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Celem pracy były badania dotyczące wielkości strat ciepła zachodzących z organizmów owiec w zależności od warunków meteorologicznych środowiska oraz przewodnictwa cieplnego ich runa. Wykonano je u 5 dorosłych owiec w 3 fazach - przed strzyżą, bezpośrednio po strzyży oraz po kolejnych 4 miesiącach i częściowym odroście runa. Badano temperaturę rektalną (tr), temperaturę skóry w 7 punktach termostabilnych (ts) i 5 termolabilnych (tl) oraz wielkość przepływu strumienia ciepła całkowitego (QT), konwekcyjnego (QC) i radiacyjnego (QR). Jednocześnie wykonano pomiary warunków mikroklimatycznych: temperatury powietrza (tp), wilgotności względnej (f) ochładzania suchego (H) i prędkości ruchu powietrza. Analizując układ ich wartości stwierdzono, że poza f odbiegały one od normatywnych, co narażało owce na zbyt duże straty ciepła z ich organizmów. Jeszcze większy wpływ na wielkość tych strat miało runo owcze. W okresie po strzyży u owiec pozbawionych tej izolacji termicznej dochodziło, przy niesprzyjających warunkach bioklimatycznych, do zachwiania u nich bilansu cieplnego organizmów.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the magnitude of heat loss in sheep due to meteorological environment and thermal conductivity of the fleece. Five adult sheep were monitored during 3 phases: before shearing (I) and after shearing immediately (II) and after 4 months, when some re- growth of the fleece occurred (III). Rectal temperature (tr), skin temperature in 7 thermostable (ts) and 5 thermolabil (tl) points as well as total (QT), convection (Qc) and radiation (Qr) heat flows were recorded in animals. Air temperature (tp), relative humidity (f), dry cooling power (H) and air movement (V) were monitored. Analysis of obtained values of microclimatic conditions showed that all factors, besides "f", were outside range of normal values what was the cause of extra heat losses from animals. More pronounced effect on heat loss had the fleece. Disrupted heat balance followed with increase in intensity of metabolic processes to compensate heat losses was observed in sheep without thermal insulation, after shearing, in unfavorable climatic conditions.
Investigations were conducted on two groups of dairy cows, housed into the structures differed considering the systems of feeding and maintenance /structure I was free-stand, concrete barn; structure II - tethered, litter bedding barn including pasture during summer/. Cows selected for an experimental trials, /3 and h months of pregnancy/, were clinically examined and the blood was taken for hematology and biochemistry assignments. The procedure was repeated in 8 and 9 month of pre-delivery period. The quality of silage, fed during the pregnancy, was estimated. Among of blood indicators, the greatest variations from the physiological standards were referred to ketone bodies and' acid-base balance parameters. One can suppose, that the reason of variations was the a low quality of silage, composed too large part of cows diet. Evaluating the course of periparturient period, it appeared, that increased level of ketone bodies and acid-base balance disorders, were accompanied by the frequent number of disease incident's, like placenta detention, uterine mucus membrane inflammation, post-parturition paralysis, delayed uterus involution and udders inflammation.
The purpose of study was the evaluation of different types of measurers /surface temperature and heat flux intensity measurers/, especially detectors connected to apparatuses, to determine the usefulness for the studies on the thermoregulation processes in animals. Besides of testing of devices, the selection of measurement sites on the surface of animals, which could be the most accurate for the demonstration of thermal variations, was done. The study included the manner of data collection, like the way of the detectors placement on the surface of body, the proper time needed to take the readings, results repetition and the methods of animal restriction.
Viele Zuchtbetriebe wenden das ganze Jahr hindurch die Fütterung der Kühe mit Silage zu, die manchmal, vor allem im Frühjahr, von schlechter Qualitet ist. Oftmals berücksichtig man nicht den physiologischen Zustand der Tiere, indem man ihnen groβe Silagengabe sogar in der Hochträchtigszeit verabreicht. Das verurscht bei den Kühen das Auftreten von metabolischen Störungen z.B. Acidosis [1, 5, 6, 10]. Diese Störungen werden dann auf das Fötus übertragen, da die Plazenta in diesem Fall nicht genügend Schutz leistet. Die Kälber, die von solchen Müttern stammen, kommen zur Welt schwach mit einem Durchfall und verenden oft [2, 7, 9]. Die Autoren der Vorgelegten Arbeit versuchten die bei den Kälbern vorkommenden Störungen durch das Verabreichen von einen Braunkohlenextrakt zu korrigieren, in dem sie teure und nicht immer sichere pharmakologische Präparate ersetzen wollten.
Badania wykonano u 2 grup cieląt, rasy ncb liczących po 14 szt. w wieku począwszy od 3-4 dni. Grupa I (doświadczalna) otrzymywała wzrastające od 50 do 700 ml ilości wyciągu z węgla brunatnego (tab. 1) z tym , że codziennie ilość ta wzrastała o 50 ml. Grupa II (kontrolna) otrzymywała analogiczne ilości wody, w celu wyrównania ilości przyjmowanych przez cielęta płynów. Dodatek wyciągu z węgla brunatnego do paszy cieląt miał korzystne oddziaływanie na ich organizm, o czym świadczy: zahamowanie biegunek, zwiększenie masy ciała, przyspieszenie kompensacji kwasicy oddechowej, a wzrost zawartości γ-globulin w surowicy krwi świadczy o stymulacyjnym oddziaływaniu węgla na ich układ odpornościwy. Aktywność badanych enzymów w surowicy krwi cieląt, tj. AP AspAT i ceruloplazminy, mieściły się w granicach norm fizjologicznych i były one u obu grup cieląt bardzo zbliżone. Można na tej podstawie sądzić, że dodatek wyciągu z węgla brunatnego nie wykazywał negatywnego oddziaływania na funkcje wątroby.
The exchange of heat energy between the body and the environment in homothermal animals depends among others on the temperature gradient. The increase in the body and skin temperature caused by the decrease in the ambient temperature is to reduce the thermal gradient which protects animals against stress of heat and cold. In the present study the authors examined the rate of changes of thermal gradient between the skin and the environment and changes in skin temperature, the rate of heat flow and insulating power of hair cover in rabbits according to the changes of environmental temperature. The measurements were made at various sites of the skin: thermostabile and thermolabile, not shorn and shorn. Considerable dopendence of skin temperature on the environmental temperature, especially at the thermostabile sites, shorn has been observed although the drop in skin temperature did not catch up with the drop in air temperature. The values of those gradient influenced the value of heat flow from the body to the environment.
The subject of study concerned the relationship between the acid base balance /ABB/ in cows during the last period of pregnancy and the milk yield, some fertilization indexes as well as performances monitored in calves born from healthy cows, and from those with ABB disorders. The results revealed, that in 45.95 % of cows underwent the experimental trials, chronic, compensate respiratory acidosis was diagnosed. Animals from that group were characterized by lower milk production about 20.00 %, lower milk fat contents about 23.01 % and also insemination index length of time about the value of 0.33. In calves from cows with ABB disorders, unbalanced respiratory acidosis remained length of time after birth, and daily gain was lower about the value of 22.20 %, when compared with these calves born from healthy cows.
The purpose of study was to determine the effect of supplements added to the diet of cows during the "dried" period, on the subsequent milk production and offspring performances. The IInd experimental group of cows was fed with MONOMIX supplement, the IIIth group with Na₂HCO₃+MgO, the IVth group with B-composition, while the Ist group was settled as a control. It was concluded, that both, MONOMIX and Na₂HCO₃+MgO supplements had an advantageous influence on milk yield in cows, because the level of lactation in these cows was higher when compared to the previous production. Calves delivered from MONOMIX cows were characterized by the highest growth parameters, moreover, the highest total protein and gamma-globulin level were assigned in blood serum.Reversely, the lowest daily gain, total protein, gamma-globulin, glucose, carotin levels and the lower AP activity were found in those calves born from cows assigned to the Ist /control/ group.
The study concerned the development of thermoregulation in calves at age of 1 to 50 days of life. Rectal temperature /tr/, skin temperature at thermostable /ts/ and thermolabile /tl/ sites and heat flux /Q/ at these points were measured. At the same time, microclimatic conditions of barn /t, e, f, V, H/, were controlled. One concluded some independence of rectal temperature from the age of animals and slight relationship between tr and skin temperature. Together with the animal growth, skin temperature at thermostable points increased, whereas at thermolabile sites decreased. Moreover, decreasing correlation between skin temperature and cooling factor was demonstrated, what can suggest the development of thermoregulatory abilities in calves. Heat flux was markedly correlated with skin temperature.
Podczas badań nad zastosowaniem naturalnych dodatków do paszy dla cieląt, takich jak węgiel sproszkowany oraz jego mieszanki z torfem, zeolitem i kaolinem stwierdzono, że najskuteczniejszy, ze względu na rozwój cieląt i poziom badanych parametrów biochemicznych krwi, okazał się węgiel brunatny oraz jego mieszanka z kaolinem.
Utilization of natural additives to feed for calves, such as powdered coal and its mixtures with peat, eolith and kaolin, has been investigated. As a result of such investigations, it has been proved that brown coal and its mixture with kaolin are the most useful additives to feed for calves, with respect to development of calves, investigated biochemical parameters of blood.
Studies were undertaken to determine selected biothermal parameters in calves exposed to IR-irradiation. An increased sensitivity of heated calves to microclimatic factors was found, expressed by a more pronounced influence of air temperature and cooling on the temperature of the calves, skin than that observed in non-heated calves. It was stated that heat emitted by IR radiators and then absorbed by calves brought about an increased heat loss from the skin surface at thermolabile sites in order to attain the organism heat balance and changes in heat loss structure. In heated calves heat losses occurred mainly due to convection (85,6%) and radiation (14,4%), whereas in non-heated animals the proportions were arranged inversely amounting to 64,5% and 35,5% for radiation and convection, respectively. The skin temnperature at thermostabile and thermolabile sites of the heated and non-heated calves increased regularly as they grow older. In non-radiated calves heat losses decreased every day of their lives whereas in heated calves they increased.
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