Opisano stanowisko do badania ewolucji skurczu liniowego i naprężeń skurczowych w odlewie. Zastosowano mikroprocesorową rejestrację sygnałów pomiarowych. Przedstawiono przykładowe ilustracje zmian skurczowych w aluminium.
A stand for examination of the development of linear contraction and shrinkage stresses in casting has been described. The microprocessor recorder has been used for registering of measure signals. Exemplary results of linear contraction development in aluminum have been presented.
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W opracowaniu przedstawiono koncepcję badań mechanizmu krzepnięcia metali i stopów w okresie przepływu. Istotnym elementem rozwiązania jest możliwość dokładnego określania temperatury metalu, przy której usuwano niezakrzepłe w kanale resztki płynącej cieczy. Przedstawiono wersję rozwiązania pozwalającego uzyskiwać profile warstwy zakrzepłej tuż przed zakończeniem przepływu. Zademonstrowano ilustracje badań dla siluminów: AK7, AK9, AK11, AK18.
A conception of the solidification investigations of the flowing metals and alloys has been presented. A possibility of the estimation of the metal temperature at which the rest of non-solidified metal was removed is the essential elements of the investigation method. A version of the solution enabling to obtain the solidification shapes created just for the end of flow has been presented. Illustrations of investigations of aluminium-silicon alloys: AK7, AK9, AK11, AK18 have been shown.
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Przedstawiono badania przebiegu skurczu liniowego w okresie krzepnięcia i stygnięcia dwuskładnikowego stopu AlSi5.4. Badania prowadzono w metalowych i piaskowych formach testowych.
Investigations of the development of linear contraction which appear during the solidification and self-cooling of binary AlSi5.4 alloy have been presented. Experiments have been conducted in sand and metal test moulds.
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Przedstawiono równania opisujące ruch cząstek stałych na granicy metal-żużel. Ich rozwiązanie pozwala śledzić prędkość i zmiany położenia wtrącenia przechodzącego z jednego ośrodka do drugiego. Opracowany na podstawie równań program komputerowy umożliwia analizę mechanizmu ekstrakcji żużlowej.
The equations describing the motion of the solid particles across the melt-slag interface have been presented. The solution permits to observe the changes of the distance and velocity of inclusions passing into another medium. Computer program elaborated on the basis of equations allows analyzing the slag extraction mechanism.
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Opisano stanowisko do szybkiej oceny gęstości ciekłych metali i stopów. Pomiar oparto na prawie Archimedesa. Stanowisko badawcze pozwala w pojedynczym eksperymencie ustalić zależność gęstości ciekłego metalu od temperatury.
A test stand for fast estimation of density of liquid metals and alloys has been described. The measurement is based on the Archimedean principle. The test stand allow by single experiment to estimate the temperature dependence of liquid metal density.
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Opisano prototypowe stanowisko do badania wytrzymałości na rozciąganie krzepnących i stygnących metali i stopów. W pomiarze rejestrowana jest siła rozciągająca i wydłużenie testowego odlewu oraz temperatura na przekroju jego ścianki. Stanowisko umożliwia prowadzenie badań przy różnych szybkościach stygnięcia odlewu.
A stand for examination of tensile strength of solidifying and cooling metals and alloys has been described. The tensile force, extension of test casting and temperatures of his wall are in measurement registered. The influence of casting cooling rate can be examined.
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A new version of an experimental set-up for examination of linear contraction and shrinkage stresses progress of metals and alloys during– and after solidification has been described. By new method the examinations of the shrinkage phenomena are conducted in a vertical rod-casting with circular cross-section. The test rod casting can have a constant cross-section (constrained contraction, parted mould) or can be tapered (unconstrained contraction, no parted mould). The examinations can be conducted in sand and metal mould. A microprocessor recorder has been used for registering of measured signals. In the contraction experiment the dimensions changes of solidified test bar and the test mould are registered. By the investigation of contraction stresses, a contraction force effecting on the solidified test bar is registered instead of its dimension changes. The temperature changes of the shrinkage rod casting (in 6 points) and the mould (in one point) can be measured. Exemplary investigation results of linear contraction development in aluminium have been presented.
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W artykule opisano sposób wykonywania cylindrycznych form piaskowych i precyzyjnego instalowania w nich termoelementów o małej bezwładności. Przedstawiono przykładowe pomiary temperatury w układzie odlew-forma.
A preparation procedure of cylindrical sand moulds and the installing procedure of the low thermal inertia thermocouples in them have been described. Exemplary measurements of thermal field's in casting-mould system have been presented.
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Omówiono znaczenie rozwoju badań w doskonaleniu odlewniczych systemów produkcyjnych. Opisano mikroprocesorowy system pomiarowy przystosowany do badania zjawisk i procesów odlewniczych. Opisano zastosowanie systemu do badania ewolucji skurczu odlewniczego i naprężeń skurczowych.
The significance of research development in improving of casting production systems has been discussed. A microcomputer measuring system for investigation of the foundry phenomena and processes has been described. The application of measuring system for examination of casting contraction and contraction stresses evolution has been described.
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Opisano stanowisko do badania skurczu liniowego metali i stopów w formach metalowych. Zaprezentowano pomiary skurczu aluminium i wybranych siluminów dwuskładnikowych. Eksperymenty wykazały istotne różnice w przebiegu skurczu badanych metali.
A stand for investigation of the linear contraction of metals and alloys in the metal mould has been elaborated. The investigations for aluminium and binary aluminium-silicon alloys have been presented. The significant differences in contraction progress for the investigated alloys have been observed.
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An experimental set-up elaborated for distance measurement with a use of a laser optical displacement sensor has been described. The features of the elaborated device allow to measure a surface roughness and dimensions of small details. Elaborated computer software allows automatically to estimate the classical surface roughness indices. The surface roughness indices can be estimated also for sloping planes. A solidification surface profile in macro and micro scale can also be measured. The mentioned solidification surface profile is measured on solidified shells obtained by using of so-called remove remainder test. Exemplary measurements of mould and casting surface roughness have been presented.
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Opisano podstawowe cechy przepływu siluminu AK12 w prostych kanałach form metalowych. Oceniono wpływ parametrów zalewania, a także zabiegu modyfikacji fosforem, na cechy przepływu.
The basic attributes of the AK12 aluminum-silicon alloys flow in the straight channels of metal moulds have been presented. The influence on the flow attributes of both the pouring parameters and the modification treatment has been estimated.
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Przedstawiono wyniki badań zdolności aluminium i jego stopów z krzemem do odwzorowania formy. Przepływ realizowano w pionowym, metalowym kanale [średnica] 16 mm.
The investigations results of mould surface reproducibility of aluminum and Al - Si alloys have been presented. The metal flow was realized in vertical metal channel of 16 mm diameter.
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Przedstawiono badania ewolucji naprężeń skurczowych w okresie krzepnięcia i stygnięcia dwuskładnikowego stopu AlSi6.9. Badania prowadzono w metalowych i piaskowych formach testowych.
Investigations of development of the shrinkage stresses which appear during the solidification and self-cooling of binary AlSi6.9 alloy have been presented. Experiments have been conducted in sand and metal test moulds.
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Przedstawiono badania przebiegu skurczu liniowego w okresie krzepnięcia i stygnięcia dwuskładnikowego stopu AlSi6.9. Badania prowadzono w metalowych i piaskowych formach testowych.
Investigations of the development of linear contraction which appear during the solidification and self-cooling of binary AlSi6.9 alloy have been presented. Experiments have been conducted in sand and metal test moulds.
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Opracowano mikrokomputerowy system pomiarowy przeznaczony do badań typowych zjawisk spotykanych w odlewniczych procesach technologicznych. Zastosowane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne oraz przygotowane oprogramowanie do sterowania procesem zbierania i przetwarzania danych czynią z systemu skuteczne narzędzie badawcze.
It has been shown in this paper the degradation failure of cast technological tooling used for the conveyance of parts to be carburized in gas carburizing furnaces. It has been studied on the example of the guide grate and fixture assembly consisted of guide and intermediate grates. The wear of castings, which final consequence is decohesion of walls, results from the influence of' carburizing atmosphere, thermal shocks and the load level.
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A new version of the JM-SPC computer program written by J. Mutwil in Delphi for statistical control of production processes is presented. All changes have been by users suggestions caused. For the attribute valued data type most of new features have been joined to data introducing option. In this way the program allows to consider a wider data spectrum. Usefulness of the introduced solutions for statistical analysis of the attribute valued data type gained from real processes has been presented on the example of Al-Si high-pressure die casting production. The analysis refers to a serial produced casting and includes: 1) the analysis of defect fraction in sample (by using the p-chart), 2) the analysis of relative differences in importance of each defects categories (by using of the Pareto diagram).
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Usefulness of the JM-SPC computer program for a statistical analysis of variable valued data proceeded from an Al-Si high-pressure die casting production processes was examined. An analysis subject were results of dimensional measurement of 16 casting dimensions systematically controlled on coordinate-measuring machine. For analysis two criterion have been used: 1) X-s control chart and the performance indicator of processes by using of two commonly used indices: potential process capability index (Cp) and process capability index (Cpk).
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Investigations of shrinkage phenomena during solidification and cooling of aluminium and aluminium-silicon alloys (AlSi5, AlSi7, AlSi9, AlSi11, AlSi12.5, AlSi18, AlSi21) have been conducted. A vertical shrinkage rod casting with circular cross-section (constant or fixed: tapered) has been used as a test sample. By constant cross-section a test channel mould was parted and allowed a constrained contraction to examine. No parted test channel mould was tapered and allowed an unconstrained contraction to investigate. In the experiments the dimensions changes of solidifying test bar and the test mould have been registered, what has allowed to explain a mechanism of pre-shrinkage extension of solidifying metals and alloys. Registered time dependence of the test bar and the test mould dimension changes have shown, that so-called pre-shrinkage extension has been by mould thermal extension caused. The investigation results have also shown that time- and temperature dependences of shrinkage of Al-Si alloys have been on silicon concentration depended.
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W artykule opisano stanowisko do badania wytrzymałości na rozciąganie krzepnących i stygnących metali i stopów. W pomiarze jest rejestrowana silą rozciągająca i wydłużenie testowego odlewu oraz temperatura na przekroju jego ścianki. Przedstawiono wyniki badań dla aluminium i dwuskładnikowych stopów Al-Si.
A stand for examination of tensile strength of solidifying and cooling metals and alloys has been described. The tensile force, extension of test casting and temperatures of his wall are in measurement registered. The examination results for aluminum and aluminium-silicon alloys have been presented.
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