Mikołaj Jazdon in his article presents an analysis and interpretation of a documentary that became a “trademark” of the young generation’s cinema from the decade of the Cinema of Moral Anxiety in Poland. Zygadło filmed the social behaviour of students in a Warsaw primary school to depict the fatal influence of the communist system on Polish youth, who were encouraged to tattle on each other. The method of portraying a social group from one place, as in Zygadłos Primary School, became popular among other documentary filmmakers from his generation. They began to shoot films about institutions like factories, schools or hospitals, focusing on the social relations between the people working there. These films were intentionally made as metaphors of Poland in the 1970s and of the rules operating in a country ruled by the Communist Party. The auteur strategy of depicting reality in a “pars pro toto” manner allowed documentary filmmakers to outwit the Party censors.
Mikołaj Jazdon in his article presents an analysis and interpretation of a documentary that became a “trademark” of the young generation’s cinema from the decade of the Cinema of Moral Anxiety in Poland. Zygadło filmed the social behaviour of students in a Warsaw primary school to depict the fatal influence of the communist system on Polish youth, who were encouraged to tattle on each other. The method of portraying a social group from one place, as in Zygadłos Primary School, became popular among other documentary filmmakers from his generation. They began to shoot films about institutions like factories, schools or hospitals, focusing on the social relations between the people working there. These films were intentionally made as metaphors of Poland in the 1970s and of the rules operating in a country ruled by the Communist Party. The auteur strategy of depicting reality in a “pars pro toto” manner allowed documentary filmmakers to outwit the Party censors.
In the article the author examines the functional and stylistic properties of abstract and socially marked lexemes in the journalistic writings from 1878–1907 of the well-known Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko. The author focuses on the functional capabilities of abstract and socially marked lexemes that revealed their semantic potential in terms of figurative meaning — synecdoche. The author has found 53 synecdochic lexemes in Franko’s works. The article deals with types of synecdoche already recognised by scholars as well as examples of the type of rhetoric called contextual synec-doche, where quantitative semantic shifts are seen in a broader syntactic context, not just with regard to individual words or groups of words. Abstract notions are represented in Franko’s writings by means of lexemes like thought, step, act of parliament, law, word, bureaucracy, capital, labour. Socially marked vocabulary is used more often and is represented by lexemes indicating the social standing of the individual, his or her profession etc.: monarch, clerk, tyrant, capitalist, emperor, scout, kulak, nobleman, feudal lord, slave (kripak), bumpkin, worker, proletarian, sociologist, writer, recruit, savage, entrepreneur, servant, poor, rich, factory owner, craftsman. Franko uses mainly two models of meaning transfer: “the singular denoting the plural,” and grouping notions and objects according to their collocations “replacing the genre with the kind.” The author of the paper examines the numerous and varied collocations in which synecdoche functions, collocations testifying to its great contamination capacity, which is conducive to the optimal linguistic organisation of a piece of journalistic writing as well as a detailed description of a given theme or problem.
The analysis of 550 fragments of written records (up from 100 to 500 words or more) of different genres made it possible to identify the important features of the behaviour of attributive-adjectives in texts from the XVI–XVII centuries. Under the text (or discursive) characteristics of attributive-adjectives, we understand all linguistic phenomena that are associated with the emergence of adjectives in the text and the performance of their basic functions, and the reasons used in the relic text. Installed text (discourse) characteristics can clarify description of attributive adjectives, that are part of adjectival-substantive complexes, in three general areas: 1) basic functions of attributive-adjectives (primary or secondary), 2) saturation of any texts by adjectives, 3) features of construction and function of attributive syntagmas (especially adjectives), the connections of adjectives with each other, and their sequence in the attribute chain.
На основі 550 фрагментів писемних пам’яток різних жанрів досліджено деякі аспекти сполучуваності слів в українській мові XVI–XVII ст., зокрема особливості функціонування атрибутивів-прикметників у межах прикметниково-іменникових комплексів. У пропонованій статті детально проаналізовано словосполучення “прикметник + іменник рука ”, що виникли в результаті метонімічного перенесення (синекдохи)
A character of the history’s transmission depends on the aesthetics of the past in literature for the youngest. Works, addressed to a young audience in different age, allow to maintain the rules of the cultural phylogenesis, understood as a need of acquiring the cultural and social competences by successive human generations during their whole life, in a specific order (inter alia – with priority of the natural ways of communication before the unnatural, a book before an e-book). Aesthetisation of the past contains: (1) synecdoche as a visual clue in the illustrations contained in the works concerning th Second World War (series: Wojny dorosłych – historie dzieci (War of Adults, Stories of Children); (2) biography strategies used in the literature for young readers by Anna Czerwińska-Rydel.
Od estetyki przeszłości w literaturze dla najmłodszych zależy charakter transmisji dziejów. Utwory, adresowane do małych odbiorców w różnym wieku, pozwalają na zachowanie zasad filogenezy kulturowej, rozumianej jako konieczne nabywanie kulturowych i społecznych kompetencji przez kolejne ludzkie pokolenia w ciągu całego życia w określonym porządku (między innymi z pierwszeństwem naturalnych środków komunikacji przed sztucznymi, prymatem książki drukowanej nad książką elektroniczną). W estetyzacji przeszłości uczestniczą: (1) synekdocha jako trop wizualny w ilustracjach zawartych w utworach dotyczących drugiej wojny światowej (seria Wojny dorosłych – historie dzieci); (2) strategie biografizacyjne stosowane w prozie dla młodych czytelników przez Annę Czerwińską-Rydel.
This article examines what role details and other similar artistic devices play in representing the Holocaust in contemporary Polish children’s literature. The focus on the detail often forces a shift in perspective, both in the fine arts and in literature. Focusing on prominent and meaningful details renders the story less direct, and the cruelty of history is revealed through gaps in the narrative. Details stand for the unsaid and refer the reader to extra-textual knowledge. Details also allow one to engage in a game of perspectives: by zooming in and out on specific scenes or events one, alternatively, renders them more or less important. Children’s books about the Holocaust are primarily meant to build memory and post-memory, and employ details to that end. Around and through details, the successive layers of stories may grow.
Artykuł poświęcony jest roli detalu i powiązanych z nim chwytów artystycznych w ukazywaniu Zagłady w polskiej najnowszej literaturze dla dzieci. Obserwowanie detalu wymusza często zmianę perspektywy zarówno w sztukach plastycznych, jak i w literaturze. Koncentrowanie się na wyeksponowanych i znaczących szczegółach sprawia, że ogólna opowieść się rozmywa, a okrucieństwo historii ukazane zostaje poprzez luki w narracji. Detal staje się znakiem wydarzeń niedopowiedzianych i odsyła do pozatekstowej wiedzy czytelnika. Operowanie detalem umożliwia tez uruchomienie gry perspektyw, operowanie zbliżeniem i oddaleniem powiązanymi z przewartościowaniem opisywanych realiów. Główne zadanie literatury dla dzieci poświęconej Zagładzie to budowanie pamięci i postpamięci. Jest to możliwe dzięki oparciu się na detalach, wokół których narastają kolejne warstwy opowieści.
Les recherches entreprises jusqu’à maintenant sur le nom propre en français nous permettent de mettre à profit les résultats auxquels ont abouti les rhétoriciens, les grammairiens et les linguistes pour un traitement lexicographique bilingue des unités lexicales et phraséologiques contenant des noms propres employés figurativement en français et macédonien. Dans cet article, nous essayons de distinguer l’ensemble des critères pertinents permettant au lexicographe de sélectionner et recenser ces unités, de proposer des solutions sur leur traitement et d’identifier les problèmes et les spécificités du nom propre.
Research on proper names in French allows us to use the results of rhetoricians, grammarians and linguists for bilingual lexicographical processing of lexical units and phraseologisms containing proper names used figuratively in French and Macedonian. In this article, we try to distinguish relevant criteria allowing the lexicographer to select and list those units, put forward solutions for their processing and identify problems and characteristics.
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