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Marketing i Rynek
tom 19
nr 1
Modern marketing communication encompasses, among other, the interchange of information between organization and its customers with the use of distant, telecommunication contact channels, integrated by customer contact centers. In the article, results of the empirical research on the perceived quality of information obtained during interactions with customer contact centers are discussed.
Purpose: Identification of scores and opinions about licensed car maintenance and repair shops in Radom on the basis of the word-of-mouth message in digital social networks. Design/methodology/approach: Licensed car maintenance and repair shops located in Radom were selected for the research. There are 20 of them. In order to identify a word-of-mouth message about them, data available in Google Maps were used – both numerical scores and opinions. Total amount of 3561 entries was considered. A mixed quantitative-qualitative approach was assumed: the statistics of scores were analysed quantitatively, while the content of the posted opinions was analysed qualitatively. Findings: Average scores for all car maintenance and repair shops are included in the interval <4,0; 4,6>. The total weighted average score is 4,3. A sharp polarization among opinions was stated, resulting in dividing them into two groups: clearly positive and clearly negative ones. On one hand, opinions encompassing substantive marks of overall high service level, professionalism, competence and quickness in delivering services, contact and information, as well as friendly atmosphere and staff friendliness dominate among the positive ones. They are often posted by loyal customers, who repeatedly take advantage of the services. On the other hand, clearly emotional opinions, expressed as a result of a single incident of not fulfilling customer expectations in a blatant way or neglecting them dominate among negative ones. Research limitations/implications: Research concerning a limited geographical region. Research should be treated as a pilotage. Practical implications: Information concerning scores and opinions about car maintenance and repair shops can make a starting point for identifying the areas of service quality which demand improvement. Originality/value: An innovative assessment of service quality in car maintenance and repair shops performed with the use of word-of-mouth data available in a digital social network.
Content available remote Postmodernizm a metoda w naukowym zarządzaniu
The aim of the article is to synthesize considerations on the use of research methods specific to postmodernism in scientific management. Critical analysis of the literature was used as a research method. Scientific management and the paradigm shift of the research methods used are characterized. This change had taken place during the transition from the modernist project to the postmodern reality. The author's contribution is a dialectical juxtaposition of the methodological assumptions of modernism and postmodernism. The article contains a short description of the identified methods as well as conclusions for scientific management that result from the paradigm shift.
Celem artykułu jest synteza rozważań dotyczących wykorzystywania w naukowym zarządzaniu metod badawczych właściwych dla postmodernizmu. Jako metodę badawczą wykorzystano krytyczną analizę literatury. Scharakteryzowano naukowe zarządzanie oraz zmianę paradygmatu wykorzystywanych metod badawczych. Zmiana ta dokonała się przy przejściu z warunków projektu modernistycznego do rzeczywistości ponowoczesnej. Wkładem autora jest dialektyczne zestawienie założeń metodycznych modernizmu i postmodernizmu. Artykuł zawiera krótką charakterystykę zidentyfikowanych metod, a także wnioski dla naukowego zarządzania, które wynikają ze zmiany paradygmatu
Purpose: Specification of the identity of a selected automotive brand – Jeep on the basis of the analysis of the advertisement content and verification of its correspondence to the brand image presented in the literature. Design/methodology/approach: In order to determine the identity of the brand we analysed the content of 13 advertisements of the Jeep brand available on YouTube. Then we conducted the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the text. In the quantitative analysis we examined the frequency of the occurrence of the attributes. We carried out a comparative analysis of the content of the advertisements and the results of the research available in the literature. Findings: The identity of the Jeep brand corresponds to the one described in the literature. Both in the marketing message and in the analyses of the results of the study it is perceived as being connected with freedom, adventure, open space as well as the off-road style and endurance. However certain discrepancies have been observed. In the scientific literature no associations of the brand and the creation of the history and the legend has been noticed, nor the exhibition of the blood ties and attachment to the brand “family” and nor the promotion of the independent and active lifestyle has been noticed. Whereas in the advertisement message the properties of the brand concerning its roughness and harshness suggested by numerous authors do not exist. Practical implications: We obtained information about the selected automotive brand. This information shows which attributes build its identity, i.e. the image of the brand desired by its owner. On this ground we may decide on taking up the marketing activities (promotional and others) aiming to create the image of the brand corresponding to the owners’ intentions. Limitations: We analysed only the advertisements from the years 2007-2019 directed to the Polish market. This study should be treated as a pilot kind of the study. Originality/value: The comparison of the identity of the brand present in the advertisement message and scientific literature. We observed the correspondence of numerous attributes, as well as differences. The conclusions may contribute to the opening up of the discussion on the creation of the brand in the passenger cars market.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to identify the relation between passenger car brand image and consumer loyalty. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative approach was used, and a questionnaire-based research was carried out. As a method of elaborating the results, cluster analysis was selected. Findings: It was discovered that the consumers from 2 clusters are significantly different both in terms of perception of car brand image and loyalty. In this way the existence of the assumed relation was proved. Practical implications: A practical implication of the study is claiming the role of brand image in shaping consumer loyalty in the passenger cars market. Originality/value: Authors’ contribution and novelty of the paper is the innovative application of the multidimensional exploratory techniques of cluster analysis in the area of research. In management practice, the paper can turn out useful to marketing managers in the automotive industry.
Celem artykułu była identyfikacja segmentów konsumentów na rynku olejów silnikowych do samochodów osobowych. Jako metodę zebrania danych empirycznych wykorzystano ankietę. Zgromadzone dane opracowano z wykorzystaniem wielowymiarowej techniki eksploracyjnej - analizy skupień. Ze względu na zróżnicowanie lojalności motywacyjnej konsumentów na badanym rynku identyfikowano 4 segmenty konsumentów, określane przez 8 predyktorów opisujących kryteria wyboru olejów. Zmienne charakteryzujące konsumenta, pojazd oraz sposób jego użytkowania nie weszły do modelu. Implikacją praktyczną opracowania jest wykazanie, że największa frakcja (42% badanych) to konsumenci neutralni pod względem lojalności wobec marki, co daje obszerne pole do stosowania wobec nich narzędzi marketingowych zmierzających do zwiększenia lojalności.
The aim of paper was to identify consumer segments on a motor oil for passenger cars market. Data was collected with the use of a questionnaire technique. Collected data was processed with the use of a multidimensional exploratory technique - cluster analysis. Concerning a differentiation of customers attitudinal loyalty on a researched market, 4 customer segments were identified, defined by 8 predictors describing motor oil choice criteria. Variables describing a consumer, a vehicle and a way of its maintenance did not enter the model. A practical implication of the paper is revealing that the biggest fraction (42%) is formed by consumers neutral concerning brand loyalty, which gives a wide field of using marketing instruments aiming at increasing their loyalty.
The purpose of this paper was to prove the role of the quality of online banking services in the shaping of consumer loyalty. Data specifying (1) consumer characteristics, (2) type and manner of using services and (3) levels of partial service quality assessments were analysed. Empirical research was carried out on a sample of 384 consumers, and the results were processed by performing a multidimensional exploratory analysis with the use of classification trees and the CTree algorithm. As a result, it was proven that for the identified types of loyalty, both cognitive and active-conative loyalty, the only statistically important predictors of consumer loyalty are some indicators of partial service qualities (6 in the first model and 4 in the second model). In this way, the rank of the quality in shaping of consumer behaviours in a digital economy was empirically proven.
The aim of the paper was to identify impact of foreign languages teaching service quality on consumer loyalty. A questionnaire-based research was carried out. As a method of elaborating the results structural equations modeling was chosen. Service quality turned out to be a two-dimensional construct. Then a path model was built, according to which customer-oriented approach influences customer loyalty in a meaningful way. A practical implication of the study is claiming a key role of customer-oriented approach and staff attitudes in shaping service quality and consequently consumer behaviorsy
Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to identify the structure of consumer segments in the market of motor oil for passenger cars. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative approach was applied. A questionnaire-based research was carried out. Cluster analysis was selected as the results elaboration method. Findings: It was discovered that, when considering consumer behavioural loyalty, four market segments (clusters) were identified. They are characterized by different values of formal features: four features concerning the consumer and five features concerning the vehicle and its maintenance. Practical implications: A practical implication of the study is revealing the structure of consumer segments in the researched market and describing their characteristics. This knowledge can be used in differentiating marketing activities for each of the identified segments in order to ensure that these activities are more efficient. Originality/value: Authors’ contribution and novelty of the paper is the innovative application of one of the multidimensional exploratory techniques, cluster analysis, in the area of research. In management practice, the paper can be useful for marketing managers in the automotive industry, especially motor oil manufacturers.
Cel: Segmentacja studentów ze względu na wartości predyktorów wyboru kierunku studiów, określenie ważności tych predyktorów i wskazanie jej konsekwencji dla marketingu uczelni. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Badania zrealizowane z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza na próbie 240 studentów Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu na kierunkach studiów jakość i rozwój produktu (JiRP) oraz zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji (ZIP). Do opracowania rankingu predyktorów oraz charakterystyki uzyskanych segmentów zastosowano drzewa klasyfikacyjne i algorytm CART. Wyniki/wnioski: Opracowano model segmentacji studentów ze względu na predyktory związane z kryteriami wyboru kierunków studiów. Najważniejszymi predyktorami okazały się: (1) nazwa kierunku studiów, (2) możliwość uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżyniera oraz (3) źródła informacji o przyszłym kierunku studiów. Ograniczenia: Niewielka liczebność próby (240 studentów) i uwzględnienie tylko 2 kierunków studiów. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Dostarczenie rekomendacji istotnych dla efektywnych działań marketingowych uczelni. Na kierunku JiRP decydującym predyktorem jest możliwość uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżyniera, podczas gdy na kierunku ZIP takim predyktorem jest nazwa kierunku studiów. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Zastosowanie drzew klasyfikacyjnych w badanym obszarze. Uzyskana segmentacja studentów, utworzenie rankingu predyktorów wyboru i wskazanie marketingowych implikacji wyników tych analiz.
Purpose: Segmentation of students according to the values of predictors of choosing a field of study, determining the importance of these predictors and indicating its consequences for university marketing. Design/methodology/approach: The research was carried out using an original questionnaire on a sample of 240 students of the Poznań University of Economics in the fields of product quality and development (JiRP) and production management and engineering (ZIP). Classification trees and the CART algorithm were used to develop the ranking of predictors and the characteristics of the obtained segments. Findings/conclusions: A model for classifying students according to predictors related to the criteria for choosing a field of study was built. The most important predictors turned out to be: (1) the name of the field of study, (2) the possibility of obtaining a professional title of engineer and (3) sources of information about the future field of study. Research limitations: Small sample size (240 students) and only 2 fields of study included. Practical implications: Providing recommendations important for effective university marketing activities. In the JiRP field, the decisive predictor is the possibility of obtaining a professional engineering title, while in the ZIP field, the name of the field of study is such a predictor. Originality/value: Application of classification trees in the study area. Obtained student segmentation, ranking of choice predictors and indication of marketing implications of the results of these analyses.
Purpose: Identifying the impact of consumers’ awareness concerning eco-labelling on their pro-ecological market behavior. Design/methodology/approach: A critical and comparative literature review was chosen as a research method. Findings: Most of the results found in the literature confirm that awareness concerning eco-labelling positively impacts consumers’ pro-ecological behavior. Generally the findings indicate that eco-labelling is often worthwhile because it enhances the business rationale for delivering products with eco-components. Research implications: The change in consumer awareness in the area of eco-labelling leads to the change of consumer behavior towards ecological products. Hence the use of eco-labels can be an important marketing tool in shaping consumer behavior on the market. Practical implications: The findings indicate that eco-labelling is worthwhile as it enhances the business rationale for delivering products with eco-components. Originality/value: The identification, estimation and evaluation of the model of direct relation between consumer awareness concerning eco-labelling and consumer pro-ecological behavior on the market.
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