Oznaczano tlenek węgla w dymie papierosowym wdychanym przez indywidualnych palaczy i w powietrzu przez nich wydychanym, wyznaczając bezwzględną i względną retencję tego związku w ich ustroju. Wielkość pobieranych przez nich dawek tlenku węgla oceniano w kategoriach narażenia środowiskowego.
Cigarette smoke, treated as smoke inhaled by active smokers, was generated using self-made smoking-machine and with application of formerly established parameters of individual smoking process. Carbon monoxide was analysed in generated smoke. It was concluded, that diversified smoking process is very individual (different volume and duration time of puff and intervals between puffs) and therefore influences levels of carbon monoxide in MS (from 3.5 to 17.5 mg/cigarette). Simultaneously, carbon monoxide was analysed in exhaled air by active smokers just after each puff. Difference between inhaled and exhaled dose of carbon monoxide was treated to calculated individual retention of carbon monoxide in active smoker's respiratory tract. Mean relative retention was 57.6% and differences between single values were lower than in the cases of CO levels in MS and absolute retention. Estimation of carbon monoxide inhaled doses was proceeded according to environmental standards. Forecasted blood concentration of HbCO after smoking of twenty cigarettes equals 2.3 to 10.4%. These results are similar to the situation that people would inhale air containing CO with concentration 1.2 to 5.5-times higher than limiting value.
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