This article was written on the basis of the text created by the author as part of the Polish component of the Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU project carried out within the 7th Framework Program of the European Union for the years 2013-2018. The text was prepared when the author followed a research apprenticeship program at the Faculty of Education of the University of Warsaw. The article describes the teacher’s profession over the past fifteen years, placing special emphasis on teachers’ education, teachers’ careers, rules for and structure of employment.
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The paper presents the findings of research into the professional activities of kindergarten teachers in the Czech Republic and defines characteristics of the profession of kindergarten teachers in the Czech context. In the first part of the paper, the authors illustrate the current research interest in the teaching profession in the Czech Republic and summarise recent research on teachers’ professional activities. In the second part of the paper, kindergarten teachers are introduced as a specific category of teachers in the Czech system of schooling. In the third part, a research survey is presented that aimed to identify, label and record professional activities of a kindergarten teacher in a dynamic perspective (throughout a school year). Towards the end of the paper, possible ways to make use of the research findings are implied.
The article contains an analysis of the factors determining the choice of the field of study in the context of the implementation of professional plans related to the formation of the teacher’s sense of identity. It presents the results of qualitative research on the role of motivation to make a decision about studying pedagogy as a foundation of activities undertaken between choosing the preferred type of values and goals and taking a job that gives an opportunity to meet the needs in this area.
Artykuł odsłania realia dotyczące zawodu nauczyciela i warunków pracy nauczycieli w Polsce oraz odnosi się do przyszłości zawodu nauczyciela. W artykule przyjęto, że edukacja, w tym edukacja nauczyciela, to jedno z ważniejszych dóbr i jednym z najważniejszych zadań państwa, stąd powinno się ją traktować priorytetowo. W funkcjonowaniu i efektywności systemu edukacji przypisano strategiczną rolę nauczycielowi. Odgrywanie tej roli – jak pokazano – powinno być wspierane przez działania państwa służące kształtowaniu przyszłości zawodu nauczyciela. U podstaw tych działań leżą strategie pozwalające na podnoszenie atrakcyjności zawodu nauczyciela i społecznego uznania ważności pracy nauczycieli oraz wzmacnianiu pozycji nauczycieli. W artykule postawiono tezę mówiącą o tym, iż umocnienie pozycji społeczno-zawodowej nauczyciela jest nieodzowne w działaniach na rzecz podniesienia jakości edukacji. W wielu krajach, w tym także w Polsce, należy bardziej inwestować w rozwój nauczycieli i konkurencyjne warunki ich zatrudniania oraz ich pracy. Dążenie do wzmocnienia zawodu powinno stać się priorytetem zarówno w działaniach władz państwowych, lokalnych, jak i pracach uczelni kształcących nauczycieli.
The paper critically examines the reality of the teaching profession and teachers’ working conditions in Poland and refers to the future of the teaching profession. The paper assumed that education, including teacher education, is one of the most important assets and one of the crucial tasks of the state, hence it should be given priority. The teacher has been assigned a strategic role in the functioning and effectiveness of the education system. As demonstrated, playing this role should be supported by state actions to shape the future of the teaching profession. At the core of these activities are strategies that increase the attractiveness of the teaching profession and the social recognition of the importance of teachers’ work and empowering teachers. The paper presents the thesis that strengthening the socio-professional position of the teacher is indispensable in actions aimed at improving the quality of education. In many countries, including Poland, more should be invested in the development of teachers and competitive conditions of their employment and work. Striving to strengthen the profession should become a priority in the activities of both state and local authorities, as well as the work of teacher training universities.
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