The type and speed of changes that are taking place in today’s world as well as the architecture of the changing social relations and the mode of participating in space directly affect the nature of cities. The article is an attempt of showing the impact of changes in the modern city on urban tourism and connecting them with the image of the tourist identity of literary heroes in the latest Polish prose. The paper is based on findings from the fields of tourism anthropology, urban sociology and the prose of Polish authors born in the 70s and 80s. The combination of tourism and literary perspective aims at showing the relationship between new forms of urban tourism and the experience of urban tourists that is present in the Polish prose. The diagnosis is based on the distinction between two types of spaces of global cities: hyperspace and peripheral space, as well as reflections on the category of the tourist gaze.
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The aim of this paper is to introduce dilemmas and challenges connected with presenting the past and history to thanatourists. For this purpose, we will explain the main features of dark tourism, which deals with the so called difficult/dissonant heritage. This characteristic will help to pay attention to the difficulties with exhibiting dark objects, which, in the course of time, become more and more commercialized. The last problem, raised in this article, is confrontation between tour guides’ narration about history and its perception among tourists representing different cultures. Information derived from non‑directive interview with Cracow tour guides will serve as examples for theoretical reflection.
Tourist decision-making is based on the information available before visiting a destination. Although marketing content has a role to play, user-generated content (UGC) has gained momentum in recent years. This study considering the role of travel blogs and vlogs created by the user, aims to comprehend the role of these information sources in the decision-making of their consumers. The present research investigates the preference of travelers for UGC and its role in travel decision-making over other marketing information generated by destination marketing organisations (DMOs). The study is based on responses from 220 Indian tourists via an online web-based survey conducted using a structured questionnaire and applying multi-stage sampling. The study findings reveal a strengthened preference for blogs and vlogs among travelers compared to traditional DMO marketing content. The study provides implications for industry players that can help engage their visitors in UGC creation and dissemination for better marketing by suggesting suitable strategies for tourism.
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The presented paper attempts to demonstrate that modern tourism has been dominated by visual culture and the way of experiencing tourist destination for today's traveler is limited mostly to ticking off places and to their visual consumption, without understanding the cultural dependance. In order to verify the thesis, which states that widespread availability of photography is of fundamental importance to the weakening of cultural experience during tourist trips, the following were carried out: first – the query of literature on both changes associated with contemporary tourism, i.e. visual culture and tourist photography; second – a diagnostic survey on the impact of photography on the quality of tourist trips experience. The analysis of the subject matter literature allowed to place the visual culture phenomenon in a theoretical framework and to refer it to travel and tourism today. It has been indicated that the visual world of tourists is nowadays staged, inauthentic and controlled by mass media. The study confirmed that the camera is one of the most important pieces of toursts' equipment, at the same time weakening their perception.
W prezentowanej pracy podjęto próbę wykazania, że współczesna turystyka została zdominowana przez kulturę wizualną, a sposób przeżywania wyjazdów turystycznych przez dzisiejszego człowieka sprowadza się głównie do zaliczania miejsc i ich wizualnej konsumpcji, bez rozumienia zależności kulturowych. W celu zweryfikowania postawionej tezy, która mówi, że powszechna dostępność fotografii ma zasadniczy wpływ na osłabienie kulturowego doświadczania podczas wyjazdów turystycznych przeprowadzono: po pierwsze kwerendę literaturową dotyczącą zarówno przemian związanych ze współczesną turystyką, kulturą wizualną oraz fotografią turystyczną; po drugie badania metodą sondażu diagnostycznego na temat wpływu fotografii na jakość przeżywania wyjazdów turystycznych. Analiza literatury przedmiotu umożliwiła ujęcie w teoretyczne ramy zjawiska kultury wizualnej i odniesienia go do podróży i współczesnej turystyki. Wskazano na wizualność świata turystów, współcześnie inscenizowanego, nieautentycznego i sterowanego przez mass media. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły, że aparat fotograficzny stanowi jeden z najistotniejszych elementów wyposażenia turysty jednocześnie osłabiając jego percepcję.
Aktywność turystyczna wpływa na zwiększenie percepcji turystycznej mieszkańców danego regionu. Jedną z nowszych form turystyki w Polsce jest turystyka motocyklowa. Jej odmianą jest turystyka uprawiana na tzw. maxi skuterach. Celem pracy było określenie miejsca turystyki krajoznawczej (motywów poznawczych) w migracjach turystycznych podejmowanych przez motocyklistów – członków grupy zachodniopomorskiej Burgmanii oraz określenie geografii ich najważniejszych doświadczeń krajoznawczych. Materiał badany stanowiło 38 motocyklistów w wieku od 36 do 67 lat, płci męskiej. Motocykliści zrzeszeni w klubie Burgmania w sezonie 2015 podczas 61 wyjazdów pokonali 26 326 km. Średnia odległość drogowa do miejsc docelowych wyjazdów wynosiła 160 kilometrów, przy czym w przypadku połowy wyjazdów (50,8%) miejsca docelowe położone były w odległości do 100 km. Stwierdzono dominację wyjazdów jednodniowych do miejsc docelowych leżących w ekwidystancie umożliwiającej penetrację turystyczną regionu. Podstawowym celem była sama przyjemność z jazdy w grupie i motywy towarzyskie. Turystyka skuterowa może się przyczynić do podniesienia poziomu doświadczeń krajoznawczych. Implikację praktyczną stanowią zestawione w pracy trasy, punkty docelowe i pośrednie, które można wykorzystać w planowaniu przyszłych wyjazdów motocyklowych.
Tourist activity increases the tourist perception of inhabitants of a region. One of the newer forms of tourism in Poland is motorcycle tourism. One of its varieties is maxi scooter tourism. The aim of the study was to determine the place of sightseeing tourism (cognitive motives) within tourist migration undertaken by motorcyclists, members of the West Pomeranian Burgmania Club as well as to define the geography of their most important sightseeing experiences. The test material consisted of 38 male riders, aged from 36 to 67. Motorcyclists from Burgmania Club covered 26,326 km in 61 trips in the 2015 season. The average road trip distance to destination was 160 km, whereas half of the trips (50.8%) had destinations located less than 100 km away. The majority was one-day trips to destinations allowing tourist penetration of the region. The primary objective was riding for pleasure in a group and social motives. Scooter tourism can contribute to raising the level of sightseeing experience. Practical implications are made up of the summarised routes, destinations and intermediate points that can be used in planning of future motorcycle trips.
Туристская активность влияет на повышение туристского восприятия жителей данного региона. Одна из новейших форм туризма в Польше – мотоциклетный туризм. Его разновидность – туризм, которым занимаются на так называемых макси скутерах. Цель работы – определить место краеведческого туризма (познавательные мотивы) в турмиграциях, предпринимаемых мотоциклистами-членами запад- нопоморской группы Burgmania, а также определить географию их самого важного краеведческого опыта. Материал для изучения представляли 38 мотоциклистов-мужчин в возрасте от 36 до 67 лет. Мотоциклисты, объединенные в клубе Burgmania, в сезоне 2015 г. во время 61 поездки проехали 26 326 км. Среднее дорожное расстояние к местам назначения поездок составляло 160 км, причем в случае половины поездок (50,8%) места назначения были расположены на расстоянии до 100 км. Выявили преобладание однодневных поездок в места назначения, расположенные на расстоянии, дающем возможность проникать в избранные туристские местности региона. Основной целью были сама приятность от езды в группе и общительные мотивы. Мотороллерный туризм может способствовать повышению уровня краеведческого опыта. Практическая импликация – это составленные в разработке маршруты, пункты назначения и промежуточные пункты, которые могут быть использованы в планировании будущих поездок на мотоциклах.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to identify the city tourism app functions affecting the process of users’ technology adoption. The article presents the issues related to tourism apps and the role thereof in building tourist experience, as well as selected models of technology acceptance. The paper goes on to discuss the results of a survey of selected Polish cities’ tourism applications. Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose of the study, a critical analysis of the literature on the subject was carried out, followed by analysis of selected applications and a qualitative study of application users’ comments. The study was conducted in accordance with the constructivist grounded theory. The process of user comment coding and analysis involved the use of the ATLAS.ti qualitative data analysis software. Findings: Based on the critical analysis of the literature and the survey of selected applications, a city tourism app functionality assessment model has been proposed. The need for urban app changes, to enhance the tourist experience, has been indicated as well. Research limitations/implications: The subject of the study comprised official city tourism applications. The survey encompassed applications which met the following criteria: the apps surveyed were official city apps, the potential thereof were tourists, the apps have been rated and commented. Practical implications: The results of the study can serve to increase the effectiveness of the promotional activities implemented by cities employing such applications to form relations with tourists. To a limited extent, they can also serve to facilitate the designing of apps intended for city residents. Social implications: The article draws attention to the issues of user involvement in the process of city tourism app development. The sphere of city applications can become a platform for tourist interaction, while the apps themselves can improve the quality of the tourists’ experience as well as their functioning in the city. Originality/value: The article fills the research gap in the studies on city tourism apps. It draws attention to the necessity of taking the following into account when designing such applications: the specifics of the tourist experience as a process, consideration of the app as an element of the tourist's technological experience, accentuation of those app functions, which are crucial from the perspective of the app acceptance process.
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