Educational systems worldwide apply some form of tracking which stratifies students according to their ability. Our study shows that teachers’ perceptions of intergenerational bonding in school diff er according to the track in which the teacher-student relationships take place. Moreover, this mechanism is responsible for the students’ lower sense of belonging in technical/vocational schools compared to academic schools. In terms of strengthening students’ connectedness to a technical/vocational school environment, we indicate that strengthening the level of trust in students on behalf of the teachers could be a crucial step that needs to be undertaken.
Throughout the years. researchers searched for the definition of a good teacher. This article offers to learn from model educators, fictional and historical, how to define values, perception and practices which characterize good teachers. Four fictional teachers were chosen based on two characteristics: First, author’s descriptions that underline their good qualities as a person and as a teacher. Second, remarks from their students’ and/or students’ parents or guardians, stating their acknowledgment of the teachers’ special qualities. and their gratitude for the learning experience they shared. A qualitative narrative analysis of these teachers – ‘Jane Eyre’, ‘Ann of Green Gables’ and his sequel ‘Anne from Avonlea”, ‘Up the down Staircase’ and ‘Goodbye Mr. Chips’ – defined five major characteristics which represent the exceptional teacher: holistic perception of the student, identifying and addressing students’ unique needs, emphasis on student-teacher relationship, creative teaching, a sense of mission and an inspiring personality. Examining the work of exceptional educators such as Ann Sullivan (Helen Keler’s tutor). Janusz Korczak, and Haime Escelante, reveals common themes which corresponds with fictional model teachers characteristics. Qualitative interviews with 14 Israeli rural high school teachers (7 homeroom educators and 7 subject teachers) emphasized similar characteristics of their role perceptions and practices. The key to higher achievements, educational and academic alike, lies in the hands of the teachers. If these traits characterize the ‘good teacher’ we should consider merging then into teachers’ preparatory and in-work professional training, as well as teachers’ evaluation processes. Let us learn from good examples how to become ‘good teachers’.
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Obecna formuła funkcjonowania życia zbiorowego ludzi określana jest pojęciem społeczeństwo informacyjne. Tym co odróżnia obecną rewolucję społeczną od poprzednich jest zmiana tworzywa masowo przerabianego przez ludzi i maszyny tej epoki. Tym dominującym tworzywem staje się coraz szybciej informacja, której wartość decyduje o sprawności działania oraz sukcecie każdej organizacji. Z tym że otwarty dostęp do ogromnej ilości zasobów danych (głównie poprzez sieć Internet) powoduje abundancję informacji nieistonych, tzn. bezużytecznych, w procesach sterowniczych w rozumieniu cybernetyki. Wskazany trend przyczynia się do spadku efektywności aktów komunikacyjnych, prowadząc do rozminięcia się intencji i treści wysyłanych oraz odbieranych informacji, a nawet do powstawania sytuacji konfliktowych. Wielu negatywnych skutków wynikających z braku porozumienia i zrozumienia można z powodzeniem uniknąć poprzez znajomość i stosowanie się do prawidłowości procesu komunikacji. Toteż ambicją autora jest zasygnalizowanie i zainspirowanie szerszego dyskursu na temat barier i zakłóceń w tak doniosłych i ważnych dla intensywnego rozwoju relacjach nauczyciel-uczeń. Oczywiście z pierwotnym zamiarem doskonalenia komunikacji poprzez wykrywanie, poznawanie i stosowanie prawidłowości obiektywnie istniejących.
The present formula of collective life functions is presented to people by the mechanisms of information society. What distinguishes the present social revolution from the previous ones is the change of the material in building block used for universal production by people and machines of contemporary world. This building block of reality is nowadays the information, the value of which is determined by speed and efficiency of operations, and the success of particular management. However, open access to a huge amount of data resources (mainly via the Internet) results in expansion of valueless information amounts. i.e. useless in control processes, in understanding of cybernetics. The indicated trend contributes to the decline in the effectiveness of communication acts, leading to the disappearance of the intentions and content of sent and received information, and even contributing to the emergence of conflict situations. Many of the negative consequences resulting from the lack of understanding can be successfully avoided through knowledge and application to the correctness of the communication process. Therefore, the author’s ambition is to signal and inspire a wider discourse on the subject of barriers and disturbances in such intense and important for the development of proper teacher-student relations. Of course, with the original intent to improve communication by detecting, learning and applying objectively existing patterns.
The research made on the situation of today’s youth in Poland reveals a certain discrepancy. On the one hand, the youth are independent, entrepreneurial, they learn fast and quickly gain autonomy. On the other hand, however, they are often affected by emotional problems, aggression and immaturity. What, therefore, should the teacher be like? A classically understood master or one conforming to the five categories formulated by prof. Ferenz? Mass school can hardly take into consideration a student’s individual biography or respect his autonomy. The teacher, therefore, in addition to excellent communication skills, should possess the art of establishing interpersonal relationships with students. In this context, it is interesting to look at the idea of integral education of Herbert Frant.
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