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Omówiono dołączone do Ustawy z dnia 20 kwietnia 2004 roku o substancjach zubożających warstwę ozonową, Rozporządzenia, które nakładają na podmioty używające lub dokonujące obrotu substancjami kontrolowanymi następujące obowiązki: prowadzenia ewidencji tych substancji, sposobu oznakowania pojemników i urządzeń nimi napełnionych, prowadzenia karty urządzenia, przeprowadzania okresowych przeglądów szczelności, posiadania świadectwa kwalifikacji, a także posługiwania się odpowiednim wyposażeniem. Dołączono stosowne załącznika z omawianej ustawy.
The paper deals with decrees that were issued on the basis of the legislation act of April 20th, 2004 on the substances that deplete the ozone layer. These decrees impose the following requirements for persons that use or turnover of controlled substances: to keep a record of these substances, marking of vessels and devices filled up with these substances, to keep records in cards of these devices, to make inspection of tightness of the installations, to possess the certificate of qualification and to use the appropriate equipment. The attachments to the discussed decrees have been presented in the paper.
One of the tools which helps improve environmental responsibility is management accounting directed at environmental protection. For this reason, the article attempts to answer the question whether it is really necessary to direct accounting at environmental protection and to what extent it is obliged/encouraged by the legislation?
Content available remote Trzy ustawy kolejowe
Wybrane, ważniejsze postanowienia zawarte w przyjętych przez Parlament 16.12.2005 r. ustawach : o Funduszu Kolejowym, o zmianie ustawy o transporcie kolejowym i o zmianie innych ustaw oraz o finansowaniu infrastruktury transportu lądowego. Zwiększenie środków publicznych na dofinansowanie transportu kolejowego, głównie infrastruktury. Zmiany w ustawie o transporcie kolejowym - krytyczna ocena niektórych przepisów.
Chosen, more important decisions contained in laws received by Parliament on 16.12.2005 r. about: Railway Fund, change of the law about railway service and about the change of another laws as well as about financing the land transport infrastructure. Increase of public sources on train service refinancing, mainly infrastructure. Changes in law about railway service - critical opinion of some recipes.
Zasadniczą konstrukcją ustawy Prawo Ochrony Środowiska stała się instytucja prawna planowanego przedsięwzięcia mogącego znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko, które w ustawie podzielono na dwa rodzaje, tj. przedsięwzięcia, które zawsze wymagają sporządzania raportu o oddziaływaniu na środowisko i takie, dla których ten obowiązek jest ustalony postanowieniem organu właściwego do wydania decyzji. W artykule szeroko przedyskutowano konsekwencje takich zapisów w ustawie Prawo Ochrony Środowiska.
The primary construction of the Environmental Protection Law has become the law institution of a planned project that could affect significantly the environment. The projects are divided in the law into two types, i.e. 1) projects that always require to be reported on their affecting the environment, and 2) those for which this duty is established by a provision of a respective organ giving a decision. In the paper discussed are widely consequences of such settlements in the Environmental Protection Law.
Content available Organized Crime and Legislation against crime
“Today, organized crime is affecting every segment of our society. It is a disease which infects everything that comes into contact with it. It is an insult added to every law-abiding citizen. It is high time our governments made a note and, moreover, took immediate action. Perhaps tomorrow will be late.” Organized crime is a form of criminality manifestation, perhaps its most specific type. It is a phenomenon that causes horror as much as wonder about the way it works and, at the same time, a sort of lure for its mystery and the particular way of comprehension. For years and years it has inspired volumes of writing, plenty of which have become best-sellers, or have produced blockbusters, arousing amazing mass interest. That is because criminal organizations and their activity have been to society both a tangible everyday reality and a remote thing, beyond comprehension. Many authors have researched into organized crime and criminal organizations, pointing out their characteristics and specifics. They attribute such features to it as a perpetual connection of many people engaged in criminal activity, an organizational hierarchy with a great power of the leaders, the domination of rule and order, discipline and responsibility among the members, imposed solidarity, maintaining the secrecy of activity and of the organization, and the international character of their activity. Unfortunately, there are a large number of worldwide notorious criminal organizations. Over time, they have been discovered and studied by various criminologists, who have managed to provide sufficient information on the specific features of each of them, the activities on which they focus and the territories in which they operate. But what means should we use in order to face organized crime today? It is necessary that differentiated strategies be studied according to the type of the mafia organization against which a concrete operation is to be launched. The strategy should also be coordinated not only in national level but also internationally, because the international character of organized crime is already an established fact.
As a result of the legal regulations in the period after the 1989-1990 transition, teachers working in public education, in our case physical education teachers, were engaged in several activities which were not directly related to the competence of in-school educational work. Consequently, there has been a shift in their scope of activities. The author of this paper is interested in the experience of physical education teachers during the period. The objective of the paper is to reveal what effects such a comprehensive and permanent change had on the teaching of physical education in schools, and on the life of physical education teachers. In order to investigate the subject of research the analysis of legislative documents, in-depth interviews and the survey method were applied. The results show that in the period after the 1989-1990 transition, the work of teachers was not only hindered by the structural changes in accordance with educational legislation and the permanent amendment of documents, but the lack of consistency in pedagogical work as well. For the teachers taking part in the preparation of curricula, the extension of their activities resulted in a double workload. The decision that marks were replaced with textual evaluation in grade 1 of primary schools was not received positively on the part of physical education teachers. Based on the results it can be concluded that the efficient work of physical education teachers would be greatly assisted by more predictable legislation, which would ensure the possibility of planning in advance. Olympism, Olympic culture, sports education, pedagogy of sport
The author discusses the procedure for providing information to the Sejm during the legislative process. He describes legal solutions requiring the use of expert assistance at different stages of the process. He also discusses ways to ensure compliance of new bills with European Union law.
Content available Diocesan Synod Today. In What Shape?
The Second Vatican Council shaped a new model for a diocesan synod, which was adopted, among others, in Poland, and is characterised by a departure from making the norms of particular law and the popularisation of the council teaching in particular Churches. On the other hand, after the promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law in 1983, the diocesan synods adjusted the diocesan law to the code norms. When this period of the reception of the code law to the diocesan legislation achieved its result, the final resolutions of the subsequent diocesan synods, which were usually extensive, do not meet - to a large extent - the requirements set by the documents of the Holy See: Instruction of the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Nations of 1997 and the Directory of the Congregation for Bishops Apostolorum successores of 2004. The author calls for the use of these enunciations so that diocesan synods can be an effective tool for the renewal of a particular Church.
tom Nr 12
Omówiono obowiązujące ustawy, znowelizowane w 2001 roku, dotyczące całokształtu gospodarki odpadami. Ustanowione akty prawne uwzględniają europejskie dyrektywy i są zgodne z prawodawstwem Unii Europejskiej. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na definicje podane w ustawach, interpretując ich znaczenie i odmienność w stosunku do wcześniejszych umocowań prawnych. Analiza zakończona jest omówieniem opłat i kar za składowanie odpadów.
The acts in force have been discussed updated in 2001 and regarding the whole sphere of wastes management. The accepted legal acts take into account European directives and are in conformity with the legislature of the European Union. Particular attention has been paid to definitions presented in the acts interpreting their meaning and difference as against earlier legal regulations. The analysis ends up with discussion on fees and penalties for storage of wastes.
This article researches the situation on the photovoltaic markets in Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. It is focused on market analysis and prediction together with specific conditions on each market. An upward trend on photovoltaic markets is expected due to the favourable conditions given by the national governments and the European Union. However, state legislation harms competitive environment. There are no big differences between customers’ preferences in product features.
W artykule przedstawiono odpowiednie przepisy, wynikające ze stosowania prawa ochrony środowiska, prawa budowlanego, o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, prawa wodnego i o ochronie przyrody, regulujące wszelkie działania w zakresie ranatu-ryzacji. Omówiono również najważniejsze akty prawne prawa międzynarodowego mogące mieć wpływ na realizacje tego typu przedsięwzięć.
The paper presents regulations resulting from applying the environmental protection law, building code, site planning rules, the water Act and the preservation of nature law in the field of recovery of natural conditions. There have been also presented the most important international regulations which may influence the realization of undertakings of that kind.
W krajach Unii Europejskiej obowiązującymi przepisami dotyczącymi produkcji soków i nektarów są: Dyrektywa Rady 93/77/EWG z 21 września 1993 r. dotycząca soków owocowych i niektórych produktów zbliżonych oraz Dyrektywa Komisji 93/45/EWG z 17 czerwca 1993 r.. dotycząca wytwarzania nektarów bez dodatku cukru lub miodu. Dyrektywy te definiują zasady wytwarzana SOKÓW i nektarów przeznaczonych do spożycia.
This article is devoted to the interpretation and implementation of digital technologies in the field of administrative services. The article analyzes the laws and by-laws that regulate the use of digital technologies in the field of administrative services. The problematic aspects of the legislative system development are suggested. The legal regulation of providing electronic services and the role of Administrative Service Centers in this process are investigated. The quality of provided digital services is one of the most important factors that will affect the effectiveness of change and build public confidence in local governments and public authorities. The article is devoted to perspective directions of work on introduction and use of information and telecommunication technologies in the sphere of administrative services. There is a need in legislative regulation and protection of e-identification tools.
Content available Pomoc państwa dla przedsiębiorstw kolejowych
W grudniu 2007 r. Generalna Dyrekcja ds. Energii i Transportu opublikowała wstępny projekt dokumentu "Wspólnotowe wytyczne dotyczące pomocy państwa na rzecz przedsiębiorst kolejowych". Dokument ten został przedstawiony do konsultacji, jak okreslili jego twórcy, nie musi odzwierciedlać on stanowiska Komisji Europejskiej. W konsekwencji dokument ten nie może być podstawą żadnych roszczeń. Mimo tego zastrzeżenia prawnego zawarte w dokumencie propozycje warte są szczegółowej prezentacji oraz próby oceny ich wpływu na funkjonowanie rynku przewozów kolejowych w Unii Europejskiej. Po zakończeniu konsultacji wiele z proponowanych rozwiązań staż się może obowiązującymi.
Existing research data are not able to give a convincing proof that the death penalty deters people from committing crimes more efficiently than other punishments. However, in many countries, including European Union countries, the restoration of this strictest kind of penalty is under discussion. In 1966 there was passed the International Pakt on Civil and Political Rights, which included the right of every human being to the “nherent right to live”. As a consequence of that, in many countries the death penalty for the most serious crimes has been abolished. To 1998, in 167 countries the death penalty was ablished and 14 other anounce this verdict it only for war crimes. In 24 countries executions ceased to take place in practice (de facto amnesty) – despite the existence of capital punishment in domestic legislation. Currently, death sentences are used in over 60 countries worldwide. Within European countries the death penalty is carried out only in Belarus. In Czechoslovakia, the death penalty was abolished in 1990. The article presents the “way” of the legislation of the death penalty applicable in the Czech Republic and in the territory of Slovakia. Author cites various stages of evolution of sanctions in the form of capital punishment in the legislation of Czechoslovakia since 1950 to the current interpretation of the prohibition of the death penalty in the Penal Code in the Republic of Slovakia. As a conclusion, after the presentation of arguments “pro” and “contra”, the author declares the death penalty as unacceptable.
Content available The Economics of Child Labor
Many commentators attribute the decline of child labor in advanced economies to legislation prohibiting this practice. But another view asserts that the amount of child labor declined because rising affluence curbed the demand for and the supply of child laborers. Growing prosperity and cultural changes made it more convenient to educate children, thereby absolving the need for this practice. Although the decline of child labor is best explained by material prosperity, it will be demonstrated in this paper that not only can abolishing child labor be counterproductive, but in some cases, it is a vital platform for the accumulation of human capital. Did child labor all but end in advanced countries because of legislation prohibiting it? Or was it due to the fact that these economies were so well developed, so wealthy, that they could afford to keep youngsters in school instead? The former view is the most popular, the latter, the most correct, as we show in this paper.
Spożycie słodzików na całym świecie wzrasta z roku na rok. Coraz większe zapotrzebowanie na tego typu substancje mobilizuje do prowadzenia badań nad nowymi sposobami wytwarzania i pozyskiwania substancji intensywnie słodzących. Pojawienie się nowych substancji tego typu rozpoczyna cały ciąg procedur prawnych mających na celu sprawdzenie bezpieczeństwa ich stosowania w żywności, w farmaceutykach czy kosmetykach, a w efekcie dopuszczenie ich do obrotu i określenie warunków ich stosowania. Należy jednak pamiętać, że przepisy prawne obligują jednocześnie do ciągłej obserwacji dopuszczonych substancji słodzących, a nawet ich ponownej oceny w przypadku zmiany warunków ich stosowania lub pojawienia się nowych informacji naukowych na ich temat.
Sweeteners consumption worldwide is increasing from year to year. Increasing demand for these substances is mobilizing to conduct research on new ways to manufacture and to obtain sweeteners. Appearance of new substances of this type starts a whole string of legal procedures aimed at verifying the safety of their use in foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and ultimately placing on the market and determine their conditions of use. Note, however, that the legislation oblige both to the continued monitoring of permitted sweeteners, and even the re-evaluation in case of changing conditions for their use or appearance of new scientific information about them.
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