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Drought and herbivory are important stress factors for plants. When plants are subjected to any form of stress, phenotypic responses are elicited to reduce damage. Responses to drought include a decrease in leaf area and aerial biomass, and an increase in root/shoot ratio of biomass allocation. If plants are subjected to drought and herbivory at the same time, constrained responses are expected due to resource limitation. In a greenhouse experiment we analyzed the effect of simulated herbivory on the ability to respond to drought stress in seedlings of the Chilean perennial herb Convolvulus demissus (Convolvulaceae), which in natural populations may experience water deficit during dry summers as well as grazing by mammals. Plants subjected to drought showed the phenotypic responses theoretically expected. In contrast, plants subjected to a combined drought + herbivory treatment did not show those responses, being phenotypically similar to control plants. It is suggested that herbivory may limit responses to drought in C. demissus, hence magnifying the negative consequences on plant fitness of such abiotic factor.
Drought significantly impacts the growth and yield of forage grasses, particularly its effect on Dactylis glomerata photosynthetic apparatus during the initial phase of development remains largely unknown. This study investigated the effects of drought on physiological parameters of various D. glomerata varieties. The seedlings obtained after seed germination under optimal and simulated drought conditions by PEG 6000 (three variants) were planted in small pots filled with garden substrate. Over a span of 42 days, the plants were initially kept well-watered (70% capillary water capacity, CWC), after which half of the seedlings from each variant were subjected to drought. This drought stress was applied during the tillering phase for 12 days. Subsequently, the plants were rehydrated (at 70% CWC) and allowed to recover for 14 days. Throughout both drought and recovery periods, measurements were taken. Leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were assessed, and the JIP-test analysis was utilised to provide detailed insights into the functionality of D. glomerata photosynthetic apparatus under drought stress and post-recovery conditions. Several parameters were identified as indicative of the plants’ sensitivity to drought, such as performance indices PIABS and PItot, along with quantum yield parameters ΨEo, φEo, and φPo. The results highlighted that var. Minora and Tukan exhibited greater tolerance to water deficit when compared to the other varieties studied. They showed a large increases in PIABS and PItot values after drought stress as well as after the re-watering (recovery period) compared to control plants. This suggests their potential for better adaptation to drought conditions.
The array of genes isolated and characterised from Craterostigma to date allow many insights to be made into the protection mechanisms underlying the desiccation tolerance phenomenon and drought-induced changes in gene expression. However, more work is necessary to define which gene products positively contribute to stress tolerance and which may be considered as secondary stress metabolites or as gene regulators. It is apparent that the gene regulatory mechanisms involved are complex, but future work with more refined biochemical and genetic approaches, together with the analysis of defined mutants will greatly help to dissect the important area of desiccation perception, perhaps faciliate manipulation of desiccation tolerance in a genetic engineering context, and undoubtedly bring much progress in the coming years.
In response to water deficit, endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) accumulates in plants. This ABA serves as a signal for a multitude of processes, including regulation of gene expression. ABA accumulated in response to water deficit signals cellular as well as whole plant responses playing a role in the pattern of gene expression throughout the plant. Although the function of genes regulated by ABA during stress are currently poorly understood, a number of these genes may permit the plant to adapt to environmental stress.
On Earth water is an irreplaceable asset, and an estimate of its resource capacity is necessary. The improper selection of indicators of water resources can lead to the underestimation or overestimation of the actual resources present. Incorrect assessments of water resources contribute to the improper completion of necessary water management tasks, thereby failing to satisfy the needs of different water users such as industry, agriculture and forestry, inland water navigation, tourism and recreation and the general population for the purposes of municipal water use. This article discusses the advantages of utilizing Earth Observation technology for estimating water resources in Poland. Despite the large amount of water on Earth, decades of wrongly pursued water management have led to a critical point in maintaining this valuable resource. According to actual estimations, there are enough fresh water resources in the world; the problem is the uneven distribution and pollution of these resources, especially in the case of surface water. Currently, Poland, in comparison with other European countries, is classified as a country with very little water resources. It is important, however, that a thorough evaluation using the latest measurement technologies is conducted, particularly for groundwater resources in deep layers of the lithosphere. The proper assessment of water resources requires knowledge of the hydrogeological conditions within each of the catchments of the analyzed area. International data sets are mostly incomplete and heterogeneous, which makes the comparison of data of several years difficult and often leads to mistakes. While analyzing Polish water resources several factors should be taken into account, including: the amount of rainfall, the amount of water in rivers, lakes and groundwater, and the above-mentioned factors affecting the measurement of the amount of disposable water resources. This article is an introduction to the broader analysis of water resources in Poland and an exploration of the issue from a different perspective.
Content available remote Uwilgotnienie gruntów pogórniczych w suchych i ciepłych latach hydrologicznych
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań i obserwacji terenowych prowadzonych na powierzchniach doświadczalnych zlokalizowanych na zwałowisku wewnętrznym odkrywki "Kazimierz Północ", położonym na Pojezierzu Kujawskim. Badania wykazały, że najwyższe zapasy wody, przekraczające polową pojemność wodną analizowanych profili gruntów pogórniczych wystąpiły w półroczach zimowych. Stwierdzono, że najbardziej niekorzystnie kształtowało się uwilgotnienie gruntów pogórniczych w bardzo suchym i ciepłym pod wzglądem sumy opadów oraz temperatur powietrza w półroczu letnim 2003 roku, w którym zapasy wody spadły poniżej stanu retencji odpowiadającej wodzie łatwodostępnej dla roślin. Także w półroczu letnim 2004 roku, w którym również wystąpiły niedobory opadów i niekorzystny ich rozkład, w badanych gruntach pogórniczych stwierdzono niedobory wilgoci. Niedobory wystąpiły w okresie wzmożonego zapotrzebowania na wodę roślin uprawianych na badanych powierzchniach. Największe wyczerpanie wilgoci w tym okresie i najdłużej trwające niedobory wody stwierdzono w profilach glebowych mających małe zdolności retencyjne.
This paper presents the results of field research and observation carried out on experimental areas located at the inner waste heap of the "Kazimierz Północ" open pit. The results show that the highest water reserves exceed half of the water capacity of the postmining grounds profiles and occured from November to April. It showed that the moisture of the postmining grounds was very unfavorable during dry and hot period from May to October 2003 considering the density of precipitation and the air temperature. During this period the water reserves decreased under the water retention which was easily accessible to plants. From May to October 2004 the long water deficit and the bad dynamic of precipitation caused moisture deficit on the postmining grounds analysed. This deficit occured during the period of intensive needs of water to plants grown on these grounds. The largest decrease in humidity during this period and the longest water deficit occured in the profiles grounds having small retention capacity.
Water resources are not endless. More and more people around the globe are at risk of water deficiency. The problem is also pressing in the developed countries. Poland’s hydrological situation, compared to other European states, is unfavourable – Poland’s water resources are relatively low. In addition, the way of managing water and sewage services is deficient, and the infrastructure for water delivery is outdated and faulty. What is more, according to the findings of the Supreme Audit Office, the system for providing water in case of crisis does not operate properly. All these factors imply that the water safety level of Poland is low.
Content available remote Skala i powody marnotrawstwa wody w wodociągach wiejskich
Content available Water Deficit as a Security Threat
The aim of the article is to explain the key definitions connected with water security and to analyse state relations in the context of water issues. In this context therefore water can be seen to be a precious resource because there it has no substitute. Thus the lack of water security is emerging as one of the major barriers for economic and social growth in developing countries and a source of domestic conflicts. On the other hand, water-related events might result in international cooperation, as Kofi Annan noticed during the celebration of World Water Day: “Fierce national competition over water resources has prompted fears that water issues contain the seeds of violent conflict. [...] If all world’s peoples work together, a secure and sustainable water future can be ours”. What is certain, in the near future any environmental security planning will have to take into consideration the prime issue of water security.
Alisma plantago-aquatica L. (Alismataceae) and Sium latifolium L. (Apiaceae) can grow both under flooding and moderate water deficit. Activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) plays a critical role in the metabolism of plants under hypoxia participating in fermentation of sugars to ethanol - the primary mechanism of energy production in hypoxic roots. This study was aimed to characterize localization of ADH activity and its isozyme spectrum in roots of the aerial-aquatic and terrestrial plants. Cytochemical localization revealed that the ADH activity was associated with the root tip in aerial-aquatic plants. The ADH spectrum consisted of two isozymes in the A. plantago-aquatica roots and three isozymes in the S. latifolium ones. At the same time ADH activity was not observed in the roots of terrestrial plants. However, the weak ADH activity appeared in the roots of terrestrial plants after temporary flooding in time-dependent manner. The established changes in ADH gene expression in different water environment demonstrate its significant role in plant phenotypic plasticity.
Alisma plantago-aquatica L. (Alismataceae) oraz Sium latifolium L. (Apiaceae) mogą rosnąć zarówno na terenach zalewowych, jak również w środowisku narażonym na umiarkowany brak wody. W warunkach niedotlenienia, kiedy to korzenie zostają zalane wodą, metabolizm zostaje przestawiony na fermentację. Wówczas, dehydrogenaza alkoholowa (ADH) bierze udział w metabolizmie cukrów, które to zostają przekształcone do etanolu. Celem pracy było zlokalizowanie miejsca aktywacji ADH oraz ocena aktywności ADH i jej izoenzymów w korzeniach roślin lądowych i wodno-lądowych. Analiza cytochemiczna wykazała obecność ADH w czapeczce korzeniowej roślin wodno-lądowych. W korzeniach A. plantago-aquatica zidentyfikowano dwie izoformy ADH, a w korzeniach S. latifolium trzy izoformy ADH. W tym samym czasie, u roślin wodnych, widmo ADH nie było zauważalne. Słabą aktywność ADH zaobserwowano w korzeniach roślin lądowych, które w sposób kontrolowany czasowo zalewane były wodą. Zmiany w ekspresji genów ADH wpływają na nabywanie zdolności przystosowawczych roślin do środowisk o odmiennych warunkach wodnych.
The results of research into leaf stomatal variability of five European beech provenances originating from Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Germany, Romania and Serbia are presented in this paper. Aim of the study was to investigate how stomatal traits of provenances originating from different environments change in response to drought stress and to assess the phenotypic plasticity of the stomatal features investigated. The study was conducted during two different years, characterized by contrasting weather conditions (2010 and 2011). Two-way ANOVA revealed that provenances differ significantly in terms of stomatal density (SD), width of stomatal aperture (Wb), potential conductance index (PCI) and relative stomatal pore surface (RSPS), during both seasons. In a dry year (2011) all provenances significantly increased stomatal density by between 16.1% (Hasbruch – DE) and 21.9% (Cer – SRB). Guard cell length (LA) was not statistically different among provenances in either year (2010 and 2011), even though LA decreased in the dry year (2011) in all provenances. Reaction norms were steep in most of the parameters suggesting the possibility of a plastic response of provenances toward changes in soil water regime, influenced by the prevailing weather each year. Phenotypic plasticity indices were the highest in regards of SD, PCI and RSPS, indicating that these traits would be good candidates for improvement in breeding programs aimed at selection of drought resistant.
Powierzchnia naszej planety w ponad 70% pokryta jest wodą, przez co stwarza się wrażenie o powszechnej obfitości wody na Ziemi. Jednakże dla oceny zależności naszego bytu od zasobów wodnych jest istotna dostępna ilość świeżej (słodkiej) wody. 97,5% wszystkich zasobów wód na Ziemi stanowią wody słone oceanów, mórz, części jezior i wód podziemnych. Zasoby wody świeżej stanowią więc zaledwie 2,5% światowych zasobów i w prawie 70% występują one w zlodowaceniach Antarktydy, Grenlandii, obszaru Bieguna Północnego i w wyższych partiach gór. Stąd też ilość świeżej wody, dostępna dla ludności do bezpośredniego spożycia stanowi mniej niż 1% światowych zasobów (0,7%) [1, 8, 10, 13, 19, 33, 76].
The commonly held belief that there is widespread abundance of water on Earth, is grossly exaggerated. It comes from the fact that 70% of our planet is covered with water. However, the amount of accessible fresh water to satisfy our living needs constitutes less than 1% of world resources. Moreover, only this amount of water is regularly renewed by the ecosystem in the form of rainfall and snowfall. Water resources vary depending on the region: Middle East and South Affrica - 1000 m3 per person per year, Poland - 1460, Europe - 4560, World-7400, Central America - 23 900. Regions particularly deficient in water resources are the Middle East, South Africa, Poland and a number of regions in Europe. This inequality in accessibility of fresh water resources leads to a lot of cross-border tension and conflicts. According to the UNESCO report this situation may lead to many wars over water in the near future and may pose a threat to world peace. The Framework of the UE Water Directives from 2000 obligates membership countries to ensure that by 2010 they have implemented balanced policies concerning water consumption. The arrangements of the EU Water Directives were implemented in Poland in 2001 under The Water Law Act. During the 20th century the world population increased almost three times, whereas water consumption increased sevenfold. According to the statistics of the UN from 2001 the world population will increase from 6.8 billion at present to 9.8 billion by 2050. At the same time, according to the most optimistic prognosis the population in Poland will decrease from 38.5 to 36.6 million accordingly, and by the most pessimistic prognosis to 29.6 million. Simultaneously, a very unfavorable change in the structure of Poland's population will take place as a result of the process of ageing. The WHO and UNICEF estimates from 2004 state that 1.1 billion of the world population did not have any access to fresh water. At the same time 2.6 billion did not have proper sanitary conditions. It resulted in 5 million deaths per annum. Daily water consumption per capita in the most developed countries was equal to monthly water consumption per capita in the economically underdeveloped countries. It has been commonly agreed that water should be considered as a universally accessible natural resource. The poorest who cannot afford to pay for water consumption should be subsidized. The population of our planet will have a chance of surviving, providing people learn how to live without wasting water resources and how to manage them rationally and economically. Water safety should be given the same recognition and priority as electrical safety.
The empirical verification of TRANSP and TERGRA models was the main purpose of conducted researches. The models introduced in this paper describe the diurnal patterns of leaf temperature and transpiration when grass is exposed to increasing water deficit under field conditions. The difference simulation results of leaf water potential, leaf temperature and transpiration flux for low and high soil water potential rates and for different meteorological conditions show that these models need more research and measurements for a better identification of function aqd parameters especially for wet conditions, making these models more useful for irrigation scheduling, using the remote sensing techniques.
Przedmiotem przeprowadzonych badań jest empiryczna weryfikacja przedstawionych modeli numerycznych TRANSP i TERGRA symulujących dzienny przebieg zmian temperatury liści traw oraz wielkość rozchodów na transpirację. Występujące różnice wskazują na konieczność kontynuowania prac zarówno modelowych, jak również potowych. Dalsze badania i prace modelowe umożliwiłyby zrealizowanie podstawowego celu tych prac jakim może być szacowanie wielkości transpiracji oraz terminów nawodnień na podstawie temperatury radiacyjnej roślin.
В статье проводится оценка дефицитов воды для трехкосных лугов в некоторых районах северной части Польши. Оценка основывается на декадных водных балансах почвы. Дефициты воды исчисляли после исчерпания легко доступной растениям воды. В северо-западной части Польши луга на почвах с хорошим влагозадержанием должны орошаться с июля по сентябрь, а на почвах со слабым влагозадержанием - уже с мая. В северо-восточной части страны луга на почвах с значительной влагоемкостью не нуждаются в орошении, а на почвах с небольшой влагоемкостью должны орошаться с июля.
Water deficiency of three-cut meadows in some northern regions of Poland is estimated on the basis of the ten-day water balance of soil. The water deficiency was calculated after exhaustion of readily available water in soil. In north-western part of Poland the meadows on soil with good water retention should be irrigated in the period July-September, whereas on soil with small water reserve - as early as since May. In the north-western part of Poland the meadows on soil with high water capacity do not require any irrigation, whereas those on soil with low water capacity should be irrigated since July.
On Earth water is an irreplaceable asset, and an estimate of its resource capacity is necessary. The improper selection of indicators of water resources can lead to the underestimation or overestimation of the actual resources present. Incorrect assessments of water resources contribute to the improper completion of necessary water management tasks, thereby failing to satisfy the needs of different water users such as industry, agriculture and forestry, inland water navigation, tourism and recreation and the general population for the purposes of municipal water use. This article discusses the advantages of utilizing Earth Observation technology for estimating water resources in Poland. Despite the large amount of water on Earth, decades of wrongly pursued water management have led to a critical point in maintaining this valuable resource. According to actual estimations, there are enough fresh water resources in the world; the problem is the uneven distribution and pollution of these resources, especially in the case of surface water. Currently, Poland, in comparison with other European countries, is classified as a country with very little water resources. It is important, however, that a thorough evaluation using the latest measurement technologies is conducted, particularly for groundwater resources in deep layers of the lithosphere. The proper assessment of water resources requires knowledge of the hydrogeological conditions within each of the catchments of the analyzed area. International data sets are mostly incomplete and heterogeneous, which makes the comparison of data of several years difficult and often leads to mistakes. While analyzing Polish water resources several factors should be taken into account, including: the amount of rainfall, the amount of water in rivers, lakes and groundwater, and the above-mentioned factors affecting the measurement of the amount of disposable water resources. This article is an introduction to the broader analysis of water resources in Poland and an exploration of the issue from a different perspective.
Content available remote Uwilgotnienie gruntów pogórniczych w suchych i ciepłych latach hydrologicznych
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań i obserwacji terenowych prowadzonych na powierzchniach doświadczalnych zlokalizowanych na zwałowisku wewnętrznym odkrywki "Kazimierz Północ", położonym na Pojezierzu Kujawskim. Badania wykazały, że najwyższe zapasy wody, przekraczające polową pojemność wodną analizowanych profili gruntów pogórniczych, wystąpiły w półroczach zimowych. Stwierdzono, że najbardziej niekorzystnie kształtowało się uwilgotnienie gruntów pogórniczych w bardzo suchym i ciepłym pod względem sumy opadów oraz temperatur powietrza półroczu letnim 2003 roku, w którym zapasy wody spadły poniżej stanu retencji odpowiadającej wodzie łatwodostępnej dla roślin. Także w półroczu letnim 2004 roku, w którym również wystąpiły niedobory opadów i niekorzystny ich rozkład, w badanych gruntach pogórniczych stwierdzono niedobory wilgoci. Niedobory wystąpiły w okresie wzmożonego zapotrzebowania na wodę roślin uprawianych na badanych powierzchniach. Największe wyczerpanie wilgoci w tym okresie i najdłużej trwające niedobory wody stwierdzono w profilach glebowych mających małe zdolności retencyjne.
This paper presents the results of field research and observation carried out on experimental areas located at the inner waste heap of the "Kazimierz Północ" open pit. The results show that the highest water reserves exceed half of the water capacity of the postmining grounds profiles and occured from November to April. It showed that the moisture of the postmining grounds was very unfavorable during dry and hot period from May to October 2003 considering the density of precipitation and the air temperature. During this period the water reserves decreased under the water retention which was easily accessible to plants. From May to October 2004 the long water deficit and the bad dynamic of precipitation caused moisture deficit on the postmining grounds analysed. This deficit occured during the period of intensive needs of water to plants grown on these grounds. The largest decrease in humidity during this period and the longest water deficit occured in the profiles grounds having small retention capacity.
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