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Seren Bjorn, who died in 1819, "a royal Prussian supervisor of plantations" in Gdańsk wrote an extremely interesting book. "A glance at the advantages of good treating of Prussian willows", (Gdańsk 1804), translated into Polish by K. C. Mrongovius. Bjorn presented willow species which he considered the most valuable in cultivation and use. He argued that willows were a very valuable tree group which, due to the abundance of species and varieties adapted to all habitats. The author of the article supports the views of the Dane. The willow, however, is still an underestimated and underutilised tree species.
Zmarły w 1819 r. Seren Bjern, "królewsko-pruski ober-inspektor platacyów" w Gdańsku, jest autorem niezwykle interesującej książki "Rzut oka na pożytki z przyzwoitego traktowania wierzb pruskich wynikające" (Gdańsk 1804), tłumaczonej na polski przez K. C. Mrongoviusa. Autor przedstawia w niej gatunki wierzb, najcenniejszych według niego do uprawy i gospodarczego wykorzystania. Udowadnia, że wierzby stanowią niezwykle cenną grupę roślin dzięki bogactwu gatunków i odmian dostosowanych do wszystkich typów siedliska. Autorka artykułu przyznaje słuszność gdańskiemu Duńczykowi, choć wierzba nadal jest drzewem nie docenianym i nie wykorzystywanym.
The urban design of Gdańsk - as in the case of other European cities - incorporates a successful inclusion of alleys in the city's layout. The author begins the description with the symbolic alley, a painting by Izaak van den Blocke on the plafond of the Red Room in the Gdańsk Town Hall, named „the allegory of the Gdańsk trade”, or „the apotheosis of Gdańsk”. The second one, the Grand Alley, was established in the 17th century, it is one of the oldest public green areas in Poland. The third alley lies in the Oliwa monastery garden. All the three alleys were established at the peak development of Gdańsk, and they have the sea in the background.
W założeniach urbanistycznych Gdańska - jak i wielu innych miast europejskich - stosowano z powodzeniem również aleje. Ich opis autorka zaczyna od alei symbolicznej, malowidła Izaaka van den Blocke na plafonie Sali Czerwonej w ratuszu Głównego Miasta, nazywanego „alegorią handlu gdańskiego” albo „apoteozą Gdańska”. Druga, Wielka Aleja powstała w XVII w., to przykład najwcześniejszy realizacji miejskiej zieleni publicznej w Polsce. Trzecia to aleja w opackim ogrodzie w Oliwie. Wszystkie powstały w szczytowym okresie rozwoju Gdańska, wszystkie mają w perspektywie morze.
Amber, a mysterious fossil called the Baltic gold, has been utilised by man from neolith to present days. A kind of cultural aura has accompanied amber throughout thousands of years, including a number of interconnected elements: principles regarding its extraction, trade, processing skills, tradition, fashion. The author discusses these problems referring to Gdańsk, one of important historical amber processing centres, located in the amber route.
Bursztyn, kopalina o tajemniczych właściwościach, nazywana „złotem Bałtyku”, użytkowana jest przez człowieka od neolitu po dzień dzisiejszy. Przez tysiąclecia wytworzyła się wokół bursztynu otoczka kulturowa, składająca się z wielu wzajemnie splecionych wątków: zasad wydobycia, handlu, techniki przetwarzania, obróbki, tradycji, mody. Problemy te opisuje autorka w powiązaniu z Gdańskiem, jednym z ważniejszych historycznych ośrodków przetwarzania bursztynu, leżącym na dawnym bursztynowym szlaku.
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Gdańsk and Pomerania should be considered the cradle of world movement for protecting nature monuments as modern concept of nature conservation was developed by Hugo Conwentz, the head of the Provincial Museum living in Gdańsk at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries (1855-1922). He was a naturalist conducting very active organisational and scientific activity in Gdańsk. The author presents his activity versus similar movements in other countries, with special emphasis on Polish provinces.
Gdańsk i Pomorze Gdańskie należy uznać za kolebkę światowego ruchu ochrony pomników przyrody. Twórcą nowocześnie pojmowanej ochrony przyrody byl bowiem Hugo Conwentz, żyjący w Gdańsku na przełomie stuleci — 1855-1922, przyrodnik, dyrektor Muzeum Prowincjonalnego. Właśnie w Gdańsku rozwinął bardzo ożywioną działalność organizacyjną i naukową. Autor omawia działalność Conwentza na tle podobnych ruchów w świecie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ziem polskich.
Safety and cybersecurity aspects consist of two different group of functional requirements for the industrial control and protection systems in the oil port installation. It is the main reason why the analyses of safety and cybersecurity shouldn’t be integrated directly. These article presented some important issues of the functional safety analysis with regard to cybersecurity aspects in the oil seaport infrastructure. The proposed approach will be composed of the following items: process and procedure based safety and cybersecurity management, integrated safety and cybersecurity assessment of industrial control system (ICS). The problem is illustrated on practical example of the part oil seaport installation. A method based on quantitative and qualitative information is proposed for the SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) verification with regard of the evaluation assurance levels (EAL) (ISO/IEC 15408), the security assurance levels (SAL) (IEC 62443).
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In considering Gdańsk’s environmental problems not only environmental hazards but also nuisances to the residents are taken into account: poor municipal infrastructure, roads, heating network, natural gas supply system, water pipes, and stormwater and sanitary systems. Problems specific to Gdańsk are exemplified by revitalisation of old districts in the city centre, where industrial activity has been abandoned and which can be used for other purposes, while preserving their cultural values.
W Gdańsku przy rozpatrywaniu problemów ochrony środowiska uwzględnia się nie tylko zagrożenia dla środowiska, ale również uciążliwości dla życia mieszkańców: zły stan infrastruktury miejskiej, dróg, sieci ciepłowniczej, gazowej, wodociągowej, kanalizacji deszczowej i sanitarnej. Specyficzne zaś, gdańskie problemy, to rewitalizacja starych dzielnic w centrum miasta, które obejmują tereny, z których przemysł wycofał się i które mogą być wykorzystane na inne cele, z zachowaniem ich walorów kulturowych.
The year 2015 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of Fr. Henryk Jankowski, the „Solidarity” union chaplain who, while working in the parish enclosing the industrial areas of the City of Gdańsk, went with the pastoral service to the striking shipyard workers in August 1980. The article „Were Fr. Henryk Jankowski’s Travels the Realisation of his Charism?” presents the parish priest of St Bridget’s Church who read his vocation to the priesthood to the neighbours. It covers the period 1970 – 2010. At that time Fr. Jankowski performed responsibly his role as the parish priest and the chaplain of working people. During his not easy priestly service he often travelled outside the parish. Both on his business and private trips he established cordial contacts not only with the donors but primarily with the people in distress. The article is of a fragmentary, and not of an exhaustive character. The reflections on Fr. Jankowski, his activity are still present in the consciousnessof his former colleagues, friends and the other people who experienced his kindness. The publication has been developed on the basis of the archive and library materials, the press articles and the interviews with the people related to Fr. Jankowski. It is original and it has not been published before. The gathered material has permitted to divide the article into three relatively small chapters. In the first one the author has presented the profile of the protagonist. The second one has described his contacts in Poland, whereas the last one has been devoted to his foreign visits, his way of implementing the priestly charism. The article is based on the historical method applying the comparison of the documents from different sources.
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Great celebration of the Gdańsk’s millennium, honoured by presence of monarchs and presidents awoke great interest in Gdańsk. Local government has elaborated a plan for city development by 2010. Some elements of the plan have been already launched: a modern airport, yacht port, wastewater treatment plant. Principles for foreign investments are under preparation. International Gdańsk Fair, ranking third in Poland and highly esteemed abroad, favour economic development. The Gdańsk president also presents cultural and artistic status of Gdańsk.
Uroczyste obchody 1000-lecia, uświetnione wizytami monarchów i prezydentów, wzbudziły ogromne zainteresowanie Gdańskiem. Samorząd gdański opracował program rozwoju miasta do roku 2010. Niektóre jego punkty są już realizowane — nowoczesny port lotniczy, port jachtowy, oczyszczalnie ścieków. Opracowuje się warunki dla inwestycji zagranicznych. Rozwojowi gospodarczemu służą Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie, z trzecią lokatą w kraju, o dużej renomie zagranicznej. Prezydent Gdańska w wywiadzie mówi również o randze kulturalnej i artystycznej miasta.
Late medieval last wills of burghers have aroused a growing interest among researchers in the last few decades as they constitute a source of information about economic, social and religious life, the family and mentality also in the Hanseatic zone. Last wills from Cologne,Hamburg,Stralsund and Lübeck have already been examined. Thus, Beata Możejko’s research on the last wills of Gdansk burghers was a justified initiative. However, the research turned out to be unsuccessful. Insufficient linguistic and palaeographic knowledge resulted in incorrect translations of many testaments. Some relevant fragments failed to be included in the translation. | e construction assumptions of the research raise objections as the social status of the majority of testators was not analyzed, nor the legal aspects of the last wills. That is why this important field in the history of Gdansk is still open to competent and in-depth research.
The paper reports the reconstruction of monthly precipitation series in northern Poland. The source database comprised series from 12 stations, with data ranging from 1880 to 2008. Firstly, a reconstruction of the series was performed. Then the reconstructed series was subjected to a check of the homogeneity using the Standard Normal Homogeneity Test, which allowed detection of some inconsistencies present in the original data and introduced by the reconstruction process. In the last stage, the analysis of the long-term variability were presented. No significant negative trend was detected in the annual precipitation totals in the period 1880-2008.
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