Writing is a discussion held by Ülo Tedre, Enn Ernits, Mikk Sarv, Madis Kõiv, Vello Lõugas, Tõnis Vint, Ants Viires, Ülo Stöör, and Heino Eelsalu about colours, numbers, and shapes in our ancestors’ worldview.
This article concerns Nina Andrycz’s last volume of poetry Yesterday and Today. It containsa detailed discussion concerning the theme of the poems as well as the description of the poeticreality. The author attempts to interpret the poetic world and to situate the works of this actress andpoetess on the poetic map of Poland.
The figure of Dariya Vikonska (Karolina Ivanna Fedorovych-Malytska, 1893–1945) is little known and is one of the least studied in contemporary literary and art studies. Today, her forgotten research and literary heritage is coming back into Ukrainian cultural society. The artist can fully and deeply experience the fullness of human existence and transfer these experiences to the canvas, express it in music, or put it in the “clothes of the word” – in literature. National tradition and the sense of national belonging are very important for the artist. Hence, the vision of creativity as a process is deeply national. This national orientation of the artist is directly related to creativity as a national phenomenon rooted not in the borrowed and universally dismantled ideas and images but in the space of the national psyche. Dariya Vikonska was constantly interested in the psychology of creativity of the artist (writer, painter, composer). Her epistolary inheritance, as well as her literary studies and art studies, create a special ideological system of the vision of mental processes associated with creativity. This interest in the psychology of creativity requires the vision of art and literature as a national phenomenon inextricably linked with the mental features of the creative process seen as directly connected with the national ethnopsychology. Dariya Vikonska’s ideological, cultural, historical, and aesthetic ideas about literature, literary work, and art were surprisingly innovative, extremely relevant, and expressed the most recent ideas of the development of Ukrainian culture in the context of European culture.
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The paper focuses on the intellectual aspects of Bohumil Hrabal’s work and also on the concept of worldview. The starting point is Josef Zumr’s article “The Intellectual Inspiration of Bohumil Hrabal” (1989); the approaches of Jan Patočka (1942) and Jan Mukařovský (1947) are also mentioned. In his article Zumr presents Hrabal’s worldview as a mosaic of constitutive and affirmative influences. He formulates a thesis on the post-war continuity of the avant-garde, of which Hrabal’s work is a part. In this paper, Zumr’s interpretation is subjected to partial revision: it is not only about ideological influences, but also about their individual creative transformation. Hrabal has lost the optimism of the avant-garde, his work testifies to the turn of an epoch and combines humour with melancholy and historical scepticism.
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na ideové aspekty díla Bohumila Hrabala a také na pojem světového názoru. Referenčním textem je studie Josefa Zumra „Ideová inspirace Bohumila Hrabala“ (1989). Zmíněny jsou rovněž přístupy Jana Patočky (1942) a Jana Mukařovského (1947). Zumr ve své studii představuje Hrabalův světový názor jako mozaiku konstitutivních a konfirmativních vlivů. Formuluje tezi o poválečné kontinuitě avantgardy, které je Hrabalovo dílo součástí. V tomto příspěvku je Zumrova interpretace podrobena dílčí revizi: nejde jen o ideové vlivy, nýbrž také o jejich individuální tvůrčí transformaci. Hrabal ztratil optimismus avantgard. Jeho dílo je svědectvím o přelomu epoch a spojuje humor s melancholií a dějinnou skepsí.
The XXI century for humanity is a challenge in awareness of failures in the condition of the social environment as well in huge contamination of nature. This problem can be resolved only on the way of grasping the junctures of man in the world toward Absolute and the other adventitious entities. There is a necessary general change of human awareness, which will strengthen love to the other people and amends an evil site between mankind. It should be joined with changing mentality reducing consumption material goods (savings in using up energies and industrial goods) and taking care of remaining for succeeding generations natural environments in better condition than that nowadays. It also needs to create a new high level of outlook upon ecology, which accepts ecological values. This outlook eschewing idealism and inaccuracies should be based on the real ground of Aristotelic and Thomistic orientation. Moreover, it must avoid hatchway in the knowledge, from here society aside from knowledge natures, technical, juridical and economical should own knowing humanistic, which regards anthropology, axioms, theology, and religion (get into completely mode with helping of recognition common sense, wisdom, scientific, philosophic and religionist). On the other way hatchways, inaccuracies, and even contrarieties into understanding the world will become dominant and lead to quarrels and antagonisms. From here floats a huge challenge for leaders, who should take on their own shoulder responsibility upon the future of our planet and humanity.
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Mountains as reservoirs of water have always been an immanent and crucial part of the Mesoamerican ritual landscape. Considered living beings, mountains are an important component of the core part of the Native worldview, which is particularly observable in Central Mexico, a region dominated by the highest peaks in Mesoamerica. Long before the Spanish conquest, the Nahua people who live in the area adopted and developed the ancient Mesoamerican tradition of sacred mountains, ritual landscapes and the agrarian cycle and have preserved it to this day, despite the efforts of Spanish missionaries after the conquest. This paper deals with the position of mountains within the framework of Nahua ritualism, as it has been preserved in Nahua communities in Central Mexico. The aim is to point out their central role as the structural axis of the Nahua worldview, as places where rituals associated with rainmaking, fertility and the agrarian cycle are performed.
This paper analyzes people’s responses to the experience of the strongest existential terror – the fear of death. The first section describes the Terror Management Theory (TMT) and its proposed ways of reducing fear: by boosting one’s self-esteem and by activating a collective system of meanings. However, much of the data discussed further in the paper shows that facts related to the experience of mortality salience are better explained and predicted by the assumption that the regulatory mechanism relies on seeking social approval and on mood regulation. This has been reflected by such surprising behavior as increased interest in one’s appearance, conspicuous consumption, or seeking power in response to confronting the idea of death. However, further studies are needed to resolve existing controversies.
This article explores various interpretations of philosophical counselling. These interpretations are determined by the nature and status of the key concepts from which they are derived. The first is “critical thinking”, which a number of authors have based their conceptions on; just two examples are mentioned in the article-Elliot D. Cohen and Tim LeBon. Many philosophical practitioners, especially those whose philosophizing is influenced by Socrates, use critical thinking, and indeed believe that it is what philosophical practice is all about. Pierre Grimes is another example of someone who has been influenced by Socrates. Eckart Ruschmann and Ran Lahav believe that interpreting world beliefs is the basis of philosophical counselling. Others think philosophical counselling stems from interpretations of the concept of “wisdom”. The article also discusses Ran Lahav’s more recent views and those of Gerald Rochelle. The concept of “virtues” is discussed in relation to the work of Arto Tukiainen, Lydia B. Amir and Jess Fleming.
Unconcealment is truth in Heidegger’s Greek-inspired view – the kind of truth that underlies propositional truth (or correctness), as it concerns the entities that propositions are about, and how they come forth to us. This happens in Entbergen or bringing forth. Technology is one way of bringing forth. There are essential differences between the unconcealments of ancient and contemporary technologies. The first, according to Heidegger, went on the concernful way of contemplation, of mutual hearing of the creative being and the matter created of – man helped the being come forth in a way it by itself would not have done, by attending it concernfully. The latter is determined by enframing (Gestell) that is the essence of contemporary science and technology – a forcing of the world into a calculable and manipulable form. I will give an etymological-ecological-feminist account of the essences of ancient and contemporary technologies as ontogeneses, and of their unconcealments and turning points on the basis of Carolyn Merchant’s ecofeminist tale about mining practices. Those earth-related practices brought forth changes not merely in technologies, but also in mentality in times of commercial revolution and the birth of contemporary science. As she recounts, ancient mining practices were guided by the prevailing view of earth as a living organism, particularly as the mother of all that is growing in and on her, including the ores. Mining was conceived as digging into her womb and entrails to force her fruits out of her – and that was considered immoral and required special care and purity. Commercial revolution brought about a mind-set according to which this forcing of the earth is justified because she as a mean stepmother keeps her fruits so much needed by her children – the humankind. I understand Merchant’s tale to be about the practices and corresponding attitudes of those times. As language is a practice interwoven in other practices, I consider the etymologies of some related words to hint to the dominant ideas. Thence the words related to earth and world, whereas earth is the dark and concealing, and world is the known and transparent; or ‘berg’ as the saving both for what is inside it such as ores to be mined, and what is behind or on it. This iconically illustrates Heidegger’s unconcealment as Entbergen exclusively used in this essay – ‘bringing out of mountain or salvage’. Many other words used by Heidegger here are closely related to mining and commercial practices. Hence in technological practices, bringing the earth out of salvage became commonplace, and similarly bringing nature out of salvage, or disenchanting it, became the leading idea of the young science’s agenda. Technological view of the world is of resources to be measured and manipulated. Scientific view of the world is of forces to be calculated and reapplied to take control over nature. Merchant cites early scientists’ ideas of subsuming nature to their power to reveal her secrets (the laws of nature) just like subsuming a woman to a man’s power and shaping her according to his will. Boosting masculinity to the principles of science and deploring femininity parallel the moral decline in man’s relation to earth and nature. Those became mere reserves – Bestand – in man’s disposal, control and calculation, both scientifically and technologically, and thereby in quotidian thinking.
This paper is a critical analysis of the conditions under which a decent world order is possible, an order in which the different peoples of the world can thrive under the conditions of peace, cooperation, freedom, justice, and prosperity. This analysis is done from the standpoint of Janusz Kuczynski’s philosophy of universalism as a metaphilosophy. More than any other in the contemporary period, this philosophy has advanced a focused, systematic, and comprehensive analysis of these conditions on the basis of a universal vision of nature, human nature, and the meaning of human life and destiny. The paper is composed of three parts. The first part is devoted to a short overview of activism in the history of philosophy. The second part is devoted to an analysis of the main elements of universalism as a metaphilosophy, especially the theoretical conditions of establishing a decent world order. The third part is devoted to a discussion of the practical steps that should be taken to establish a decent world order.
The 2020 survey found that adult Poles place the environment high in the hierarchy of life values. However, deeper analysis of the survey revealed a gap between declarations and the realization of these values. Among the more than 50% of adult Poles assigning a high value to the environment in the first part of the survey, in the final, only about 2% admit that it is the most important life value they follow in their daily life choices. The purpose of this article is to answer the question of where the mentioned gap between the declaration and realization of values comes from by analyzing the phenomenon of the existence of worldviews in general and the values correlated with them. This analysis is based not only on the classical answers of Kant, Dilthey or Scheler on the phenomenon of paradigms of reality, but also includes Dawkins’ meme theory and vMEME, or values meme by Beck and Cowan. On this base, conclusions about possible directions for educational changes regarding raising to the ecological paradigm were drawn. The novelty of the article is the proposal to design the change, using modern sources of information and knowledge acquisition, often rejected by the education system.
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The first Waldorf school was founded by Rudolf Steiner in 1919 in Stuttgart for the children of employees of the Waldorf-Astoria factory. The anthroposophical doctrine created by Rudolf Steiner, which originated on the basis of theosophical thought of a known occultist Helena Bławacka, constitutes the school’s worldview basis. The anthroposophical concept of man and the world, accepted by Waldorf education, determines its work methods. Hence, in younger classes the appropriately chosen fables, fairy tales and legends are used, which provide preparation for the future thought and judgments of youth. The most important subject, often called “the school’s heart” is eurhythmy. It is a specific art of movement, gesture, sign and symbol, which enables pupils to achieve the harmony of body and soul in aesthetic and musical experience. It is called sacred, initiatory art by the anthroposophers themselves. The fact that the fundamental basis for the Waldorf school is anthroposophy accepting reincarnation, self-salvation, and Satan as a good deity, and Jesus Christ as a sun deity, makes it impossible to align with Christianity.
Rehabilitation counseling, that is counseling offered to people with various disabilities, involves in particular problems related to life understood in its broadest sense. In this context, the article evokes the notion of life counseling developed by Henryk Kaja in the 1970s. Some selected aspects of this concept inspire reflection on the role of counseling in supporting individuals with disabilities. The article commences with an overview of changes in conceptualizing rehabilitation as a process of restoring ability, aptitude and efficiency. Next, selected issues constituting specificity of rehabilitation counseling are discussed. The core argument of the article outlines the major assumptions of Henryk Kaja’s life counseling and his concept of quality life based on consciously oriented development, which includes such standards as richness and variety of subjective experiences, awareness, activity, productivity, morality and comprehensive human relationships. The central role in life counseling is attributed to the system of beliefs based on the values one holds, that is – the worldview that enables the disabled to interpret the sense of life events, including the potential sense of unavoidable suffering. In the context of life and rehabilitation counseling, suffering, disease, and disability, the concept of the meaning of life acquires special significance. Its source is rooted in values, and it is through discovering and internalizing them, through engaging thoughts, volition and action that an individual finds out what makes his or her life meaningful. To finish with, the article argues for the validity of life counseling as a part of rehabilitation.
A Semantic-Cognitive Analysis of the Concept of Ukraine in the Speeches of B. Obama (2014)This article presents a semantic-cognitive analysis of the concept of Ukraine, verbally represented in the speeches of the American President, Barack Obama. The peculiarities of the President’s worldview are highlighted.The objective of the article is as follows. Firstly, it aims to demonstrate that the concept of Ukraine is verbally represented in the speeches of Obama. This means that Ukraine as a country, moving towards democracy despite the war with Russia, is an object of focus for American leaders. Secondly, the article suggests that there is a connection between the concept described, its pragmatic orientation and its cognitive processes. Thirdly, it describes the semantic peculiarities of the concept of Ukraine in the political speeches of the American leader, which are due to the role Ukraine plays in the local and regional context. Our research is based on the content-analysis of political speeches delivered by American President. The functional, communicative and pragmatic orientation of the speeches is highlighted. In line with the approaches of cognitive scholars, the article concludes that the concept of Ukraine is a complex semantic-cognitive structure that consists of core, transition zone and periphery. During the research for this article, fifteen speeches made by Obama in 2014 were analysed.This research presupposes the application of content analysis. It is relevant in the analysis of international relations with respect to the notions used by President Obama in his speeches delivered during 2014 in the relations between: the USA - Ukraine, Ukraine - Russia, the USA - Russia, and Europe - Ukraine. Semantyczno-kognitywna analiza konceptu „Ukraina” w przemówieniach B. Obamy (2014)Artykuł przedstawia semantyczno-kognitywną analizę konceptu „Ukraina”, werbalnie zaprezentowanego w przemówieniach amerykańskiego prezydenta B. Obamy. Autor podkreśla cechy szczególne konceptualnego obrazu świata prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych.Cele artykułu są następujące: 1. Pokazanie, że koncept „Ukraina” jest werbalnie obecny w przemówieniach B. Obamy. Oznacza to, że Ukraina jako państwo kroczące drogą demokracji mimo wojny z Rosją leży w kręgu zainteresowań amerykańskich liderów. 2. Zasugerowanie, że istnieje powiązanie pomiędzy opisywanym konceptem, jego orientacją pragmatyczną i procesami kognitywnymi. 3. Konieczność opisu semantycznych cech szczególnych konceptu „Ukraina” w przemówieniach politycznych amerykańskiego lidera ze względu na rolę Ukrainy w lokalnym i regionalnym kontekście. Podkreślam funkcjonalną, komunikatywną i pragmatyczną orientację politycznych przemówień. Zgodnie z podejściem badaczy kognitywnych dochodzę do wniosku, że koncept „Ukraina” jest kompleksem semantyczno-kognitywnej struktury zawierającym strefę przejściową i peryferyjną.Podczas przeprowadzonego badania autor przejrzał piętnaście przemówień wygłoszonych przez amerykańskiego prezydenta B. Obamę w 2014 roku. Badanie zakłada zastosowanie analizy treści. Jest przydatne w analizie stosunków międzynarodowych, w odniesieniu do pojęć użytych przez prezydenta Obamę w przemówieniach wygłoszonych w 2014 roku w następujących formatach: USA-Ukraina, Ukraina-Rosja, USA-Rosja i Europa-Ukraina.
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Spatial heterotopy of modern space contributes to the emergence of new communicative patterns in the field of „own – other” contacts. But the persisting traditional ethnic stereotypes conflict with the changing socio-cultural realities. In this article the authors analyze the problem of preservation culture from Stranger. In this regard serious questions raise. These are: what do we keep – either the traditional culture with its internal code or the culture as a whole; what and from whom do we protect – either the traditional culture from globalization challenges, or „our own culture” from the Other; and, at last, how do we protect it – either carefully saving from innovations or actively breaking all traditional forms clearing away the road for innovative development? Anyway rhizome world view becomes the factor that significantly complicates adaptation of NeoStranger into the receiving societies. It demands theoretical comprehension of a new strategy of cross-cultural communication in modern transcultural space.
The starting point for this study is that (the majority of) conventional figurative units (CFUs) are conceptual in nature and that they somehow record and preserve the knowledge and even worldview of diverse cultures. The aim of this paper is to take a first step towards answering the question whether it is true not only that phraseology preserves the way a given culture understands the world (or understood it in the past), but if it works the other way round, i.e. if people using/knowing CFUs involving stereotypes - in this case, Czech idioms and collocations regarding nations and ethnic groups - tend to extend these stereotypes and attitudes beyond the linguistic sphere. For this purpose a survey questionnaire was created, by means of which the stereotypes underlying a varied sample of 13 Czech CFUs were related to the prejudices of the respondents
This essay discusses the mounted image of St. George slaying an emperor within the broader context of how and why early Christian images were transformed and adapted to the early Byzantine religious style. The representational framework of Arthur Danto’s philosophical system is used to tie together the threads of this research. By drawing parallels between changes in contemporary art and culture – often referred to as the modern/postmodern shift – and the transition of the Hellenistic to the Byzantine era, structures common to artistic creation and reception are brought to the fore. The case study presents the history of the depiction of St. George slaying Diocletian, how it emerged in the Caucasus region, and the manner in which it reflects the stylistic changes that took place in the late antique eastern Roman world. The social, cultural and philosophical ramifications of the shift of high classical art to the early Byzantine style are laid out in terms of art, modes of inquiry, and action-orientation. A theory is presented on what role the image of St. George killing Diocletian may have played in transforming the late antique and early medieval worldview. The final section sketches a philosophical framework that supports the conclusions of this research.
The cognitive premises of myth-oriented semiosisThis article addresses the cognitive premises of designation units denoting mythic concepts in a variety of texts and discourses. The article focuses on myth-oriented semiosis as a cognitive and cultural phenomenon reflected in the semantic transformations of lingual signs, resulting in the development of noematic senses relevant to the states of affairs in diverse worldviews or modelled alternative realities. This article provides an analysis of the basic cognitive models and procedures responsible for irrational cognition. The reconstructed cognitive models are then discussed in terms of their correspondence with the universal patterns of open system interaction and information exchange. Poznawcze przesłanki semiozy zorientowanej na mitTen artykuł dotyczy poznawczych przesłanek jednostek desygnacyjnych oznaczających mityczne pojęcia w różnych tekstach i dyskursach. Artykuł koncentruje się na semiozie zorientowanej na mit jako zjawisku poznawczym i kulturowym odzwierciedlonym w semantycznych przekształceniach znaków językowych, co skutkuje rozwojem noematycznych zmysłów związanych ze stanami rzeczy w różnych światopoglądach lub modelowanych alternatywnych rzeczywistościach. Ten artykuł zawiera analizę podstawowych modeli i procedur poznawczych odpowiedzialnych za irracjonalne poznanie. Zrekonstruowane modele poznawcze są następnie omawiane pod kątem ich zgodności z uniwersalnymi wzorcami interakcji otwartego systemu i wymiany informacji.
The Acts of the Apostles describes – sometimes in rather colorful details – signs and wonders wrought by the apostle Paul. Can this portrait of the apostle be corroborated based on his own letters? Or do we have to conclude that contemporaries of the apostle paint a more or less hagiographic picture of Paul’s miraculous activities? What is the place of miracles surrounding Paul and wrought by him within the whole of his life and mission? A survey of Paul’s letters allows us to get a view of how the apostle sees the function of signs, wonders, and mighty works within the dynamics of the proclamation of the gospel. Viewed in this way, the possible difference between information based upon Paul’s own communication and that of his contemporaries about him appears to decrease. A clearer picture of the part miracles play within the whole of Paul’s mission may also help to rethink modern and post-modern worldviews from a biblical perspective.
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