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This article is a review of the collective monograph Stefan Żeromski. Kim był? Kim jest? edited by Zdzisław Jerzy Adamczyk. The book contains thirty essays written by experts in their respective fields. Both Stefan Żeromski’s views and many aspects of his writings were here thoroughly examined. It is said that Żeromski, one of the most influential Polish writers at the end of the nineteenth and at the beginning of the twentieth century, strongly affected Polish culture. The contributors of the book undoubtedly proved the thesis.
The amendment to the Public Procurement Law (PPL) [7], which came into effect on 19 October 2014, introduced new principles of tender evaluation. The price may no longer be the sole criterion, unless the conditions listed in the PPL occur. The purpose of the article is to analyze the tender evaluation process in the public procurement of works in the situation where contracting authorities are obliged to apply also other criteria apart from price. Undoubtedly, it will result in a reduced number of procedures where price is the only criterion. The paper presents the results of the research illustrating the scale of this phenomenon and the way of using the new regulations by contracting authorities. The paper contains a brief description of legal bases, new principles of applying tender evaluation criteria and the present practice in this area. The article presents the results of the analysis of notices of contracts on works, published in the Public Procurement Bulletin (PPB) [2] after the amendment to the PPL. The analysis focused on the type, number and frequency of applying the criteria and on their weightings in contracts on works concerning different types of building structures. The conducted research shows that the type of the subject matter of the contract does not influence the choice of criteria. The main criteria, apart from price, include guarantee (period and conditions) and time limit for completion. The number of procedures in which price is the only criterion has decreased significantly. The research reveals that in the tender evaluation process regarding contracts on works contracting authorities take practically no account of life cycle costs and do not apply the so-called environmental criteria.
nr 326
This article presents a legal status of volunteer fire departments and their role in the fire safety system. It pays particular attention to the fact that the activity in the field of fire safety belongs to public task, in this case carried out by social organisations. Taking into account the legal status of the volunteer fire departments acting as associations which often have a character of public benefit organisations, the author postulates a clear statutory indication of the legal nature of the volunteer fire departments as associations with legal personality. Therefore it is important to equip the volunteer fire departments with professional legal and fund management which should be provided by the relevant municipalities.
Content available System repartycji w Polsce
The paper presents the results of the analysis of issues concerning the distribution in Poland. Distribution, in the context of the copyright law, is the compensation for the reproduction of works used with permit by private individuals for the personal purpose. Depending on the form of the exploitation of work or the subject of right (authors, performers, publishers or producers of phonograms and video recording), the fee should be paid. Fees for the use of protected works are collected from users based on the license agreements. Collective societies involved in the collect and division of the fees for the use of works within the permitted personal use. Article 23 of copyright law established the principle for unpaid permitted private use. There is no claim for payment of remuneration to the collective society or to users, if the works are copied within its own personal use. Exploitation of the works on the statutory license for private use is permitted, therefore, in connection with eg. common interests. Moreover, the relationships established through the internet are not excluded. Specificity is the fact that nowadays the reprographic fee of media is borne by entities that are themselves do not use of the works and do not encroach on the symptoms of copyright as an exclusive right. Holders of reprographic equipment, who are already established in the field of reproduction of works for personal use by third parties are obliged to pay, through the organization of collective management of copyright and related rights, duties amounting to 3% of the proceeds of this account on behalf of authors and publishers, unless the reproduction is carried out under an agreement with an eligible (eg. the author or publisher). Reprographic fees, so-called copyright levies or fees, which are counted towards to the blank media and copying machines are paid by all customers. Fees are paid by producers and importers of copying devices and blank media. In the field of reprographic fees, copyright is obsolete and should be complemented with modern audiovisual equipment, including tablets, smartphones etc.
Content available remote Wpływ prac budowlanych na obiekty sąsiednie
Prowadzenie robót budowlanych bardzo często związane jest z powstawaniem oddziaływań generujących niekorzystne wpływy na obiekty sąsiadujące z terenem inwestycji. Oddziaływania te mogą mieć charakter mechaniczny (przemieszczenia, drgania przenoszone przez podłoże gruntowe) lub niemechaniczny (hałas, zapach, pył), a ich zasięg obejmuje obszar od kilku do kilkuset metrów.
tom nr 6
14173--14180, CD 6
Proces inwestycyjny wymaga kompleksowego podejścia do zarządzania, w którym jasno określone byłyby role uczestników, zakres opracowań kosztowych oraz zakresy poszczególnych etapów procesu inwestycyjnego. Już na etapie planowania procesu inwestycyjnego mamy wpływ na kształtowanie się kosztów związanych z transportem poprzez wybór: dostawców materiałów, sposobów magazynowania materiałów, sposobów realizacji technologia i organizacja inwestycji, najemców sprzętu z rynku lokalnego, itp.. Największy udział w cenie kosztorysowej stanowią najczęściej koszty zużycia materiałów. Nie bez znaczenia jest także wzrost cen materiałów w danym przedziale czasowym. Na ilość zużytego materiału oraz na zmianę cen jednostkowy nie mamy większego wpływu. Natomiast optymalizacja może dotyczyć wyboru dostawcy, wyboru dostawcy sprzętu oraz sposobu transportu materiału na placu budowy jeżeli takowy nie został już ujęty w pozycji kosztorysowej.
The investment process requires a comprehensive approach to management, which clearly defines the roles of their participants, the range of the cost estimations and the ranges of particular stages of the investment process. We have impact (at the planning stage of the investment process) on the transportation costs by choosing: suppliers of building materials, methods of materials storage, construction and organization methods, suppliers of construction equipments from a local market, etc. The cost of building materials are usually the largest share of the total price of construction work. The increase in the prices of building materials in a given period of time is not without significance. We do not have much impact on the amount of used building materials and the changes of building materials unit price. However, the optimization may concern: selection of building materials supplier, selection of construction equipment supplier, method of building materials transportation on the site if the method has not already been included in the cost estimation.
The article contains the comparison between the biography and autobio-graphy of the writer, Vicki Baum as the icon of success. Vicki Baum (1888-1960) was one of the most famous writers in the 1930, and once described as German Colette. Baum’s career stages have been outlined here – being a professional harpist, an aspiring writer, an Ullstein publishing editor, the bestselling author in Germany, her huge success and its consequences i.e. film adaptation of the novel in America and her career in the US as a screen writer for the biggest film production companies in Hollywood. In her autobiography, Baum poses to be optimistic. However, between the lines of her text the longing for the unattainable can be seen as the author realized that many of her novels were regarded as popular literature.
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę ważniejszych maszyn wykorzystywanych przy sezonowych pracach utrzymaniowych nawierzchni drogowych, zamiatarek mechanicznych, malowarek znaków poziomych, recyklerów oraz remonterów.
The article presents the characteristics of the most important machines used for seasonal road maintenance works, including mechanical sweepers, machines for horizontal marking, recyclers and repairers.
Content available remote Green Public Procurement criteria for construction contracts
This paper describes the legal conditions for the award of Green Public Procurement for construction works. Environmental criteria that can be used in contracts for construction works are also presented. The author presents current practice in green procurement organized by Polish authorities.
W artykule przedstawione zostaną uwarunkowania prawne udzielania zielonych zamówień publicznych na roboty budowlane. Zaprezentowane zostaną kryteria środowiskowe, które mogą być stosowane w zamówieniach na roboty budowlane. Autorka przedstawi również dotychczasową praktykę w udzielaniu zamówień zielonych przez polskich zamawiających.
Projektowanie i zarządzanie w budownictwie dotyczy nie tylko samej realizacji określnego obiektu inżynierskiego, ale jest też ściśle związane z planowaniem logistycznym. Logistyka przedsięwzięcia budowlanego polega na zaprojektowaniu placu budowy, planu transportu zamówień oraz sposobu przemieszczania na terenie budowy zarówno pojazdów, materiałów, jak i pracowników. W artykule przedstawiono ideę systemu zarządzania jakością w kontekście działań logistycznych. Szczególnie ważnym elementem projektowania robót jest wybór metody organizacji oraz harmonogramowanie prac z uwzględnieniem zapasów czasu. Autorki koncentrują się główne na zagadnieniach integralności pomiędzy projektem a realizacją zgodnie z systemem zapewnienia jakości. Niestety w praktyce część elementów dokumentacji zostaje jedynie wykorzystana formalnie. Występują też niezgodności między projektem a wykonawstwem np. niektóre prace są wykonywane w innym terminie lub technologii niż zaplanowano. Dodatkowe niespójności powstają wtedy, gdy pojawia się problem deficytu wykwalifikowanych pracowników, sprzętu czy materiałów budowlanych. Wprowadzenie systemu zarządzania jakością działań logistycznych zgodnie z normami ISO 9000 może stanowczo zminimalizować prawdopodobieństwo niepowodzeń, błędów w wykonaniu czy przesunięć terminów realizacji całej inwestycji.
Design and construction management is concerned with not only building a specified object of engineering, but it is also closely related to logistics planning. Logistics of a construction project includes, among others, designing construction site, plan for receiving ordered materials, and a method of moving heavy equipment, materials, and work force on the construction site. The article presents the idea of a quality management system in the context of logistics operations. The most important element of the design work is the choice of methods of organization and work scheduling. The authors are mainly focused on issues of integrity between design and realization in accordance with the quality system. Unfortunately, in practice some elements of documentation are only used formally. There are also discrepancies between the design and realization, for example some works are carried out at a different time or using different technology than planned. Additional inconsistencies arise when there is a problem with the deficit of qualified workers, equipment and construction materials. The introduction of quality management system of logistics activities in accordance with ISO 9000 may decidedly minimize the probability of setbacks, mistakes in the implementation or offsets the entire project deadlines.
Content available Rządowe Centrum Bezpieczeństwa
This article deals with the concept of Saint Augustine about faith, works and grace, showing, according to his philosophical and theological perspective, what would be the faith worthy of being considered true and what would be, therefore, a false faith. Regarding divine grace, it is discuted here the controversy between Augustine and Pelagius, which shook the Church in middle of the 5th century. The text reflects to what extent and in what way Saint Augustine's thought is still relevant for current times, both for Christians and non-Christians. Finally, the article speculates on how Augustinian approaches on the aforementioned issues are relevant for education and moral formation of individual.   Este artículo versa sobre el concepto de san Agustín acerca de la fe, las obras y la gracia, mostrando, según su perspectiva filosófica y teológica, cuál sería la fe digna de ser considerada verdadera y cuál sería, por consiguiente, una fe falsa. Por lo que respecta a la gracia divina, el texto discute la polémica entre Agustín y Pelagio, que sacudió a la Iglesia a mediados del siglo V. Igualmente, expone en qué medida y de qué manera el pensamiento de san Agustín sigue siendo relevante para los tiempos actuales, tanto para cristianos como para no cristianos. Finalmente, el artículo analiza de qué modo los planteamientos agustinianos sobre los temas arriba mencionados son relevantes para la educación y la formación moral del individuo.
Vox Patrum
tom 38
Mons. Josemana Escriva de Balaguer (1902-1975), el fundator de Opus Dei es el autor de las homilias (Amar a /a /g/t-Ha, Madrid 1968; Es Cwfo paM, Madrid 1973; Amigom Dirn, Madrid 1977) y de las meditaciónes (Cammo, Madrid 1939; 5arco, Madrid 1986; Eorya, Madrid 1988). En sus obras a menudo refiere a la doctrina de los Padres de la Iglesia, especialmente San Augustin, San Juan Crisostomo, San Gregorio Magno y San Ambrogio. De esa manera subraya que la ciencia de los Padres es actual y real para el cristiano contemporaneo. En sus homilias, muestra antę todo los Padres de la Iglesia como maestros de fe, en cambio en las meditaciónes presenta los como ejemplos de la vida morał.
Problem harmonizacji pracy zbiorowej był rozwiązywany od dawna. Prekursorem w tym zakresie był Karol Adamiecki, który w swojej pracy „Harmonizacja jako podstawa organizacji naukowej” formułuje prawo harmonii, uzasadnia potrzebę harmonizacji pracy, podaje jej znaczenie, treść i zakres.
Harmonization of work consists in selection of contractors to perform specific tasks and synchronization of their work time. To make up a schedule of works, the planner needs to know the resources workloads. Man or machine hours required to complete construction works are the basis for work estimation and scheduling. In particular, they enable the planner: to estimate labor costs and time needed to complete the task, to review resources’ workload and availability of resources assigned to particular task, to check the possibility of sharing resources across various tasks and finally to determine other rates and factors useful in works scheduling. Issues presented above are the subject matter of this paper and forthcoming publications.
This is the first scientific research studying the impact of worklife factors on executives’ psychological health by gender. The study has a particular focus on the factors of ‘Community’ and ‘Work-life balance’. Survey data were collected from N=481 senior executives to measure seven worklife factors and psychological health. Standardized regression analysis was performed for each worklife in a regression model predicting psychological health by gender. Results showed significant differences between female and male senior executives in the profiles of seven worklife factors in terms of their relationship with psychological health. ‘Work life balance’ was the strongest predictor of female executives’ psychological health, ‘Values’ for male executives’ psychological health. ‘Community’ showed similar levels of association for both women and men. This research addresses the literature gap of large-scale, quantitative investigations into the psychology of senior executives. The results can be applied as a guide for organizational design, executive training and development programs accounting for differences by gender.
In my article I present a short, historical overview of the literary works of Bruno Jasieński, put in a chronological order and seen from the Marxist perspective. I refer to the statements on Jasienski’s oeuvre made by Polish Marxist critics both before and after WWII and present their judgments about his books. I adopt a three-part division of Jasieński life and works proposed by Krzysztof Jaworski. Firstly, I focus on what can be called as a futuristic and salon socialism period. In this part I analyze Jaśnieński’s poetical debut – But w butonierce, a volume widely seen as being strongly influenced by the Russian Ego-Futurism. I also present a brief overview of the role played by Jasieński in the unification of Polish futurist movement. Finally, I refer to Pieśń o głodzie, a narrative poem in which Jasieński combined futuristic and socialist inspirations, effectively inventing a new kind of Polish poetry. In the next section of the article, I focus on what may be called a revolutionary formation period, in which Janieński organized Polish Workers Theater. I conclude this part with an analysis of I Burn Paris, a novel depicting burning down of the capital of European bourgeoisie. The last section covers the soviet period of Jasieński’s life, starting with his experiments with merging fantastic narratives with a new-born socrealistic aesthetics in Bal manekinów. In this part I focus on the arguably most important work of the soviet period – Ziemia zmienia skórę, a novel about building socialism in Tajikistan, which became an obligatory read in Tajik public schools. In conclusion, I offer a short reassessment of the opposing views on Jasiński’s work proposed by Polish critics.
Wzmożone zainteresowanie drzewami – zwiększaniem ich liczby czy utrzymaniem i ochroną już rosnących przy zachowaniu bezpieczeństwa publicznego – przyniosło w ostatnich latach pozytywny skutek w postaci oddolnej propozycji nowych standardów prac na drzewach i w ich otoczeniu oraz dotyczących kompetencji osób wykonujących te prace. 
The year when the eighth number of “Themes and Contexts” is published, is unique because we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the restoration of Poland’s sovereignty. It is also an opportunity to look at the contractual century of the “new” Polish literature. In this context of “duration and changeability”, it is important to discuss the work of outstanding poets and writers of the last century, as well as interpretations of important works. This is a convenient time both for reappraisals and for new interpretations seen from a variable, literary perspective. Thinking about Polish literature in 1918-2018, we had in mind the attempts to establish the hierarchy of the most important literary phenomena in the context of political, constitutional and transformational changes. These issues are discussed in the first group of texts entitled Synthesis and reappraisals. Another group of problems connected with the subject of (Post)modern reading introduces the circle of detailed considerations. The research of Polish literature of the last century is conducted by the authors in two ways. In the first one, the researchers adopted a comparative perspective and analyzed new works compiled with works from the interwar period. The second variant is dominated by the synchronous perspective, in which the authors’ attention is focused on the originality of the latest works and contemporary methodologies of studying a literary work and “modern” contexts (social-media, pop-culture, hyper-text, blogosphere, etc.). The study of contemporary literature in the context of the works of the past century has resulted in interesting literary and cultural findings. This section, titled Views, is a voice of researchers asking for the restoration of forgotten literary writings, artists (Gniatczyński), single works. The articles collected in the volume authorize the conclusion that these conventional chronological frames cover many literary phenomena, as well as the names of writers who created and create an image of Polish literature of the last century.
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