The article describes the method of determining the educational goals while teaching Algebra and Basic analysis. The activities of the student, the teacher and their joint efforts in organizing goal-setting are considered. It is stressed that in the process of planning the purposes of training activity the characteristic features of this activity should be taken into consideration. They are the level of pupils’ training, their personal plans for the learning outcomes, the level of cognitive independence and the level of learning motivation. To achieve the objectives of the study the following methods were used: theoretical – analysis of the government documents, analysis of educational literature, the modeling of learning situations; empirical – pedagogical observation of the learning process of students, questionnaires, tests, interviews with teachers and students. The logical ties between the educational content elements are illustrated what allows the teacher to establish a clear sequence in mastering knowledge and skills. The way of mapping topic educational purposes with the use of the result in learning objective planning is shown. For the description of learning objectives in the specific topic of the course of algebra and analysis the authors used the classification of N. M. Skatkin, because other classifications less correspond the objectives of teaching mathematics. The topic «The Derivative and its Application» is defined concretely. The total amount of training skills on the subject presupposes the availability of the skills providing forming the general educational abilities: analysis, synthesis, comparison, determining the sequence of rational actions in implementing the teaching task, monitoring the results of one’s own training activity, the assessment of one’s own training activity. The problem of goal-setting in the training activity is not limited by the results of the study. The further searching for the new effective training technologies in the personality-oriented competence approach aimed at the implementation of educational goals is required.
The main task of professional training in any kind of human activity including sport is forming a psychological state of readiness to assimilate knowledge, skills and habits. It is especially significant to do intense kinds of activity. Important fact is that the human’s success in such kinds of activity is possible only in achieving the optimal level of professionally important psychological states. And these states might be experienced by a person and be realized and evaluated as actual (or essential) at the moment given. According to the dialectical material understanding of determinism in psychology, influences from outside cause one or another psychological effect not immediately but with the help of inner conditions. The most important component of these inner conditions is the subject’s psychological state, which characterizes it at the moment given and affects the course of psychological proceeds. In the article the definition of hierarchical substructure of psychological state which is important not only in theory but also in methodology, because it underlines the necessity of complex approach of exploring this phenomenon is analyzed. Between the activity and state there is a dialectical connection: conditions and importance of activity determine the features of the state which affects the efficiency of the activity. That is why the problem of interconnection of the activity and the state takes an important place in studies of the overall psychological plan and also in psychological researches, directed at the need of military, work and sports activity. Despite these and other non-mentioned researches, it can be said that the problem of psychological states that occur during the human activity and define its efficiency in many cases is still unsolved. The research, even in the general sense, of the problem of psychological states that arise during the trainings of sportsmen is still not an object of systematical research though it is important enough for a sport practice and for psychology as a science.
The article is dedicated to the hierarchical substructure of psychological state, which is important not only in methodological plan, but in theoretical, since it is important to accentuate necessity of variety of integrated approach to explore this phenomenon. This is particularly important in tense types of activity. The important fact is, that success in such activity could be only at achieving optimal level of professionally important psychological states. In the article the definition of hierarchical substructure of psychological state which is important not only in theory but also in methodology is analyzed, because it underlines the necessity of complex approach of exploring this phenomenon. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of psychological states, which is arising from sport training activities. Research methods that were used in the course of research are theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; psychological and educational testing; methods of mathematical process. Results of the study. Research of psychological states of athletes in training activities allows determining psychological states which can be experienced. The practical significance of the results. Received data can find use in further scientific research on identifying problem in training process based on consideration of athletes’ psychological state. Conclusions and recommendations for further research. To study general plan of the psychological states problem, which is created due to the sport training programs, still isn’t a subject of systematic researches, though it is important both for psychology as science and for sports practice.
The aim of the study was to diagnose the needs of farmers within the scope of training courses conducted by the Masovian Agricultural Advisory Centre in Warsaw, in the area of the Masovian Province. 1331 farmers were questioned, who had 21 areas of training and four types of training to choose from. Based on the survey results, it was found that farmers chose the proposed themes and types of training a total of 8234 times. On average, one respondent was interested in more than 6 ranges of thematic training. Of the four isolated thematic groups, the most popular were subjects on new technologies of agricultural production (chosen 2471 times). This was followed by general agricultural production (2371 times) and economics of agricultural production (2337 times). The slightest interest was observed in issues related to agritourism as well as regional and traditional products (1055 times).
Celem badań była ocena potrzeb rolników w zakresie kursów i szkoleń prowadzonych przez Mazowiecki Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Warszawie na terenie województwa mazowieckiego. Ogółem zankietowano 1331 rolników, którzy mieli do wyboru 21 obszarów szkoleniowych oraz cztery typy szkolenia. Na podstawie wyników ankiety stwierdzono, że rolnicy ogółem wybrali 8234 zaproponowane tematy i typy szkoleń. Jeden ankietowany średnio był zainteresowany sześcioma zakresami tematycznymi szkoleń. Spośród wyodrębnionych czterech grup tematycznych największym zainteresowaniem cieszyły się tematy z nowych technologii produkcji rolniczej wybierane 2471 razy. Na kolejnych miejscach znalazła się tematyka ogólnej produkcji rolniczej – 2371 i ekonomika produkcji rolniczej – 2337. Najmniejsze zainteresowanie towarzyszyło zagadnieniom związanym z agroturystyką oraz produktami regionalnymi i tradycyjnymi – 1055.
The article is devoted to the role of individual psychological sphere in sports activities of an athlete. Mental state is the component of human’s mind and is in dialectical interconnection with it as a part of the whole. It should be taken into account that the main target of psychological training of sportsmen is organization of psychological promptitude to maximum realization of abilities in the competition. The result can be attained by means of mastering the methods of psychological regulation, and the main target of running this process is the mental states. Furthermore, one fact should be emphasized that maximum progress is possible by achieving by the sportsmen of the certain level of mental states that are considerable for specific activity in the current kind of sport. That is why the investigation of components of the system that is mentioned above should be substantial lever in sufficient increase of sport activity. The aim of the article is the determination of prognosis-informative features of athletes’ mental state that can be used to customize their training process and evaluate the success of their training activities. Research methods that were used in the course of research are theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, psychological and educational testing, and methods of mathematical processing. Results of the study. Analysis of motivation features gives the possibility to study more differentially the perennial extreme activity of athletes’ high availability for the competition, excessive emotional tension. The practical significance of the results is that the ways of assessment of compliance of athlete mental condition to the particularity and specific tasks of motive activity in the training session are developed. Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Specific features of mental states that have positive or negative impact on the success of motive sports actions are still not revealed
В статье представлено теоретико-методологическое обоснование повышения вестибулярной устойчивости и динамического равновесия в видах борцовской деятельности и научно обоснованы коррекционные мероприятия.
The article presents theoretical and methodological ground of the rise of vestibular steadiness and dynamic balance in forms of wrestling activity. The correlation procedures are scientifically based.
Human lifespan has been an exciting field and subject of many studies carried out by geriatric biomechanics specialists. They believe metabolic rather than chronological age determines healthy and active longevity. The issues of human Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Metabolic Age (MA) form a new sub-domain of biotribology, where human health and limb function are indirectly related to the human living skin tissue lubricated with sweat during a motion of the inorganic surface of tight-fitting underwear (sports clothing). A biohydromechanic cooperation described this way significantly impacts a human’s training activity, including but not limited to their limb function, and is finally related to human sweat’s dynamic viscosity. In the summary, the article presents new biotribological studies to emphasise the complexity of direct and indirect synergistic impacts contributing to the change in the Basal Metabolic Rate and Metabolic Age values and their use in health science, sports and physiotherapy.
Długość życia człowieka bardzo ekscytowała i leżała w polu zainteresowań licznych biomechaników z dziedziny geriatrii. Według ich opinii, wyróżnikiem zdrowej i aktywnej długowieczności człowieka nie jest wiek chronologiczny, lecz metaboliczny. Problemy indeksu oraz wieku metabolicznego człowieka tworzą nową poddziedzinę naukowej dziedziny biotribologii, gdzie zdrowie i sprawność kończyn człowieka są pośrednio związane z żywą tkanką skóry człowieka smarowaną potem podczas ruchu nieorganicznej powierzchni ściśle dopasowanej bielizny (dresu). Tak opisana biohydromechaniczna kooperacja ma pokaźny wpływ na aktywność treningową człowieka, a w szczególności na funkcjonowanie jego kończyn; a w konsekwencji jest związana z lepkością dynamiczną potu człowieka. Praca w podsumowaniu przedstawia nowe badania biotribologiczne, aby uwidocznić złożoność pośrednich i bezpośrednich oddziaływań synergetycznych wpływających na zmiany wartości indeksu oraz wieku metabolicznego człowieka, a także na ich zastosowania w nauce o zdrowiu, oraz w sporcie i fizjoterapii.
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