The main objective of the paper is to examine the main changes of teacher training in Europe. The first part of the paper is an introduction into the Bologna Process and higher education systems reforms in Europe. The article presents the most important stages of the European Higher Education reforms and examines the key messages of education ministers of the signatory countries of the Bologna Declaration. The second part examines the current models of teacher training in selected European countries in the context of changes associated with the Bologna Process, also pointing out to major differences between the countries.
The aim of the paper is to present Jan Konopnicki’s contribution to the development of pedagogy as a scientific discipline at Krakow’s universities in the 1960s, with particular emphasis on experimental pedagogy, special needs education and comparative education. Jan Konopnicki was an outstanding educator, psychologist and scientist. For many years he was denied promotion and the title of professor. His contribution to the development of experimental pedagogy as well as special needs education and comparative education is unique. Polish pedagogy knows too little about his achievements as a researcher and organizer of education. Thanks to his efforts, for the first time in Poland, extramural studies in special needs education were opened at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. The research used the analysis of documents, archival resources and content analysis of Konopnicki’s original publications and thematic studies.
The aim of the article is to present the achievements of Matthew Arnold’s in the development of European comparative education and to show his views on the changes in education in 19th century England against the background of other European countries. In the works on comparative education, a French writer Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris (1775–1848) is regarded as one of precursors of this scientific field (currently treated as a pedagogical subdiscipline), however, as also emphasized by Józef Miąso, the British comparativists: Matthew Arnold, Thomas Darlington and Robert Morant have significantly contributed to the development of European comparative education1. The achievements of British educators, sociologists and historians in this area are underestimated and almost unknown in Poland.The development of English educational system in 19th century was different in many ways from other educational systems in continental Europe, so that the works of English comparativists, such as Matthew Arnold are unique and very important for better understanding of the historical development of comparative research methodology and also the specifics of English schools system.The article also proves that comparative education is a very important field of scientific research and played major role in planning the reforms of educational systems in many countries mainly in XIX and XX century. M. Arnold’s analyses could be still valid in XXI century.The study used the method of documental analysis, original Matthew Arnold’s works in the field of education and English-language scientific publications dealing with his achievements in the field of popularizing comparative studies. A new overview of M. Arnold’s achievement will ensure the use of sociological analyzes.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie społecznego wymiaru edukacji europejskiej. Omówione zostały takie kwestie jak narastanie zainteresowania problemem edukacji europejskiej we Wspólnocie Europejskiej oraz później w Unii Europejskiej. Szczegółowej analizie poddano definicje edukacji europejskiej oraz "europejskiego wymiaru edukacji". Z definicją edukacji europejskiej w szerokim kontekście powiązano priorytety tej edukacji. W ostatniej części artykułu przedstawiono problematykę wprowadzenia "europejskiego wymiaru edukacji" w polskim systemie oświaty oraz omówiono główne założenia edukacji europejskiej i sposoby ich realizacji w Polsce. Podstawową metodą badawczą, którą zastosowano w niniejszym opracowaniu, jest analiza dokumentów. Poruszone zagadnienia wskazują na szeroki kontekst, w jakim należy rozpatrywać edukację europejską. Zaprezentowano pozytywne rezultaty edukacji europejskiej o społecznym wymiarze, jak również zwrócono uwagę na różne problemy, z którymi musi się zmierzyć edukacja europejska.
The main purpose of this article was to show the social dimension of European education. This article presents the growth of the interest of education in the European Community and then in the European Union. The definitions like: European education and "European dimension of education" were the subject of detailed analysis. With the definition of European education in the broad context the main priorities of this education were associated. The last part of the paragraph presents the problem of introducing the "European dimension of education" in the Polish educational system and discusses the main assumptions of European education and possible methods of their implementation in Poland. The main research method, which was used in this study is document analysis. All the issues, which were presented, indicate the broad context, in which the European education should be considered. The article also highlighted the positive results of the European education with the social dimension and pointed out various problems, which the European education must face.
The aim of the article is to present a classic pedagogical concept entitled Freedom and compulsion in education by Bogdan Nawroczyński, an outstanding founder of Polish pedagogy, and to indicate its topicality in the postmodern world. Nawroczyński’s dissertation should be a compulsory reading for students of pedagogy who would have an opportunity to learn about the contribution of this outstanding scientist to the development of Polish pedagogy. Presenting the complexity of the issue of education in the postmodern world in the context of Nawroczyński’s dissertation proves the importance and validity of his concept. The article is mainly based on an analysis of Nawroczyński’s original dissertation, published in 1929, accompanied by the approach of contemporary researchers on the subject of freedom in education.