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Wykorzystanie komputerów i Internetu w edukacji sprzyja budowie społeczeństwa o nowej jako-ści – społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Doświadczenia Stanów Zjednoczonych i niektórych krajów Unii Europejskiej na tym polu pokazują, że w ciągu dwóch ostatnich dekad dokonało się to przez kilka cha-rakterystycznych etapów. Jest to entuzjazm początku, a także dwa etapy, które możemy określić jako „zawiedzione nadzieje” i „nową drogę”. Porównując USA i kraje UE dostrzegamy wiele wspólnych doświadczeń, ale pojawiają się również akcenty indywidualne, szczególnie na etapie budowy „nowej drogi” mającej pomóc określić nowy zestaw paradygmatów służących efektywnemu i bezpiecznemu wykorzystaniu komputerów oraz Internetu przez młodych użytkowników.
Use of computers and the Internet in education is favourable for building a new-quality society – in-formation society. Experiences of the United States and the some European Union countries in this field show that throughout the last two decades, this occurred through several distinctive stages. It is the enthu-siasm of the beginning as well as two stages which could be called „dashed hopes” and „the new way”. Comparing the USA and the EU countries, one can discern numerous mutual experiences, but there are also individual features, particularly at the stage of building „the new road”, which is to help establish a new set of paradigms used for effective and safe use of computers and the Internet by young users.
The article concerns selected problems in the development of the Internet in terms of its impact on the religious attitudes of young Poles. On the base of the research on the use of the Internet and the development of religiosity, their situation is presented in the context of the situation of American teenagers. Americans are one of the largest media markets and have strong and traditional Christian communities. Therefore, certain trends in religious attitudes could have appeared earlier and outlined more strongly there than in other parts of the world. Which of them are reflected in the Polish situation? How is the Internet used by young users in the United States and Poland? Is there anything specific to the Polish situation in shaping religious attitudes via the Internet? The final results of the comparative analysis undertaken are to lead to conclusions showing the characteristics of the Internet that enable it to influence the shaping of the world-view and to forecast directions in which these changes may go. Research on the Internet’s influence on religiosity has a short history, but dynamic changes in both religiosity and technology call for the opening of new research spaces.
The text concerns the possibilities of intercultural communication offered by modern digital media. It analyses the possibilities of its development on the example of the problem of mass migration to Europe. It concerns countries that are often much less economically developed than European or American countries. However, as the data on the development of technology in these countries show or its use shows (e.g. in mass social movements from the turn of the first and second decades of the 21st century), the citizens of these countries are not “digital illiterates”. The same applies to migrants coming from these countries. That is why digital media, and especially tools such as smartphones, can be used in intercultural dialogue and to help migrants at various stages of their migration journey. This applies especially to the stage of decision making, migration to a selected country or adaptation in the destination country. A number of such aids were created (primarily smartphone applications), which, however, do not apply equally to all three stages of a migrant’s life.
Tekst dotyczy możliwości komunikacji międzykulturowej, jakie dają współczesne media cyfrowe. Analizuje możliwości jej rozwoju na przykładzie problemu masowej migracji do Europy. Dotyczy ona krajów, które są często dużo słabiej ekonomicznie rozwinięte niż kraje Europy czy Ameryki. Jak pokazują jednak dane dotyczące rozwoju technologii w tych krajach czy jej wykorzystania (np. w masowych ruchach społecznych z przełomu pierwszej i drugiej dekady XXI w.), obywatele tych krajów nie są „cyfrowymi analfabetami”. Podobnie jest z migrantami przybywającymi z tych krajów. Dlatego media cyfrowe, a szczególnie takie narzędzia jak smartfony, mogą być wykorzystane w międzykulturowym dialogu oraz pomocy migrantom na różnych etapach ich migracyjnej wędrówki. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza etapu podejmowania decyzji, wędrówki do wybranego kraju czy aklimatyzacji w kraju docelowym. Powstało szereg takich pomocy (przede wszystkim aplikacji na smartfony), które jednak nie dotyczą w równym stopniu wszystkich trzech etapów życia migranta.
Media pedagogy is a discipline of pedagogy that stems from the need to reflect on the development of the contemporary media. Television still occupies a dominating position among them and has the greatest social influence. It also poses complex educational difficulties. The reasons for this are often such programmes as reality show. Young people eagerly watch them and they have found a permanent place in the educational area. Such programmes have brought about a number of ethical, psychological, and educational doubts. The reality show programmes contribute to the destruction of many socially essential values. The television medium is still developing and some negative tendencies are clearly manifested. Pedagogy initiates dialogue with the new educational partner. It cannot limit itself merely to criticism, but seeks to understand the language of modern television. This will allow to provide effective education and formation which seem indispensable today for the development of media culture of the young generation.
Nowe technologie, które trafiają do edukacji są traktowane jako „złoty środek” mający usunąć większość edukacyjnych bolączek. Po czasie okazuje się, że wiele z pierwotnych nadziei zostało zawiedzionych. Niniejszy artykuł próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie: Dlaczego tak się dzieje? Metoda historyczno-krytyczna pozwala przeanalizować pewne elementy systemu edukacji, które są dla niego istotne a które przy wprowadzaniu kolejnych technologii okazywały się kluczowe. Tak jest z pozycją nauczyciela w procesie edukacji. Okazuje się, że wyobrażenia nauczyciela na temat edukacji mogą mieć istotny wpływ na jego stosunek do nowych technologii a co za tym idzie na ich skuteczność. Stąd nie tylko przygotowanie nauczycieli do posługiwania się nowymi technologiami, ale także kształtowanie ich wyobrażeń i budowa tradycji edukacyjnych jest równie istotne w efektywnym zastosowaniu nowych technologii w edukacji.
New technologies that have been used in education are treated as the “golden mean” to remove most of the educational problems. Over time, it turns out that many of the original hopes have been disappointed. This paper tries to answer the question: Why is this happening? The historical-critical method allows analysing certain elements of the education system that are important to it and which turned out to be crucial when introducing additional technologies. That is the case with the position of a teacher in the education process. It turns out that the teacher's ideas about education can have a significant impact on his / her attitude to new technologies and thus their effectiveness. Hence, not only the preparation of teachers to use new technologies, but also shaping their ideas and building educational traditions is equally important in the effective application of new technologies in education.
In order to live a normal life, a person must answer the question about themselves - about their image, worldview, capabilities. Typically, one’s identity is built on the basis of the opinions of the environment. A person either compares themselves with it or uses the opinions of people who are important to them. In this way, the person builds their own inner continuity, which provides them with a sense of stability. It is a dynamic process which very often determines the colour and complexity of human life. Today, the closest environment are more and more often the social media. Especially for young people, they are becoming an important source of information about themselves and the world. Yet to what extent do social media offer opportunities for authentic manifestation of one’s self, and to what extent do they become a space for creating parallel identities? Young users are eager to use social media, which influence their lives and identities. The problem is illustrated with the example of China, a large and original social media market.
For decades, critics of higher education have been asserting that competencies students can demonstrate upon course completion are much better predictors of what students know and can do than time spent in courses or grades. However, assessment of student learning has not been adopted by faculty and their leaders, and the effort is normally addressed as a bureaucratic demand. The objective was to identify topics that could help shape the discourse regarding the assessment of student learning. The study revealed that the universities in Poland are ready to ensure graduating students competencies demanded by the contemporary world.
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