The subject of this article is how ex-managers characterized by certain personality patterns (A or C) behave at the labour market. The article consists of two parts. The theoretical one is connected with presentation of the literature which is devoted to personality types A and C. In the empirical part we can find the results of the research into ex – managers who lost their jobs and remain unemployed. One may observe differences between the ex-managers’ personality pattern (A or C) and their behaviours. The latter tried to find a new job more often than the former and were also more successful.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród populacji osób bezrobotnych w różnym wieku, poszukujących pracy. Głównym celem badań była ocena czynników wyznaczających mobilność społeczno – zawodową bezrobotnych.
The article presents a questionnaire research results conducted among unemployed of different age seeking for job. The goal of the questionnaire was to estimate selected factors determining social and professional mobility of the unemployed.
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The article is a continuation of the research on the beliefs of the Polish youth regarding the unemployed. Empirical data on adolescents’ beliefs regarding persons at risk of social exclusion have been gathered using the survey questionnaire designed by A. Kanios, M. Czechowska-Bieluga, A. Weissbrot-Koziarska R. Krawczyk and P. Zielińska. The article presents the analysis of the statements made by 1084 persons, including a group of 588 secondary school students and a slightly smaller group of 496 tertiary education students attending various programs and coming from nine provinces of Poland. Although a significant number of respondents stress various kinds of difficulties that families of the unemployed face, the analysis can be summarised as relatively positive. However, considering the differences between secondary and tertiary students one can notice that the two groups differ in the way they assess the selected statements regarding the family life of the unemployed. Moreover, the age of the respondents, their place of residence, and the type of education facility they attend influence the results of the survey and are visible in the study.
Celem badań była diagnoza przekonań młodych Polaków na temat życia rodzinnego osób bezrobotnych, a także rozpoznanie różnic w tym zakresie zależnie od wybranych etapów edukacji. Dane empiryczne gromadzono za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety nt. przekonań młodzieży na temat osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym autorstw A. Kanios, M. Czechowskiej-Bielugi, A. Weissbrot-Koziarskiej, R. Krawczyk i P. Zielińskiej. Analizom poddano wypowiedzi 1084 osób, w tym 588 uczniów ze szkół średnich oraz 496 studentów różnych kierunków studiów z dziewięciu województw. Mimo że z wypowiedzi osób badanych wynika, że postrzegają oni bezrobotnych jako zależnych od innych, analizowane przekonania można uznać za relatywnie pozytywne. Biorąc pod uwagę różnice, można z kolei zauważyć, że młodzież szkolna – w porównaniu ze studentami – była bardziej przekonana, że osoby bezrobotne cenią życie rodzinne, oczekując od bliskich pomocy w rozwiązywaniu własnych problemów. Z kolei studenci wyraźniej postrzegali bezrobotnych jako wychowujących dzieci. Co więcej, wiek, miejsce nauki, miejsce zamieszkania i rodzaj uczelni lub szkoły również okazały się czynnikami różnicującymi przekonania badanej młodzieży.
The paper shows a theoretical reflection and empirical research of the value of work, as it is perceived in the teaching of the Church, but also shows the attitude adopted by the people who are unemployed. According to the basic assumptions of the doctrine of the Church, the subject-related character of work has been stressed here. It is man who is its creator and addressee, therefore its value is not merely limited to ensure living conditions. At the same time, the manner of „defining” the value of work is subjectively characterized, in respect of social circumstances and the personal situation of those who are to assess and approve of work. The paper describes the social circumstances of the unemployed, as well as the causes of this unemployment in the socio-political breakthrough in Poland. On the basis of trial research among the unemployed and homeless men from the Brother Albert Hospice for the Homeless in Lublin, the situation of those people has been analyzed. Among other things, not only the very manner of assessment of work has been analyzed, but also the circumstances under which the respondents lost it, the actual motives why they search for a job, and what obstacles they have in doing it. It follows from the research that the causes of the present situation of the people under study are not only the social conditions that are the reasons why they are unemployed. We have to take into consideration their personalities; they are often passive and adopt a pessimistic attitude towards reality and their own chances. The author draws pedagogic conclusions concerning the aid to the unemployed and homeless (for these two situations are most often consequently linked).
The article summarizes foreign and native tendencies in modern adult education. Their impact on the renovation of training the unemployed in Ukraine has been analyzed. It has been established that the system of adult training must meet the socio-economic, political and cultural changes in Ukraine. It has been indicated that defined tendencies should be considered when developing a strategy to modernize our system of training the unemployed. It has been pointed out that the organization and improvement of training the unemployed are caused by the interaction of three blocks: governance, social protection against unemployment, education market. Organized professional training in the employment sphere provides for developed infrastructure, which covers a range of organizations and agencies providing educational services and close cooperation of training with directions of socio-economic and educational policy. The role of the State Employment Service of Ukraine in professional training for the unemployed has been defined. Activities of specialists in professional training for adults is built according to the short-term and long-term forecasting and analytical-predictive control based on the world’s economic, cultural and educational tendencies. Based on the theoretical analysis of foreign and native scientists’ works we have concluded that the main tendencies include proper educational tendencies and extra educational tendencies caused by global processes in the world, the problems of humanity, the growing role of education in the development of social consciousness in the professional development of modern competitive specialist
The Polish National General Exhibition (PWK, also known as “Pewuka”) was held in Poznań in 1929. It was meant to be and it did become a showcase of the economic, industrial, social and cultural achievements of the Polish State, newly reborn in 1918, in the aftermath of the Great War. Staging of the Exhibition coincided with the advent of the economic crisis. Preparations for the Exhibition required an enormous amount of work, and considerable investments were needed to build a suitable infrastructure. Poznań became a huge building site, with many labourers coming to the city in search of employment. After 1929 those labourers added to the large group of the unemployed in the aftermath of the great economic crisis. During the 1930s the unemployment and the related problems aggravated the housing crisis in Poznań. The city authorities attempted to resolve this problem by putting the homeless up in the former exhibition grounds recently vacated following the closure of the Polish National General Exhibition. It was only an interim measure. In search of a more permanent solution, the city started to redevelop allotments or community gardens by building purpose-built residential garden huts or sheds.
Wprowadzone w 2016 r. świadczenie rodzicielskie to nowy rodzaj świadczenia, które zapewnia wsparcie fi nansowe osobom zatrudnionym na podstawie umów cywilnoprawnych, studentom oraz bezrobotnym w związku z urodzeniem dziecka lub przyjęciem go na wychowanie albo objęciem go pieczą zastępczą. Przyznanie świadczenia rodzicielskiego nie jest uzależnione od dochodu rodziny, ale prawo do niego mają tylko osoby, które w okresie sprawowania opieki nad dzieckiem nie mają prawa do zasiłku macierzyńskiego.
Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia wyniki analiz dotyczące preferencji osób bezrobotnych regionu piotrkowskiego wobec rynku pracy. Analizy przeprowadzono w odniesieniu do rynku pracy regionu piotrkowskiego jako całości. Badaniu poddanych zostało 303 osoby poszukujące pracy. Analiza preferencji osób bezrobotnych w głównej mierze miała na celu zdobycie informacji: w jakich sektorach i obszarach gospodarki bezrobotni poszukują pracy, jak długo szukają pracy, jaki posiadają poziom wykształcenia, w jaki sposób poszukują pracy, jakie posiadają kompetencje itp.
This paper presents the results of analyzes on the preferences of the unemployed in the region Piotrkow to the labor market. Analyses were carried out in relation to the labor market region of Piotrkow as a whole. The study subjects were 303 job seekers. Analysis of the preferences of the unemployed mainly aimed at gaining information, such as which sectors and areas of the economy unemployed looking for a job, as long as looking for work, I have a level of education, how to find a job, they have competence, etc.
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