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The article analyzes twenty-four lexical units connected with the collocation “empty babble”. The material collected from all available lexicographic sources has been examined based upon basic images contained in the formal structures of particular names. It has turned out that the grouped units are formed based on six images going back to the Proto-Slavic era. For instance - 1.’something false’, 2.’something foolish’, 3.’something empty’, 4.’something braided’, 5.’something uttered in fever’, 6.’something as trivial as a fart’. Studying the changes in the analyzed texts (word-forms) the author narrows her research interest down to the contexts in which the above words occur. Upon the acknowledgement of the ‘lexeme use’ in the dictionary registering Old Polish she deduces its meaning value in the particular time frame.
Content available Biała magia w leksyce dawnej polszczyzny
W artykule analizie poddano jednostki wiązane z polem BIAŁA MAGIA. Mimo że we współczesnej polszczyźnie pojęcie to nie istnieje, do końca XIX wieku tworzyło rozległą kategorię, w skład której wchodziły elementy aktualnie kojarzone z medycyną lub religią. Analizie poddano zasygnalizowane zagadnienie, aby móc prześledzić, w jaki sposób doszło do jego zaniku. Okazało się, że mimo iż pierwsza wzmianka o białej magii odnotowana została dopiero w XVIII wieku, kategoria ta funkcjonowała począwszy od staropolszczyzny. Jej elementy charakteryzowały początkowo zabiegi o proweniencjach pogańskich, z czasem natomiast do tego pojęcia weszły również nazwy egzorcyzmów. Metodą dominującą w niniejszym szkicu jest analiza kontekstów, w których występowały wyrazy należące do pola semantycznego BIAŁA MAGIA w historii języka polskiego. Na podstawie poświadczeń użycia danego wyrazu w słownikach rejestrujących polszczyznę dawną wnioskowano o jego wartości znaczeniowej w danym okresie.
In this article were undertaken the units corresponding with the field of white magic in the form of analysis. Beside the fact that this word ‘white magic’ does not exist in the contemporary Polish — it has a meaning in the interpretation itself namely it was considered as a broad category (to the end of the 19th century) which included the elements associated with the medicine and the religion. The above mentioned topic (the white craft) was analysed as a matter of the investigation of how it was extinct this ‘white lore’. It was stated that the first indication of the white magic was recorded scarcely in the 18th century. The category of the topic was prevalent starting from the ancient Polish language. The onset of it's elements and features characterized the measures of the pagan provenances. By and by to this ‘white way of life’ were introduced the names of the exorcisms. The method dominating in this essay is the analysis of contexts. Considering as an evidence the use of that particular word in the dictionary recording the old Polish and deduce the meaning value of it in the particular time.
The article presents the genesis and the features of the Renaissance religious writings of the Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the context of the translations of the Bible into national languages. An analysis was performed on a Tatar tefsir, which – according to the most recent research – is a translation of the Qur’an into a European language – the third translation of this kind in the world. Due to the fact that in the 16th century a Polish and even a European Qur’anic translational tradition did not exist, this translation makes reference to the Biblical-psalter literature of the Middle Ages and to the translations of the Scripture of the Reformation, inter alia as far as the selection of the methods and the ways of translation or the adoption of specific translational solutions is concerned. Thus the translation belongs to the translational tradition of sacred books and to the most important trends of Polish and European culture. In this context, a medieval tradition (a continuation of the achievements of translation studies of the 15th c.) and the innovation of the Renaissance overlap. There is an analogy with the 16th-century Biblical printed texts, which also represent a transitional stage – they make reference to a medieval tradition and they also take advantage of the benefits of humanist Biblical studies.
Content available Nekromancja w historii języka polskiego
tom 15
W artykule analizie poddano jednostki leksykalne wiązane z polem NEKROMANCJA. Pojęcie to bardzo dobrze poświadczone zostało w dawnej XV-/XVII-wiecznej polszczyźnie. Badaną kategorię reprezentowały bowiem zarówno jednostki o znaczeniu ogólnym, wiązane z białą lub z czarną magią (tj. np. czary, czarnoksięstwo, gusła), jak i zapomniane już wyrazy o znaczeniu odnoszącym się wyłącznie do przywoływania duchów w celu uzyskania wiedzy o przyszłości (tj. nigromancja, nigromancka nauka). Tekst stanowi zatem próbę syntetyzacji tych jednostek leksykalnych. Pokazuje również, jak zawiła była historia pojęcia NEKROMANCJA oraz jakie zmiany o charakterze semantycznym zachodziły w treściach przynależnych do niej elementów.
In the article there is an analysis of lexical units related to the field of NECROMANCY. The appearance of this term in the Polish language of the 15th to the 17th centuries is without doubt confirmed. The category in question was represented by the units both of a general meaning related to white or black magic (i.e., for example czary, czarnoksięstwo, gusła), and the forgotten words referring only to communicating with the dead in order to get some knowledge about the future. The text is an attempt to synthesise those lexical units. It also shows how complicated the history of the term was, and what semantic changes took place in the contents of the elements related to the term.
In the present article the object of analysis is the metaphorical representation of concepts- negative values in the Old Polish and Middle Polish periods. In Old Polish and Middle Polish texts abstract concepts are ap-proached in a metaphorical manner, and some source domains recur relatively frequently. Such metaphors are used in reference to concepts which belong to various spheres. The analysis takes into consideration metaphors which are clearly discernible in short fragments, metaphors which are linguistically marked by words semantically associated with the source domain, metaphors which are at the same time in the close vicinity of the lexeme representing a given value and metaphors which recur in texts by various authors. The present article is devoted to metaphorical representations of concepts- negative values in the Old Pol-ish and Middle Polish periods in the category of a disease - a source domain which is drawn taken from the life experience of each person on the basis of attestations which contain the lexeme choroba, niemoc, zaraza [disease, illness, epidemic], and other, e.g.: Co iefliże nas famych one fzkodliwychpożądliwośći choroby trapią (ModrzBaz 67v; SXVI); Grzech ieft zarazą iako morowe powietrze (Starow.Kaz. 1649, s. 330; ESXVII/XVIII). In the early Polish language anti-values - negatively marked concepts which have to do especially with the sphere of morality and social sphere, were embraced by the means of the category of a disease. Due to the development of culture, the changes in the thinking about the world and the changes of the external word itself, of the reality in which man lives, not only did the way the lexemes used in the metaphor a concept is a disease and the frequency of these lexemes change but also the disease itself as a source domain continues to thrive in the Polish language.
tom 36
In the present article the object of analysis is the metaphorical representation of concepts-values from the mental sphere in the Old Polish and Middle Polish periods. In Old Polish and Middle Polish texts abstract concepts are approached in a metaphorical manner, and some source domains recur relatively frequently. Such metaphors are used in reference to concepts which belong to various spheres. The analysis takes into consideration metaphors which are clearly discernible in short fragments, metaphors which are linguistically marked by words semantically associated with the source domain, metaphors which are at the same time in the close vicinity of the lexeme representing a given value and metaphors which recur in texts by various authors. The present article is devoted to metaphorical representations of concepts-values in the Old Polish and Middle Polish periods in the category of a plant – a source domain which is drawn from the world of nature on the basis of attestations which contain the lexeme korzeń [root], e.g. Tyś prawey czystoty korzeń XV p. pr. (R XIX 42 – Sstp); Bowiem dobrych ſpraw chwálebny vżytek/ y ktory nie ginie korzeń mądrośći (Leop Sap 3/15; SXVI. In the early Polish language concepts which belong to various spheres of life were embraced by the means of the category of a plant – ethical and rustic (or vital) values, as well as anti-values – negatively marked concepts which have to do especially with the sphere of morality – therefore the metaphor a concept is a plant was used to represent concepts regardless of the evaluation which was ascribed to them. The choice of a plant as the source domain to present concepts from the mental sphere is justified by man’s day-to-day experience of nature. It seems that it is a conceptual metaphor in the sense of cognitive linguistics, one that is deeply-rooted (nomen omen) in the human way of thinking and culturally corroborated by the presence in the Bible. Its use in the representation of concepts which are not so clearly defined in the Old Polish and Middle Polish periods was supposed to portray these concepts and to familiarise people with them, especially in the language that way used in moralistic writings. Due to the development of culture, the changes in the thinking about the world and the changes of the external word itself, of the reality in which man lives, not only did the way the lexemes used in the metaphor a concept is a plant and the frequency of these lexemes change but also the plant itself as a source domain continues to thrive in the Polish language.
tom 35
In this article were considered 46 lexical units derivated from the word -czoło. The above written text (the written material) was arranged in the form of word-creating nest. This composition of the process showed the motivating relation between the centre of the nest and a word-group with a different origin. As was evidenced the analyzed lexemes oscillated around 5 semantic fields which contained the meanings such as: the anatomical substance, the meaning - ‘front’, ‘the humbleness’, ‘the perfection’ and ‘pride’. The assignation of the word to the particular semantic sphere was not arbitrary so far. So we may say that the language is not a continuum (sequence) with consequently manifested rules. In the process of nomination the main point is the creativity of the people.
The purpose of this article is to show age-old connections between the Polish language and the Bible, as one of the foundations of Polish culture and identity. The author views these relations from the perspective of the genetic and formal interdependence between the style invariant of the biblical Polish language and its literary variety. To this end, the author mentions previous theoretical findings and material research showing directions and forms of these influences, resulting in the emergence of the main style constants in the biblical Polish language. What is more, the significance of the Bible and its native translations for the emergence of literary Polish language has been pinpointed. Attention has also been drawn to more modern options of research into the conditions of the relationship between biblical Polish vs. literary Polish which stem from reference to the rhetorical and literary heritage of the specific books of the Bible. The paper provides a number of arguments in favor of the literary value of the Bible, as a fact resulting not only from its local historical experiencesbut also features inherited from the primary biblical style. Moreover, the article discusses the critical references to the biblical translation initiatives which lead to the detachment of biblical Polish from its literary model and the norm of high style.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na wielowiekowe związki polszczyzny z Biblią, jako jednym z fundamentów polskiej kultury i tożsamości. Relacje te autor artykułu rozpatruje na płaszczyźnie genetycznej i formalnej współzależności pomiędzy stylowym inwariantem polszczyzny biblijnej a literacką odmianą języka polskiego. W tym celu przywołane zostały dotychczasowe ustalenia teoretyczne oraz badania materiałowe ukazujące kierunki i formy owych wpływów, skutkujące powstaniem głównych konstant stylowych polszczyzny biblijnej, a także wskazujące na znaczenie Biblii i jej rodzimych przekładów na kształtowania się polszczyzny literackiej. Zwrócona została także uwaga na nowsze możliwości badań nad uwarunkowaniami relacji polszczyzna biblijna – polszczyzna literacka, które wynikają z odwołania się do retorycznego i literackiego dziedzictwa poszczególnych ksiąg Pisma Świętego. Artykuł dostarcza szeregu argumentów na rzecz obrony literackości polszczyzny biblijnej, jako faktu wynikającego z jej rodzimych doświadczeń historycznych, jak też z właściwości odziedziczonych z prymarnego stylu biblijnego. Na prawach polemicznych w artykule znalazły się również krytyczne odniesienia do tych spośród nowszych inicjatyw translacyjno-biblijnych, które zmierzają do oderwania polszczyzny biblijnej od jej wzorca literackiego oraz normy stylu wysokiego.
The object of description in the following paper is the lexeme język. Linguistic analysis has been broadened by medical context, in which the author presents the content regarding the tongue as the first part of the digestive system, as a sense of taste, and finally, as vocal apparatus. For this purpose, the most important issues connected with the structure, physiology and pathology of the tongue have been presented. The second part of the discussion has been dedicated to the place of the noun język, along with its synonyms and derived forms in old and contemporary general Polish language, as well as dialects. The final part contains remarks on the functioning of the word język in Polish phraseology. This lexeme, as a polysemantic unit, happens to be the component of numerous petrified word combinations, whose meaning reflects the variety of references and contexts preserved in old and contemporary Polish culture.
In this article some old and middle Polish names of perfumes and body creams were investigated. Collected from all available lexicographical sources, the researched material contains one-hundred and three units scrutinized thoroughly in light of the semasiological method. The evidence of particular word use in the dictionaries registering the old Polish forms allows one to deduce the meanings of an item in the stated period. In the investigated period the names of creams and perfumes belonged to one semantic category. The names were connected to four primary senses included in their formal structure, such as: consistency, smell, main ingredient, technology. A large number of the researched names were polysemous, which was repeatedly noted by the author of the article.
The paper shows the social status of dialects in the eighteenth-century Polish society. The first part of article contains theoretical attentions: findings of researchers and the opinions of witnesses era. It turns out that social scope of dialects was wider and not limited only to the peasants. The second part is an analysis of the names of whippletree. I used material from stock lists of the nobility from the second half of the eighteenth century from Wielkopolska, showing the presence of distinctive and regional vocabulary.
Artykuł podejmuje temat statusu społecznego gwary w XVIII-wiecznym społeczeństwie polskim. Składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza zawiera uwagi teoretyczne: ustalenia badaczy oraz opinie świadków epoki. Okazuje się, że dawniej zasięg społeczny gwary był szerszy i nie ograniczał się tylko do chłopów. Druga część to analiza nazw orczyka na jednego, dwa i trzy konie. Wykorzystano materiał wielkopolskich inwentarzy dóbr szlacheckich z 2. połowy XVIII wieku, pokazując obecność w nich leksyki dyferencyjnej i regionalnej.
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