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Wstęp: Wraz z postępem technologicznym coraz częściej w usprawnianiu kończyny górnej po jej uszkodzeniach urazowych wykorzystuje się różnego rodzaju skomputeryzowane systemy badania, oceny i dokumentacji przebiegu leczenia. Podkreśla się także konieczność indywidualizacji programów ćwiczeń i wskazuje na duże możliwości adaptacji wykorzystywanych w trakcie leczenia nowoczesnych zdobyczy technologicznych dla osiągnięcia oczekiwanych i zamierzonych celów w procesie usprawniania. Cel badań: Celem pracy jest prezentacja możliwości wykorzystania tabletu w czasie usprawniania chorych po wybranych uszkodzeniach urazowych kończyny górnej. Materiał i metoda badań: Materiał pracy stanowią chorzy usprawniani z powodu różnego rodzaju uszkodzeń urazowych oraz zespołów entezopatycznych kończyny górnej w Specjalistycznym Ośrodku Rehabilitacji Ręki w Krakowie. Prezentowane ćwiczenia były częścią szerszego, kompleksowego programu usprawniania tych chorych, który był także realizowany w warunkach domowych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na możliwości wykorzystania w jego przebiegu tabletu i osobistych telefonów komórkowych (smartfonów). Podsumowanie: Literatura fachowa dotycząca problematyki usprawniania chorych po uszkodzeniach urazowych ręki, a także w przebiegu zespołów entezopatycznych, coraz częściej odnosi się do możliwości wykorzystania w tym procesie nowoczesnych programów i urządzeń elektronicznych, w tym tabletów i osobistych telefonów komórkowych. Zastosowanie tych urządzeń pozwala na prowadzenie programu rehabilitacji zarówno w ambulatoryjnych warunkach klinicznych jak i domowych.
Introduction: Along with technological progress, various types of computerized testing systems, assessment and documentation of the course of treatment are used more and more often in upper limb rehabilitation after traumatic injuries. The necessity to individualize exercise programs is also emphasized. The large possibilities of adapting modern technological achievements used during treatment to achieve the expected and intended goals in the rehabilitation process are emphasized. Study aim: The aim of the work is to present the possibility of using a tablet during rehabilitation of patients after selected traumatic upper limb injuries. Research material and methods: This study material comprises patients rehabilitated due to various traumatic injuries and entesopathic syndromes of the upper limb at the Specialist Centre of Hand Rehabilitation in Krakow. The presented exercises, which were part of a wider, comprehensive program to rehabilitate these patients, were also carried out at home. Particular attention was paid to the possibility of using a tablet and personal mobile phone (smartphones) in its course. Summary: Professional literature on the issues of rehabilitation in patients after traumatic injuries to the hand, as well as in the course of entesopathic syndromes, more and more frequently refers to the possibility of using modern programs and electronic devices in this process, including tablets and personal mobile phones. The use of these devices allows to conduct a rehabilitation program both in outpatient clinical conditions and home settings. physical therapy, hand rehabilitation, innovation in rehabilitation, smartphone, tablet
The essence of the dispute electronics manufacturers and authors is to cover, arousing the public some controversy, reprographic fees of blank media, and in particular its extension to smartphones and tablets, as they have memory and allow the reproduction of copies of works in the form of files. A list of categories of equipment covered by reprographic fees set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage should be structured and updated, and the proponent of this view are the creators themselves. On the other hand, the extension of reprographic charge for smartphones and tablets cause reduction of the profitability of manufacturers and importers of equipment that compensate for the loss by raising their prices, as a consequence of which would pay customers.
Content available Tablet in teaching physics
tom 3
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Posts define tablet and deal with issues of educational programs for this device. Because this is a new tool used in teaching, outlines its advantages and possible pitfalls.
W artykule zajęto się zagadnieniami związanymi z koniecznością określenia roli i miejsca tabletu w procesie dydaktycznym. Jest on nowym urządzeniem znajdującym zastosowanie w nauczaniu, posiada zalety, ale i potencjalne pułapki.
Ze względu na szybki wzrost liczby urządzeń mobilnych, takich jak smartfony czy tablety, coraz łatwiejsze staje się wyznaczenie trasy między dwoma punktami lub po prostu zlokalizowanie wybranych pozycji przy użyciu tych urządzeń. Tworzenie tego rodzaju aplikacji jest bardzo łatwe, ponieważ deweloperzy mają do dyspozycji szeroki zakres oprogramowania i narzędzi je wspomagających, takich jak: nowoczesne środowiska programistyczne, biblioteki i frameworki. W artykule starano się dowieść, iż tworzenie aplikacji mobilnych na platformę iOS jest dosyć łatwe przy wykorzystaniu najnowszych technologii i narzędzi programistycznych. W celu udowodnienia tezy stworzona została aplikacja mobilna dla systemu iOS 7. Wykorzystuje ona połączenie internetowe, który jest konieczne do jej poprawnego działania, aby znaleźć określonych lokalizację dwóch punktach i obliczyć odległość między nimi. Kolejne etapy tworzenia aplikacji zostały szczegółowo opisane. Podstawą działania aplikacji, opracowanej w środowisku Xcode, jest użycie dwóch frameworków: MapKit i CoreLocation. Ten rodzaj aplikacji ma szerokie zastosowania w dyscyplinach sportowych, oczywiście przy wzięciu pod uwagę odpowiednich warunków geograficznych i topograficznych.
Commonly used mobile devices, like smart phones and tablets, are currently becoming an integral part of measurement systems. This paper describes the design principles for a measurement system using such devices and gives an example of a system for measuring the carbon content in the ashes from power industry boilers. The functions of the system are described with a division into the ones implemented on a mobile device and other user interfaces nodes. The methods of programming mobile devices are presented including their advantages and disadvantages. The presented multi-user solution can be used in other measurement systems, as well.
Powszechnie używane urządzenia przenośne typu smartfony i tablety stają się obecnie także nieodzowną częścią systemów pomiarowych. W artykule opisano zasady projektowania systemu pomiarowego wykorzystującego takie urządzenia na przykładzie systemu do pomiaru zawartości węgla w popiele z kotłów energetyki zawodowej. Opisano funkcje systemu z rozdzieleniem na realizowane w urządzeniu mobilnym i innych węzłach interfejsów użytkownika. Przedstawiono metody programowania urządzeń przenośnych z uwzględnieniem ich zalet i wad. Zaprezentowane rozwiązanie wielodostępności może znaleźć zastosowane również w innych systemach pomiarowych.
Content available remote Możliwości wykorzystania iPada w nauce i szkolnictwie wyższym
Apple's iPad was launched in 2010. It was the beginning of a new technological dimension to organize and share information, but also of getting acquainted with electronic documents. An increasing number of applications, which are dedicated to this device, as well as a kind of leadership in the market of tablets, causes that there is an ever-expanding range of applicability of the iPad as a useful tool for communication, but also for science and education. The article analyzed the possibility of using this device. Moreover, the author describes pilot projects in which researches investigated how the iPad can enhance teaching and learning.
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Our research note reports the results of a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the pilot edition of the Coding Masters Junior program, conducted in 2015 by Centrum Cyfrowe: Projekt Polska. It focuses on the results of a semantic analysis for the keyword “tablet” of the IDIs conducted with parents of preschoolers. The analysis has shown, among others, that in many households tablet is seen as belonging to the domain of the child, its property (toy). At the same time, quantitative research reveals that in 26% of tablet-owning households the device is not made available to the child. This strong polarization of practices shows that tablets remain a terra incognita to a significant group of parents, one they often have no wish to explore.
Over the past few years technology especially mobile technologies have advanced significantly, while the cost of using mobile devices have decreased considerably. It is believed that this rapid technological evolution can provide an excellent opportunity to improve the independence of a handicapped person. However, it can also be a source of social exclusion. Certain obstacles such as inadequate built-in accessibility options can limit the use of smart devices amongst this vulnerable group of people. Therefore, functionality and practicality of mobile phones should be taken into consideration. The aim of this review was to determine whether mobile applications are used in the process of monitoring the physical activity, rehabilitation and education of a person with intellectual and/or other disabilities. To examine this issue we reviewed various literature extracts: we used the databases from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) focused on PubMed database. According to the method of finding and selected results, we qualified for further analysis of the results, which showed up when searched for key words and expressions (mobile applications, disability, rehabilitation, intellectual disability). We found 115 scientific articles. From this sample, we selected 23 articles related to our study. A significant proportion of the studies carried out seem to confirm that the use mobile applications attempt to support the rehabilitation process of a person with a disability.
tom 3
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Príspevok je venovaný IKT a multimédiám ako didaktickej pomôcke pre názornejšie, efektívnejšie, zaujímavejšie a pre žiakov atraktívnejšie vyučovanie technicky zameraných študijných odborov.
Article is devoted to ICT and multimedia. This teaching aid is created and designed to teach technically oriented courses in a more illustrated, effective and student–oriented interesting way.
Artykuł poświęcony jest moŜliwości wykorzystania w nauczaniu przedmiotów zawodowych technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Poprzez wizualizację treści kształcenia proces nauczania-uczenia się jest dla uczących się bardziej interesujący, a zatem bardziej atrakcyjny i efektywny.
In the article, I present the findings of scientific insight into issues that I call tablet children. I provide alarming data on the number of children aged 6 months and a little bit older who are given access to tablets and smartphones by adults. I quote the most important findings included in the theory of representation by Jerome S. Bruner to explain the following: – What makes babies and toddlers use tablets and smartphones in a remarkably efficient way; – Adverse differences in representations created by children based on experiences gathered in the world of real objects and in the virtual world; – Distortions in the outlines of mental representations formed by young children when they watch images on tablet and smartphone screens too frequently. Being given access to these devices is particularly dangerous for young children, who have not yet created the outlines of the representations of three-dimensional objects and three-dimensional qualities of space in their minds. Distortions in the outlines of representations are difficult to fix as subsequent experiences only complement and expand the existing representations. Since the existing representations take part in creating new representations, the new ones are not fully correct either. I also argue the need for serious research that should aim to determine the far-reaching results of tablets and smartphones being available to babies and young children. This will help to come to terms with these devices educationally and also to determine when and for how long they can be made available to children so that they are safe for children's mental development.
The main aim of this paper is to provide some useful methods and examples in foreign language teaching by mobile learning system, which represents a further step in e-learning or blended learning development. Considering the fact, that in 2011 there were around 500 million smartphones and 34 million tablets and over 1 billion app downloads, the necessity of taking advantage of these practical, small devices in teaching seems obvious. The term of mobile learning describes the process of learning when the learner does not have to be in a defined location and she uses the mobile technology. Nowadays the system consists of learning programs which do not depend on time and place and can be used in the leisure time. The main benefit of these programs is an opportunity of adapting activities, work schedule, learning strategies to the learner's needs and skills.
Content available Modern Educational Tools in the Teacher’s Work
The article serves as a summary of one of the parts of the research carried out under the NP-2550 grant in the Department of Education and Media in Education of the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The presented analyses concern the application of modern educational tools in the process of education. The work includes a discussion of the frequency, as well as ways, of using ICT devices by early education teachers. It shows the relationship between the presence of modern computer tools in the teaching process and the constructive-cognitive character of activities undertaken in the classroom. The research referred to was carried out among 148 teachers in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province. The analyses presented to the reader are mainly based on the quantitative data obtained on the basis of: knowledge and skills tests, observation, as well as surveys. The research material was supplemented with qualitative data obtained through the conducted interviews.
After the introduction of iPad in 2010, it soon turned out that this device is perfect for providing information and library services as well as it can be a carrier of library content. The article presents the examples of using iPad tablets by librarians and readers. The author focuses on such issues as: interactive and multimedia presentation of the libraries’ resources, creating documents by the users, and the possibilities of the retrieval of the data on particular libraries’ resources and a direct access to them.
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę zautomatyzowanego systemu przeznaczonego do kontroli wizyjnej tabletek i kapsułek pakowanych w przezroczyste blistry. Inspekcja jakości pakowania obejmuje: wykrywanie braku tabletek w gnieździe lub ich nieprawidłowe ułożenie, wykrywanie tabletek o niewłaściwym kolorze lub wymiarach, wykrywanie zanieczyszczeń blistra oraz sprawdzenie prawidłowości oznakowania blistra. Omówiono właściwości podstawowych składników sprzętowych systemu. Zaprezentowano moduły programowe związane z projektowaniem nastaw systemu, tworzeniem nowych zadań inspekcji, a także wizualizacją przebiegu inspekcji w trybie automatycznym. Przedstawiono właściwości i parametry techniczne systemu. Opracowany system umożliwia pełną archiwizację nastaw oraz wyników inspekcji.
The system described in the paper provides automated optical inspection of tablets and capsules packed in transparent blisters. The packaging inspection includes: detection of tablets/capsules presence in nests, detection of improper position of tablets, detection of tablets which have improper color or size, detection of blister contaminations, and marking inspection of blisters. Features of basic hardware components of the system are discussed. Software modules related to projects of system settings, creation of new inspection tasks and visualization of the inspection stream in automatic mode are presented as well. Main features and technical data of the system are described. The system also assures the possibility of full archiving of the inspection settings and results.
Purpose: The aim of the work was to present the automation of the mass measurement process as a factor that can significantly affect the quality and speed of analyzes in pharmaceutical industry. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, two methods were presented for testing the mass uniformity of tablets whose weight ranged from 13 mg to 2580 mg. The first method involved determining the weight of 20 randomly selected tablets of pharmaceutical preparations by statically measuring the weight of these tablets. In the second method, an automatic tablet feeder type PA-04/H was used, in which, as a result of vibration, successive tablets were automatically moved via a special chute onto the weighing pan. Findings: No significant differences were found in the weight measurements performed by the manual and automatic methods. The largest differences were noted at the 0.5% level. All tablets tested met the United States Pharmacopeia requirements for their mass uniformity. For orally disintegrating tablets, the largest percentage deviations in weight from the mean value were -4.47% for tablet F6, - 4.26%, for tablet F1 and 3.31% for tablet F2. The differences in accuracy and precision between the automatic and manual methods were insignificant. Research limitations/implications: Mass measurement by the manual method is one of the most frequently performed measurements in the laboratory. The final result from this measurement method may be subject to error caused, for example, by human error, i.e. reading, writing or calculation error. For this reason, process automation is increasingly being used, which eliminates the possibility of error to a large extent. Practical implications: The automation of weight measurement reduces the effort required for product inspection. Thus, it can be an important factor in the process of optimization and product quality management. Originality/value: The description of the research method and its results can be a valuable guideline for people who deal with product quality control in the pharmaceutical industry. It has been shown that automation to be effective does not have to be complicated but well designed.
The present and future challenges of commercial air transport industry require maintaining growth trends in air traffic and at the same time easing congestion in the skies without compromising high safety standards. This all leads to natural evolution of the aircraft cockpit environment. The progress starts now with implementation of headup displays, airport moving maps, interactive electronic checklists, enhanced vision using infrared cameras to enable night time vision and synthetic 3-D vision systems. In the future, technology development will continue with I4D operations, digital taxi realtime uplink of the cleared taxi route via Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication and much more. These modern cockpit features and their necessary future upgrades enable pilots to capitalize on their strengths and help them manage their weaknesses. Information from these systems are presented to the pilots in transparent manner which makes their decision-making process more efficient and safer, especially under stress. Taking into consideration future trends in the cockpit environment, the growth of the air transport and safety requirements, it is necessary to review the role of pilots. Aviation is a sphere where progress and continuous innovation is inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to keep up with the evolution and adapt also the pilot training and education. Many major world top rated airlines have already implemented for example evidencebased trainings as they realized that the role of the pilot in the cockpit is changing. The basic pilot skills are essential but in today’s air transport operation we also need to take into account that pilots need to have certain managerial skills and therefore balance the training accordingly to make it more efficient. Whether we like it or not, the times of visual approaches and manual flying, especially in big commercial operations, are slowly disappearing. We need to understand this progress and adjust the structure of the pilot training accordingly to be able to deliver the best level of safety efficiency. The paper also deals with the use of portable multimedia devices for VFR flights. It explains the basic terms concerning the use of portable electronic devices on-board aircraft. It analyses the relevant international and national legislation for the use of portable electronic devices on-board aircraft. It includes a survey of the available devices, accessories and software on the market. An analysis and comparison of the devices, based on their technical specifications is included as well. The paper also deals with various aspects of the use of portable multimedia devices for a flight school. It reviews the whole process of selecting a suitable operating system, device, accessories and software with an example of calculation of the required financial expenses. A comparison of the devices based on the battery life in relation to the selected aircraft is also included. Furthermore, the paper considers the mounting options of the devices in the cockpit, points out to required changes in the operational procedures within the flight school and highlights the potential assets which application of portable electronic devices brings.
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