Zawartość wolumenu
artykuł: Partial implication of cerebral protein synthesis and NMDA receptors in HPA axis desensitization after a single exposure to immobilization (Ons S., Marti O., Armario A.)
artykuł: Cortical and medial nuclei of the amygdala are both involved in lamb odour memory formation by parturient mothers in sheep (Levy F., Meurisse M., Perrin G., Ferreira G., Jouanneau N., Venier G., Archer E., Keller M.)
artykuł: A multiple experience paradigm induces distinct psychoemotional and behavioral phenotypes in mice (Al Banchaabouchi M., Pereira L., Pérez R., Peña de Ortiz S. M., Pereira L., Perez R., Pene de Ortiz S.)
artykuł: Brain substrates of “eyeblink” classical conditioning in goldfish (Alvarez E., Gomez A., Duran E., Ocana F. M., Jimenez-Moya F., Broglio C., Rodriguez F., Salas C.)
artykuł: Sensitization to the conditioned reinforcing properties of Diethylpropion (Garcia-Mijares M., Silva M. T. A.)
artykuł: Molecular mechanisms mediating the sex differences in the effects of early experiences on stress vulnerability (Stylianopoulou F.)
artykuł: Epigenetic factors influencing behavioural traits in rodents (Belzung C.)
artykuł: Effects of electrical stimulation of the nucleus basalis on two-way active avoidance acquisition, retention and retrieval (Montero-Pastor A., Vale-Martínez A., Guillazo-Blanch G., Martí-Nicolovius M. A., Vale-Martinez A., Guillazo-Blanch G., Marti-Nicolovius M. A.)
artykuł: Age effects on the structural alterations in obsessive-compulsive disorder (Soriano-Mas C., Pujol J., Alonso P., Cardoner N., Menchon J. M., Deus J., Vallejo J.)
artykuł: Grey matter atrophy in Parkinson’s disease with and without dementia. A voxel-based morphometry study (Ramírez-Ruiz B., Salgado-Pineda P., Tolosa E., Marti M. J., Gomez-Anson B., Junque C.)
artykuł: Effects of pleasant and unpleasant olfactory stimuli in anorexia nervosa as revealed by spectral EEG changes (Toth E., Gati A., Tury F., Weiss J., Molnar M.)
artykuł: Cognitive and emotional processes in human (Molinari M., Leggio M. G.)
artykuł: Anti-impulsive effects of caffeine and d-amphetamine:interaction with basal levels of impulsive choice behaviour in rats (Barbelivien A., Billy E., Alves-Rodrigues E., Will B., Kelche C., Majchrzak M. A., Billy E., Alves-Rodrigues E., Will B., Kelche C., Majchrzak M.)
artykuł: Enhancement of taste aversion memory induced by glutamate infusion in the basolateral amygdala depends on NMDA receptors activation in the insular cortex (Ferreira G., Miranda M. I., De la Cruz V., Rodriguez Ortiz C. J., Bermudez-Rattoni F.)
artykuł: Stressed amygdala:stress-induced structural and functional plasticity in basolateral amygdala (Vyas A., Chattarji S.)
artykuł: Transient brain dynamic patterns, a nonlinear dynamical systems approach to neural function (Perez Velazquez J. L., Frantseva M. V., Wennberg R.)
artykuł: Stress-associated “readthrough” acetylcholinesterase enhances hippocampal long-term potentiation and fear memory (Nijholt I., Farchi N., Kye M., Hochner B., Spiess J., Soreq H., Blank T.)
artykuł: Speed tuned cells in feline superior colliculus (Waleszczyk W. J., Nagy A., Eordegh G., Wypych M., Benedek G.)
artykuł: Visual attention in frontal cortex (Thompson K. G.)
artykuł: Metabotropic receptors and olfactory recognition memory (Kendrick K. M.)
artykuł: Cross-modal interactions and reorganization in animals (King A. J.)
artykuł: Sexuality and mania (Conesa C., Ventura C., Corominas A., Fabregat V.)
artykuł: Human anterior prefrontal contributions to cognitive control (Pollmann S.)
artykuł: The link between creative thinking and psychoticism (Abraham A., Gunturkun O., Daum I.)
artykuł: Effects of a sub-chronic diazepam exposure on social behaviour related to food in rat groups exposed to the diving-for-food situation (Schroeder H., Gelhaye M., Desor D.)
artykuł: Differential involvement of mesocortical and thalamocortical pathways during either acquisition or retention of morphine self-administration into the lateral septum (Le Merrer J., Gavello S., Galey D., Cazala P.)
artykuł: ERD changes in different frequency bands during the performance of an intelligence task (Doppelmayr M., Hodlmoser K., Schabus M., Klimesch W.)
artykuł: Functionality of the M1 muscarinic receptors in the lateral and medial dorsal parts of the striatum in young and aged rats (Lazaris A., Koenig J., Kelche C.)
artykuł: Oscillatory activity, behaviour and memory, new approaches for LFP signal analysis (Vialatte F., Martin C., Ravel N., Quenet B., Dreyfus G., Gervais R.)
artykuł: Cross-modal comparisons of temporal order judgement in cochlear implant users (Kanabus M., Szelag E., Kolodziejczyk I., Szuchnik J.)
artykuł: Neurobehavioural effects of ethanol in GluR-A and GluR-C knockout mice (Sanchis-Segura C., Cowen M., Sprengel R., Spanagel R.)
artykuł: Fast oscillations during the up states of slow cortical rhythmic activity in vitro (Puccini G., Harvey M., Reig R., Descalzo V. F., Sanchez-Vives M. V., Compte A.)
artykuł: Neuronal activity in the rat’s medial frontal cortex during odor learning task (Kublik E., Sara S. J.)
artykuł: Subregional analyses of hippocampal mediation of pattern separation, pattern association, and pattern completion in the rat (Kesner R. P.)
artykuł: Protein synthesis immunizes hippocampal synapses against depotentiation (Woo N. H., Nguyen P. V.)
artykuł: Beta-endorphin mechanisms in ethanol effects: the role of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ArcN) (Sanchis-Segura C., Miquel M., Pastor M., Aragon C. M. G.)
artykuł: Water maze learning failure in preweanling rats impairs adult acquisition of a jumping avoidance response (Higuera A., Manrique T., Molero A., Candido A., Gallo M.)
artykuł: Effects of neonatal handling on basal forebrain cholinergic system function, hippocampal corticosteroid receptors and spatial learning and memory in male and female rats (Pondiki S., Panagiotaropoulos T., Kitraki E., Stamatakis A., Philippidis H., Stylianopoulou F.)
artykuł: Brain penetration is necessary for the antiemetic activity of NK1 receptor antagonists (Tattersall F. D., Naylor R. J., Hargreaves R. J.)
artykuł: Effects of dorsal mammillary body region lesions on spatial working memory (Aranda L., Santin L. J., Begega A., Aguirre J. A., Blanco E., Arias J. L.)
artykuł: Hippocampal high-frequency (200 Hz) network synchronization is modulated by reinforcement learning (Ponomarenko A. A., Li J. S., Korotkova T. M., Huston J. P., Haas H. L.)
artykuł: Behavioral and neurochemical responses in tumor-bearing mice submitted to social stress (Vegas O., Cacho R., Sanchez Martin J. R., Arregi A., Azpiroz A.)
artykuł: Reversible inactivation of the hippocampal CA3 network:effect on contextual fear conditioning in C57BL/6J mice (Daumas S., Halley H., Lasalle J. M.)
artykuł: Bidirectional plasticity in CA3 cells of the hippocampus, following chronic stress (Mitra R., Chattarji S.)
artykuł: Temporal re-organization of horizontal and vertical saccades during oblique saccades (Hirai N., Suzuki-Inatomi T.)
artykuł: Genes and cognition: the meaning of the links (Roubertoux P. L.)
artykuł: Visual and olfactory place learning deficit in rats with low glutathione during development: a behaviour model with relevance to schizophrenia (Cabungcal J. H., Castagne V., Hornung J.-P., Cuenod M., Do K. Q., Schenk F.)
artykuł: An fMRI investigation of dissociation between spatial and object recognition and memory (Chabanne V., Peruch P., Anton J. L., Roth M., Thinus-Blanc C.)
artykuł: Spatial learning in a partitioned water maze: distinctive capacities revealed in knockout mice lacking alpha-1B noradrenergic receptors (Chalard R., Spreng M., Cotecchia S., Shenk F.)
artykuł: Marked differences in neurogenesis and proliferation activity in the hippocampus of wild-living rodents (Amrein I., Slomianka L., Poletaeva I. I., Lipp H. P.)
artykuł: Influence of learning and anxiety by substance P in the globus pallidus and amygdala (Kertes E., Laszlo K., Sandor P., Lenard L.)
artykuł: Prefrontal cortex neural activity correlates with parametric stimuli representation in working memory (Nacher V., Ojeda S. F., Cadarso-Suarez C., Acuna C.)
artykuł: Attention-dependent, beta-frequency coupling between local field potentials recorded in the cat’s lateral geniculate nucleus and primary visual cortex (Bekisz M., Wrobel A.)
artykuł: Cross-modal plasticity of spatial functions in the blind (Roder B.)
artykuł: Individual differences in schedule-induced polydipsia: pharmacological and behavioural evidences (Lopez-Grancha M., Lopez-Crespo G., Sanchez-Amate M. C., Flores P.)
artykuł: Synaptic responses to sound in visual areas from visually deprived cats (Sanchez-Vives M. V., Nowak L. G., Descalzo V. F.)
artykuł: Antipsychotics in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (Palotas A., Janka Z., Penke B., Palotas M., Kalman J.)
artykuł: Neural networks involved in acquisition and consolidation of the lamb odour by parturient ewes (Keller M., Meurisse M., Jouanneau N., Venier G., Archer E., Levy F.)
artykuł: Decreased neuronal density in CA1 and decreased synaptic density in CA1, CA3 and the dentate gyrus of partial trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) mice (Kurt M. A., Kafa I. M., Dierssen M., Davies D. C.)
artykuł: Dynamic analysis of inter-words time intervals: a method to analyze the structure of communicative signals (Avissar S., Todder D., Schreiber G.)
artykuł: Neonatal dopamine depletion in mice induces behavioral changes which involve the dopamine D4 receptor (Avale M. E., Nemirovsky S. I., Falzone T., Rubinstein M.)
artykuł: Relation of the steady state response to the spontaneous gamma activity in the auditory cortex of the cat (Karmos G., Lakatos P., Pincze Z., Rajkai C., Ulbert I.)
artykuł: Song learning-related immediate early gene expression restricted to lateral parts of the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) in zebra finch males (Terpstra N. J., Bolhuis J. J., Den Boer-Visser A. M., Zandbergen M. A.)
artykuł: Physical, verbal and indirect aggression: sexual differences and hormonal correlations in 7-8 years old children (Azurmendi A., Ahedo L., Cardas J., Sanchez-Martin J. R.)
artykuł: After after-images (Weiskrantz L.)
artykuł: Glutamate-dopamine interactions within the nucleus accumbens on spatial memory consolidation in mice (Ferretti V., Oliverio A., Mele A.)
artykuł: Integration of disparity and texture gradient signals for the representation of 3D surface orientation in parietal area CIP (Tsutsui K. I., Sakata H., Taira M.)
artykuł: Effect of eye position on the processing of auditory spatial information in human visual cortex (Zimmer U., Lewald J., Erb M., Karnath H. O.)
artykuł: Behavioral effects of oral Al exposure and restraint stress (Roig J. L., Vicens P., Colomina M. T., Domingo J. L.)
artykuł: Effects of acute vs. chronic estradiol treatment on behavior and cognitive skills of the female rat (Papalexi E., Kittas C., Kitraki E.)
artykuł: Executive control and response conflict: an rTMS study on sequence-dependent modulations of stimulus-response correspondence effects (Redlich M., Sturmer B., Schira M., Brocke J., Irlbacher K., Sommer W., Brandt S. A.)
artykuł: Characterization of neurological and cognitive status in young and aged AD transgenic mice in the Morris navigation task: dissociation between cognitive impairments and stereotyped circling behaviour (Rochat F., Chalard R., Grandchamp N., Schenk F.)
artykuł: Independent component analysis tomography (Marco J., Grau C., Ruffini G.)
artykuł: Reward, prediction errors, uncertainty and dopamine neurons (Schultz W., Waelti P., Tobler P., Fiorillo C.)
artykuł: Reward facilitates cognitive performance of mice in two spatial learning tasks (Dalm S., de Kloet E.R., Oitzl M.S. S., de Kloet E. R., Oitzi M. S.)
artykuł: Olfactory learning is followed by upregulation of synaptic proteins, and cell adhesion molecules and increased spine density in the hippocampus (Knafo S. (1), Barkai E. (1), Libersat F. (1), Ariav G. (1), Sandi C. (2), Venero C. (2) S., Barkai E., Libersat F., Ariav G., Sandi C., Venero C.)
artykuł: Genetic effects on human cognition: lessons from the study of mental retardation syndromes (Flint J.)
artykuł: Cognitive functions in nigerians with newly diagnosed epilepsy (Olubunmi O., Adamolekun B., Ogunniyi A., Aldenkamp A. P.)
artykuł: Visual and spatial working memory in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type (Bonanni R., Carlesimo G. A., Buccione I., Caltagirone C.)
artykuł: Ionic mechanism underlying learning-induced enhancement in neuronal excitability (Brosh I., Barkai E.)
artykuł: Reliability and validity of the berlin apraxia test (Liepelt I., Platz T.)
artykuł: Attentional modulation of motion processing (Treue S.)
artykuł: Altered auditory-tactile interaction in congenitally blind humans: an event-related potential study (Hotting K., Roder B.)
artykuł: Anatomo-functional models of unawareness: spatial neglect and extinction (Karnath H. O., Himmelbach M., Fruhmann Berger M., Rorden C.)
artykuł: GHB effects on naloxone-induced motivational and physical signs of morphine withdrawal (Rodríguez-Arias M., Maldonado C., Aguilar M. A., Minarro J.)
artykuł: Understanding space awareness as a function of structure in the primate cortex (Clavagnier S., Falchier A., Kennedy H.)
artykuł: Behavioral specialization in the visual system of the arthropod Lycosa tarantula (Araneae, Lycosidae) (Ortega-Escobar J.)
artykuł: Lesions of the entorhinal cortex enhance fear conditioning in the rat: implication for latent inhibition disruption (Seillier A., Herbeaux K., Will B., Majchrzak M. A.)
artykuł: Why don’t we imitate all the time? Neuropsychological and neuroimaging data on the inhibition of imitative responses (Brass M., Derrfuss J., von Cramon D. Y.)
artykuł: Of rubber hands and rubber fingers (Tsakiris M., Haggard P.)
artykuł: Distribution of NPY immunoreactivity in the central and peripheral nervous system of amphioxus (Castro A. M., Manso M. J., Anadon R.)
artykuł: Cost-benefit assessment in rats (Van den Bos R., Baars A., Jonkman S., Spruijt B.)
artykuł: The role of mossy fibre-CA3 projection in spatial learning in mice (Riedel G.)
artykuł: Functional and behavioral impact of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the brain (Valero-Cabre A., Pascual L., Payne B. R.)
artykuł: Gaze perception modulates visual extinction in right brain-damaged patients (Ricciardelli P., Moro V., Chelazzi L., Aglioti S.)
artykuł: The basal ganglia and cognition (Robbins T. W.)
artykuł: Regional differentiation of reactivity in the prefrontal cortex of rats engaged in a classical conditioning task (Nordquist R. E., Pennartz C. M. A., Joosten R. N. J. M. A., Jonker A. J., Uylings H. B. M., Voorn P.)
artykuł: Chronic exposure to glucocorticoids by subcutaneous corticosterone pellet implants in mice-effects on hippocampal neurogenesis (Murray F., Vithlani M., Dolan S. J., Smith D., Hutson P. H.)
artykuł: Disconnection lesions of nucleus accumbens and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus: effects on conditioned reinforcement (Homs-Ormo S., Watson S. L., Alderson H. L., Latimer M. P., Winn P., Zahm D. S.)
artykuł: Auditory sensory gating in chronic alcoholism (Fuentemilla L. L., Marco J., Fabra M., Grau C.)
artykuł: Generalisation of conditioned fear and its behavioural expression in C57Bl/6 inbred mice (Stork O., Laxmi T. R., Pape H. C.)
artykuł: Postnatal manipulation leads to increased behavioural and cardiophysiological reactivity to aversive challenge in adult Fischer rats (Ruedi-Bettschen D., Zhang W., Weston A., Feldon J., Pryce C. R.)
artykuł: Dissociation of maternal care and adult offspring’s stress and fear responses in rats (Macri S. (1), Mason G.J. (2), Wuerbel H. (3) (1) S., Mason G. J., Wuerbel H.)
artykuł: Comparison between aspirative versus excitotoxic lesions of the lateral entorhinal cortex on conditioned odor aversionin the rat (Ferry B., Taissard M., Majchrzak M.)
artykuł: Sexual steroids modulate female proceptivity but not attraction to male pheromones in mice (Moncho-Bogani J., Lanuza E., Lorente M. J., Agustin M. C., Martinez-Ricos J., Moya M., Martinez-Garcia F.)
artykuł: ERK activation is correlated with maintenance of learning-induced enhancement of synaptic transmission (Cohen S. J., Rosemblum K., Barkai E.)
artykuł: Effects of environmental enrichment in object recognition and social discrimination in male and female rats (Escorihuela R. M., Prunel M., Pena Y.)
artykuł: Sleep and its significance for memory consolidation (Schabus M., Sauter C., Anderer P., Klimesch W., Saletu B., Zeitlhofer J.)
artykuł: Time of day-dependent latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversions in rats (Manrique T., Molero A., Ballesteros M. A., Moron I., Gallo M., Fenton A.)
artykuł: Electrical brain activity following confirmed or unconfirmed predicted outcomes (Mohr C., Michel C., Ortigue S., Schnider A.)
artykuł: Association between sleep and cognitive disturbances in aging: involvement of the PPT (George O., Bouyer J. J., Le Moal M., Plazza P. V., Mayo W.)
artykuł: Role of the cerebellum in learning and memory (Thompson R. F.)
artykuł: Neurocognitive effect and psychopathological presentation of the HIV and AIDS in the brain. Study in adult mexican population (Villasenor T., Jarne A., Guardia J., Rizo C., Luquin S.)
artykuł: Attention capture by significant stimuli: semantic analysis follows attention switching (Escera C., Corral M. J., Yago E., Corbera S., Nunez M. I.)
artykuł: Individual differences in the information processing speed and brain organization in preschool children (Kiselev S. Y.)
artykuł: Beneficial effects of alpha-lipoic acid plus vitamin E on neurological deficit, infarct volume and neuronal remodeling in penumbra of the ischemic rat brain (Gonzalez-Perez Q., Gonzalez-Castaneda R. E., Valencia-Alfonso C. E., Villasenor-Cabrera T., Luquin S., Garcia-Estrada J.)
artykuł: Dynamic cortical cooperation related to visual perception (Eckhorn. R., Gail A., Bruns A., Gabriel A., Al-Shaikhli B.)
artykuł: The effect of pre-challenge learning on MK801 induced psychosis-like behavior in an animal model of schizophrenia (Barkai E., Naimark A., Cohen H.)
artykuł: Temporary hippocampal inactivation dissociates two forms of memory processes in a radial-maze discrimination task in mice (Marighetto A.)
artykuł: Molecular characterization of the orphan nuclear receptor HZF-3 in learning and memory (Colon W. I., Al Banchaabouchi M., Wang J., Santos-Soto I., Pereira L., Martinez Jr. J. L., Pena de Ortiz S.)
artykuł: Event-related potentials during response inhibition in normal absentmindedness and traumatic brain injury (Roche R. A. P., O'Mara S. M.)
artykuł: Mechanisms of lead-mediated long-term memory impairment in the adult rat brain (Vazquez A., Huguet G., Pene de Ortiz S.)
artykuł: Preferential eye use during mirror image inspection: a simple behavioural test to measure lateralization at different stages of development in zebrafish (Facchin L. (1), Argenton F. (2), Bisazza A. L., Argenton F., Bisazza A.)
artykuł: Cross-modal interactions and reorganization in human subjects (Kujala T.)
artykuł: Behavioural and fMRI investigations of mental images constructed from visual experience and from the processing of verbal descriptions (Chabanne V., Bret-Fontaine A., Nesa M. P., Peruch P., Denis M., Thinus-Blanc C.)
artykuł: X-linked gene dosage effects on fear, pre-frontal dopamine and GABAA alpha-subunit gene expression (Isles A. R., Davies W., Burgoyne P. S., Wilkinson L. S.)
artykuł: Innately attractive sexual pheromones induce c-fos in the accumbens but not in the ventral tegmental area (Moncho-Bogani J., Martinez-Garcia F., Novejarque A., Pertusa J., Lanuza E.)
artykuł: Posttraining lesions of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus impair two-way active avoidance under a paradigm of conditioned stimulus transfer (Homs-Ormo S., Morgado-Bernal I., Coll-Andreu M.)
artykuł: Multiple memory systems: the mnemonic functions of the neostriatum and their interaction with memory processing in other brain areas (White N. M.)
artykuł: NK1 receptor blockade in hamsters or deletion in mice enhances the changes in locomotor activity following photic entrainment (Wheeldon A., Hunt S. P., De Felipe D., Rupniak N. M. J.)
artykuł: Homologizing human reward systems (Lawrence A. D., Goerendt I. K., Brooks D. J.)
artykuł: Beta 2 subunit-containing GABA-A receptors are not necessary for etomidate-induced anaesthesia (Newman R. J., O’Meara G. F., Fradley R., Hadingham K., Rosahl T. W., Dawson G. R., Reynolds D. S.)
artykuł: Using radiotelemetry to measure stress-induced hyperthermia in rats (Wilson N., Bentley G., Williamson D., Rigby M., Hutson P., Conley R.)
artykuł: Modulation of (35S)TBPS binding to GABAA receptors in mouse brain (Fish L. R., Philipps E., Smith A. D., Egan E., Cook S. M., Brown T. A., Marshall H. J., Wafford K., Atack J. R.)
artykuł: Modulation of midbrain dopaminergic system by arousal- and feeding-related neuropeptides (Korotkova T. M., Sergeeva O. A., Ponomarenko A. A., Brown R. E., Haas H. L.)
artykuł: Gender differences in emotional prosody (Rymarczyk K., Grabowska A.)
artykuł: Locomotion and emotional behavior in adolescent, young and adult rats: effects of ethanol (Prunell M., Alvarez C. M., Escobar P., Afonso D., Escorihuela R. M., Boada J. N.)
artykuł: Dopamine transporter expression in dopaminergic neurons of the monkey brainstem (Sanchez-Gonzalez M. A., Cavada C.)
artykuł: Instrumental learning of active avoidance of rats in the model of hypokinesia (Yeritsyan N. B., Navasardyan G. A., Martirosyan M. E., Avetisyan A. A.)
artykuł: Chronic dysthyroidism effects on neuronal morphology of the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit (Sala J., Estebanez E., Darbra S., Garau A., Balada F., Marti-Carbonel A.)
artykuł: Does handedness recognition depend on body coordinates? (Ottoboni G., Cubelli R.)
artykuł: Lateralized effect of emotional information processing: a visual evoked potentials study (Gasbarri A., Amone B., Lucchese F., Pacitti F., Pompili A., Cahill L.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological indexes of auditory distraction: MMN-P3a-RON (Corral M. J., Berti S., Widmann A., Jacobsen T., Yago E., Schroger E., Escera C.)
artykuł: Impaired perception of body orientation despite intact visual-vestibular processing (Johannsen L., Broetz D., Kamath H.-O.)
artykuł: Negative results and the synaptotagmin I heterozygous knockout mice:behavioral analysis (Carvalho O. M. P., Silva A. J.)
artykuł: Dopamine transporter in the nigrostriatal system of adolescents with ADHD and neurocognitive performance (Jucaite A., Fernell E., Westerberg H., Halldin C., Farde L., Forssberg H.)
artykuł: fMRI pattern cerebral activation during a face-name encoding task in subjects with antecedents of prematurity (Gimenez M., Caldu X., Salgado-Pineda P., Narberhaus A., Vendrell P. (1), Bargallo N. (2), Mercader J.M. (2), Botet F. (3), Junque C. (1) P., Bargallo N., Mercader J. M., Botet F., Junque C.)
artykuł: Independent coding of connected environments by place cells (Paz-Villagran V., Save E., Poucet B.)
artykuł: Prolonged exposure to the context impairs acquisition of fear conditioning to tone in rats (Perez-Villalba A., Olucha-Bordonau F., Ruiz-Torner A., Toruel V.)
artykuł: Prednisone induces cognitive dysfunction, neuronal degeneration and reactive gliosis in rat brain (Gonzalez-Castaneda R. E., Gonzalez-Perez Q., Castellanos-Alvarado E. A., Villasenor-Cabrera T., Luquin S., Garcia-Estrada J., Ramos-Remus C.)
artykuł: Effects of U-50488, a selective kappa opioid receptor agonist, on anxiety tested in the mouse defence test battery (Davila G., Pedraza C., Navarro J. F.)
artykuł: Inhibition of NO synthesis and schizophrenic-like symptoms (Sampayo M., Darbra S., Ferre N.)
artykuł: Fish oil chronic supplementation in F1 rats causes an antidepressant effect (Naliwaiko K., Araujo R. L. F., Castilho J. C., Andreatini R., Fernandes L. C., Da Cunha C., Ferraz A. C.)
artykuł: Cortical modulation of thalamic local field potentials evoked by the vibrissa stimulation in the rat (Swiejkowski D. A., Kublik E., Wrobel A.)
artykuł: Influence of duration of the abstinence smoking period in performance of the Stroop task (Bernal M. C., Carrasco M. C., Redolat R.)
artykuł: Audiotactile links in the perception of intensity: the importance of temporal and spatial correspondence for cross-modal perceptual enhancement (Gillmeister. H., Eimer M.)
artykuł: Expression of zif-268 in the mesocorticolimbic structures in conditions of unilateral lesion and contralateral electrical stimulation of the ventral tegmental area (Cecot T., Prabucka I.)
artykuł: Vomeronasal mechanisms underlying mate recognition in mice (Brennan P. A.)
artykuł: Beta activity and attentional mode of the visual system (Wrobel A.)
artykuł: Morphological correlates of learning in mammalian hippocampus (Stewart M. G.)
artykuł: Attentional beta activity during visual processing (Ghazaryan A., Bekisz M., Sala J., Wrobel A.)
artykuł: Effects of Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) lesion in the control of stress responses in the rat (Blanco E., Santín L. J., Aranda L., de Pablos L., Puigcerver A., Begega A., Miranda R., Arias J. L.)
artykuł: Modulation of frequency-dependent synaptic plasticity in area CA1 of the hippocampus by insulin (Kamal A., Artola A., Dessing M. C., Biessels G. I., Gispen W. H., Ramakers G. M. J.)
artykuł: Lateralization of response to social stimuli in tadpoles (Dadda M., Sovrano V. A., Bisazza A.)
artykuł: The “one-trial tolerance” effect is modulated by the base-line of anxiety of rats (Lopez G., Davila E., Flores P., Sanchez-Santed F., Sanchez-Amate M. C.)
artykuł: Reward, prediction errors, uncertainty and dopamine neurons (Schultz W., Waelti P., Tobler P., Fiorillo C.)
artykuł: Deficits in learning-dependent cortical plasticity and sensory discrimination learning in presymptomatic Huntington’s disease mice (Cybulska-Klosowicz A., Mazarakis N., Grote H., Van Dellen A., Blakemore C., Hannan A., Kossut M.)
artykuł: Simultaneity of EEG power reduction and CNV during expectancy periods (Gomez C. M., Vaquero E., Gonzalez J., Marco J., Grau C.)
artykuł: Learning and memory effects following bilateral intrahippocampal injections of aggregated non-beta amyloid component (NAC 61-95) (Elliott J. J., Kim E.-M., O’Hare E.)
artykuł: Acute hypobaric hypoxia influences on brain bioamine levels and behaviour in newborn rats: peptidergic correction (Graf A. V., Samoylenkova N. S., Maslova M. V., Maklakova A. S., Sokolova N. A.)
artykuł: Absence of visual feedback of arm movements enhances the magnitude of the effect of prism adaptation in normal subjects (Girardi M., Daini R., Vallar G.)
artykuł: Individual vulnerability in the effects of noise on sleep and their consequences on cognitive processes (Rabat A., Bouyer J. J., Courtiere A., Plazza P. V., Le Moal M., Mayo W.)
artykuł: Differential effects of a bidimentional local cue upon spatial abilities in male and female rats (Brandner C., Delseth C.)
artykuł: Language experience determines functional organization of prefrontal language areas (Wattendorf E., Westermann B., Zappatore D., Radue E. W., Luedi G., Franceschini R., Nitsch C.)
artykuł: fMRI of delayed pointing in a patient with optic ataxia-the ventral stream is not the solitary actor (Himmelbach M., Clavagnier S., Perenin M.-T., Karnath H.-O.)
artykuł: Age related changes for single event or spatial memory in Long Evans rats (Preissmann D., Rossier J., Spreng M., Schenk F.)
artykuł: Behavioral phenotyping of GSK-3beta knockout mice (Shaldubina A., Bersudsky Y., Agam G., Hoeflich K., Woodgett J. R., Belmaker R. H.)
artykuł: Distinct roles of the different ionotropic glutamate receptors within the nucleus accumbens in passive-avoidance learning and memory in mice (De Leonibus E., Costantini V. J. A., Castellano C., Oliverio A., Mele A.)
artykuł: Peptide interplay and rodent sleep (Kovalzon V. M., Fessenko G. N., Koroleva S. F., Ashmarin I. P.)
artykuł: The role of visual cortex in tactile processing: a metamodal organization of the brain (Pascual-Leone A.)
artykuł: Double dissociations of the core and shell subterritories of the nucleus accumbens in selective attention and behavioural inhibition in rats (Pothuizen H. H. J., Yee B. K., Feldon J., Jongen-Relo A. L.)
artykuł: Chronic exposure to 2,5-hexanedione reversibly impairs learning of a conditional discrimination task in rats (Erceg S., Hernandez-Viadel M., Montoliu C., Llansola M., Felipo V.)
artykuł: New methods for testing visual recognition memory in the rat (Forwood S. E., Saksida L. M., Bussey T. J.)
artykuł: Manipulations of NMDA/nNOS pathway impairs olfactory memory in different ways (James B. M., Sanchez-Andrae G., Kendrick K. M.)
artykuł: Apomorphine and amphetamine induce differential activity patterns in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats (Canete A., Guitart M., Fernandez-Ternel A., Toberia A., Gimenez-Llort L.)
artykuł: Lateralization of primary and secondary imprinting in the domestic chick (Clara E., Regolin L., Vallortigara G.)
artykuł: Metric versus configurational framing of space (Paillard J.)
artykuł: Role of neocortical sites in the consolidation of fear conditioning (Bucherelli C., Sacchetti B., Baldi E., Ambrogi Lorenzini C.)
artykuł: Hypoactivation in parahippocampal areas during an “encoding” task reflects general memory disturbances: a study comparing AD and MCI patients (Forn, Barros, Campos, Mallol, Martinez Lozano M., Avila)
artykuł: Poorer cognitive performance in MCI subjects carrying the Asp variant of the Glu/Asp NOS3 polymorphism (Sole-Padulles C., Bartres-Faz D., Via M., Matarín M., Moral P., Moya A., Clemente I. C., Junque C.)
artykuł: Early life experiences affect the serotoninergic system in the rat brain (Stamatakis A., Papaioannou. A., Philippidis H., Stylianopoulou F.)
artykuł: Structural anomalies associated with IQ drop in children born preterm (Edmonds C. J., Gadian D. G., Lucas A. L., Isaack E. B.)
artykuł: Taking account of peripheral visual stimuli in optic ataxia (Rice N. J., Schindler I., Rossetti Y., Milner A. D.)
artykuł: Amygdala cortical network for goal directed behavior (Gallagher M.)
artykuł: Serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA) and learning: studies of visual imprinting (Bolhuis J. J., McCabe B. J., Horn G., Kendrick K. M.)
artykuł: Modelling of abstract acoustic regularities in the human new-born brain: an evoked potential study (Carral V., Huotilainen M., Ruusuvirta T., Naatanen R., Escera C.)
artykuł: The lateral part of the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) receives projections from the medial nucleus of the dorsolateral thalamus (DLM) in the zebra finch brain (Zandbergen M. A., Bolhuis J. J., Hetebrij E., Fink K.)
artykuł: Functional heterogeneity of the amygdala: disparity of c-Fos expression in alimentary and defensive conditioning in rats (Werka T., Nikolaev E., Walasek G., Knapska E., Blaszczyk J.)
artykuł: Dynamics of rapid scene categorisation: backward masking and RSVP studies (Bacon-Mace N. M., Mace M. J.-M., Kirchner H., Fabre-Thorpe M., Thorpe S. J.)
artykuł: Selective attention to change/no-change in color and shape (Kimura M., Katayama J., Murohashi H.)
artykuł: Central cholinergic systems in rats of different responsiveness to novelty (Prabucka I., Cecot T., Jurkowlaniec E., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: Selective attention to the component features of multidimensional visual objects: the role of primate area V4 (Chelazzi L.)
artykuł: Modafinil: effects on attention and sleep in the rat (Waters K. A., Burnham K. E., Cirone J., O’Connor D., Dawson G., Dias R.)
artykuł: The role of brain catalase on the locomotion and sensitization induced by ethanol (Correa M., Font L., Manrique H. M., Aragon C. M. G.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological correlates of ipsilesional hyperattention in neglect patients (Natale E., Girelli M., Pavone E. F., Posteraro L., Prior M., Marzi C. A.)
artykuł: Functional organization of the lateral prefrontal cortex in human planning (Koechlin E.)
artykuł: What, if anything, is the medial temporal lobe? (Murray E. A.)
artykuł: Olfactory fear conditioning induces synaptic changes in the amygdala and piriform cortex in the rat (Sevelinges Y., Gervais R., Mouly A. M.)
artykuł: Intrahippocampal nicotine and pregnenolone sulfate administration on learning acquisition in alcohol drinking rats (Martín García E., Ferre N., Pallares M. E.)
artykuł: Cognitive learning in cerebellar subjects (Timmann-Braun D.)
artykuł: Different involvement of AMPA receptors into the nucleus accumbens in short-term processing of information in the place or the cue versions of the water maze task: possible dissociation of learning and performance impairment (Sargolini F., Mele A., Oliverio A., Roullet P.)
artykuł: Functional analysis of the serotoninergic system in murine models of prion diseases (Vidal C., Herzog C., Lefebvre-Roque M., Meric P., Beloeil J. C., Dormont D., Lasmezas C.)
artykuł: The prefrontal cortex and the temporal organization of action (Fuster J. M.)
artykuł: Sensitization to the rewarding effects of morphine in mice (Aguilar M. A., Manzanedo C., Rodriguez-Arias M., Minarro J.)
artykuł: Intraseptal injections of 8-OH-DPAT and spatial working memory in rats (Jeltsch H., Bertrand F., Galani R., Lazarus C., Schimchowitsch S., Will B., Cassel J.-C.)
artykuł: Bilateral hippocampal damage spares the familiarity component of recognition memory:a single case study (Aggleton J. P., Vann S. D., Wilding E., Yonelinas A. P., Roberts N.)
artykuł: Di-isopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) in early postnatal period impairs performance of passive avoidance in female, but not male adult mice (Ben-Bashat G., Koffman O.)
artykuł: Stress-induced activation of Fos-like immunoreactivity in the Japanese quail brain (Richard S. (1), Davies D.C. (2), Faure J.M. (1) (1) S., Davies D. C., Faure J. M.)
artykuł: Individual differences in normal Wistar rats: relationship to pup ultrasound vocalization and effects of transient housing in isolation (Schwarting R. K. W., Pawlak C. R.)
artykuł: Comparison of the effects of two methods of main olfactory system impairment on olfactory discrimination and selective nursing of lambs by ewes (Poindron P., Serafin N., Terrazas A., Hernandez H., Meurisse M., Houot B., Larriva J., Levy F.)
artykuł: Olfaction targeted (Mombaerts P.)
artykuł: Reinforcing properties of “con-specifics” on isolated male mice treated with U-50488, a selective kappa opioid receptor agonist (Davila G., Garcia F. B., Pedraza C., Navarro J. F.)
artykuł: Organization and function of cortical states: the role of on-going and evoked cortical dynamics in sensory processing (Arieli A.)
artykuł: Perception of rhythms in normally hearing adults and adult cochlear implant users (Szelag E., Kolodziejczyk I., Szuchnik J., Kanabus M., Senderski A.)
artykuł: Unilateral visuospatial neglect in children with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) (McCartney D. L., Vries de P. J.)
artykuł: What does noradrenaline do in the hypothalamus during oestrus? (Fabre-Nys C., Archer E., Chesneau D., Heuland E., Moison D.)
artykuł: Implication of the serotonergic system in cognitive and non-cognitive disturbances associated to Alzheimer’s disease (Garcia-Alloza M., Francis P. T., Gil-Bea F. J., Lasheras B., Ramirez M. J.)
artykuł: Cholinergic inputs to midbrain dopamine neurons and reinforcement (Alderson H. L.)
artykuł: Acoustic startle response (ASR), prepulse inhibition (PPI) and disruption of PPI by dizocilpine in selectively bred mouse lines (Sadowski B., Blaszczyk J. W., Sacharczuk M.)
artykuł: Analysis of the oxidative metabolism in different hippocampal subregions after a spatial training (Miranda R., Begega A., Blanco E., Cuesta M., Arias J. L.)
artykuł: How action effects are converted into action goals: evidence from behavioral and PET studies (Elsner B., Hommel B.)
artykuł: GABAA alpha5 receptors are involved in Pavlovian conditioning (Hauser J., Doglov V. V., Chang D. L., Yee B. K., Fritschy J. M., Keith R., Mohler H., Rudolph U., Feldon J.)
artykuł: Archistriatal lesions in quail chicks impair adult fear behaviour (Davies D. C., Mills A. D., Grignard L., Faure J. M.)
artykuł: Effect of parietal cortex lesions on hippocampal place cell firing (Save E., Paz-Villagran V., Alexinsky T., Poucet B.)
artykuł: Memory profiles and executive function in schizophrenia (Hugue E., Garolera M., Enriquez M., Garrido G., Barios M.)
artykuł: Oxytocin and social recognition in mice (Young L. J.)
artykuł: Hippocampal nicotinic receptors in alcoholic rats: a binding study (Robies M., Fere N., Sabrir J.)
artykuł: Functional involvement of hippocampal neurogenesis in antidepressants therapeutic efficacy following an unpredictable chronic stress procedure in mice (Surget A., Saxe M., Hen R., Belzung C.)
artykuł: Exposure to acute stress blocks the induction of long-term potentiation of the amygdala-prefrontal cortex pathway in vivo (Maroun M., Richter-Lewin G.)
artykuł: Behavioral phenotyping in the home cage: opportunities and pitfalls (Ohl F., Spruijt B. M.)
artykuł: Brain c-fos expression after open field stress in rats: influence of social position and responsiveness to novelty (Myslinska D., Lewandowska D., Tokarski J., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: Verbal learning abilities in benign partial epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (Vukovic M., Vuksanovic J., Vukovic I. M., Vuksanovic J., Vukovic I.)
artykuł: Epinephrine improves long-term retention, but not acquisition, of two-way active avoidance task in rats (Nordby T., Torras-Garcia M., Portell-Cortes I., Costa-Miserachs D.)
artykuł: A role for taurine in cognitive development? (Isaacs E. B., Wharton B. A., Lucas A., Gadian D. G.)
artykuł: Distinct frontopolar and anterior frontomedian contributions to shifts of visual attention (Pollmann S.)
artykuł: Noradrenergic action in prefrontal cortex in the late stage of memory consolidation (Tronel S., Moricard Y., Sara S. J.)
artykuł: Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and memory (Solomonia R.O. (1), Kotorashvili A. (1), Kiguradze, T. (1), McCabe B.J. (2), Horn G. (2) R. O., Kotorashvili A., Kiguradze T., McCabe B. J., Horn G.)
artykuł: The hippocampus and declarative memory: cognitive mechanisms and neural representation (Eichenbaum H.)
artykuł: Place learning deficits in rats with low glutathione during development are enhanced in ODS rats unable to synthesize ascorbic acid (Delseth C., Castagne V., Cuenod M., Do K. Q., Schenk F.)
artykuł: Effects of MDMA on an active avoidance paradigm in mice (Cabrero A., Robledo P., Maldonado R.)
artykuł: Behavioral characterization of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and recombination activating gene 1 (Rag-1) knockout mice (Colon M., Martinez E., Garcia H., Wang J., Pena de Ortiz S.)
artykuł: Reduced acoustic startle reflex response in mice lacking the cytosolic (B-CK), mitochondrial (UbCKmit), or both brain-type creatine kinase isoforms, important for maintenance and distribution of CNS cellular energy (Van der Zee C. E. E. M., Streijger F., Oerlemans F., Wieringa B., Cools A. R., Ellenbroek B. A.)
artykuł: Dissociated roles for the basolateral and lateral nuclei of the amygdala in contextual and elemental fear conditioning (Desmedt A., Calandreau L., Decortes L., Jaffard R.)
artykuł: Effects of chronic stress and learning on 3-dimensional synapse and spine morphometry in CA3 of rat hippocampus (Davies H. A., Cordero M. I., Rodriguez J. J., Popov V. I., Sandi C., Stewart M. G.)
artykuł: Corpus callosum reduction and prematurity (Caldu X., Salgado-Pineda P., Gimenez M., Narberhaus A., Segarra D., Vendrell P., Botet F., Junque C.)
artykuł: Effects of a mu-opioid agonist and antagonist on PVN-VTA mediated feeding (Quinn J. G., O'Hare E., Levine A. S., Kim E.-M.)
artykuł: Effects of right or left substantia nigra pars compacta lesion on the working memory and motor behavior of rats (Bellissimo M. I., Kouzmine I., Wetzikoski E., Wetzikoski S., Da Cunha C.)
artykuł: The substantia nigra pars compacta as an essential component of the striatal memory system (Da Cunha C.)
artykuł: Adenosine receptors in nociception, inflammation and hyperalgesia: a role for the A2B adenosine receptor (Abo Salem O. M., Hayallah A. M., Bilkei-Gorzo A., Filipek B., Zimmer A., Muller C. E.)
artykuł: Reactivation and reconsolidation of memory for an odour-reward association: essential role of NMDA receptors (Torras-Garcia M., Lelong J., Tronel S., Sara S. J.)
artykuł: Common prefrontal activations in a working memory task, a task switching paradigm and the Stroop task (Derrfuss J., Brass M., Cramon von D. Y.)
artykuł: Monkey prefrontal cortex neuronal activity correlates with categorical decisions (Ojeda S. F., Nacher V., Cadarso-Suarez C., Acuna C.)
artykuł: Lateralization of electrophysiological correlates of memory (Nowicka A., Sztkowska I.)
artykuł: Direct behavioral and electrophysiological comparison of two forms of orienting of spatial attention (Girelli E., Pavone E., Cavina Pratesi C C., Marzi C. A.)
artykuł: Olfactory information for arm selection in rats and mice: effects of age, strain, sex and cognitive impairment (Grandchamp N., Rossiel J., Schenk F.)
artykuł: Normal and anomalous grooming in stress and behavioral genetics research (Kalueff A.V. A. V.)
artykuł: Attention during EXG paradigm in patients with chronic schizophrenia (Mancevska S., Bozinovska L., Pluncevic J., Sivevska B.)
artykuł: A correlational study of TH mRNA expression with the HPA axis and behavioural traits in Sprague-Dawley rats (Marquez C., Nadal R., Amario A.)
artykuł: cAMP response element-binding protein in the hippocampal CA3-region is required for long- but not short-term spatial memory (Florian C., Roullet P.)
artykuł: Neuroprotective effects of early neonatal handling against EAA-induced seizures in RHA/Verh-I and RLA-Verh-I rats (Gimenez-Llort L., Canete A., Fernandez-Teruel A., Tobena A.)
artykuł: Auditory comprehension in mono-and multichannel cochlear implants users (Szuchnik J., Kolodziejczyk I., Szelag E., Kanabus M.)
artykuł: Behavioral characterization of WAG/Rij rats with pure absence and mixed form of epilepsy (Sarkisova K. Y.)
artykuł: Neuro-behavioral disorders in Down syndrome (Dierssen M.)
artykuł: Category-level hierarchy: what comes first in vision? (Mace M. J.-M., Richard G., Thorpe S. J., Fabre-Thorpe M.)
artykuł: Does secondary somatosensory cortex contribute to human pain localization? (Strigo I. A., Beshnell M. C., Duncan G. H.)
artykuł: Reversible inactivation of hippocampus and dorsolateral striatum in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice reveals no interaction among memory systems in these genotypes (Restivo L., Middei S., Passino E., Ammassari-Teule M.)
artykuł: Turning behaviour in rats with unilateral lesion of the substantia nigra pars compacta induced by MPTP (Kouzmine I., Bellissimo M. I., Da Cunha C.)
artykuł: Long term effects of chronic stress on cognitive performance and hippocampal expression of cell adhesion molecules in HR and LR rats (Touyarot K., Sandi C.)
artykuł: Evaluation of the possible correlation between behavioural responses to acute nicotine and vulnerability to develop nicotine addiction (Aso E., Martin M., Maldonado R.)
artykuł: Power and coherence of spectrum EEG mapping during perfection of stability of posture by visual feedback (Trembach A. B., Romanova Y. N.)
artykuł: Neural circuits of fear memories (Sacchetti B., Strata P.)
artykuł: Synaptic plasticity in substantia nigra and forebrain dopamine release (Blaha C. D.)
artykuł: Interacting control mechanisms during cued task switching as revealed by fMRI (Ruge H., Brass M., Meiran N., Koch I., Cramon von D. Y.)
artykuł: Comparing stimulus-triggered reactions and goal-directed actions in behavioral and EEG-studies (Waszak F., Wascher E., Koch L., Aschersleben G., Prinz W., Rosenbaum D. A.)
artykuł: Spaced-trained, but not massed-trained, mice show spatial learning impairment caused by zinc chelation in mossy fibers (Harbaran D. V., Riedel G.)
artykuł: Water maze extinction as a model of depression in aged and young rats: interaction of extinction-induced despair with learning ability (Schulz D., Topic B., Huston J. P.)
artykuł: Individual differences and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis after chronic stress in Sprague-Dawley rats (Nadal R., Rottlant D., Armario A.)
artykuł: Genetic analysis of associative performances in drosophila and bees (Robichon A.)
artykuł: Changes in the number and morphology of the dopaminergic neurons after electrical stimulation of the ventral tegmental area (Trojniar W., Jerzemowska G., Tokarski J.)
artykuł: Hemispheric laterality and dissociation in normal subjects: changes in emotional processing (Enríquez P., Bernabeu E.)
artykuł: Sexual attraction through pheromones in mice: from behaviour to brain (Martinez-Garcia F., Novejarque A., Moncho-Bogani J., Martinez-Hernandez J., Lanuza E.)
artykuł: Physiological evidence for a topographical projection from the subiculum to the lateral entorhinal cortex (Craig S., Commins S.)
artykuł: Involvement of NCAM polysialylation in the storage of strong fear conditioning (Lopez-Fernandez M. A., Venero C., Cambon K., Torregrossa P., Rougon G., Sandi C.)
artykuł: Precise synchronization dynamics in cortical networks-feasibility and constraints (Aertsen A., Diesmann M., Heck D., Hehl U., Kuhn A., Leger J. F., Mehring C., Nawrot M., Rotter S.)
artykuł: Two-way active avoidance learning and perinatal disthyroidism on Wistar rats (Gallardo D., Marquez C., Marti-Carbonell A., Garau A., Balada F.)
artykuł: Effects of chronic social stress on astrocytary reactivity, spatial memory and exploratory behavior in young rats (Valencia-Alfonso C. E., Villasenor-Cabrera T., Gonzalez-Perez O., Gonzalez-Castaneda R. E., Garcia-Estrada I., Luquin S.)
artykuł: Endogenous control in task-switching: an investigation with fMRI (Forstmann B. U., Brass M., Koch I., Cramon von D. Y.)
artykuł: Stereological quantification of adult rat hippocampus and prefrontal cortex after subchronic treatment with gamma-hydroxybutiric acid (GHB) (García F. B., Pedraza C., Davila G., Martin M., Navarro J. F.)
artykuł: Behavioural phenotypes of common progenitor strains: implications for knockout research (Rodgers R. J.)
artykuł: Skill learning and long term retrieval in multiple sclerosis (Barrios M., Junque, Guardia J., Montalban X.)
artykuł: Relationships between illness, stress and social behavior in 5-6-year-old children (Cardas J., Ahedo L., Azpíroz A., Echebarría A., Perez-Yarza E., Sanchez-Martín J. R.)
artykuł: Prenatal nutritional deprivation increases the apoptotic cells in the olfactory bulb in rabbit pups (Oryctolagus cuniculus) (Perez-Torrero E., Hudson R., Pinos H., Guillamon A., Collado P.)
artykuł: Size judgements in patients with spatial neglect (Pattison L., Schindler I., Milner A. D.)
artykuł: Environmental background-implications for behavioural phenotyping (Wuerbel H.)
artykuł: Hippocampal mineralocorticoid receptors are related to anxiety behavior and spatial learning abilities (Herrero A. I., Sandi C., Venero C.)
artykuł: Memory deficits in cerebellar lesions (Ryser C., Ribaupierre de S., Villemure J. G., Clarke S.)
artykuł: Dependence of phasic dopamine responses on reward magnitude (Tobler P. T., Florillo C. D., Schultz W.)
artykuł: Spatial learning-related changes in the hippocampal cortex of lizards (Jimenez I., Duran E., Gomez A., Alvares E., Ocana F. M., Jimenez-Moya F., Broglio C., Rodriguez F., Salas C.)
artykuł: Spatial neglect: offset from normal resting position (Fruhmann Berger M., Karnath H. O.)
artykuł: Effect of melatonin on delay of reward in rats (Loiseau F., Le Bihan C., Hamon M., Thiebot M. H.)
artykuł: Sound recognition, sound localization and sound motion perception: patterns of recovery following unilateral focal lesions (Rey B., Adriani M., Frichknecht R., Maeder P., Clarke S.)
artykuł: Programmed fertility is impaired by sympathetic nerve activation. Role of stress-induced hypothalamic TRH secretion (Lara H. E., Luza S. M., Dorfman N., Fiedler J. L., e Silva R., Arancibia S.)
artykuł: Functional imaging of conscious vs. unconscious processing of visual information (Rees G.)
artykuł: The effects of post-weaning enriched rearing on cognitive, emotional and motor performance in male and female C57BL/6 mice (Monka S., Nyffeler M., Krummenacher B., Jongen-Relo A. L., Feldon J., Yee B. K.)
artykuł: Unihemispheric sleep and imprinting in male chicks (Bobbo D., Rugger M., Vallortigara G., Mascetti G. G.)
artykuł: Long-term estrogn replacement in ovariectomized rats failed to protect the substantia nigra pars compacta from lesion induced by 6-hydroxydopamine (Ferraz A. C., Xavier L. L., Hernandes S., Sulzbach M., Viola G. G., Anselmo-Franci J. A., Achaval M., Da Cunha C.)
artykuł: Recognition of one’s own actions in normal subjects and schizophrenic patients (Franck N.)
artykuł: Action impairs visual identification-fMRI correlates of action-induced blindness (Danielmeier C., Zysset S., Musseler J., Cramor von D. Y.)
artykuł: The effects of left and right selective amygdalohippocampectomy on episodic memory, discourse production and spatial representation (Mangaoang M. A., McMackin D., Quigley J., O’Mara S. M.)
artykuł: Decrease in anxiety levels related to aging (Torras-Garcia M., Costa-Miserachs D., Nordby T., Portell-Cortes I.)
artykuł: Involvement of perirhinal cortex in several stages of object recognition memory revealed by reversible inactivation in rats (Winters B. D., Bussey T. J.)
artykuł: Influence of the genetic background on the behavioural phenotype of preproenkephalin knockout mice (Bilkei-Gorzo A., Michel K., Zimmer A., Zimmer A.)
artykuł: What is the hippocampal-dependent memory component in step-down inhibitory avoidance tasks? (Martel G., Jaffard R., Guillou J. L.)
artykuł: Attentive contour grouping revealed by activity in the primary visual cortex (Roelfsema P. R.)
artykuł: Neurodegeneration profile in a mouse model overexpressing Dyrk1A (Martínez de Lagran M., Marti E., Fillat C., Estivill X., Dierssen M.)
artykuł: Molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of “neonatal handling” (Garoflos E., Mantelas A., Philippidis H., Stylianopoulou F.)
artykuł: Effect of thyroxine (T4) replacement in congenitally hypothyroid rats as determined by delayed matching to sample (DMTS) (Reid R. E., Kim E.-M., O'Hare E.)
artykuł: Newly-hatched naive chicks (Gallus gallus) prefer biological motion patterns (Regolin L., Marconato F., Vallortigara G.)
artykuł: Differential regulation of PSA-NCAM in CA3-mossy fibers of rat hippocampus induced by chronic stress and spatial learning (Cordero M. I., Rodriguez J. J., Davies H. A., Peddie C. J., Sandi C., Stewart M. G.)
artykuł: The dorsal striatal habit memory system (Packard M. G.)
artykuł: Dissociable mechanisms of attentional control of the set shifting behavior within the human prefrontal cortex (Nagahama Y.)
artykuł: Effects of coadministration of ondansetron with flumazenil on cholinergic function in rats (Ramírez M. J., Diez-Ariza M., Dominiguez J., Garcia-Aloza M., Marcos B., Lasheras B., Gil-Bea F. J.)
artykuł: Heterogeneous hippocampal activation during a radial maze task: a detailed 2-deoxyglucose study (Ros J., Schenk F., Magistretti P., Pellerin L.)
artykuł: Evidence for entorhinal and parietal cortices involvement in path integration in the rat (Parron C., Save E.)
artykuł: Individually-housed mice show a better acquisition of two-way active avoidance than group-housed mice (Moragrega I., Vicens P., Redolat R., Carrasco M. C.)
artykuł: Involvement of corticosteroid receptors and BDNF in a novel paradigm of neonatal spatial learning (Panagiotaropoulos T., Mantelas A., Pondiki S., Stylianopoulou F.)
artykuł: Why visual attention and awareness are different (Lamme V. A. F.)
artykuł: Top-down and bottom-up processing of binocular information (Van der Steen J., Houben M. M. J.)
artykuł: Involvement of the hippocampus in contextual processing: three in one (Luck D., Herbeaux K., Di Scala G., Marchand A. R.)
artykuł: Ten days social chronic stress induces astrocytary changes and behavioral alterations in young rats (Luquín S., Valencia-Alfonso C. E., Villasenor-Cabrera T., Gonzalez-Perez O., Gonzalez-Castaneda R. E., García-Estrada J.)
artykuł: Preferential left and right eye-use in fish: concordance between different methods (Sovrano V. A., Bisazza A., Vallortigara G.)
artykuł: Changes in brain monoaminergic activity in mice at different repeated defeat experiences and fluoxetine treatment effects (Beitia G., Garmendia L., Azpiroz A., Cacho R., Arregi A.)
artykuł: Partial implication of cerebral protein synthesis and NMDA receptors in HPA axis desensitization after a single exposure to immobilization (Ons S., Marti O., Armario A.)
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