Purpose: The paper aims to assess difficulties in ensuring justice in temporary teams. Three research questions were asked: do managers think that ensuring justice in temporary teams is difficult?; which determinants of a sense of justice in temporary teams do managers consider the most difficult/easiest?; is the degree of difficulty associated with ensuring each of the four types of justice in the work of the temporary team the same? Design/methodology/approach: The survey was carried out in June and July of 2021. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to assess the statistical significance of differences in the difficulty level in ensuring justice in temporary teams. Findings: Managers ranked distributive justice as the most difficult to provide, followed by procedural justice, informational justice and interpersonal justice, respectively. Respondents ranked 4 factors as the most difficult to provide: the information needed for the work of the temporary team is provided just in time; each member of the temporary team is appreciated (tangibly and intangibly) according to their contribution to the team, the task team (as a whole) is appreciated, tangibly and intangibly, according to the effort put into the task and a temporary team leader will customize communication to suit the individual needs of members of the temporary team. Research limitations/implications: The first limitation is related to the research sample. Entities from a few selected industries were included. The second limitation is related to the fact that temporary teams differ, and sometimes these differences are significant. Another limitation is the composition of the research group. It included managers. In order to fully recognize the situation, it would be necessary to know the opinions of other employees. Practical implications: The results of the research may be helpful for managers in various types of organizations. They allow for a better understanding of temporary teams' regulations. In addition, they indicate those issues that should be given special attention in order to manage such teams reasonably. Originality/value: Although the topic of teamwork appears in academic publications, only a few relate justice in temporary work teams. This paper deals with this topic and focuses on difficulties with fair team management.
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The paper presents a meta-analysis of the relations between various types of organizational justice and various types of organizational citizenship behaviour. Additionally, the relation between counterproductive workplace behaviour has been tested. The results have confirmed relations between general organizational justice and two types of organizational citizenship behaviour: directed to the individual and directed to the organization. The research has also confirmed the existence of relations between organizational citizenship behaviour generalized and both procedural and interactional justice.
W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki meta-analizy w zakresie relacji pomiędzy sprawiedliwością organizacyjną (uogólnioną, proceduralną, dystrybutywną i interakcyjną) a różnymi rodzajami zachowań etosowych oraz zachowań przeciwskutecznych w organizacji. Wyniki potwierdziły charakter relacji, jednakże nie wszystkie korelacje miały spodziewane znaczenie statystyczne. Wyniki potwierdziły relację pomiędzy uogólniona sprawiedliwością społeczną oraz dwoma rodzajami zachowań etosowych w organizacji: skierowanymi do współpracowników oraz skierowanymi wobec organizacji. Nie potwierdzono spodziewanej silnej zależności pomiędzy sprawiedliwością organizacyjną dystrybutywną a zachowaniami etosowymi zorientowanymi na organizację. Wskazano natomiast szczególne znaczenie sprawiedliwości interakcyjnej w osiąganiu wydajności indywidualnej pracowników, która wykracza poza role społeczne.
Purpose: There is a shortage of satisfactory empirical evidence confirming unequivocally that companies’ efforts in the field of talent management have a positive impact on the attitudes and behavior of organizations’ members. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to determine the impact of talent management practices on the work engagement of talented employees. Furthermore, the study verifies the role of perceived distributive justice as a mechanism explaining analysed relationship, as well as the role of perceived procedural justice as a factor determining the level of work engagement. Design/methodology/approach: Conclusions were drawn based on a survey involving 730 participants of talent management programmes from 33 companies. Findings: The conducted analyses showed that talent management practices have a direct and indirect impact on the work engagement of talented employees and that perceived procedural justice moderates the relationship between perceived distributive justice and work engagement. Research limitations/implications: There are a number of factors that can affect employees’ reactions to talent management, including company policies, business strategies, and leadership styles of supervisors. It was beyond the scope of this study to investigate such factors, but this would be an interesting direction of future research. Practical implications: Managers can implement the talent management programmes with the confidence that they will enhance the work engagement of talented employees. It is important that the process of nominating and selecting employees for such a programme is objective and transparent, and that all candidates have equal opportunities. In addition to fostering talents, managers should show concern for other employees. In this way, organizations can stimulate a feeling of organisational support in the entire staff, while making disproportionate investments in human resources. Originality/value: The paper contributes to management science by deepening the understanding of employees’ reactions to talent management and, consequently, extends knowledge about the results of this process at the individual level. This type of study seems necessary in the face of the growing number of authors who take for granted the positive impact of talent manage 34 ment on the attitudes and behavior of employees.
When the individual exercises a function in society, due to his or her efforts at work, he or she manifests multiple emotions that translate into behaviour. In recent years, the study of organisational behaviour has been a topic of interest in the economic and administrative sciences. Due to the importance of studying the elements that makeup employee behaviour, the objective was to analyse the influence of the dimensions that make up perceived justice, such as distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice, on job satisfaction and turnover intention. The data obtained from five hundred fifty-five workers in Mexico's food industry were analysed using the structural equation technique by CB-SEM. The results suggest a correlation between all the variables in the study. In this respect, it should be noted that there are positive relationships among distributive, interactional, job satisfaction and distributive justices on turnover intention. The results suggest the importance of considering business practices that enrich the feelings of justice among employees to avoid developing negative feelings towards the company that may result in job abandonment.
Kiedy jednostka pełni funkcję w społeczeństwie, dzięki wysiłkowi w pracy, przejawia wiele emocji, które przekładają się na zachowanie. W ostatnich latach badanie zachowań organizacyjnych było przedmiotem zainteresowania nauk ekonomicznych i administracyjnych. Ze względu na wagę badania elementów składających się na zachowanie pracowników, celem było przeanalizowanie wpływu wymiarów składających się na postrzeganą sprawiedliwość, takich jak sprawiedliwość dystrybutywna, sprawiedliwość proceduralna i sprawiedliwość interakcji, na satysfakcję z pracy i intencję rotacji. Pięćset pięćdziesięciu pięciu pracowników w badaniu przemysłu spożywczego w Meksyku, a dane zostały przeanalizowane przy użyciu techniki równań strukturalnych CBSEM. Wyniki sugerują korelację między wszystkimi zmiennymi w badaniu. W związku z tym należy zauważyć, że istnieją pozytywne relacje między sprawiedliwością dystrybutywną a sprawiedliwością interakcyjną, między satysfakcją z pracy i między sprawiedliwością dystrybucyjną dotyczącą intencji rotacji. Wyniki sugerują, jak ważne jest rozważenie praktyk biznesowych, które wzbogacają poczucie sprawiedliwości wśród pracowników, aby uniknąć rozwijania negatywnych uczuć wobec firmy, które mogą skutkować porzuceniem pracy.
While compensation is a central component in the relationship between employees and employers, it is a relatively under-researched area within human resource management and industrial-organisational psychology. Instead, where much of the compensation research has occurred is within the disciplines of economics and finance, areas where agency theory dominates. This article explores the relationship between culture and compensation practices through the lens of organisational justice theory and contrasts the role of distributive justice with the more recent procedural and interactional justice theories. The article articulates how fairness perceptions are instrumental in determining which compensation practices fit different cultures. The consideration of individual perception is important as there is considerable variability within cultures and many organisations have to deal with increasingly multicultural workforces. A particular contribution of this paper is that it explicitly discusses justice perceptions as an explanatory variable of the relationship between culture and compensation practices, something that frequently has been omitted in prior scholarship. The article further explores the extent to which employee participation in compensation decisions may modify perceptions of fairness, and subsequently how this participation effect may be modified by culture.
Mimo że wynagrodzenie stanowi istotny komponent w relacji pomiędzy pracownikami a ich pracodawcą, w badaniach z zakresu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi oraz psychologii industrialnej i organizacyjnej wciąż nie przykłada się do nich wystarczającej wagi. Dziedzinami, w których poświęca się temu zagadnieniu najwięcej miejsca, są ekonomia i finanse, czyli obszary, w których dominują teorie agencyjne przedsiębiorstwa. W artykule zaprezentowano powiązania pomiędzy kulturą a praktykami wynagradzania z perspektywy teorii sprawiedliwości, a także zestawiono rolę teorii sprawiedliwości dystrybutywnej z bardziej aktualną teorią proceduralną oraz sprawiedliwości interakcyjnej. Wskazano, w jaki sposób postrzeganie sprawiedliwości determinuje dopasowanie praktyk wynagradzania w stosunku do różnych kultur. Uwzględnienie opinii jednostkowego pracownika w tym zakresie nabiera znaczenia, gdyż istotnie zmienia się w zależności od kultury narodowej, a coraz więcej organizacji ma do czynienia ze wzrostem liczby pracowników wywodzących się z różnych kręgów kulturowych. Dokładnie przeanalizowano także postrzeganie sprawiedliwości jako zmiennej objaśniającej związek pomiędzy kulturą a praktykami wynagradzania, co często było pomijane we wcześniejszych pracach badawczych. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę, jak partycypacja pracownicza w zakresie wynagradzania może wpływać na postrzeganie sprawiedliwości, a następnie – jak stopień partycypacji może być modyfikowany przez kulturę.
Purpose: Temporary teams are created to perform a specific task, e.g., to implement a project or solve a problem. They are dissolved when the goal is achieved or the set time has elapsed. The study's primary purpose was to identify the most critical challenges managers should pay attention to manage temporary teams effectively and fairly. Design/methodology/approach: The study covered 110 managers from medium and large enterprises - all having practical experience in the functioning of temporary teams. The study adopted a modified Colquitt scale and used the importance-performance analysis technique. Findings: Factors influencing the sense of fair treatment among participants of this type of team were identified. Experienced managers assessed: the impact of each of these factors on the success of the temporary team and the degree of difficulty involved in providing each of these factors. On this basis, eight challenges for managers have been identified, i.e. factors which, on the one hand, are very important and, on the other hand, difficult to ensure. Research limitations/implications: The potential limitation of the study concerns the fact that it covers enterprises from the high-tech industry. Employees of public organizations or other industries may perceive justice differently. The research considered two variables that may affect the success of temporary teams' work. A different type and/or a more significant number of variables may contribute to a better understanding of this issue and the holistic approach. Elements related to relations, as well as ethical and moral issues, are worth paying attention to. It seems that the last ones belong to the commonly emphasized matters; hence they can be perceived as functioning, obligatory, and as relating somewhat to the individual leaders-team members relations, while those seen as more difficult as relating to relations within the group or between the leaders and the whole group. Originality/value: We see value in relating the issue of equity to interim teams and identifying challenges to its application by managers.
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In recent years, several universities have implemented the accomplishments of the industrial revolution (4.0) in education. This demonstrates the importance of talent retention in the workplace, and brilliant individuals are seen as one of competitive advantage. Managers should have suitable talent management plans because talented individuals are scarce, valuable, and hard to substitute. Through the characteristics that leadership styles will affect, such as reward and recognition, learning orientation, and organizational justice, it will provide the organization with a perspective on the members' feelings about the factors affecting the intention to work long-term at higher education institutions. As a result, the authors propose exploring the talent retention model through leadership styles, which will impact the aspects that employees in an organization feel would be interesting and relevant to them. The authors to guide this study will conduct two phases: qualitative research and quantitative research. To investigate the fundamental factors of leadership style behavior, relating to the talent retention strategy of university leaders in Vietnam, qualitative research will be conducted on 8 universities in three regions. North, Central, and South of Vietnam by semi-structured interview method after interview questions with 8 leaders representing higher education institutions. Quantitative research will be conducted by gathering data from lecturers, researchers from organizations in order to test hypotheses based on the findings of qualitative research.
Celem projektu była weryfikacja modelu zamiaru opuszczenia organizacji w oparciu o zmienne organizacyjne związane ze współpracą przełożony–podwładny. W badaniu wzięło udział 477 pracowników jednej z organizacji. Postrzegane przez pracownika wsparcie otrzymywane od organizacji (POS) częściowo pośredniczyło między sprawiedliwością dystrybucyjną a przywiązaniem emocjonalnym oraz chęcią odejścia z organizacji. Postrzegane wsparcie ze strony organizacji było również częściowym mediatorem w relacji między postrzeganym wsparciem otrzymywanym od przełożonego (PSS) a przywiązaniem emocjonalnym i chęcią opuszczenia organizacji. Konstatowane wsparcie udzielane przez przełożonego całkowicie pośredniczyło między sprawiedliwością interpersonalną a przywiązaniem emocjonalnym do organizacji, postrzeganym wsparciem udzielanym przez organizację oraz chęcią jej opuszczenia.
The aim of the study was to verify the model of intent to quit the organization on the basis of organizational variables related to cooperation between the superior and the employee. A total of 477 employees from a single organization took part in the study. In part, perceived organizational support (POS) mediated between distributive justice and emotional commitment as well as intent to quit the organization. In the same vein, perceived organizational support was a partial mediator in relations between perceived supervisor support (PSS) and emotional commitment as well as intent to quit the organization. Moreover, perceived supervisor support totally mediated between interpersonal justice and perceived organizational support, emotional commitment as well as intent to quit the organization.
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Celem artykułu jest ukazanie i wyjaśnienie, w jaki sposób pozytywne cechy pracowników (kapitał psychologiczny), tj. optymizm, nadzieja, odporność i poczucie samoskuteczności, a także relacje wymiany pracownik-przełożony wyzwalają gotowość jednostek do podejmowania aktywności wykraczającej poza formalnie zdefiniowaną rolę zawodową. Przesłanki teoretyczne wskazują, że dyspozycje jednostek, podobnie jak relacje pracowników z przełożonymi mogą stanowić dobry predyktor zachowań jedynie w sytuacjach, gdy jako zmienne pośredniczące (mediatory) ujmuje się postawy jednostek. Na podstawie analizy dotychczasowego dorobku badawczego skonstruowano model teoretyczny, zawierający bezpośrednie i pośrednie (mediująca rola sprawiedliwości organizacyjnej i satysfakcji z pracy) związki przyczynowe, który następnie poddano empirycznej weryfikacji. Na postawie badań na populacji 226 osób wykazano, że kapitał psychologiczny i LMX w sposób umiarkowany korelują z zachowaniami obywatelskimi (OCB). Okazuje się jednak, że zmienne te wyjaśniają OCB w sposób pośredni, poprzez mediację sprawiedliwości organizacyjnej i satysfakcji z pracy. Wykazano jednocześnie, że zmienną bezpośrednio tłumacząco zachowania obywatelskie jest satysfakcja z pracy.
The purpose of this article is to describe and explain how the positive qualities characterizing employees, e.g. optimism, hope, resilience, self-efficacy (defined as Psychological Capital) and relations, referred to as Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), enable to forecast the readiness of employees to engage in behaviors exceeding the frames of formal work duties. The reference literature indicate that dispositions of an individual, similarly to relations with supervisors, may provide a good factor for forecasting work behaviors, however, only if the attitudes of employees are intermediate variables. Consequently, a hypothetical model of linear dependencies was established, where Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction were mediators of relations between independent variables and a dependent variable. The model was then subject to empirical verification. The conducted analyses (based on 226 surveys) show significantly small correlations between Psychological Capital and LMX and an OCB. Nevertheless, these variables explain well the readiness to engage in behaviours exceeding the frames of work duties, if Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction are applied as complementary mediators. At the same time, it was indicated that the variable, which directly explains employee citizenship behaviors is job satisfaction.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problem of sustainability of public-sector organizational networks on the example of common courts and what it implies for further research. Methodology: The study used qualitative research tools in the form of structured interviews. Interviews were conducted with 36 presidents and directors of common courts. After conducting and transcribing each interview, their content was analyzed to capture data related to network durability. Based on the proposed methodology, 5 elements of network sustainability were distinguished: goal continuity, reliability, communication, network capability, fairness. Findings: It was found that the judiciary has the potential to take advantage of network cooperation mechanisms, which may involve different relationships and interactions. However, after the pilot project, voluntary court networks formed during the implementation of the project gradually dissolved, ceased to exist. The identification of the elements of network was an additional outcome of the analysis of the results of a pilot study PWP Edukacja w dziedzinie zarządzania czasem i kosztami postępowań – case management. Originality/value: Research on the networking of public organizations, and in particular common courts, is still a cognitive gap. The results of research carried out for the purposes of the article are trying to fill this gap. within the study, the causes of failures in maintaining network relationships in common orchards were identified.
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