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Today, more and more companies and insurance companies lead activity under the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. Involvement in resolving local problems and activities typing in the principles of sustainable development improves the company image and competitiveness. In Poland, among the socially responsible actions taken by insurance are focused on education, art and culture support and improve safety. Companies also conduct environmental policy. They management of waste and water management. Insurance companies are subjects which every day create dialog with business. That’s why they should be actively involved in promoting concept of social responsibility.
The subject of responsibility has lately become very important in the context of the economic crisis. In economy, it took the form of social responsibility. It concerns activities additionally undertaken by organizations in order to establish correct relations with their employees and society, as well as with regard to the natural environment. Therefore, a very important role is played by the ethos of the undertaken socially responsible actions. To a large extent it is reflected in the ethical dimension. Thus, in enterprises, codes of ethics have become a base of axiology in building of the organization cultures. Unfortunately, Polish companies – as shown in the paper – still attach a minor role to the ethical dimension of business.
The performance and development of an organisation depends not only on the organisation itself, but – to an increasing extent – on its relationships with its surroundings. This also refers to cross-sector relationships outside the world of business. Thus, the purpose of the article is to analyse the cross-sector collaboration between public administration and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and to highlight its fundamental terms and conditions, e.g. trust and social responsibility. The more honesty there is in such relations, the more trust and willingness to co-operate there arises in both parties. The analysed model of collaboration between public administration and NGOs seems to be a helpful tool for the development of collaboration based on social responsibility.
The main goal of this article is to present the contemporary designer’s profession in the scope of its personal definition of ethic and social responsibility. In order to deal with, it will be showed some empirical data from own sociological research conducted among Polish professional designers. The opinions have described their attitude to the problem and made possible endeavoured to place collected opinions in broader, relational context of this profession. To bring more clearity to the matter, there will be also presented the definition of design, differentiation of roles undertaken by contemporary designers and their influence on shaping the material environment of human life.
This paper discusses the performance and strategies of banks with foreign participation in the new EU Member States and their attitudes towards socalled ‘socially responsible finance’. The banking sector in the analyzed countries (Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia) is dominated by foreign capital. The global financial crisis caused a decrease in new annual FDI inflows into the financial intermediation and banking sector of these countries. Some disinvestment occurred in Slovakia and Poland. The foreign-owned banks already operating in the analyzed countries undertook some organizational and financial adjustments to the global economic crisis that allowed them to secure their own position in recipient countries. They are involved in socially responsible activities in the field of culture, sport, environmental protection etc. As trust-based financial institutions. they also showed a kind of responsibility in the field of finance when the crisis occurred.
Introduction. Under the current economical and globalization conditions, companies in Latvia have to be aware of the importance of the enterprises' social responsibility in the formation of a successful long term development, efficient working environment and company's publicity.Aim of the Study. This study investigates the relationship between organizational values and sensitivity to corporate social responsibility among current employees and business students.Materials and Methods. This study investigates the relationship between organizational values and sensitivity to corporate social responsibility among current employees and business students. Using questionnaire of values' orientations and test of business ethic development, survey data was collected from employees and business students.Results. The results of the study reveal some employee groups that are remarkably different in relation to social responsibility, as well as practicing workers and managers have more social responsible values than current business students.Conclusions. The necessity to facilitate the role of social responsibility in the society and entrepreneurship environment has to be placed at the top of the list of the tasks for higher educational institutions.
The purpose of this paper is to draw to the attention of those involved in marketing - scientists, educators, researchers, marketers, and professionals dealing with the implementation of marketing processes - the responsibility which rests upon them in the face of rapid social change worldwide through increasing global economic turbulence, a continuously widening gap between rich and poor societies as well as the galloping degradation of the natural environment. The paper is a critical analysis and literature review of marketing covering recent studies on marketing issues in relation to the concept of sustainability. Faced with increasing criticisms of a one-dimensional profit driven approach, the marketing concept requires rebranding to address issues of sustainability. Intense strategic discussion is required concerning the need to change attitudes that promote and implement modern marketing, starting from changes in the consumption model through the creation of commercial proposals, which will positively shape the future of both market exchange and social life. Moreover, it is postulated that marketers present to consumers an attitude of active and responsible management, as well as openness and honesty in market communication. The article introduces discussion on sustainable marketing and its fundamental importance in the development of marketing theory in Poland; taking into account current debates voiced in Poland - often based on imprecise interpretation of the marketing process. There exists therefore, a need for a thorough analysis and standardisation of understanding marketing theory and consequently the introduction of new concepts and new practices into the marketing process.
The pension system in its functioning and activity should be legitimized as an actual condition in performing specific tasks in accordance with the general requirements and expectations attributed to the pension system. In the case of institutions of the pension system, legitimacy should concern both the organization of the system itself ensuring the implementation of basic tasks, e.g. ensuring system security, guaranteeing the solvency of certain benefits, etc., as well as organizations at the level of individual institutions (public and private). The aim of the article is to analyze the issue of legitimizing the pension system from the point of view of institutions operating in the pension system. The article is teoretical and presents a model enabling understanding of the significant problem of legitimization against the background of functioning pension institutions. The study presents the adaptation of the conceptual (semantic) apparatus to the analysis of the legitimacy of the pension system.
System emerytalny w swoim funkcjonowaniu i działalności powinien cechować się legitymizacją jako faktycznym warunkiem w wykonywaniu określonych zadań zgodnych z ogólnymi wymogami i oczekiwaniami przypisywanymi systemowi emerytalnemu. W przypadku instytucji systemu emerytalnego, legitymizacja powinna dotyczyć zarówno samej organizacji systemu zapewniającego realizację podstawowych zadań, np. zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa działania systemu, gwarantowanie wypłacalności określonych świadczeń itp., jak też organizacji na poziomie poszczególnych instytucji (publicznych i prywatnych). Celem artykułu jest analiza zagadnienia legitymizacji systemu emerytalnego z punktu widzenia instytucji działających w systemie emerytalnym. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny i przedstawia model umożliwiający zrozumienie istotny problemu legitymizacji na tle funkcjonujących instytucji emerytalnych. Opracowanie przedstawia przystosowanie aparatu pojęciowego (znaczeniowego) do analizy legitymizacji systemu emerytalnego.
For several decades the health care service in Poland has been an institution at the centre of attention of both those in power and society as a whole. There are many reasons for this interest, ranging from the economic aspect to the national social policy sphere. This article provides an insight into health issues in Poland from a slightly different perspective. It contains an analysis of the institutions of the health care system in Poland in terms of its multidimensional social responsibility as a special kind of obligation to all community members. It highlights social responsibility as a modern tool for managing contemporary organisations, including public ones. The study also includes an analysis of the range of opportunities to make demands on the management of healthcare services in the field of health security. The health care system in Poland is one of the most strategically important fields for the state's social policy, which has recently been confronted with probably the greatest test in the post-war history of this country. It is becoming increasingly common among practitioners and experts in the social sciences to use the concept of health security as an integral part of designing the state's internal security strategy. The author also considers the health care system as a set of institutions constituting one of the greatest organisational challenges for both effective social policy and Poland's internal security in the years to come.
The burden of social responsibility is on the pharmaceutical industry. It is producing drugs and medical equipment which have to fulfill high quality standards, because they are very important from society point of view. The main business activity of pharmaceutical companies can be assessed as doing something good. However, a lot of drug producers are also involved in other ways of working for public wellness. There are using a great range of the instruments and programs to manage the corporate social responsibility. The article describes the results of 31 in-depth interviews with the pharmaceutical sales representatives conducted between the June – November 2007. It shows what problems can be created during organizing: charity action, white Sundays, conferences for physicians and other pro bono events. It explains how such actions can meet with public opinion accusations. The main aim of this paper is to answer the questions: What are the advantages of realizing CSR for pharmaceutical companies? Is it true that this conception is used as a marketing tool by drug producers? What the pharmaceutical sales representatives think about charity actions that are conducted in their companies?
The interest of the contemporary companies is not only in the fulfillment of social responsibility rules but also in the ways to reliably inform the community about their ‘ethical face’. Such possibility is created by, functioning in economy, systems of awarding certificates, distinctions, prizes etc. (e.g. Przejrzysta Polska, SA 8000, Filary Polskiej Gospodarki, Gender Index, Firma Fair Play etc.). The article characterizes and performs a comparative analysis of the most important initiatives of this kind in Poland.
Objectives: The Law on Higher Education and Science as well as the Universities’ Declaration of Social Responsibility promotes the application of the principles of social responsibility in all areas of universities’ activity. These rules are of particular importance during the pandemic, when the crucial fields of universities’ functions are at risk. The article aims at evaluating the actions that the Humanitas University in Sosnowiec has taken during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The adaptation of these activities to the COVID-19 crisis determines the ability to adjust to the challenges of the environment in which the University operates. In the longer term, it also contributes to how the stakeholders assess the extent to which the University implements the idea of social responsibility. Research Design & Methods: This article applies a case-study method. It covers the analysis and synthesis of the activities undertaken by the Humanitas University in Sosnowiec within the researched period. Collecting information employed the analysis of the University’s website, document analysis, survey, in-depth interviews, and participatory observation. Findings: The conducted analyses revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant limitations made it possible to develop new forms of crisis management at the University. Internal and external stakeholders have adapted to this new organisational situation. The inclusion of social responsibility rules into the functioning of the University enabled it to preserve its values in both internal and external relations. Implications / Recommendations: The University has implemented the developed recommendations. This allowed the University to proceed with teaching and maintain actions directed to its socio-economic environment, all of which happened with the use of the University’s social responsibility principles. Thus, these solutions can serve as a model for other universities facing disruptions deriving from crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Contribution / Value Added: Our research outcomes contribute to the development of management-related knowledge on how to deal with a crisis in higher education. We identify a significant source of the added value in the considerations on how the implementation of social responsibility rules might protect a university against the unexpected and sudden distortions in its global environment.
Punktem wyjścia rozważań są trzy podstawowe aspekty działalności przedsiębiorstwa: organizacyjny, prawny i ekonomiczny. W części 1 artykułu przedstawiono ekonomiczne i społeczne skutki funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa, które pozostają w sferze zainteresowania nie tylko poszczególnych jednostek, ale też różnego rodzaju organizacji. W części 2 artykułu zaprezentowane są poglądy na temat społecznej misji i odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstwa. W osiąganiu celów ekonomicznych dostrzega się nie tylko realizację interesów właścicieli, ale też przejaw społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstwa wobec wielu grup związanych swoimi interesami z przedsiębiorstwem.
The starting point for the author’s reflections are three basic aspects of the business, an aspect of organizational, legal and economic. In Part 1 of the article the author presents the economic and social impact of company performance, which are of interest not only individuals but also organizations of various kinds. In Part 2 of the article presents views on the social mission and responsibilities of the company. In achieving the objectives of economic recognizes not only the implementation of the interests of owners, but also a manifestation of social responsibility of business-to-many groups related to their interests with the company.
Protestujemy, bo nie chcemy tu zakładu przetwarzania odpadów – mówi sołtys niewielkiej wsi w woj. śląskim. Z kolei mieszkańcy wsi na Opolszczyźnie przez siedem dni protestowali przeciwko zamiarom prowadzenia w sąsiedztwie ich domów recyklingu odpadów z tworzyw sztucznych. Obecnie do opinii publicznej trafia bardzo dużo informacji ukazujących niezadowolenie i wściekłość społeczności lokalnych w związku z planowanymi lub działającymi składowiskami albo inwestycjami mogącymi mieć negatywny wpływ na swoje otoczenie. Co ważne, wielu z tych sytuacji można by uniknąć lub chociaż zniwelować ich negatywne skutki. Jak? Świadomie zarządzając relacjami z interesariuszami. W osiągnięciu tego celu pomoże osiem wskazówek.
Currently, long-term performance of a company is closely related to the overall impact of its actions, therefore an increasing importance is assigned to the concept of social responsibility within organizational strategy. This orientation that also characterizes the Romanian business environment, due sometimes to the European imperative, other times based on different reasons, is the subject of a large Romanian - Belgian research project. It generally aims to obtain answers on, among others, the level of knowledge and way of perceiving social responsibility, practices and actions, differences between activity sectors, procedures’ application and quantification of CSR effects. In this article a part of the outcomes of the documentation process, related to assigned meanings, types of activities and CSR practices are grouped, sorted and systemized. Both the interest for this concept in the literature and its place and support in reality outlined the importance of this area, as an argument to the initiated approach.
Długotrwałe funkcjonowanie firmy jest obecnie ściśle związane z oddziaływaniem jej działalności. W związku z tym coraz większego znaczenia nabiera koncepcja społecznej odpowiedzialności w ramach strategii organizacyjnej. Orientacja ta, która charakteryzuje także otoczenie biznesu Rumunii, również ze względu na wymogi europejskie, oparta jest na różnych przesłankach, które są przedmiotem dużego rumuńsko-belgijskiego projektu badawczego. Jego głównym celem jest uzyskanie informacji na temat poziomu wiedzy na temat odpowiedzialności społecznej i sposobu jej postrzegania, praktyk i działań, różnic między sektorami działalności, zastosowania procedur i kwantyfikacji wpływu CSR. W artykule pogrupowano i usystematyzowano część wyników badań nad znaczeniem i praktykami procesu dokumentowania CSR. Dokonano przeglądu literatury na temat CSR oraz przedstawiono zastosowania tej koncepcji.
The modern university, responsible for conducting research and teaching, is especially responsible towards the society. Current articles that refer to the social responsibility of the university focus either on its social, economic, environmental and educational aspects, or on an institutional or systematic level. Authors noticed a lack of articles that refer to an important factor of being socially responsible - the ability and willingness to perform coopetition. Coopetition, also known as a cooperation with competitors, is widely known within the business community. Authors find it suitable also to the academic circles, hence universities can create alliances, compete for resources while cooperating at the same time. The article is based on the analysis of six case studies of socially responsible universities located in USA, Turkey, New Zealand, Oman, Romania and Poland. The aim of the article is to diagnose the state of the art in the area of university social responsibility and to fill the gap through reflections towards coopetition of the universities. Authors stated three research questions: who are universities responsible to? under what circumstances do they become socially responsible? and what are the dominant practices of socially responsible university? The article closes with a remark that coopetition among universities may be the first step in the process of their consolidation that may be observed in Europe. Authors find this observation a reason to consider the extension of the definition of university social responsibility with the advantages of coopetition.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu, która jest określana jako dobrowolne włączanie aspektów społecznych oraz środowiskowych wykraczających poza zakres obowiązujących aktów prawnych do działalności gospodarczej firm oraz ich kontaktów z interesariuszami. Rosnące zainteresowanie tą koncepcją znalazło wyraz w dokumentach normatywnych, w standardzie Social Accountability 8000 i opublikowanej w 2010 r. normie ISO 26000. Podkreślanie znaczenia czynnika ludzkiego w działalności przedsiębiorstwa stanowi jedno z istotnych działań realizowanych w ramach odpowiedzialności społecznej biznesu. Tymczasem, jak pokazują badania dobrych praktyk przeprowadzone w CIOP-PIB, dobrowolne włączanie elementów społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w zakresie bhp do działalności przedsiębiorstw nie jest w Polsce powszechne.
Corporate social responsiblily (CSR) means voluntary incorporating environmental and social aspects that are beyond legal requirements into business activities of a company and its relationships with stakeholders. Increasing interests in this idea has been expressed in standards, e.g., Social Accountability 8000 standatds and the ISO 26000 standard published in 2010. Stressing human factors in business activity is a key action within CSR. Meanwhile according to CIOP-PIB's study on good practices, Polish enterprises seldom voluntarily incorporate elements of CSR in occupational safety and health into their practice.
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