A study was undertaken to assess the nutritional value of tubers of transgenic lines of potato cv. Desiree with repression of a and c isoforms of 14-3-3 proteins obtained by means of antisense transformations. Isoforms of 14-3-3 protein are responsible for metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and calcium. Repression of that protein, i.e. reduction of its synthesis in a potato plant, results in: a decrease in total protein content of tuber with a slight but favourable change in the amino acid profile, enhanced synthesis of starch, small differentiation in contents of minerals – diminished concentrations of Fe, P, and Ca. The 30% addition of dried transgenic potato tubers with repression of isoform a, c as well as a and c of 14-3-3 protein was found not to affect values of digestibility coefficients of nutrients. Repression of 14-3-3 protein was demonstrated to affect diversification of the chemical composition of tuber and contents of nutrients only to a small extent, without diminishing the nutritional value of potato tubers.
Oceniano wartość pokarmową bulw transgenicznych linii ziemniaka odmiany Desiree z represją izoform a i c białka 14-3-3 uzyskanych poprzez transformacje antysensowe. Izoformy białka 14-3-3 są odpowiedzialne za metabolizm węglowodanów aminokwasów i wapnia. Efektem represji tego białka, redukcji poziomu jego syntezy w roślinie ziemniaka jest: zmniejszenie zawartości białka ogólnego w bulwie z niewielką ale korzystną zmianą profilu aminokwasowego, wzrost syntezy skrobi, niewielkie zróżnicowanie zawartości składników mineralnych – zmniejszenie koncentracji Fe, P, Ca. Nie stwierdzono wpływu 30% dodatku suszu z bulw ziemniaków transgenicznych z represją izoformy a, c oraz a i c białka 14-3-3 na wartość współczynników strawności składników pokarmowych. Represja białka 14-3-3 wpłynęła w niewielkim stopniu na zróżnicowanie składu chemicznego bulwy i zawartość składników pokarmowych nie zmniejszając wartości odżywczej bulw ziemniaków.
The procedures for GMO safety tests include traceability of transgenic protein and transgenic DNA if the plant constitutes a component in the diet for an animal. This is due to the possibility of horizontal transfer of genes, accumulation of transgenic DNA in consumer’s organs, or induction of antibiotic resistance in gastrointestinal tract microflora. The last possibility is related to the use of marker genes in the process of transformation. In an in vivo experiment conducted on laboratory rats with the use of transgenic cucumbers expressing the pre-prothaumatin gene, the presence of transgenic DNA in the tissue of kidneys and liver was not detected. Resistance to neomycin of gastrointestinal tract microflora of the rats fed the GMO diet was not found, despite the use of marker genes (npt II) in the process of transformation of the investigated plants.
Genetically-modified (GM) tomatoes, carrying thaumatin gene encoding sweet-tasting protein may be a component of diet with high sensory values, constituting a valuable source of nutrients and substances with a health-promoting role. Good utilization and a lack of the effect on animal growth, value of hematological parameters, concentration of immunoglobulins and most of chemical blood parameters of laboratory rats were demonstrated in the nutritional studies on fruits of tomato GM plants. The biological response of the rats receiving GMO or its isogenic equivalent in the diet was recognized as similar. However, the unfavourable effect of the diets containing addition of tomatoes with the recombined thaumatin on the degree of oxidative degradation of DNA of rats liver was recorded. At the same time, the discussed dietary component had no effect on values of the remaining parameters of the oxidative status of tissue of the above mentioned organ and its histological image.
We compiled the available information on the occurrence and timing of migratory bat activity across the Baltic Sea and south-eastern North Sea coasts and islands, based on ultrasonic monitoring projects at 19 localities in 2007–2009. The data refer to three species; Nathusius' pipistrelle Pipistrellus nathusii, soprano pipistrelle P. pygmaeus and common noctule Nyctalus noctula. Pipistrellus nathusii occurred at all sites (north to 61°N in Finland), while the other species were scarcer, particularly at the northernmost sites. The status of the recorded individuals is unknown. However, the activity most likely was of migrating individuals or individuals on migration stopover, because very few observations were made during the maternity period. Spring activity occurred predominantly in May, with the median observation date of P. nathusii 20 days earlier in the south (Germany) than in the north (Finland). Autumn migration was observed throughout August and September and activity that may or may not indicate migration was also observed in October and November. The median date of such activity in autumn usually occurred in September and without any significant difference in timing in relation to latitude. Migratory bats in the Baltic area apparently move on a broad front in most cases. The estimated speed of migration for P. nathusii in spring was 55 km/day. The entire coastline and islands around the Baltic Sea are of potential importance for migrating bats in spring (April-May) and autumn (August-September) and should achieve relevant protection according to EU legislation and its implementations.
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