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Agriculture is essentially an energy conversion process - the conversion of solar energy through photosynthesis to biomass. The problem with solar radiation is that it is diffuse, intermittent and has a low energy flux, so that if we are going to use it, we have to collect this energy, convert to a form convenient for our purposes, and also need to store it - this is what plants solved a long time ago. The primary goal of agriculture is to produce food for humans in the form of a balanced diet. To realize this goal in a modern agriculture with high productivity we use fossil energy subsidy together with a complex mix of science and technology. Fossil energy INPUT in agriculture can be applied directly, as fuels and electricity, and indirectly, as invested energy of fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, machinery or buildings, all of which depend primarily upon fossil energy. Now, the total fossil energy INPUT, e.g. in maize production per hectare in the growing season averages about 450 1 of oil equivalents. But this represents only 8% of the total solar energy captured by the plant.
Rolnictwo jest istotnie procesem przetwarzania energii - przetwarzaniem energii słonecznej przez fotosyntezę do biomasy. Problem radiacji słonecznej polega na jej rozproszeniu, nieciągłości i małej energii strumienia, a więc jeżeli chcemy ją wykorzystywać, musimy po pierwsze zebrać tę energię, przekształcić na formę nam odpowiadającą i także zarejestrować, a więc to co rośliny rozwiązały wiele lat temu. Pierwszym celem rolnictwa jest produkcja żywności dla ludności w formie wyważonej diety. Do realizacji tego celu we współczesnym rolnictwie o wysokiej produkcyjności wykorzystujemy energię kopalni. Energia kopalni INPUT może być wykorzystana bezpośrednio jako paliwo i elektryczność i pośrednio jako zainwestowana energia w nawozach, pestycydach, nawadnianiu, mechanizacji i budownictwie, we wszystkim co zależy od energii kopalin. Teraz, całkowita energia kopalni INPUT, np. w produkcji kukurydzy na hektar w sezonie wegetacyjnym jest równoważona około 450 1 oleju. Reprezentuje to jednak tylko 8% całkowitej energii słonecznej wychwyconej przez rośliny.
Сельское хозяйство является, действительно, процессом преобразования энергии - преобразованием солнечной энергии путем фотосинтеза в биомассу. Проблема солнечной радиации заключается в ее рассеянии, прерывности и малой энергии потока, значит, если мы хотим ее использовать, мы должны, во-первых, собрать эту энергию, преобразовать в соответствующую для нас форму и также зарегистрировать, значит, то, что растения сами решили много лет тому назад. Первая цель сельского хозяйства - это продукция пищевых продуктов для населения в форме взвешенной диеты. Для реализации этой цели в современном высокопродуктивном сельском хозяйстве используем энергию шахт. Энергия шахт INPUT может быть использована непосредственно как топливо и электричество и посредственно как энергия, ин вестированная в удобрения, пестициды, орошение, механизацию и строительство, во все, что зависит от энергии шахт. Теперь полная энергия шахт INPUT нпр в продукции кукурузы на гектар в вегетационный период уравновешена ок. 450 л масла. Это, однако, представляет лишь 8% полной солнечной энергии, захваченной растениями.
Huwawa and Bes were very popular in the sphere of thought of the ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians. Their relationship is recognisable by their iconographical likenesses, and also by the fact that both were active in the world of popular religion by effective apotropaic means. If we examine their functional relationship, the fact that they both show the same peculiarity can be crucial: their legs are represented as jambes arquées (i.e. they are bow-legged). This position may be the indication of some kind of dance. However, there is also a third example representing this dance: the Mesopotamian bow-legged dwarf. Maybe we are not far from the truth when we suppose a common source of inspiration. From the reign of Pharaoh Isesi, African dwarfs or pygmies were imported to the Egyptian court. In author's opinion, it is this dwarf which represents for the first time the jambes arquées-dance in the ancient Near East and in him we can identify the common source of the jambes arquées peculiarity of Huwawa, Bes and the bow-legged dwarf.
In our previous paper [10] we proposed new variants of the Discrete Algebraic Reconstruction Technique with combined filtering technique and performed experiments on binary software phantoms within a new test framework to investigate the effect of the filters. Continuing our work, in this paper we extend our study to multivalued phantoms for a deeper investigation in this field. We create a new test phantom set with different intensity levels and perform a comprehensive experimental study. The results are evaluated with Relative Mean Error which is extended to multivalued discrete phantoms. We use a ranking system to create different views to our quantitative data. Finally, the achievements are discussed.
The question of 'communication' is in the center of the essay, when focusing on the great Danish thinker, Sören Kierkegaard and his view on angels. Being brought up in a Lutheran environment and greatly influenced by his father (himself a member of a fundamentalist Lutheran sect), Kierkegaard's 'angelic experiences' differed very much from those listed in Catholic interpretations or conserved in everyday references to celestial beings. Facing both the surviving pagan traditions (and referred to its 'heavenly' messengers) and referring to the angels of Kierkegaard's Copenhagen (maily as decorations and ornaments) the study highlights the more important, often determinant references of Kierkegaard to angels. In the list of such 'appearances' in his oeuvre, by angels the 'question of communication' is examinated in an original way, while the 'authenticity' is questioned and/or emphasized by their presence. His ideas about transformations of angelic beings into demonic (daimonic) or even diabolic ones, has its very special emphasis of the once common origin of all these creatures, while final and fatal 'fall' of transcendental conscience is mirrored by the fall of angels, when marrying mortal women. His conclusion, that theology married reason the way once fallen angels did, refers to this tragedy, once creating monsters of early times and now repeating this mortal seduction in the 'world of spirit'.
Parallel X-rays are functions that measure the intersection of a given set with lines parallel to a fixed direction in R2. The reconstruction problem concerning parallel X-rays is to reconstruct the set if the parallel X-rays into some directions are given. There are several algorithms to give an approximate solution of this problem. In general we need some additional knowledge on the object to obtain a unique solution. By assuming convexity a suitable finite number of directions is enough for all convex planar bodies to be uniquely determined by their X-rays in these directions [13]. Gardner and Kiderlen [12] presented an algorithm for reconstructing convex planar bodies from noisy X-ray measurements belonging to four directions. For a reconstruction algorithm assuming convexity we can also refer to [17]. An algorithm for the reconstruction of hv-convex planar sets by their coordinate X-rays (two directions) can be found in [18]: given the coordinate X-rays of a compact connected hv-convex planar set K the algorithm gives a sequence of polyominoes Ln all of whose accumulation points (with respect to the Hausdorff metric) have the given coordinate X-rays almost everywhere. If the set is uniquely determined by the coordinate X-rays then Ln tends to the solution of the problem. This algorithm is based on generalized conic functions measuring the average taxicab distance by integration [21]. Now we would like to give an extension of this algorithm that works in the case when only some measurements of the coordinate X-rays are given. Following the idea in [12] we extend the algorithm for noisy X-ray measurements too.
Content available The role of tourism in rural areas of Hungary
Studied by many researchers, tourism has become a major income-generating sector of the economy. Tourism often creates potential and acts as an engine of local economic development for many rural areas however, it is not established in all areas. The utilization of tourism potential in rural areas is sometimes considered to be the “only and last resort” to generating economic growth, even though it is frequently not enough to solve long-lasting and serious problems existing in such areas. Thus, when developing the sector, it is necessary to examine the conditions of a given area. The aim of this study is to discover the touristic possibilities of rural areas and, with the application of certain indicators, quantify and define the long-term potentials of the sector.
Celem badań było przedstawienie możliwości turystycznych terenów wiejskich oraz ocena długofalowego potencjału tego sektora na podstawie wskaźników. Turystyka generuje największe wpływy i w niej dopatruje się dużego potencjału, uważając ją za motor napędowy dla rozwoju lokalnej gospodarki terenów wiejskich. Wykorzystywanie potencjału turystycznego terenów wiejskich postrzega się jako jedyne i ostateczne rozwiązanie, prowadzące do generacji wzrostu ekonomicznego. Nie wystarcza to jednak do rozwiązania długotrwałych i poważnych problemów dotykających te tereny. Dlatego, inwestując i rozwijając ten sektor należy dobrze poznać dany region pod względem jego możliwości turystycznych.
We often face the question how a development strategy can be maintained. What sustainability means and is there a general approach which is able to describe these condition systems in any region or community of a country. Each area has different physical and mental characteristics and one certain development concept may be applied in one country but the same concept causes damages to the other (and it can be true even for the different regions and communities of one country). Our paper outlines general guidelines that are suitable for describing complex problems. The development of rural areas can be defined as an interdisciplinary field of science synthetizing more scientific fields and built from different approaches due to its complexity. These approaches often have system theory roots and their overall review is required very much.
Często zadajemy pytanie, jak strategia rozwoju może być utrzymana. Co oznacza zrównoważony rozwój oraz czy jest ogólne podejście, które umożliwia opisanie zbioru warunków w każdym regionie lub społeczności danego kraju. Artykuł przedstawia ogólne wytyczne przydatne do opisywania złożonych problemów. Rozwój obszarów wiejskich może być zdefiniowany jako interdyscyplinarna dziedzina nauki łącząca więcej dziedzin nauki i zbudowana z różnych podejść w związku z jej złożonością. Te podejścia często mają korzenie w teorii systemów, a ich ogólny przegląd jest wymagany.
The laser sintering technique was applied to SiC ceramic-powders for the fast and direct production of complex-shaped SiSiC ceramic prototypes. Their mechanical and thermal properties can be controlled via Si content. Current projects are occupied with the increase of mechanical properties as well with the optimization of geometrical preciseness especially for the miniaturization of laser sintered SiSiC.
The actuality of our topie is established and justified by the fact that the cohesion policy of the European Union is criticized very much nowadays. In our opinion, the criticism primarily focuses on the low efficiency of the use of EU funds and the increasing gap between the regions. It was mentioned even at the 2010 Open Days events in Brussels that the distribution system of funds in the Union is not perfect, but the current principles, system and the eligibility criteria have to be maintained. The strengthening of the Community and its cohesion policy is one of the priority tasks for the Hungarian EU presidency as they will get more importance due to the future enlargements.
W artykule omówiono sytuację najmniej rozwiniętych obszarów na Węgrzech wskazując, że większość z nich położona jest na terenach wiejskich. Zaprezentowano politykę państwa wobec tych terenów oraz omówiono ich podstawowe charakterystyki. Autorzy zaproponowali, by w strategiach ich rozwoju dominowały rolnictwo, turystyka i działalności związane z odnawialnymi źródłami energii.
Content available remote On the Distribution of the Modulation Frequencies of RR Lyrae Stars
For the first time connection between the pulsation and modulation properties of RR Lyr stars has been detected. Based on the available data it is found that the possible range of the modulation frequencies, i.e., the possible maximum value of the modulation frequency depends on the pulsation frequency. Short period variables (P<0.4 d) can have modulation period as short as some days, while longer period variables (P>0.6 d) always exhibit modulation with Pmod>20 d. We interpret this tendency with the equality of the modulation period with the surface rotation period, because similar distribution of the rotational periods is expected if an upper limit of the total angular momentum of stars leaving the RGB exists. The distribution of the projected rotational velocities of red and blue horizontal branch stars at different temperatures shows a similar behavior as vrot derived for RR Lyr stars from their modulation periods. This common behavior gives reason to identify the modulation period with the rotational period of the modulated RR Lyr stars.
The study of the evolution of the river network in the Great Hungarian Plain has been based on sedimentological, neotectonical, morphological investigations, heavy mineral analysis and complementary OSL dating. The study area extends from the Körös sub-basin into the Ér and Berettyó river valleys which are situated northeast from the subsiding basin and northwest from the uplifting Apuseni Mountains. The OSL ages provide evidence that a large river run in the Ér-valley at least from 46 ±4 to 39 ±4 ka. It deposited garnet and magnetite-ilmenite-rich sediments, similar to the recent Berettyó, Ér and Sebes-Körös rivers and less intensive the modern Tisza river. These sediments originated from the nearly located metamorphic and Neogene volcanic rocks and contain some reworked older clastic sedimentary rocks from the northern part of the Apuseni Mountains. These OSL ages fit the active tectonic phase of the Érmellék depression. Loess is 49-47, 44, 39 and 25 ka old and aeolian sands 10 to 9 ka were dated. Their heavy mineral composition and that of fluvial sands is similar.
Temporal modulation of responses to drifting grating stimulation is observed in visual neurons in different brain structures. The common measure of intensity of such modulation is the modulation index (MI; Movshon et al. 1978), defi ned as the ratio of the amplitude of the response component at the stimulus temporal frequency (f1 ) and the net response of the cell. However MI works correctly in a limited range of net responses. If stimulation causes only a weak change in mean fi ring rate, MI can take any value independently of actual modulation in the response. Here we present a new, simple method of determining the strength of modulation, based on the detection of a peak in an amplitude spectrum at the frequency of stimulation. We defi ne modulation strength (MS) as the ratio of f1 value above the mean value of amplitude spectrum and standard deviation (SD) of amplitude values along all frequencies in the spectrum. We assume the response to be modulated if f1 value exceeds the mean amplitude by at least one SD (MS>1). We test the method on data recorded from a number of structures of the extrageniculate visual pathway and compare it to the classical MI and the modulation depth (measure used in the amplitude modulation radio transmission – here the change of the spectrum component at the stimulation frequency between the spontaneous activity and the response). Supported by MNiSW grants: N303 070234, COST/127/2007, N303 046 31/1483, OTKA/NKTH Hungary grant 68594, OTKA grant PD75156.
Epidemic outbreaks of avian influenza (AI) virus H5N1 have been frequently reported in Egypt during the last nine years. Here we investigate the involvement of AI H5N1 in outbreaks of acute respiratory disease that occurred in several commercial chicken farms in Egypt in 2011, and we describe to the pathology caused by the virus in the course of the outbreak. Twenty-one chicken farms with history of acute respiratory symptoms and high mortalities were screened for AI H5N1. Virus identification was based on hemagglutination inhibition test, and PCR detection and sequencing of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes. Virus distribution was determined by immunohistochemical staining of AI antigens in organs of infected birds. Standard H&E staining was performed for histological examination of affected organs. Eighty-one % of the examined birds, representing 100% of the screened farms, were positive for AI H5N1 virus. Phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of the isolated virus reveals its affiliation to clade 2.2.1. Viral antigens were localized in the endothelial cells of the heart, liver, lungs and skin, where pathological lesions including congestion, hemorrhages, multifocal inflammation and necrosis were concurrently observed. According to the pattern of the viral antigen and lesion distribution in the visceral organs, we suggest cardiovascular and circulatory failures as the probable cause of death during these outbreaks. In conclusion, the present study further confirms the epidemic status of AI H5N1 virus in Egypt and reveals the highly pathogenic nature of the local isolates.
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