A review of selected papers, presented during the 21stInternational Scientific-and-Technical Conference KOMTECH-IMTech “Innovative techniques and technologies for the mining industry in the aspect of safety, efficiency and reliability” are described in the article. During twelve conference sessions forty-four papers, concerning work safety in the mining industry, minerals’ extraction systems, state-of-the-art control, monitoring and diagnostic systems of machines and equipment, cyber-security, new solutions of hydraulic systems, new generation, highly efficient haulage assemblies for longwall systems, hoisting machines, a recovery of minerals, preparation systems, an improvement of mining personnel’s qualifications and an internationalization of the Polish circum-mining sector, were presented. Special attention should be paid to the special session oriented onto a presentation of information about a roadway driving technology with use of a Bolter Miner, and also onto debates concerning the mining industry in future as well as a demand for innovations from the future mining industry.
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd wybranych referatów wygłoszonych podczas 21. Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej KOMTECH-IMTech „Innowacyjne techniki i technologie dla górnictwa w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa, efektywności i niezawodności”. Podczas dwunastu sesji konferencyjnych zaprezentowano czterdzieści cztery referaty dotyczące bezpieczeństwa pracy w górnictwie, systemów wydobywczych, nowoczesnych systemów sterowania, monitoringu oraz diagnostyki maszyn i urządzeń, cyberbezpieczeństwa, nowych rozwiązań układów hydraulicznych, nowej generacji systemów posuwu wysokowydajnych kompleksów ścianowych, maszyn wyciągowych, odzysku minerałów, systemów przeróbczych, poprawy kwalifikacji pracowników górnictwa oraz internacjonalizacji polskiego sektora około górniczego. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje tematyka sesji specjalnej, ukierunkowanej na prezentację technologii drążenia z zastosowaniem kombajnu urabiająco-kotwiącego Bolter Miner, a także debaty na temat górnictwa przyszłości oraz potrzeby innowacyjności w aspekcie przyszłości górnictwa.
Purpose: Regulations related to the activities of research institutes, the regulations specifying the criteria and procedure for awarding a scientific category to research institutes and the principles of financing science, as well as the economic policy of the European Union in terms of increasing innovation and reforming the R&D sphere force the need to restructure marketing in the research sector. The aim of this article is to present solutions used by research institutes in marketing communication, leading to the development of cooperation with various market participants. Design/methodology/approach: This is a review article. For this purpose, a review of Polish and foreign literature was carried out to synthetically show the solutions currently used by research institutes. Additionally, to show the challenges facing the institutes, a few words were devoted to new technologies. Findings: Offers of research institutes are specific and require the use of special solutions in marketing, and the new economic conditions, in which the research institutes currently operate, force them to introduce innovative solutions and implement new directions in the field of marketing activities. Research institutes should react and intensify marketing activities to strengthen their image and maintain the current one, as well as to acquire new markets for the offered products, including R&D projects results. Originality/value: The review of available literature enables to draw conclusions of a general character which can be a sort of guidelines for the management of the research institutes. The efficiency state-of-the-art marketing tools differs as regards innovative solutions, so it seems to be useful to analyze different possibilities in this scope. As the Author of this article has been involved in marketing activities of the KOMAG Institute for several years, it is interesting to be acquainted with her first hand professional experience.
Artykuł stanowi przegląd wybranych referatów zaprezentowanych podczas konferencji KOMEKO 2023, zorganizowanej w Szczyrku przez Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG w dniach od 27 do 29 marca br. Ich tematyka dotyczyła m.in. innowacyjnych rozwiązań technicznych i technologicznych w zakresie przeróbki mechanicznej surowców mineralnych, racjonalnego gospodarowania odpadami zgodnie z wymaganiami Zielonego Ładu, wytwarzania wodoru i kompozytów geopolimerowych z odpadów pogórniczych, wzbogacanie odpadów oraz kruszyw zawierających pierwiastki ziem rzadkich czy też recyklingu odpadów zawierających lit. Dużym zainteresowaniem uczestników konferencji KOMEKO 2023 cieszył się panel dyskusyjny poświęcony zautomatyzowanemu, zeroodpadowemu zakładowi przeróbczemu. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na temat zagospodarowania odpadów wydobywczych w Polsce w świetle wyzwań europejskiej gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym oraz na temat bezpieczeństwa eksploatacji maszyn i urządzeń przeróbczych w aspekcie wdrażania innowacyjnych rozwiązań. Konferencja naukowo-techniczna KOMEKO 2023 stanowiła forum interesującej wymiany wiedzy i doświadczeń zawodowych między naukowcami, producentami maszyn i urządzeń przeróbczych, a ich użytkownikami reprezentującymi sektor producentów surowców mineralnych. O sukcesie konferencji świadczą ożywione i owocne dyskusje między wszystkimi interesariuszami procesu przeróbki surowców mineralnych.
The article is an overview of selected papers presented during the KOMEKO 2023 conference, organized in Szczyrk by the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology from 27 to 29 March this year. Their topics included innovative technical and technological solutions in the field of mechanical processing of mineral raw materials, rational waste management in accordance with the requirements of the Green Deal, production of hydrogen and geopolymer composites from post-mining waste, enrichment of waste and aggregates containing rare earth elements or recycling of waste containing lithium. Participants of the KOMEKO 2023 conference were very interested in the discussion panel devoted to the automated, zero-waste processing plant. Particular attention was paid to the management of mining waste in Poland in the light of the challenges of the European circular economy and the safety of operation of processing machines and devices in the aspect of implementing innovative solutions. The KOMEKO 2023 scientific and technical conference was a forum for an interesting exchange of knowledge and professional experience between scientists, manufacturers of machinery and processing equipment, and their users representing the sector of mineral raw material producers. The success of the conference is evidenced by lively and fruitful discussions between all stakeholders in the mineral processing process.
Some papers, presented at the 20th Jubilee Scientific and Technical Conference KOMTECH-IMTech 2019, are discussed in the article. Part 1 of the article, published in the Quarterly “Mining Machines” No. 1, concerned the role of coal in the global economy, the importance of the coal sector for the Polish economy, the security of energy supply as well as technical and technological achievements of the coal sector over the years 2011-2017. Special attention was paid to automation and digitalization in coal mines, health and safety issues, a protection of the environment, sustainable coal technologies and also to an improvement of the coal use. Part 1 was ended with a description of the KOMAG Institute’s contribution to a development of the Polish mining industry in Sovereign Poland. Part 2 of the article concentrates on the role of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology in development processes of mining machines and equipment in Sovereign Poland. Over the period of nearly seventy years of the KOMAG scientific and technical activity more than 1100 technical documentations of mining machines and equipment for underground winning and for a beneficiation of coal were developed. The article also contains some information about Mine 4.0 in theory and practice.
W artykule omówiono wybrane referaty, zaprezentowane podczas XX Jubileuszowej Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej KOMTECH-IMTech 2019. Część 1. artykułu, opublikowana w Kwartalniku „Mining Machines” nr 1, dotyczyła roli węgla w światowej gospodarce, znaczenia sektora węglowego dla polskiej gospodarki, bezpieczeństwa energetycznego oraz technicznych i technologicznych osiągnięć sektora węglowego w latach 2011-2017. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na automatyzację i cyfryzację w kopalniach węgla, kwestie zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa, ochronę środowiska, zrównoważone technologie węglowe, a także doskonalenie sposobów wykorzystania węgla. Część 1. została zakończona opisem wkładu Instytutu KOMAG w rozwój polskiego przemysłu wydobywczego Niepodległej Polski. Część 2. artykułu koncentruje się na roli, jaką Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG odgrywał i odgrywa w procesach rozwoju maszyn i urządzeń górniczych w Niepodległej Polsce. W ciągu prawie siedemdziesięciu lat działalności naukowo-technicznej Instytutu KOMAG opracowano ponad 1100 dokumentacji technicznych maszyn i urządzeń górniczych do podziemnego pozyskiwania i wzbogacania węgla. Artykuł zawiera także informacje na temat Kopalni 4.0 w teorii i praktyce.
Commercialization processes of research and development project results are costly and risky. That is why it is indispensable to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages very thoroughly as well as to identify potential risks and barriers which may emerge during commercialization processes of innovative solutions. The Authors presented in the article the results of their research work results oriented onto an identification potential barriers based on analyses of case studies carried out according to the Integrated Commercialization Model (ICM), developed by them. They highlighted the role of marketing communication in commercialization processes, giving some examples of mistakes commonly made and suggesting a new paradigm of marketing activities with use of the state-of-the-art efficient carriers of marketing information e.g. Internet, Intranet, Social Media etc. Marketing communication is presented as a complex tool enabling to strengthen collaborative relationships between science and industry within the framework of creating and implementing innovative solutions. The article also contains some recommendations and guidelines concerning thresholds and barriers impeding a successful transition of commercialization processes of R&D results and of technology transfer.
The article presents some strategic aspects of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology in the field of creating innovative ideas and innovative technical solutions concerning machinery and devices for mining and preparation of minerals as regards their operational safety, productivity and reliability. Special attention is paid to a process of stimulating innovative ideas in a creative atmosphere, as KOMAG researchers and engineers are encouraged to be open-minded and to think in an unconventional way. Two examples of innovative technical solutions are described in detail, i.e. the water-and-air dust control system and the KOMTRACK haulage system for highly productive longwall systems of a new generation. The article contributes significantly to Innovation Engineering which is an important component of Production Engineering in the scope of generating and implementing innovative solutions. The authors presented an ecosystem of innovations, describing several methods of creating innovative ideas. The article concentrates on a role of Polish research institutes which play a key role in creating and implementing innovative solutions, bridging science and industry. Due to an analysis of different methods of generating innovative technical ideas and solutions, it can be concluded that an idea and a need of generating an innovative solution may appear in the research institute or at the industrial partner’s organization. In the case of the KOMAG multi-year experience and practice industrial partners include not only producers of mining machinery and equipment, but also representatives of mines of minerals. In general an innovative idea is generated in the result of an inspiration from the business environment and then it is transformed into an innovative product or service. The article contains the authors’ practical recommendations as regards a creation of innovative technical solutions. It is ended with a summary of general character and with some final conclusions.
The article presents interdisciplinary knowledge on the management of occupational health and safety in hard coal mines with special attention paid to a control of the dust hazard. Shaping the safety culture is analyzed in the social, organizational and technical aspects. It should be borne in mind that accidents at work-places result not only from dangerous conditions but also from dangerous behaviours of workers. Shaping of safe work conditions in the mining industry is essential due to a high degree of complexity of technological processes and also due to natural hazards. In the article some information is given on the reasons of accidents in the coal mining industry. A model of the safety culture impact on a frequency of accidents and occupational diseases as well as the conditions for undertaking safe behaviours are discussed. It is highlighted that safety culture requires a complex approach oriented onto an investigation of relationships among: man-labour-environment. The article is ended with a description of the conception of occupational health and safety management in the aspect of dust hazards. It sorts out the knowledge and gives pragmatic guidelines, concerning the safety issues
The article is a review of papers, presentations, expert opinions concerning a just transition of post-mining areas in the light of technical, economic, ecological and social aspects, which were the subject-matter of the International Scientific-and-Technical Conference, organized by the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology in Gliwice, Poland and the IHP Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute in Bucarest, Romania. The Conference participants concentrated their discussions both on the social effects of transition, on the economic aspects of activities concerning a collaboration of circummining companies as well as on technical and technological challenges in the mines already closed down or in those which are currently subject to the closing-down processes. Some possibilities of a reorientation of the mining plants towards generating and storage of green energy were presented. It should be borne in mind that a transition of the European Economy in the direction of more green and climate friendly is one of the most important objectives determined by the European Union. In particular, it is a big challenge for mining regions such as Silesia in Poland. The transition process includes a liquidation of underground workings and of the surface infrastructure and a series of indispensable activities oriented onto a restoration of the natural environment and a protection of mining plants areas against hazards which may occur after a termination of their operation. The article is ended with some information concerning a role research institutes in the just transition of post-mining areas and a new strategy of KOMAG as GREEN INSTITUTE.
The need to undertake research work on the commercialization of results from scientific research and development projects emerged from the Author’s professional experience as well as the incomprehensive literature on the role of Polish research institutes in the process of technology transfer and commercialization of innovative solutions, in particular in the case of mining machinery and equipment. From the available literature, the commercialization of research results and technology transfer are analyzed from the perspectives of academia and entrepreneurs, but there is no analysis of this challenge from the perspective of the research institutes which create the majority of innovative solutions implemented in Poland. The research results presented in this article identify and highlight not only the main factors which facilitate knowledge transfer in the widest sense, but also the barriers which should be overcome. An integrated commercialization model of research results, developed by the Author, is described in the article. Some examples of other models, used to assess innovative technology transfer processes, i.e. Transfer model of the Cracow University of Technology, Jolly’s model, United model (science + market), Trzmielak’s linear – subsequent model, Network – interactive model and IpOp model, are also presented. Special attention is paid to the process of generating innovative ideas and to the area of efficient project management. Based on the integrated model, practical management recommendations for the successful commercialization of innovative solutions are given. It is highlighted that the integrated model can be treated as a diagnostic tool, enabling an efficient assessment of the transfer of research results and commercialization of innovative solutions.
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