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Content available Klient w strategiach organizacji biznesowych
The search for the main determinant of business strategy of an organization does not have a clear solution. Intuitively, it seems that it should be a customer, but in practice of management, the primary criterion according to which the company management is assessed is the economic profit. The main purpose of this article is to identify the client’s place and the role in the management strategies of business organizations. The authors analyse this place and role, using historical perspective, particularly concentrating on resource based view, innovative strategy and networks strategy. The whole analysis is finished with the concept of organization ecosystem, in which a client is a central point.
Content available remote Knowledge and belief as dialectics of strategic management
The problem is developing a coherent approach to strategy. I think that it is not possible to assume that any of the extreme approaches is right. Strategy is based on the dialectics of knowledge and faith. On the one hand, both theoreticians and practicians of management focus on conscious and rational decision process (knowledge). On the other hand, this rationality is infiltrated with cultural values and norms, intuition, corporate consciousness and unconscious emotions (faith). I advocate balancing these two points of view. It is worth-while to describe the strategy and planning process linking rationality aspects (in the sphere of realising objectives, in methods of action) with social, axiological and emotional aspects (values, plays of interests, conflicts).
Strategia opiera się na dialektyce wiedzy i wiary. Z jednej strony zarówno teoretycy jak i praktycy zarządzania koncentrują się na świadomym i racjonalnym procesie decyzyjnym (wiedza). Z drugiej, zaś owa racjonalność podszyta jest: wartościami i normami kulturowymi, intuicją, świadomością zbiorową oraz nieuświadamianymi emocjami (wiara). Opowiadam się za wyważeniem tych dwóch punktów widzenia. Warto opisywać strategię i proces planowania łącząc aspekty racjonalności (w sferze realizacji celów, w metodach działania) z aspektami społecznymi, aksjologicznymi i emocjonalnymi (wartości, gry interesów, konflikty).
The aim of the article is to look at and characterise enterprise strategy realisation methods. It begins with the presentation of three models – a static, a dynamic and a mixed model – for strategy implementation. Dividing the implementation strategy into phases – initialisation and strategy realisation – the mixed model forms the foundation for the choice of methods, which in an either complex or partial way solve strategy implementation problems. The final part looks in greater detail at complex methods of strategy realisation.
The aim of the article is to analyse strategic management, to which a paradigm as a particular way of describing transformations in this management concept is applied. Applying such a non-conventional approach to research problems requires the elaboration of a subset of goals, including the following: – the identification of paradigms of the modern economy and new trends in management as sets of patterns – models that determine strategic management, – an analysis of the development of identified strategic management paradigms, – determining a classifier for strategic management paradigms as a depiction of the current state of the management concept.
The increased international competition amongst higher education institutions caused by rapid globalization now requires universities to evaluate, alter or devise new and innovative strategies which will enable them to boost their international activities. There is a need to gain a competitive advantage in attracting more local and international students, involving staff in international exchange programs, conducting joint research, establishing collaborative degree and exchange programs, etc. This ongoing study aims to propose a synthesized conceptual framework of higher education internationalization which links strategic management concepts with higher education, thus consolidating various components by taking into account influential factors such as the dynamics of the external academic environment and organizational resources. The framework outlined in this paper provides a good basis for further empirical research as well as a practical planning scheme for higher education managers.
The aim of the article is to present the evolution of competitive advantage concept. The article is composed of three basic parts. First, the core of competitive advantage was presented. Next, various attitudes towards strategic management (planning, evolutionary, of competitive positioning, resource-based, of simple rules, of realistic options) were characterized paying attention to the problem of achieving competitive advantage. The aim of this part was to show the evolution of the competitive advantage concept which stems from changes that occur in the conditions of functioning of a company. In the last part of the article an attempt was made to present the concept of an agile company as a response to the requirements of organization functioning and current potential source of competitive advantage.
In this publictaion the authors show the essential point of the strategy and stages of its creating in relation to the opinions of well-known theorists of the organisation and management science.
The questions related with forming of the readiness of the future teacher of higher school to the realization of the professional career and management of the staff of the educational establishment in the conditions of market relations are analyzed in the article. It turns out the value of strategy and strategic management of the staff in education, necessity for effective activity of both educational establishments on the whole and process of forming of the readiness of the future teacher of higher school to realization of the professional career in particular. In connection with a grant to the process of forming of readiness of future teachers of higher school to the professional career of one status of priority directions of activity of higher educational establishment in relation to preparation, there is a necessity to define the ways of her forming, namely: perfection of the organizationally-methodical providing of professional preparation of students, perfection of maintenance of professional preparation taking into account modern progress of corresponding industries, creation of environment, friendly to forming of readiness of young people to the professional career, introduction of interactive studies and innovative technology education, trends.At modern terms in the market relations of management a personnel on the whole and by the frames of society in particular planning and realization of strategy must become the constituents of this process. Thus it should be noted, important is an acceptance of higher school of understanding of that the strategic aims of frames of society can be realized only by a personnel that consists of a future teachercompetence. It is presently needed first of all fully to realize that clear strategy of management of higher educational establishment a personnel taking into account questions in relation to forming of readiness of graduating students of establishment to the professional career is a mortgage of his success. Will mark that existent schools of strategic management can be divided into three groups: conception of strategic deference to rank, conception of the strategic prevailing, conception of strategic parity. Conception of strategic deference to rank includes for itself the task of higher leaders to organization on the protracted period, skilled strategy, determination of forming trajectory and rational use of highly skilled shots. Conception of the strategic prevailing envisages the concordance of aims of guidance, possibilities of enterprise or educational establishment and interests of workers; an increase of motivation is in realization of the accepted program; forming of totality of requirements to the personnel and level of efficiency of his work, and also gives the detailed description of functions of management a personnel.
tom 7
nr 4
There is some ambivalence with regard to how to improve strategic management of organizations. On the one hand, the example of big companies emphasizes the need for formalization and good organization of strategic management process. On the other hand, the example of small companies draws attention to such qualities as entrepreneurship, flexibility and adaptability. The concept of strategic management maturity embraces both of these priorities. In this paper, a framework for strategic management maturity has been designed. Strategic management maturity was defined as a resultant of: strategic management process maturity and leadership maturity. Theoretical framework was tested on a sample of 150 Polish enterprises.
Content available remote The adaptation as a basic category of strategic management
The article presents the concept of adaptation as a basic category of strategic management. In the article were presented following issues: the definitions of adaptations, the types of adaptation, the strategic concept of organization adaptation and adaptation instruments.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie zagadnienia adaptacji jako podstawowej kategorii zarządzania strategicznego. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono przegląd definicji, określeń pojęcia adaptacji. W części drugiej ukazano rodzaje adaptacji. Część trzecia przedstawia strategiczny kontekst adaptacji organizacji i ostatecznie w części czwartej ukazano narzędzia adaptacji.
Content available Metoda identyfikacji podejść do strategii
During the time of sudden and unforeseen changes, a company may not assume a single strategy and indefinitely continue to pursue its objectives. The phenomenon of globalisation transforms the company environment, the company employees and the company itself. A question which must be asked is whether the individuals managing companies are aware that when they are making strategic decisions they are always following a certain perspective of strategy description. For that purpose, the author of this paper presents various approaches to strategy management – ranging from traditional to contemporary. Nonetheless, the overriding objective of this paper is the presentation of the author’s own method of identifying approaches to strategy in management or more broadly, in strategic management. The nature of the method is the allocation of points/scores to features which characterise a given company, and the subsequent assessment of these features by that company. Both values constitute a weighted value which in percentage terms depicts the approach structure to a strategy within the analysed entity. The research conducted (presented in the paper), despite the relatively limited number of subjects analysed, suggests to a certain extent that the method proposed may be used as a tool to classify a given entity in relation to the individual approaches to strategy.
Public relations is a critical profession in contemporary society, which is characterized by global interaction, relationships, and responsibility. Unfortunately, public relations has been institutionalized as a symbolic-interpretive activity that organizations use to exert their power over publics and to disguise the consequences of their behaviors from publics, governments, and the media. This article discusses an alternative role for public relations as a strategic management rather than a messaging activity. It presents a model of public relations in strategic management and examines research that elaborates segments of the model: environmental scanning, stakeholders and publics, issues and crises, scenario building, cultivating and evaluating relationships, tracing the effect of relationships on reputation, planning and evaluating communication programs strategically, and how digital media can be used to further the strategic management process. It concludes that research is needed on how public relations can be empowered and institutionalized as a strategic management activity.
Ciągłe poszerzenie obszarów działania przedsiębiorstw logistycznych, coraz mniejsza stabilność otoczenia, a także zaostrzająca się konkurencja sprawiają, że procesy decyzyjne stają się coraz bardziej złożone. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza decyzji strategicznych, których konsekwencje przedsiębiorstwa odczuwają latami. Wysokiej jakości dane są bezsprzecznie najważniejszą determinantą efektywności kluczowych decyzji. Niemniej, nie można też zaprzeczyć, że w dużej mierze bazują one na subiektywnych sądach oraz intuicji samych menedżerów. Kontekstem decyzyjnym dla tychże decyzji jest przecież przyszłość, której każdy może mieć odmienną wizję. Powoduje to, że wybory strategiczne nieodmiennie niosą ze sobą ogromne ryzyko. Tym bardziej, że na ich efekty niejednokrotnie trzeba czekać latami. Kiedy okazuje się, że były błędne, szybkie reagowanie często okazuje się bardzo utrudnione bądź niemożliwe. Źle ulokowane zasoby, źle wybrane rynki docelowe czy przeoczenie ważnej rynkowej szansy – mogą okazać się katastrofalne w skutkach. Dlatego menedżerowie nie ustają w poszukiwaniu najlepszej, w kontekście własnych potrzeb, metody wspierającej procesy decyzyjne. Prognozowanie przyszłych warunków funkcjonowania nie jest jednak łatwe w niepewnym świecie biznesu. Dla firm logistycznych, skutecznym sposobem przygotowywania się na rożne warianty przyszłości, może okazać się metoda scenariuszowa. Nie dostarcza ona gotowych decyzji, ale samego kontekstu, tła decyzyjnego, które może pozostawia szerokie pole do dyskusji na forum najwyższej kadry zarządzającej, a nawet całej organizacji. Dzięki temu więcej pracowników może zrozumieć strategiczne wybory firmy, a także samemu uczyć się dostrzegać słabe sygnały dużych zmian. Efektem wprowadzenia w przedsiębiorstwie logistycznym tej metody jest przede wszystkim głębsze zrozumienie, jak szacowane czynniki wzajemnie na siebie oddziałują, wywołując łańcuch określonych następstw. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie metody scenariuszowej w kontekście jej przydatności dla menedżerów logistyki.
The continuous expansion of logistics markets, unstable environment and growing competition, significantly complicates decision-making processes. It affects in particular strategic decisions, as future forecasting could be challenging in an uncertain business world. Admittedly, high quality data essentially determine efficiency of key decisions. However, to a large extent they are also based on manager’s subjective judgments and intuition. It, invariably, makes strategic decisions even more risky. Furthermore, the quality of strategic decision is verified, but only in the future – often quite distant. When it becomes clear that the decision was wrong, mostly it is already too late to change it. Decision-making errors can be catastrophic for the company, as they often lead to loss of market position. Counteracting the devastating effects often takes years, if at all possible. Therefore, managers continue looking for the best methods supporting decision-making processes. For logistics companies, an effective way of preparing for various future events, could be a scenario planning method. Its allows managers, not only an insight into the different variants of future scenarios, but above all, enables a deeper understanding of how the estimated factors interact, creating a chain of consequences. The scenarios do not provide decisions -they show context, decision making background, which can be discussed not only by top management, but the entire organization. It helps all employees understand company's strategic choices, and teaches them how to recognize the small signals of big changes. This article presents the scenario method in the context of its usefulness for logistics managers.
Content available remote The use of formal markets to optimize the of metals producers
tom T. 15, z. 4
The papers presents the posibility of the use of hedging to optimize the profitability of Polish copper and silver producer by choosing optimal for KGHM volume and structure of production.
W artykukule zaprezentowano program optymalizacyjny, który umożliwia producentom metali maksymalizację zysków poprzez wykorzystanie transakcji giełdowych. Przedstawiono również na przykładzie KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. weryfikację empiryczną takiego programu. W programie poszukiwano wielkości produkcji miedzi i srebra, która, przy istniejących kosztach i innych barierach rozwoju, pozwala na osiągnięcie maksymalnego zysku ze sprzedaży przy zagwarantowanych (hedge) cenach światowych miedzi i srebra. Maksymalizowana funkcja kryterialna, opracowana została na podstawie formuły sprzedaży koncentratów Net Smelter Return, w której zamiast wynegocjowanych opłat hutniczych i rafinacyjnych przyjęto rzeczywisty koszt przerobu hutniczego 1 tony koncentratu. [...] Przedstawione wyniki rozwiązań optymalizacyjnych wskazują na możliwość uzyskiwania wyższego zysku przez KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. po wprowadzeniu zaproponowanego programu optymalizacyjnego. Podkreślenia wymaga fakt, że w zaproponowanym algorytmie wszelkie zaistniałe korzyści nie powstały pod wpływem dokonanych nakładów inwestycyjnych, lecz są wynikiem wykorzystania poziomu i relacji cen światowych w procesie zarządzania i planowania produkcją. Program ten nie jest modelem zamkniętym, lecz może być rozbudowany o dalsze nowe elementy, które oddziałują na poziom zysku ze sprzedaży, np. ceny światowe ołowiu.
tom R. 55, nr 3
Potencjał przedsiębiorstwa i pozycjonowanie działalności są podstawowymi źródłami przewagi konkurencyjnej. Wyróżnia się pozycjonowanie sektorowe i portfelowe. W pozycjonowaniu sektorowym, to znaczy dotyczącym jednego rodzaju działalności analizuje się obecnych i potencjalnych konkurentów, nabywców, dostawców oraz produkty substytucyjne. W pozycjonowaniu portfelowym, dotyczącym wielu rodzajów działalności analizuje się na macierzach dwie cechy, z których jedna charakteryzuje produkt lub przedsiębiorstwo, a druga rynek lub jego segment. W pozycjonowaniu sektorowym i portfelowym wykorzystuje się także inne metody analizy, z których najbardziej rozpowszechnioną jest analiza silnych i słabych stron przedsiębiorstwa oraz szans i zagrożeń w otoczeniu (SWOT/TOWS).
Potential of a company and positioning of its activities are the main source of competitive advantage. There is sectorial positioning and portfolio positioning. In sectorial positioning, referring to one type of activity, they analyse present and potential competitors, buyers, suppliers and substitution products. In portfolio positioning, referring to many types of activities, they analyse two features on the matrix, one of which characterizes product or a company, and the second one market or its segment. In sectorial and portfolio positioning some other methods are used. Most common is the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of a company together with opportunities and threats in the environment (SWOT/TOWS).
tom T. 23, z. 3
Artykuł stanowi analizę podejmowanych przez przedsiębiorstwa działań strategicznych, mających na celu doskonalenie form zarządzania, tworzenia nowych struktur i zapewnienia ich stałego rozwoju. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na strategie wyszczuplania lub integracji dające nowe możliwości rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa i zapewniające jego sprawne funkcjonowanie. Każdą z tych opcji charakteryzują zalety i wady, dlatego też wybór jednej z nich wymaga szczegółowej analizy warunków, w których funkcjonuje przedsiębiorstwo. Na przykładzie firmy górniczej sektora miedziowego przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania strategii wyszczuplania.
The paper analyses the corporate strategic activity aimed to improve the management, form new structures and ensure the continuous development. Special attention was paid on lean and integration strategies giving new opportunities for company development and its efficient operation. Each option has weak and strong sides, thus choosing one of them needs detailed analyze of company environment. The lean strategy for copper mining company was presented as a case study.
tom T. 12, z. 1
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę z zakresu zarządzania strategicznego odnośnie strategii, jej istoty, procesu formułowania oraz realizacji, a także praktycznego znaczenia w długookresowym rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa energetycznego. Ze względu na bardzo szeroki zakres poruszanych zagadnień przedstawione zostały tylko kluczowe elementy przedmiotowej tematyki. W świetle trwającego obecnie globalnego kryzysu ekonomicznego myślenie strategiczne zostało przywołane jako jeden z najistotniejszych czynników, którego zaniedbania doprowadziły do dzisiejszej sytuacji w światowej gospodarce. W niniejszym opracowaniu przypomniane zostały cele istnienia przedsiębiorstwa energetycznego (z podaniem ich hierarchii), omówiona została istota strategii, a także podstawowe narzędzie służące realizacji strategii jakim jest planowanie. W artykule scharakteryzowane zostały również poszczególne etapy przygotowania, a następnie realizacji strategii w przedsiębiorstwie energetycznym.
The paper presents theoretical issues associated with strategicmanagement with specific reference to developing strategy: formulation process, completion and practical use in long-term development of energy companies. Due to broad issues related to this topic, only the key-elements were presented in the paper. In the context of current global scale economical crisis strategic thinking has been pointed out as one of themost important reasons for the present status quo. Gross negligence in this area have brought to today's very difficult situation in the world economy. This paper focuses on the most important goals of the energy company existence with its hierarchy, idea of strategy thinking and also the planning process as the main tool of implementing the strategy. This article includes presentation and characterization of all stages of preparation, implementation, controlling and finally improving the strategy in an energy company.
On the basis of scientific sources study and empiric material analysis an idea of efficiency of administrative competence formation of future high school teacher which depends on totality of pedagogical terms in which it takes places offered in the article. The following pedagogical terms are offered: creation of the comfortable educational environment based on pedagogical co-operation, collaboration and co-creation of a teacher and students; the monitoring research of dynamics of future teachers administrative competence formation on the basis of qualimetric approach; technologization on the basis of qualimetric approach;technologization of administrative competence of future teacher on the basis of programmed-purpose management; strengthening of practical constituent of future teachers’ master's degree preparation by the use of the innovative educational and methodical providing. During masters’ pedagogical practice there is not only verification of theoretical and practical preparation to independent teaching work but also wide possibilities for realization of personality creative potential individual internals. Pedagogical practice promotes forming master’s creative attitude toward future professional activity, to administrative competence forming as major quality of modern high school teacher. Modernisation of pedagogical practice realization is related to deployment of innovative pedagogical technologies in combination with traditional forms and methods of studies This article analyzes issues related to the training of the future high school teacher as for realization of their professional career and personnel management of the institution in market conditions. The value strategy and strategic human resource management education necessary for the institution efficient activity and the process of readiness formation of the future high school teacher to professional careerwas shown in the article.
tom Nr 37
In the article has been presented marketing strategy in polish meat industry in last years. This article contains the theoretical aspects of marketing strategy. The author has made an investigation of conditions, has tried defining goals and objectives in one of the capital group in polish meat industry.
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