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Content available remote The structure of neutron stars with localized protons
Strongly asymmetric nuclear matter becomes unstable with respect to proton localization above a specific critical nuclear density. For equation of state of Akmal, Pandharipande and Ravenhall the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations were solved and the radius of the spherical shell of a neutron star within which proton localization takes place was found.
Silnie asymetryczna materia jądrowa wykazuje niestabilność związaną z lokalizacją protonu powyżej krytycznej gęstości. Dla równania stanu Akmala, Pandharipande i Ravenhalla zostały rozwiązane równania Tolmana-Oppenheimera-Volkoffa i został wyznaczony promień powłoki gwiazdy neutronowej, wewnątrz której ma miejsce lokalizacja protonów.
In this work problems associated with requirements related to pollution emissions in compliance with more restrictive standards, low-emission combustion technology, technical realization of the monitoring system as well as algorithms allowing combustion process diagnostics are discussed. Results of semi-industrial laboratory facility and industrial (power station) research are presented as well as the possibility of application of information obtained from the optical fibre monitoring system for combustion process control. Moreover, directions of further research aimed to limit combustion process environmental negative effects are presented.
Content available remote Powstanie i działalność Zespołu Historii Matematyki
In this presentation of the activities of Zespól Historii Matematyki (the Team of the History of Mathematics), an undertaking is made to synthesise the most important projects and events that have taken place during the eight years since its founding in 2007. The main directions of the research of the Team are outlined, which include: the exploration of the development of Polish mathematics in the late 19th and early 20th century in relation to the major discoveries of the European mathematics of that period; the presentation of the most important achievements in the history of the study of the foundations of mathematics; the history of the Riemann zeta function and the history of the emergence of computer methods in mathematics and the study on the relationship between physics and mathematics in the historical perspective. This presentation also introduces important research projects, which emerged during the discussions at the meetings of the Team - it is particularly important to offer an analysis of the speeches of the Polish scholars at the first international congresses of mathematicians and to underline the importance of the new ideas presented there for the development of the mathematical environment in Poland. Additionally, four papers on the history of mathematics, presented in this Kwartalnik, representative for the researches conducted by the Team, are also briefly discussed here.
Content available remote Model rzeki Raby z wykorzystaniem programu QUAL2E
W pierwszej części artykułu dokonano charakterystyki górnej zlewni rzeki Raby a następnie dokonano podziału rzeki z uwzględnieniem charakterystyk hydrometrycznych oraz jakości wody. Charakterystyka hydrauliczo-geometryczna w przekrojach kontrolnych posłużyła do wyznaczenia współczynników regresji funkcji w programie QUAL2E, a na podstawie wybranej serii pomiarowej wykonano kalibrację modelu rzeki. Następnie, na tak wyznaczonym modelu rzeki, wykonano symulacje następujących wariantów zdarzeń: (1) symulacja sytuacji awaryjnej w oczyszczalni ścieków Mszana Dolna, (2) symulacja poprawy jakości wody w Rabie po zrealizowaniu Projektu ZGDGRiK "Kompleksowy program utrzymania czystości wód zlewni Raby od źródeł do zapory w Dobczycach". Otrzymane wyniki pozwalają wyciągnąć ważne wnioski, jak też dają materia! do dalszych analiz. Jednym z nich jest stwierdzane duże niekorzystne zmiany w rzece Raba na ostatnim odcinku od Myślenic do Zbiornika Dobczyckiego - sugerujące dopływ większych zanieczyszczeń niż w dostępnych dokumentacjach. Natomiast awaria oczyszczalni w Mszanie Dolnej może mieć katastrofalny wpływ na rzekę Raba.
The first part of the paper describes features and limitations of the QUAL2E program as well as its most important used equations, variables assumptions, initial and boundary conditions for simulations of fate of selected pollutants and water quality variables in water bodies. For better understanding of the modeling goal and assumptions, the watershed is characterized too. Then, the model of the Upper Rat ; River was built up, including the river segmentation, estimation of the coefficients and constants, as well as calibrati n of the model. The simulation of water quality was done for two cases: (1) failure of the wastewater treatment plant in Mszana Dolna, (2) implementation : ZGDGRiK Project of the construction of 10 wastewater treatment plants. The received results showed a potential of catastrophic impact of the discharge of untreated wastewater from Mszana Dolna City on the quality of the Raba River. Moreover, the research suggests, that there is a more serious discharge of wastewater nearby and below Myślenice then shown in the available records.
The author presents the results of his seven years' research on application of fibre optic technology in monitoring protection and start-up systems for industrial burners. A brief description of the phenomena under investigation as well as theoretical assumptions are given. The design of a measuring device and some examples of results obtained with the use of this device presented.
This paper investigates thermal properties of nuclear matter using the Friedman-PandharipandeRavenhall equation of state. Thermodynamic quantities such as internal energy, entropy and free energy are calculated both for symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter for temperatures ranging up to 30 MeV. A change of free energy curvature indicates the liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter.
Dla równania stanu Friedmana-Pandharipande-Ravenhalla zbadano własności termiczne materii jądrowej. Dla symetrycznej i asymetrycznej materii jądrowej wyznaczono wielkości termodynamiczne, takie jak energię wewnętrzną, entropię i energię swobodną dla temperatur do 30 MeV. Zmiana krzywizny energii swobodnej wskazuje na przejście fazowe ciecz-gaz w materii jądrowej.
W pracy omówione zostały zagadnienia związane z formalnym opisem spalania pojedynczego ziarna węgla oraz żagwi. Przedstawione zostało również rozprzestrzenianie się płomienia, zarówno laminarnego, jak i turbulentnego, światłowodowe urządzenie przeznaczone do monitorowania i diagnostyki płomieni procesu spalania w warunkach przemysłowych. Zaprezentowano ponadto wybrane wyniki pomiarów wykonanych w elektrowni na blokach 200MW i 500MW.
In the work issues concerning formal combustion description of single grain and torch. Propagation of both laminar and turbulent flame was presented as well as the optical fibre system for monitoring and diagnostics of flames in industrial combustion processes. Selected results of measurements made in power station 200MW and 500MW units were also presented.
Content available remote Temperature dependence of proton localization for Skyrme nuclear interactions
In this paper, our earlier approach to proton localization in neutron star matter to finite temperatures is extended. The Skyrme forces were chosen to describe interactions in nuclear matter. The dependence of threshold density on temperatures for proton localization was obtained and these results were compared with those calculated earlier for the Friedman-Pandharipande-Ravenhall potential.
W artykule rozszerzono wcześniejsze podejście do lokalizacji protonów w materii gwiazdy neutronowej do skończonych temperatur. Wybrano siły Skyrme’a do opisu oddziaływań w materii jądrowej. Otrzymano zależność gęstości progowej od temperatury dla lokalizacji protonów i porównano te wyniki z wcześniejszymi obliczeniami dla potencjału Friedmana-Pandharipande-Ravenhalla.
Content available remote Landfill leachate treatment using constructed wetland with short detention time
The paper presents results obtained during experiments with constructed wetlands that were built and monitored on the site of a municipal landfill in Southern Poland. The wetland was filled with gravel and rock in which reeds, cattails and willow were planted. A control plot without vegetation was also constructed. Each wetland was loaded with a portion of the leachate generated by the landfill. Measurements of the leachate quality showed very high concentrations of several pollutants. Particularly high concentrations of BOD, COD, nitrogen, and heavy metals were measured. High pollutant levels were probably responsible for the demise of the willows, which were dead within several months of planting. The efficiency of pollution removal with detention time up to 24 h ranged from 0 to 87% based on decreasing concentration of selected parameters. However, the removal efficiency of the control plot was typically only several percent lower than the removal efficiencies of the plots with vegetation.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki otrzymane podczas eksperymentów na sztucznych mokradłach, które były wybudowane oraz monitorowane na obrzeżu składowiska odpadów komunalnych na południu Polski. Mokradło miało złoże składające się ze żwiru oraz kamienia, na którym posadzono trzcinę, pałkę oraz wierzbę. Wykonano też poletko kontrolne bez roślinności. Każde poletko było zasilane kontrolowaną ilością odcieków ze składowiska odpadów. Pomiary jakości odcieków wykazywały bardzo wysokie stężenia szeregu wskaźników. W szczególności stwierdzano wysokie stężenia: BZT, ChZT, azotu oraz metali ciężkich. Ten wysoki poziom zanieczyszczeń był prawdopodobnie odpowiedzialny za wypadnie wierzby, której rośliny obumarły po upływie kilku miesięcy od posadzenia. Efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń mierzona jako obniżenie stężeń wybranych parametrów, dla czasów zatrzymania do 24 h wynosiła od 0 do 87%. Zauważono jednak, że efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń na poletku kontrolnym była tylko o kilka procent niższa niż na poletkach z roślinnością.
W pracy omówione zostały własności płomieni laminarnych i turbulentnych, spalanie pojedynczych ziaren węgla oraz w strudze (żagwi). Przedstawiono konstrukcję światłowodowego układu pomiarowego umożliwiającego monitorowanie płomieni oraz urządzeń w warunkach przemysłowych. Ponadto zaprezentowano wybrane wyniki pomiarowe.
In the work we describe the properties of laminar and turbulent flames were as well as combustion of coal in single grains and in a stream. We also show the set-up of fiber-optic measurement system for monitoring of flame and burner devices in industrial conditions. Selected results of measurements are presented as well.
Wydział Elektrotechniki i Informatyki powstał z przekształcenia Wydziału Elektrycznego w 2003 roku. Jego historia sięga 1964 roku, kiedy w Wieczorowej Szkole Inżynierskiej został utworzony Wydział Elektryczny. Impulsem do zmiany nazwy było uruchomienie w 1999 roku kształcenia na kierunku Informatyka.
Content available remote Bernarda Riemanna projekt nowej filozofii
The paper makes researches of the turning point that was observed in science in the half of the 19th century and the significance of Riemann's philosophical visions, and his scientific achievements that were so much important for appearing the great change. From the beginning of the contemporary times a number of the problems that were caused by the development of mathematics and natural science was still growing. In the 19th century the development faced critical situation, because a number of notions grew unreasonably, arid understanding them to a high degree was based on intuition. All these facts brought about many paradoxes and misunderstandings. Denotation of number notion enlarged (Slii'ds and compound numbers), though it was difficult to give the definition of the new numbers. Although the notions of continuity, compass, function, infinite sequence, differential coefficient, integral, or variable were widely used, in numerous headings of mathematics and physics were defined imprecisely. An attempt at comprehending the notions brought about the necessity of wrestling with secular problems in the process of defining following notions: value, flexure, plane, continuum, variability, and identity. Specifying mathematics' and natural science's principles seemed to be the only solution, but - as it turned out later - it caused other problems. An attempt at specifying geometry brought about appearing the whole pleiad of non - Euclidian geometry systems. Moreover, improving on the real numbers theory resulted in multiplicity theory, which caused further problems. A development of algebra, on the other hand, showed irremovable limits of mathematical exactness (for instance, inability to announce a general formula for roots of the higher than four degree of equations). On the other hand, there appeared new notions and mathematical structures that turned out to be very helpful in describing and explaining many mathematical issues and physical phenomena. Moreover, they included a wealth of philosophical cogitations. First of all, one can number among them such notions as: class (especially infinite class), group, function and miscellany. All these new mathematical notions could be called 'most favourable' to that effect they reveal the significant elements of the reality, and mathematics' and natural science's attendance at the discussion over philosophical problems. For Riemann, a notion of miscellany was 'most favourable'. Having defined it, he tried to construct a notion of repeatedly extensive quantity with comprehensive quantity notions. It was to become a starting point for understanding relation between geometry and a notion of space. Miscellany also is to become a subject of philosophical studies -- it would be a characteristic 'miscellany metaphysics'. This metaphysics would not be a simple sum of worldly wisdom that is imparted by everyday experience, exact sciences and philosophy, but would be a system letting comprehend notions and structures both of the science and our existence. In 1850 Riemann formulated theory, which became the central idea for his scientific searches. In his opinion, one should create a completely unsubsidized mathematical theory, which, having included fundamental laws, would describe sphere of existence filled with different influences, and would merge gravitational, electromagnetic and thermodynamical phenomena. It was a great plan for unification of physics, which, in fact, was tending to unify the whole approachable worldly wisdom. Many scientists in the second half of the 19th century, and in the 2Oth century tried to accept this challenge (J. Cl. Maxwell, H. Helmholtz, H. Hertz, H. Poincare and A. Einstein). A special role is ascribed to the qualifying for assistant - professorship lecture, which was delivered by Riemann on June 10, 1854 in Getynga. In his speech Riemann lays emphasis on the flimsiness of the principles of geometry, and the need of specifying and consolidating them. In Riemann's view, a notion of space itself used in geometry seems to be unprecise. Also, status of the axioms as the first principles of geometry telling the truth of the reality (as it was widely held), and their interdependence, still remains abstruse. Riemann's task is to reveal all these hidden connexions among the axioms of geometry. In his opinion, all hitherto existing miscarriages were caused by the fact that even a comprehensive notion of repeatedly extensive quantity was not formulated. Thanks to terming such notion one could understand a notion of space (that is experienced by us), which, in fact, is a remarkable instance for thrice extensive quantity. Also, a comprehensive notion of quantity should be subjected to a thorough examination and improved. Philosophical considerations of Riemann are not only a common addition to his scientific work, but also are the significant part of his thought. Riemann is constructing the philosophy of world, which in holistic way would explain physical and spiritual influences, and would reveal their reasons. The main principle of this philosophical system is mathematics, and the keystone, filler and fulfilment - metaphysics. For the structure of theory is circular, mathematics and metaphysics are united peculiarly. Unfortunately, Riemann left his work uncompleted. He believed that its realization is possible, and it would be realized in the future thanks to understanding known laws of nature, and on the strength of laying down a law of interaction of heat, light, magnetism and electricity.
Content available remote Analiza systemowa opcjonalnych technologii oczyszczania ścieków przemysłowych
Dla oceny opcjonalnych technologii lub przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych stosuje się głównie pieniądze. Pieniądze nie uwzględniają jednak szeregu wartości środowiskowych i dlatego konieczne jest szukanie dodatkowych miar i metod, które dawałyby jeszcze inne spojrzenie na oceniane przedsięwzięcia. Jedną z takich propozycji jest analiza energii. W artykule przedyskutowane zostały podstawy metody oraz wykonano analizę dla dwóch opcjonalnych technologii oczyszczania ścieków przemysłowych. Analiza wykazała, że zastosowanie inżynierii ekologicznej w postaci sztucznego mokradła jest znacznie lepszym rozwiązaniem niż konwencjonalna metoda fizyko-chemiczna, polegająca na chemicznym strącaniu i filtracji.
The money is mainly used for evaluation of optional technologies or investments. However, the money do not measure various ecological values and therefore it is important to look for complementary methods which would give additional perspective on evaluated undertaking. One of such new proposals is energy analysis. The paper discusses the principles of the method and describes the analysis for two optional technologies of industrial wastewater treatment. The assessment showed that application of ecological engineering by means of constructed wetland is much better solution than conventional physicochemical method based on chemical precipitation and filtration.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością usuwania zanieczyszczeń toksycznych z odcieków wysypiskowych, z wykorzystaniem oczyszczalni hydrobotanicznych. Przedstawione badania mają charakter badań modelowych, przeprowadzonych na eksperymentalnych poletkach imitujących oczyszczalnie hydrobotaniczne, znajdujących się na rzeczywistych składowiskach odpadów (w Skawinie i Myślenicach) i zasilanych odciekami z tychże składowisk. Zbadano efektywności usuwania wybranych zanieczyszczeń toksycznych z dwóch grup zanieczyszczeń: 1) nieorganicznych niebezpiecznych - cynk, kadm, ołów; 2) organicznych niebezpiecznych - substancje ekstrahujące się eterem naftowym. Badania zostały wykonane przy czasach zatrzymania wynoszących 12 godzin. W artykule zamieszczono szczegółowy opis oczyszczalni eksperymentalnych, jak również przebiegu i metodyki badań terenowych i laboratoryjnych. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań dla poszczególnych wskaźników oraz efektywności ich usunięcia przez oczyszczalnie. Przedstawiono także dyskusję uzyskanych rezultatów. Efektywność usuwania obu grup zanieczyszczeń była wysoka. W przypadku cynku redukcja jego zawartości wynosiła od 20 do 43%, a dla ołowiu była równa od 40 do 50%. Również sprawność usuwania substancji ekstrahowanych eterem eterowym była duża - stopień ich usunięcia wynosił od 40 do 60%.
The paper presents results of field researches on the removal of toxic substances from landfill leachate with constructed wetlands. These model researches have been done on experimental constructed wetlands located on the real municipally landfills (in Skawina and Myślenice) and supplied with leachate from these landfills. Presented researches have been done for contaminants from two groups: 1) inorganic toxic - zinc, cadmium, lead; 2) organic toxic - substances extracted with petroleum ether. Retention time of 12 h has been applied. In the article a detailed description of experimental constructed wetlands has been given, as well as a methodology of researches and analyses. The results for each contaminant have been presented, as well as their removal effectiveness by the constructed wetlands. The paper consists also a discussion of gained results and removal effects. Efficiency of removal of both of these groups of contaminants was high. For example a decrease in zinc and lead concentrations was from 20% to 43% and from 40% to 50%, respectively. In the same time a decrease in concentration of the substances extracted with petroleum ether was from 40% to 60%.
The paper deals with the peculiarities of development of simulation model of strip pull self-regulation system in a continuous hot galvanizing line. The results of simulation modelling are provided.
W artykule rozpatrzono cechy szczególne konstruowania modelu symulacyjnego systemu regulacji naprężenia taśmy w linii ciągłej cynkowania na gorąco. Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych.
This paper outlines the use of inverse analysis in strain distribution recovery. To carry it out we used a sensor with FBG (fibre Bragg grating) and the inverse problem solution was discussed. The study and validation of a mathematical model with the fibre Bragg grating is also outlined in this paper. Computer simulations were carried out using numerical algorithms which performed calculations according to the mathematical structure of the model and respected all remaining values of the FBG sensor elements. Experimental measurements were also conducted using a built measurement system.
W artykule przedstawiono badania laboratoryjne, na podstawie których określono rodzaje płomieni towarzyszące różnym warunkom procesu spalania. Zmienianymi parametrami był rodzaj spalanego paliwa, wydatki pyłu węglowego oraz powietrza pierwotnego i wtórnego. W analizie uwzględniono niektóre parametry geometryczne opisujące kształt płomienia, takie jak pole obszaru płomienia, długość jego konturu i współrzędne środka ciężkości.
The paper presents flame characterisation using image processing. A laboratory combustion chamber and the methodology of investigations are described. The experiments were carried out on a laboratory stand equipped with a scaled down 1:10 swirl burner, while flows of the primary, secondary and tertiary air as well as coal were changed in order to produce different states of the combustion process. Flame images were captured by a monochrome CCD camera, mounted in an inspection opening as shown in Fig. 1a, b. During the combustion tests, four main types of flames were observed, namely: a flame corresponding to the combustion chamber warming-up phase using an auxiliary oil burner (Fig. 4a), a flame corresponding to the simultaneous operation of both main and auxiliary burner (Fig. 4b), a coal flame with instability caused by variability of the air/fuel ratio (Fig. 4c), and, finally, a flame that was typical for flame extinguishing (Fig. 4d). Since the flame was the only luminous object, determination of its area and edge was based on the pixel amplitude. Several shape parameters, such as the flame area, the flame area contour length as well as the coordinates of its gravity center were used for qualitative description of the flames under consideration. The presented analysis shows that the discussed flame shape features can be helpful for classification of various states of the combustion process and, thus, for avoiding the unstable conditions. It can result in improving the combustion efficiency and safety.
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