The peculiarities of motor activity and physical training habits are revealed in this work. It contains mechanisms of formation and saving of the habits. Motor activity and the habit of physical exercise contribute to the development of physical qualities which are required for the successful human life. But they are not and cannot be the ultimate goal of organized long-term physical education classes of youth. The core of the phenomenon of a person’s physical activity as a higher level of mastery of the physical culture achievements and a guiding line for modern educational practices is disclosed. Physical training activities is a person’s state in which physical culture is present in a person involved norms, patterns and standards of physical culture. At the same time this condition occurs when a person is practicing new activities in physical education while creating her/his new fitness and recreational practices. The core of the system of physical activity is learned abilities to think about somebody’s own physical training, «appropriation» of values, and phased deployment of activities. A person seeks self-determination and shapes his/her image of «Me» in the space of physical culture (who I want to see myself). Self-determination is related to the launch of thinking and following re-thinking of mind. Then goes bringing of student’s awareness to the condition, which is usual for the beginning and maintaining of physical activity. Then, the creation of a project and program on achieving of an imaginable image of «being healthy» is carried out. It is considered the conditions of an individual’s life, the practice of fitness or recreational exercises at the same time. Physical culture as a kind of culture is a specific result of human activity and a way of a person’s all-round development and his/her practical implementation of social responsibilities in society. It is stressed that formation of the system of physical activities is related to the project activities. It takes place when a person has decided to act, ready to create and give your own response to the challenges by implementing activities to ensure the exit of the extremity. Work design begins with the appearance of the image, that is, plan the desired outcome of somebody’s physical activities.
The aim of the article is to justify the need to improve the organization and content of scientific research as essential preconditions for the further reform of physical culture and sport, the ways for further definition of the state policy and this sphere are outlined. The research methods are the following: a study of documentary materials, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, idealization and generalization. Results.The article reveals the ways of improving the organization and content of scientific research as essential preconditions for the further reform of physical culture and sport. The role of scientific research on the problems of physical culture and sport in the structure of scientific specialties in Ukraine is defined. There are several options, for example, revision of passports majors (specialisations), 24.00.01, 24.00.02, 24.00.03, or in view of the fact that specialty 017 «Physical culture and sport», which prepares specialists for this sphere, starting from 2015 the branch of knowledge education is withering, it is possible to return them (or to follow the example of other countries, one such specialty) to the area of pedagogical sciences. If the specialty of the codes 24.00.01, 24.00.02 and 24.00.03 are further stored, you need to turn the direction of scientific researches on the improvement of training and retraining of specialists. If the decision restores «Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, improving and adaptive physical education» in the usual framework of pedagogic science, you need to specify the (significantly smaller) directions of scientific researches in their specialties, bringing them to your own theory and methodology of physical culture and sports. The prospect of further research is related to the needs of the scientific debate regarding issues that were raised in the article, the result of which should be the development of state policy on scientific research of physical culture and sports and promote their implementation in practice.
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