the Baltic Sea. The impact of sunken conventional and chem. weapons, shipwrecks, deposited industrial waste on the release of Hg into water and bottom sediments was discussed. The role of numerous scientific institutions, governmental, EU and international organiza tions (including HELCOM) in monitoring the state of the Baltic Sea wa ters and counteracting the accumulation of Hg was presented. Current ly, there is no excessive accumulation of Hg in environmental elements, there is no real threat to the safety of people, maritime transport, fish eries, and the entire Baltic ecosystem. However, certain restrictions were recommended on the consumption of some species of Baltic fish.
Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z 2021 r. pozwala na zdjęcie statusu odpadu z destruktu asfaltowego. Materiał taki musi jednak spełniać wytyczne dotyczące m.in. zawartości zanieczyszczeń organicznych, w szczególności wielkocząsteczkowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA). Zastosowanie materiału bez odpowiedniej analizy może wiązać się z wieloma zagrożeniami w stosunku do istniejących ekosystemów, w tym wodnych. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analizy wymywalności związków organicznych do ekosystemu wodnego. Przedstawiono wyniki badań próbek destruktów asfaltowych pobranych z 10 ulic w obrębie miasta Płocka. Badania realizowano pod kątem analizy właściwości chemicznych mogących stanowić potencjalne zagrożenie dla środowiska.
The Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 2021 allows for the removal of the waste status from reclaimed asphalt. However, such a material must meet guidelines regarding, among others, the content of organic pollutants, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Unfortunately, the use of material without analysis may involve a number of threats to existing ecosystems, including aquatic ecosystems. In the arcticle the authors present the results of the analysis of the leachability of organic compounds into the aquatic ecosystem. The results of testing samples of reclaimed asphalt for 10 streets in the city of Płock are presented. The research were carried out to analyze chemical properties that could pose a potential threat to the environment.
This paper presents the results of soundscape studies in office space used for work demanding high concentration. It demonstrates that acoustic pressure measurements are not the only factor influencing soundscape perception. The subjective assessment of an office space soundscape is of equal importance to objective acoustic measurements. A subjective assessment does not always overlap with measured values, while a negative soundscape contributes to diminished concentration, decreased work efficiency and more frequent mistakes among personnel. An acoustic environment can be improved not exactly by reducing noise, but rather by changing the ambient sounds to such that are more beneficial for maintaining concentration and focus.
Handel spożywczy stanowi niemal jedną trzecią rynku handlu detalicznego w Polsce. Pomimo trudnej sytuacji gospodarczej – szoków wywołanych pandemią COVID, wojną w Ukrainie i rosnącą inflacją – branża detalicznego handlu spożywczego odnotowywała w ostatnim okresie wysoką dynamikę wzrostu. Głównymi graczami na rynku pozostawały zorganizowane sieci handlowe. Artykuł prezentuje strukturę podmiotową, organizacyjną i własnościową branży detalicznego handlu spożywczego, w tym stopień koncentracji oraz udziały rynkowe największych detalicznych sieci handlowych zajmujących się sprzedażą artykułów spożywczych w Polsce.
Grocery retail trade accounts for almost one-third of the retail market in Poland. Despite the difficult economic situation – the shock caused by the COVID pandemic, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation – the agri-food retail industry has been witnessing high growth rates in recent years. The organized retail chains have remained the main market participans. The article presents the entity, organizational and ownership structure of the food retail industry, including the degree of concentration and market shares of the largest retail chains selling agri-food products in Poland.
The corrosion protection effect of the new S-1 reagent in media with the pH values of 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, as well as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide added separately and combined to the mentioned media, was first tested under laboratory conditions. The protective effect of reagent S-1 was weak in the corrosion medium without hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. However, as the acidity of the medium and the concentration of the reagent increases, the corrosion protection efficiency of the inhibitor also increases. The highest effect is observed at pH = 2.0 and reagent concentration of 30 mg/l. The corrosion protection effect of the reagent reaches 97% under these conditions. In the media with pH = 4.0 and pH = 6.0 without carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, the protective effect of the inhibitor at the optimal concentration of 30 mg/l is 66% and 64%, respectively. In the medium with added carbon dioxide, the protective effect of inhibitor S-1 decreases at pH = 2.0 and, on the contrary, increases at the values of pH = 4.0 and pH = 6.0. Also, as the pressure of carbon dioxide in the medium increases, the protective effect of inhibitor S-1 increases. When hydrogen sulfide is added to the medium, it causes an increase in the corrosion rate and the protection efficiency of inhibitor S-1. However, in the medium without inhibitor, the increase of hydrogen sulfide concentration only up to CH2S = 400 mg/l is accompanied by an increase in the corrosion rate at all values of pH. The addition of 1000 mg/l of hydrogen sulfide to the corrosion medium leads to the decrease in the corrosion rate in the medium without inhibitors and a slight decrease in the protective effect at the concentration of the inhibitor Cinh = 10 mg/l. As the concentration of inhibitor S-1 increases in the medium with the addition of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, its corrosion protection effect also increases. In the range of Cinh = 10–30 mg/l, when PCO2 = 0.5 atm and CH2S = 200 mg/l, the protective effect is estimated at 38–99%, and when CH2S = 1000 mg/l, it is estimated at 17–79%. At PCO2 = 1.0 atm, the value of protective effect is 22–95% and 14–76%, and finally at PCO2 = 2.0 atm, the value of the corrosion protection effect of inhibitor S-1 is estimated at 44–92% and 15–75%, respectively. The coexistence of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in an aggressive medium leads to an increase in the protective effect of inhibitor S-1 compared to the medium containing only carbon dioxide, and reduces it in comparison to the medium with hydrogen sulfide. An increase in carbon dioxide pressure in the presence of hydrogen sulfide causes a decrease in the protective effect of inhibitor S-1. The protective effect of inhibitor S-1 is lower in the medium with hydrogen sulfide concentration of 1000 mg/l compared to a concentration of 200 mg/l. This case is also observed in the carbon dioxide free medium.
Działanie antykorozyjne nowego odczynnika S-1 w agresywnych mediach o pH 2,0; 4,0; 6,0, a także dwutlenku węgla i siarkowodoru dodawanych osobno lub łącznie do tych mediów, zostało najpierw zbadane w warunkach laboratoryjnych. Działanie ochronne odczynnika S-1 było słabe w środowisku korozyjnym bez siarkowodoru i dwutlenku węgla. Jednak wraz ze wzrostem kwasowości medium i stężenia odczynnika wzrasta również skuteczność inhibitora w ochronie przed korozją. Najlepsze działanie antykorozyjne odnotowano przy wartości pH = 2,0 i stężeniu odczynnika 30 mg/l. Skuteczność ochronna odczynnika wynosi wówczas 97%. W medium o pH = 4,0 i pH = 6,0 bez dwutlenku węgla i siarkowodoru skuteczność ochronna inhibitora przy optymalnym stężeniu 30 mg/l wynosi odpowiednio 66 i 64%. W medium z dodatkiem dwutlenku węgla działanie ochronne inhibitora S-1 maleje przy wartości pH = 2,0 i odwrotnie wzrasta przy wartościach pH = 4,0 i pH = 6,0. Ponadto, wraz ze wzrostem ciśnienia dwutlenku węgla w środowisku wzrasta skuteczność ochronna inhibitora S-1. Dodanie siarkowodoru do medium powoduje wzrost tempa korozji i skuteczności ochronnej inhibitora S-1. Jednak w medium bez inhibitora wzrostowi stężenia siarkowodoru nawet do tak niskiej wartości jak CH2S = 400 mg/l towarzyszy wzrost tempa korozji przy wszystkich wartościach pH. Dodanie 1000 mg/l siarkowodoru do medium korozyjnego prowadzi do zmniejszenia tempa korozji w medium bez inhibitorów i nieznacznego zmniejszenia działania ochronnego przy stężeniu inhibitora Cinh = 10 mg/l. Wraz ze wzrostem stężenia inhibitora S-1 w medium z dodatkiem dwutlenku węgla i siarkowodoru, zwiększa się również jego działanie antykorozyjne. W zakresie Cinh = 10–30 mg/l, gdy PCO2 = 0,5 atm i CH2S = 200 mg/l, skuteczność ochronną szacuje się na 38–99%, natomiast przy CH2S = 1000 mg/l na 17–79%. Dla PCO2 = 1,0 atm skuteczność ochronna wynosi od 22–95% do 14–76%, a przy PCO2 = 2,0 atm skuteczność antykorozyjną inhibitora S-1 szacuje się odpowiednio na 44–92% i 15–75%. Jednoczesne występowanie dwutlenku węgla i siarkowodoru w agresywnym medium zwiększa skuteczność ochronną inhibitora S-1 w stosunku do medium zawierającego tylko dwutlenek węgla i zmniejsza ją w porównaniu do medium z siarkowodorem. Wzrost ciśnienia dwutlenku węgla w obecności siarkowodoru powoduje zmniejszenie skuteczności ochronnej inhibitora S-1. Ulega ona także zmniejszeniu w środowisku o stężeniu siarkowodoru 1000 mg/l w porównaniu do stężenia 200 mg/l. Ten przypadek obserwuje się również w środowisku bez dodatku dwutlenku węgla.
Laboratory and industrial studies have established the total impact of environmentally hazardous substances, taking into account the distance from the source of emissions and the specific consumption of explosives. With the help of physicochemical analysis and biological testing, the dependence of the change in the conditional indicator of damage to bioindicators with an increase in the distance from the source of emission and the specific annual consumption of explosives was revealed. A methodology for calculating the environmental assessment of the state of atmospheric air around the mine ventilation shaft has been developed. The exponential dependence of the influence of surface concentrations of environmentally hazardous substances on the damage of bioindicators at the cellular and organismic levels has been established, which makes it possible to assess the state of atmospheric air at industrial sites of iron ore mines. The proposed technology of sand drilling, which involves the use of emulsion explosives in mining ore deposits in chamber development systems will reduce emissions of environmentally hazardous substances into the atmosphere and increase the level of environmental safety of iron ore mines.
Among a number of climate-related factors, moisture has the greatest impact on crop productivity. In recent years, certain changes have been observed under conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine with regard to precipitation – from low to in some cases – abnormally high, which requires the study of their impact on the yield and safety of cereal grain for its forecasted production. The article examined the effect of a high level of soil moisture (256.2–272.5 mm) and a low level (47.4–52.3 mm) during the growing season (germination→earing) of spring barley grain on the accumulation of heavy metals in it and its productivity under the conditions of gray forest soils of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Spring barley varieties Helios and Caesar were selected for the research. A decrease in the accumulation coefficient at a high level of soil moisture (256.6–272.5 mm) in spring barley grain Pb from 8.3% to 11.3%, Cd – from 35.0% to 35.5%, Zn was established – by 15% and Cu – from 11.2% to 16.6% compared to the low level of soil moisture (47.1 mm – 53.3 mm). At the same time, it was found that with a high level of soil moisture, there is a decrease in the yield of Helios and Caesar spring barley by 18.0% and 14.1%, respectively.
This study aims to study carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (FTKL), which involves primary data through field studies with a quantitative approach. The CO sampling method involves 12 observation stations covering six main zones for eight days. Data are collected twice a day at night and day between 01:00 - 04:00 AM and 1:00 - 4:00 PM. The duration of the sampling is 30 minutes for one sample. Sampling time may vary for stations but still within the stipulated time. The instrument to measure CO is the Model Carbon Monoxide meter AS700A. The Analysis is descriptive. The findings show that the lowest value at night is stations 3 and 10, with an average concentration value of 5 parts per million (ppm). Simultaneously, the highest CO value in the afternoon is at station 1 and station 4, with a concentration of 12 ppm. The overall average at each station is high, between 7 to 12 ppm. Most stations show readings exceeding the WHO’s standard (5 ppm/hour). However, CO’s concentration is considerably under control because it does not exceed the standard limits of NAAQS and DOE. Overall, CO concentrations are higher in the day than in the morning and on weekdays than on weekends. In conclusion, vehicle increase significantly contributes to increased CO concentrations in Kuala Lumpur. The proactive and effective measures to reduce the well-being of life to maintain human health and the environment.
Content available remote Benzo(a)pyrene in PM10 - air monitoring results in Poland
Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) is an extremely toxic substance from the group of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). These compounds are formed mainly during combustion processes, and they are transported on the surfaces of suspended aerosol in the air. In Poland, both the concentration of suspended dusts and the amount of B(a)P are among the highest in Europe. The aim of the research was to compare levels of B(a)P concentrations in various locations in Poland. Based on multi-year data, coming from the period 2009-2019, linear trends in changes of these levels were determined with the least squares method. The annual courses of B(a)P concentrations in the air show clear seasonal variations. The highest concentrations are observed in the autumn-winter months, the lowest in the spring-summer months. The annual courses of B(a)P/PM10 ratio show clear seasonal variations. This ratio allows to evaluate the content of B(a)P in PM10 particles, expressed in ngB(a)P/μgPM10. The highest ratio values are observed in the autumn-winter months, the lowest ones in the spring-summer months. At most air monitoring stations, the assigned B(a)P concentration trend lines show a weak decline.
Purpose: This article aims to investigate the impact of polymer type and concentration in the fracturing fluid on the size and permeability of fractures during hydraulic fracturing. The aim is to predict the conductivity and productivity of the formed fractures in order to evaluate the cumulative gas production. Design/methodology/approach: The influence of polymer concentration in the fracturing fluid on the size and permeability of fractures was studied using the GOHFER software from Haliburton. Findings: The results of the study show that by combining the effect of increasing fracture size and decreasing the permeability of the proppant, a gas flow rate increase of 3.5 times was achieved. Research limitations/implications: High polymer concentrations lead to reduced permeability due to the accumulation of polymer residues and polymer skin. Practical implications: The conducted study on the impact of polymer concentration in the fracturing fluid on the size and permeability of fractures will allow for a more qualitative hydraulic fracturing process. Originality/value: This article presents how the concentration and type of polymer affect the width, thickness, length, and conductivity of fractures during hydraulic fracturing.
Content available Stability investigation of the pcm nanocomposites
Ensuring the stability is a key issue to be solved for the technical application of nanocomposites. In this work, fatty acid P1801 served as base phase change material (PCM)P1801, and its main ingredients are palmitic acid (58%) and stearic acid (38%). Titania (TiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) with mass concentrations of 1% and 5% were selected as nanoparticles, while polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or oleic acid (OA) with mass concentrations of 5% were tested as surfactants. On the basis of the measured temperature distributions in the sample, which is subject to melting and solidification processes, it was determined which of the tested nanocomposites are stable and which are not. In addition, a thermal test was proposed to assess the stability of the produced nanoPCM, which consists in measuring the temperature distribution versus time according to a precisely given procedure.
This research aims to explore how the flotation process conditions influence the rheological properties of phosphate rock slurry. The apparent viscosity of phosphate rock slurry was measured by Brookfield DVNext rheometer. Different mineral types, grinding time, slurry mass concentration and reagent systems were adopted to study the viscosity behavior of phosphate rock slurry. The results showed that under the same conditions, the apparent viscosity of apatite and dolomite slurry was basically the same, and the apparent viscosity of the slurry after mixing the two minerals was basically the same as that of single mineral. For the same slurry concentration, the mineral particle size had a significant effect on the rheological behavior of the slurry, and its apparent viscosity increased exponentially with the decrease of particle size. In addition, phosphate rock slurry showed shear thickening fluids characteristics when the slurry concentration is 20%-40%, but changed to pseudoplastic fluid at high concentration (60%). Sulfuric acid as pH regulator and inhibitor had little effect on the rheology of slurry; when GJBW and NaOL were added as collectors, the rheology of slurry changed, and the effect of GJBW was more obvious.
Heavy metals are an urgent environmental problem, since their high concentrations have a negative impact on soil chemistry. Solid domestic waste landfills are a direct source of heavy metals accumulation in soils. Landfills pollute and poison large areas around them. Heavy metals are concentrated in the surface layer of the soil 0–10 cm deep, and can later migrate into plants and further into living organisms. The article examines soil pollution by the total content of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Mn) in the areas adjacent to Tbilisi and Telavi (Georgia) landfills and on illegal landfill in the village of Anaga (Sighnaghi municipality). The results show that the soil cover of the territories adjacent to solid domestic waste landfills and illegal landfills is contaminated with heavy metals. The data obtained confirm the migration of heavy metals mainly in terms of the distance from the landfills. High concentrations of heavy metals in soils are characteristic of lead and cadmium. There is also a tendency towards a decrease in the content of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc with distance from the landfill of solid domestic waste.
The goal of the research was to determine of average asbestos dust values in different types of buildings and possible deviations from these values, when taking measurements in different rooms of the same building. Variability of fibres concentration was analyzed over short periods of time in different places of tested building. The study included various types of buildings containing asbestos, typical for Central and Eastern European countries with different construction. An analysis was made of the reasons for the diversity of dust concentrations ranging from < 300 to 16,000 fibres/m3 in connection with the building structure, asbestos location, degree of damage and intensity of building exploitation. Properly operated residential buildings containing asbestos inside outer sandwich walls features low concentration of dust < 300–400 f/m3. Novelty: Buildings not yet described by the literature were examined, as well as so-called emergency situations not related to the correct proceedings. This knowledge is necessary for the selection of technology in dismantling works and whether it is appropriate to remove asbestos from a given structure.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the location of the furniture industry in voivodships in Poland in 2016-2018. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses indicators of the share of business activity of the furniture industry (production value, employment, number of entities) of a given voivodship in the total activity (production value, employment, number of entities) of this sector in the whole country, CR concentration indicators, Herfindahl-Hirschman indexes, Lorenzo curve and location indicators. Findings: The obtained results confirmed the tendency of the furniture industry to spatial concentration in the layout of Polish provinces. The furniture industry was concentrated mainly in Greater Poland, as well as Warmia and Mazury, Lower Silesia, Lesser Poland and Mazovian voivodship, and it was these regions that were most important in building the national furniture industry. From an intra-regional perspective, the furniture industry had by far the largest share in the economy of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodship. Practical implications: The results obtained indicate which voivodeships are the most significant in creating the national furniture industry. The information may be used by the national authorities to create a policy of building competitiveness of the Polish furniture industry in the international arena. The information on the importance of the furniture industry in the economies of individual voivodships can be used by local authorities in building the competitiveness of the region. Originality/value: The article concerns the furniture industry, which is relatively rarely studied in the literature. It includes a study of the location of the industry entities in a spatial arrangement in two dimensions: degree of concentration and structure and intensity of specialization.
Recent reforms in the Ukrainian audit market should have been activated the competitiveness in the market. This paper explores concentration in the Ukrainian audit market in order to analyze the efficiency of these reforms. In this study, the annual data from the Audit Chamber of Ukraine over the period 2007 - 2019 is used. Using various statistical methods and specific market concentration indicators, the present study finds the pieces of evidence in favor of high concentration of the Ukrainian audit market and the failure of the reforms. The situation with the competitiveness only gets worse after them. The results of the study provide suggestions for improving the situation concerning the rising of market integrity principles, qualification of auditors in Ukrainian firms, and strengthening monitoring of audit quality in B4 and mid-tier companies.
Ostatnie reformy na ukraińskim rynku audytorskim powinny pobudzić konkurencyjność na rynku. Niniejszy artykuł bada koncentrację na ukraińskim rynku audytorskim w celu analizy skuteczności tych reform. W niniejszym opracowaniu wykorzystano dane roczne Izby Obrachunkowej Ukrainy za lata 2007 - 2019. Korzystając z różnych metod statystycznych i określonych wskaźników koncentracji rynku, niniejsze badanie znajduje dowody na korzyść wysokiej koncentracji ukraińskiego rynku audytorskiego i niepowodzenia reform. Sytuacja z konkurencyjnością tylko się po nich pogarsza. Wyniki badania dostarczają propozycji poprawy sytuacji w zakresie podnoszenia zasad uczciwości rynku, kwalifikacji biegłych rewidentów w firmach ukraińskich oraz wzmocnienia monitoringu jakości badania w firmach B4 i mid-tier.
This work is devoted to study the effect of thermal conditions and concentrations on the diffusion permeability of a cation exchange membrane (MK-40) using sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium acetate (C2H3NaO2) and acetic acid (CH3COOH) solutions, which are usually highly concentrated components of pigment yellow 13 of industrial wastewater. A cell containing two compartments was used to analyze the properties of membrane. The results showed that the maximum diffusion permeability coefficients for NaCl, C2H3NaO2, and CH3COOH were 6.08×10-9 m2/s, 13.29×10-11 m2/s, and 25.95×10-11 m2/s, respectively. The increase in the CH3COOH solution concentration was found to improve the diffusion permeability. However, the NaCl and C2H3NaO2 solutions exhibited decreases in diffusion permeability with solution concentration. There was a significant increase in diffusion permeability with temperature.
A method for the production of multicomponent fruit and vegetable paste has been developed. All components were selected considering the content of physiologically functional ingredients. The method is distinguished using the developed innovative equipment: a multifunctional apparatus for the implementation of preliminary heat treatment of raw materials; rotary film evaporator for concentrating puree. The developed devices are distinguished by increased resource efficiency due to heating with a low-temperature film electric heater with a temperature regime in the range of 45-70 °C. The study of structural and mechanical parameters and organoleptic evaluation of the prototypes allowed to reveal the rational content of raw materials in the developed paste: apples – 30%; viburnum – 20%; black chokeberry – 20%; pumpkins – 20%, beets – 10%.
Purpose: The paper shows that in order to increase the efficiency of hydraulic transport systems in mining a transition to the transportation of slurries with a high concentration of solids in the slurry flow is necessary. Design/methodology/approach: The aim of the research is to determine the optimal concentrations to ensure effectiveness of thickened tailings hydrotransport using the example of the Verninskaya processing factory, taking into account the maximum possible concentration of the solid phase and the rheological properties of the pulp. Findings: Experimental studies have shown that slurry tailings of gold-containing ore with mass concentrations of more than 55% are viscoplastic fluids. Experiments on a rotational viscometer allowed us to establish the main rheological characteristics of the studied slurries — shear stress and the dynamic effective viscosity. It has been established that over the entire range of concentrations from 55 to 65%, the flow of slurries is described by the Bingham rheological equation. Experimental studies of hydraulic transport performed on a laboratory setup with a pipeline diameter of 50 mm confirmed the results obtained on a rotational viscometer. Curves of mixture stream are inclined straight lines that cut off on the axis of head of the sections, which determine the initial hydraulic slope corresponding to the yield shear stress on the rheological curves. Originality/value: According to the results of the experiments, a method has been developed for calculating the hydraulic transport of high concentrated slurries of tailings of gold-bearing ore. Calculations showed that in a given range of performance of hydrotransport system and the mass concentration of the solid phase pressure losses vary from 11 to 84 m water column/m. Head loss values grow with increasing concentration. A sharp increase in head loss occurs in the concentration range from 60 to 65% and above.
Desert sand is subject to deflation, which during the construction and operation of railways in the sandy desert leads to the filling of the railway track with sand and erosion of subgrade. To prevent this phenomenon, the surface of the sand is fixed with a binder, which is sprayed onto a deflated surface. The penetration of the working composition of the binder due to the characteristics of grinding is accompanied by an uneven distribution of the substance, which is proposed to characterize the saturation coefficient. Peculiarities of the interaction of the binder and sand from which the protective crust is formed are revealed, which made it possible to change the nature of the impregnation. Pre-wetting allows to reduce the pore space of sand, change the nature of the transfer of the substance when impregnated into the capillary, and increase the uniformity of impregnation, which as a result allows to obtain a resource-saving solution when fixing the movement of sand.
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