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The article deals with issues related to values in human life. Especially it concerns the consideration of the value system of youth from vocational schools. The central issue was the inclusion of professional work as a value in human life. The aim of the work was to determine the youth value system and to get to know the opinions and views of high school students referring to work-related values. The theoretical part presents the aspects related to the terminology concerning the topic, the values of the work of the younger and older generation, and the determination of the place of work in the hierarchy of individual values. The research part is an analysis of elements of the value system (related to work) of the studied students of secondary vocational schools and their parents. Quantitative research was carried out in the First High School for them. Mikołaj Rej in Jędrzejów and the High School Complex No. 2 for them gen. Stefano Rowecki "Grot" in Jędrzejów. The specifics of the recognition of values by young people learning in various types of upper secondary schools is included - high school, technical school, vocational school. The values of students and their parents were characterized and the integrity of the hierarchy of values of both generations was described.
This article attempts to analyze the attitude of family assistants towards the selected principles adopted in the proposed ethical code. The aim of the research was also to diagnose the scope of values which the respondents encountered in the course of their education and which have been selected from the presented proposal. It has been assumed that the values constitute an important tool for persons who provide professional assistance to families, affecting the level of efficiency of the tasks they perform. The research has revealed that respect for other people was the most important element for the respondents. At the same time, most of them encountered this feature in the course of their education. The following principles were also rated highly by the subjects: “treating the clients as partners and experts on their own lives”, “working with the family instead of controlling it” and “listening to people”. It seems that the principles considered the most important by the respondents in their work are also ranked as the most important ones by theoreticians dealing with the professionalization of the family assistants. The study presents only the axiological framework of the family assistance practice which, undoubtedly, requires further in-depth research. The aim of this paper was to draw the attention of the persons involved in family assistance to the issues connected with professionalization of the family assistants and to emphasize that professional ethics is an indispensable part of their work, having a decisive effect on the success of that work.
The research examines the attitudes to national culture and traditions, and a system of values. Analyses were conducted in 2003 (a sample of 325 students), and in 2008 (a sample of 379 students), and in 2013 (a sample of 368 students). It was assumed that (1) there are differences between three groups in acceptance of attitudes and (2) that attitudes to national culture and tradition depend on the value system. The Rokeach’s concept provides the theoretical background. The results of research allow stating that most students underline the significance of national heritages. The lowest acceptance of national heritage was observed in 2008. Moreover, attitudes depend on the value system: a positive attitude to culture and traditions of the own nation is connected with the higher preference of collective values, whereas the acceptance of cultural integration with the western countries is linked with individual values.
W niniejszym badaniu określono postawy wobec ustroju ekonomicznego i kwestii socjalnych oraz dokonano diagnozy systemu wartości (Skala Wartości Rokeacha). Założono, że postawy uzależnione są od preferencji wartości „wolność” i „równość”. Wartości te stanowią podstawę modelu ideologii politycznej Rokeacha. W badaniu wzięło udział 1072 studentów pedagogiki i zarządzania. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że postawy były w największym stopniu determinowane nie przez wartości „wolność” i „równość”, ale przez wartość „zbawienie”. Kto cenił wyżej „zbawienie”, ten występował przeciw liberalnym zasadom w gospodarce i opowiadał się za ideą państwa opiekuńczego.
In this research attitudes towards economic system and social issues were measured as well as value system (Rokeach Value Survey). It was assumed that the attitudes depend on preference of “freedom” and „equality”, which are the basic values for the model of political ideology of Rokeach. The sample of 1072 students from department of pedagogy and department of management was examined. Analysis of data revealed that it is not „freedom” and „equality” but „salvation“ which have greatest influence on attitudes. The one who valued higher „salvation“ was against liberal rules in economics and favour the idea of welfare state.
Background: This paper deals with determinants of physical fitness and of a value system of the Polish Handball Federation's [Polski Związek Piłki Ręcznej] referees (N=61). The reference group theory describing the transfer of a value system within a group of referees constitutes the theoretical foundation of the paper.Material/Methods: The referees' age ranged from 19 to 59 years (M=30.56 years SD=7.16 years). The measurement was carried out by means of the Scheler Values Scale constructed by Piotr Brzozowski and the Questionnaire of Ethics constructed by Wiesław Baryła and Bogdan Wojciszke.Results: The results of the six basic hierarchies of values were analysed: sanctity, hedonistic, vital, aesthetic, truth, and moral. Comparisons of data obtained from a group of referees preferring common good ethics with referees showing low acceptance of the common good ethics have not revealed a considerably higher acceptance rate only in the case of values of truth and aesthetics values.Conclusions: The remaining hierarchies demonstrated considerable statistical variance. Further research on the determinants of referees' moral behaviours should focus on determining the impact of the subject's sex and a change in temperament traits on the development of a refereeing career.
W niniejszym badaniu określono postawy wobec wolności politycznej i osobistej (posłużono się zestawem poglądów, które odnosiły się do wolności we wskazanym obszarze) oraz dokonano diagnozy systemu wartości (Skala Wartości Rokeacha). Założono, że postawy uzależnione są od preferencji wartości „wolność”. Sposób rozumienia wartości i postaw (jak również ich wzajemnych relacji) przejęty został z teorii M. Rokeacha. Uznawane są one za elementy systemu przekonań, pomiędzy którymi zachodzi formalny i funkcjonalny związek. W badaniu wzięło udział 704 studentów pedagogiki i zarządzania. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że akceptacja wolności politycznej i osobistej wiązała się z wyższą preferencją wartości „wolność”, chociaż zależności te były na granicy istotności statystycznej.
In this research attitudes towards political and personal freedom (the set of views which referred to freedom in aspects mentioned above was used) were measured as well as value system (Rokeach Value Scale). It was assumed that the attitudes depend on preference of the value ‘freedom’. The way of understanding values and attitudes as well as their mutual relations ware adopted from M. Rokeach’s theory. They are regarded as elements of a system of beliefs, among which formal and functional relations take place. The sample of 704 students from department of pedagogy and department of management was examined. Analysis of data revealed that the acceptance of political and personal freedom was connected with higher preferences of the value of ‘freedom’ but dependences were in the edge of statistical relevance.
W niniejszym badaniu określono postawy wobec ustroju ekonomicznego i kwestii socjalnych oraz dokonano diagnozy systemu wartości (Skala Wartości Rokeacha). Założono, że postawy uzależnione są od preferencji wartości poznawczych, czyli „logiczny”, intelektualista”, „o szerokich horyzontach”, „obdarzony wyobraźnią” i „uzdolniony”. W badaniu wzięło udział 704 studentów pedagogiki i zarządzania. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że od wyższej preferencji wartości poznawczych (a zwłaszcza trzech pierwszych z wymienionych powyżej) uzależnione są postawy proliberalne. „Intelektualiści” opowiadali się za niezależnością ekonomiczną przedsiębiorstw, wolnym rynkiem w sferze zatrudnienia i merytokratycznym zróżnicowaniem wynagrodzeń. Aprobowali ograniczenie świadczeń socjalnych ze strony państwa.
The presented research focuses on the attitudes towards the economic system and social issues. It also concerns the value systems in general (Rokeach Value Survey). It was assumed that the attitudes depend on the preference of cognitive values i.e. ‘logical’, ‘intellectual’, ‘broad-minded’, ‘capable’ and ‘imaginative’. The sample of 704 students from university departments of pedagogy and management was examined. Analysis of the collected data revealed that the proliberal attitude is dependent on the preference of cognitive values (especially the first three mentioned above). „Intellectuals” opted for the economic independence of enterprises, free market in the sphere of employment and meritocratic differentiation of payments. They approved of the limitation of social security benefits from the state.
The author assumes an axiological understanding of culture (‘the culture is a system of man’s intrinsic values’). In his view, the spiritual history of mankind has been dominated by three forms of culture: primitive (xenophobic, naturalistic, related to security, collectivistic), traditional (hierarchic, idealistic, ascetic, collectivist or individualistic) and contemporary (egalitarian, utilitarian, hedonistic, auto-centric). They have appeared consecutively. Today they function side by side.
Content available Państwo Islamskie przeciw systemowi światowemu
The world system, understood as one organism, from time to time experiences an attack by “microorganisms” interested in its annihilation or at least in its weakening. A few years ago, this role was played by the Islamic State, with the goal of fighting the rotten, hypocritical and injust international system. According to the Islamists, this system included all countries of the world, as well as Muslims who did not swear allegiance to the Caliph Baghdadi. The Islamic State was a state entity completely different from any other country in the world. It was not recognized by anyone, it was not a member of the United Nations, or any existing international organization. Even though, as a state, it was not recognized by anyone, Daesh was recognized by everyone as a terrorist organization that should be exemplarily and comprehensively annihilated. The ideology used by the Islamic State was Salafism as an apocalyptic response to the injustice and lie of the “system”. Poverty, the lack of a radical and comprehensive ideological alternative for people who are excluded, angry at the lack of perspectives, meaninglessness, double standards and hypocrisy have fueled the Islamists. Utopism for complete equality resembled the first Bolsheviks or early Christians, with the motto “there is no Greek or Jew”. The Islamic State, driven by Salafism, has thrown down the gauntlet to the world order, largely created by the West. This time the world system defeated the “microbes” that were attacking it. Its “guardians”: politicians, journalists, philosophers and religious leaders should, however, think deeply about the condition of the “immune system” for the future, re-evaluate some of the ways of functioning and the dominant norms that govern the system, because successive victories over successive “microbes” in changing civilisational conditions are not at all obvious.
The paper examines problems in measuring the importance and ranking of objects (values, attributes) in hierarchies. Using the example of selected ultimate values and the characteristics of bank service, a comparison was carried out on results obtained through the application of an estimated non-comparative and comparative scales as well as two other comparative scales. Four groups of people distinguished on the basis of the stability of their opinions on the question of the importance of the objects under consideration and the ability to place it in a hierarchical order. Slight differentiation in the answers to the non-comparative scales and a lack of hierarchical structure among individuals from the groups with inconsistent opinions was discovered. A new method that enables a hierarchical structure to be revealed is presented. It can be applied to every group of objects (values, product attributes) even when there are numerous elements of the group being considered.
Content available remote Akcenty nad nicością i prochem. Zbigniew Herbert – poezja jako habituacja
The subject of my article is a reconstruction of Zbigniew Herbert’s value system. For this reason, I analyse his poems from an aesthetical and ethical perspective. Is it possible that the poetic imagination not only reflects a point of view, but also forms moral attitudes? It can be inquired whether besides being an obligation towards imagination, the duty of poets and poetry may as well be a kind of habituation, or the formation of „value tables”, or Aristotelian practising of good habits and patterns. Can Herbertian „taste” become an aesthetical version of conscience when an ethical perspective is replaced by an aesthetic one? Can it be used as weapons against the banality and triviality of evil? My analysis is supplemented with a comparison of Herbert’s stand to Calderon de la Barca’s and Joseph Conrad’s positions.
Ambiguous status of adolescents who are no longer children, while not yet adults clearly attracted Aleksandr Kuprin’s attention. In his works we find a large group of teenage girls and boys. There are also both reflections on rapid physical, physiological and psychological changes characteristic of this period as well as their impact on relationships with other people. Apart from that, Kuprin presents nightmares of puberty (fear, rebellion, alienation , loneliness and the desire to be understood at the same time, the need to be part of a group, sacrum of infatuation and profanum of nascent sensuality).
Aim. The aim of the paper was to point out that the hierarchy of values is considered the most reliable prognostic sign that expresses whether a person can behave in accordance with his environment. The author identifies the causes of the current crisis of value orientations, discusses the influence of family and school on the creation and transformation of values in the lives of young people. Methods. Through analytical-synthetic and inductive methods, the author identifies the influence of consumer society and family on the creation of value systems of children and youth. It points to the pedagogy of free time and its connection to the theories and functions of free time. Results. The author provides a summary of theoretical meanings, summaries and theories in the field of value orientation of children and youth, discovered factors that influence the development and formation of value orientation, discovered the share of family, peers and free time in the creation of a value ranking. Conclusions. Any changes in society brought a wider spectrum of information, freedom of speech, opportunities for social mobility and education, but also deepening of social inequality, deterioration of interpersonal relations, moral relativism and value chaos. Current problems of society's development and their solution also affect the way of life of young people, the process of its quantitative changes, including attitudes to life and value orientation.
The article includes research results that were taken into consideration in order to diagnose beliefs concerning values disclosed by academic teachers and the youth studying in education majors. Nowadays, value issues are oft en taken up, because in the postmodern culture the concern about axiological orientations of people is becoming quite common. The imperative of implementing the value system is strongly attributed to the professional role of the teacher and that is why this phenomenon is worth exploring. Therefore, a part of analysis is included concerning inclinations of the researched people, what they think about selected values and what is the most precious value for them.
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The article contributes to the body of knowledge about the perceptions of future managers (i.e. business and engineering students) in both Slovenia and a cluster of Central European (CE) countries regarding actual cultural practices in their social environments, the value systems they possess and their attitudes to leadership styles. The main question addressed is whether future Slovenian managers are good representatives of the average future manager from CE (transitional) countries as far as their value system and attitudes to individual leadership styles are concerned.The research results confirm that the Slovenian (potential) future managers perceive actual cultural practices in their environment rather differently from their counterparts from the cluster of CE countries. Two decades of transition from socialist/communist socio-economic systems were apparently not long enough periods to achieve a higher level of harmonisation of existing cultures. The relevant value systems held by the Slovenian (potential) future managers and the CE cluster's future managers still differ significantly. The Slovenian future managers have (statistically) significantly different attitudes to individual leadership styles than their counterparts in the CE countries' cluster. The smallest differences in perceptions between the two stated groups of (potential) future managers exist regarding their views on what are the most important traits and skills of managers.
This paper aims to reflect on the diversity of the interdictions which are valid in the world of a magic fairy tale, and the consequences caused by violating them. As it turns out, except for taboos expressed in an explicit way, the character of the studied narratives does not follow the rules of folk ethics of the word, and unconsciously contributes to his own or someone else’s physical metamorphosis, or disregards generally accepted moral norms. As a result, he destroys the cosmic order. However, a violation of an interdiction is a necessary condition for the attainment of sociocultural maturity by the protagonist, which is formed through the process of positive initiation. The interpretative context of these considerations takes into account the value system specific to magic stories, reflecting the worldview of a traditional society. The source material used is representative of fairy tale narratives taken from several collections of Russian folk prose.
Content available remote Świat wartości żołnierzy zawodowych
The Polish Armed Forces, of the third Republic, put particularly strong influences on changing social conditions quickly. So far hermetic armed forces have become more open to the world in which they are functioning. Values, thinking and behaviour, penetrate the soldiers' society without great difficulty. This leads to transformation in their systems of values and changes the ethos of the whole group of professional soldiers. This situation causes a state of tension between vigorously ensued processes of social change, concerning the army, and the formal goals and tasks given to them by the country. The contemporary discussions on transformations in the armed forces frequently concentrate on structural, economical and political aspects of its functioning. These important fields cannot be devoid of reflection on social aspects. The Army as an institution has many possibilities of moulding values in a professional soldiers - both by promoting individual values and creating behaviour as a result of the organisation of the educational environment for the functional sake, world of Soldiers' values, which are expected and desired, cannot be constructed by imposing them from central structures. They should rather be a product of the consciousness of soldiers.
W niniejszym badaniu dokonano diagnozy postaw w stosunku do kultury i tradycji narodowej oraz systemów wartości. Badanie przeprowadzono dwukrotnie: w 2003 roku (325 studentów) i w 2008 roku (379 studentów). Założono, że między obiema grupami ujawnią się różnice w akceptacji postaw oraz, że stosunek do kultury i tradycji narodowej uzależniony jest od systemu wartości. Rozważania teoretyczne przeprowadzono na gruncie koncepcji Rokeacha. Uzyskane wyniki badań pozwoliły stwierdzić, że większość studentów eksponowało znaczenie dziedzictwa kulturowego, niemniej jednak w drugim badaniu (2008) postawy te stały się mniej pozytywne. Były one ponadto uzależnione od systemu wartości: pozytywny stosunek do kultury i tradycji własnego narodu wiązał się z wyższą preferencją wartości kolektywistycznych, a akceptacja integracji w warstwie kulturowej z Zachodem – z wyższą preferencją wartości indywidualistycznych.
In this research diagnosis of attitudes to national culture, traditions and value system was made. Examinations were conducted in 2003 (sample of 325 students) and in 2008 (sample of 379 students). It was assumed that there are differences between this two groups in acceptance of attitudes and that attitudes to national culture and tradition depend on the value system. The theoretical ground was based upon Rokeach’s concept. The results of research allow to state that most students stress significance of national heritage. However in the second sample (2008) attitudes become less positive. Additionally attitudes appeared to depend on the value system: positive attitude to culture and traditions of own nation is connected with higher preference of collective values, whereas the acceptance of cultural integration with Western countries is linked with individual values.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę związku systemu wartości osób zarządzających szkołami oraz stylów kierowania. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury oraz dostępnych raportów zaprojektowano badania pilotażowe. Wstępne wnioski chociaż nie mają charakteru przesądzającego, to potwierdzają wcześniej omówione rezultaty uzyskane w badaniach zrealizowanych w innych środowiskach kulturowych. Wyniki sugerują pewną zbieżność co do dominującego sytemu warto-ści i preferowanego stylu kierowania/przywództwa dyrektorów szkół.
The main aim of this article is to describe the potential correlation between the value system of school principals and their leadership styles. On the basis of wide veriaty of literature and available reports the pilot studies were created. Although the first results (obtained during pilot studies) are not definitive they correspond with the results of the research conducted in different environ-ments. The results suggest the existence of the correlation between dominant value system and preferred style of leadership of particular principals.
Ciągły wzrost złożoności środowiska zmusza współczesne organizacje, zarówno podmioty gospodarcze jak i uczelnie oraz instytucje nauki do poszukiwania nowych metod analitycznych, zwłaszcza w zakresie kreowania korzystnych relacji społecznych i biznesowych. W publikacji wskazano, że działalność gospodarczą postrzegać należy jako element kultury, jako obszar, w którym mogą być urzeczywistniane wartości etyczne. Podkreślono również znaczącą rolę pracowników nauki w budowaniu relacji społecznych. Przedstawiono także autorskie modele analityczne akcentujące elementy etyczne, które wraz z empatią przesądzać mogą, że system wartości i rdzeń filozoficzny firmy mają decydujący wpływ na sukces lub porażkę każdej organizacji.
A constant increase in the environment complexity forces organizations, both business entities and universities as well as science institutions to seek new analytical methods, especially in terms of creating beneficial social and business relationships. The study aims to emphasize that economic activity should be perceived as an element of culture, an area in which ethical values can be applied. A significant role of science workers for building social relations is also indicated. The authors present original analytical models stressing ethical elements which, along with empathy, can determine that the value system and the company philosophical core are recognized as the cause of success or failure of any organization.
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