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Content available Konkurencyjność Airbnb na rynku hotelarskim
Celem artykułu jest próba identyfikacji działań zorientowanych na kształtowanie wizerunku online przez platformę pośredniczącą w wymianie usług noclegowych Airbnb. Do ich rozpoznania zastosowano metodę jakościowej analizy treści (z elementami analizy ilościowej), a techniką analizy był opis. Działania wizerunkowe Airbnb porównano z działaniami jej najważniejszego rywala, tj. platformy HomeAway. Wyniki badań wskazują, że Airbnb kreuje się na konkurenta największych grup hotelowych, lidera branży i podmiot social media, dbający o środowisko społeczne i przyrodnicze, rzetelnie wyceniający swoją ofertę w stosunku do jej jakości, przyjazny i funkcjonalny dla użytkowników. Pomimo że zastosowana metoda ma swoje ograniczenia, to jednak uzyskane wyniki charakteryzują się użytecznością i mogą zostać wykorzystane w procesie zarządzania wizerunkiem organizacji.
tom 29
nr 2
The paper will discuss the impact of development of sharing economy on ecological sustainability for the tourism sector at global scale since the main focus in the literature is generally limited to economic and social impacts. It will provide a mathematical model in order to measure the impact of the sharing economy on the welfare of individuals who take part in particular tourism destinations as well as providing benefits for other individuals as a positive external outlook. The development of the model will be dependent on the findings obtained in this study. The results will show that the sharing economy together with collaborative consumption in the tourism sector is an increasing trend in global economy that contributes to ecological sustainability as well. By sharing the means of production, transportation, communication etc both tourists and service providers are capable of decreasing their ecological footprints. In conclusion the paper will contribute to the literature by filling a gap with respect to the lack of connection between environmental sustainability and sharing economy in tourism sector.
Content available Ramy prawne aspektow sharing economy w Polsce
Basing on general theories on the sharing economy, the authors describe the key concepts of legal framework governing that phenomenon, which arise at the EU level and the national one, in particular regarding such issues as tax and economic law as consumer protection. The phenomenon is not only a matter of theory and law, because the sharing economy is an important part of everyday life, while its economic significance clearly translates into market values. The study does not exhaust legal and tax aspects of the sharing economy, which are extremely complex and multi-faceted.
The aim of this analysis is to examine the characteristics of the Airbnb network, to verify the share of Airbnb offers that belong to the sharing economy and to identify the differences between the spatial distribution of the Airbnb network and the traditional hotel industry. The article is based on a unique dataset of web-scraped data on Airbnb listings in Warsaw (Poland), combined with district-level official statistics on the hotel industry. The analysis shows that only approximately 11% of offers belong to the sharing economy (“individuals granting each other temporary access to their under-utilised assets”), while at least one third of offers are provided by professional firms. The Airbnb network shows a strong centre-periphery pattern, with 75% of offers located within a range of 4.3 kilometres from the centre. The spatial concentration of Airbnb offers is strongly driven by their distance from metro lines, while it is weakly related to the amount of living space. On the district-level, the spatial distribution of Airbnb listings is correlated with that of the hotel industry, although Airbnb contributes to a more even spread of tourism in the city. The major contribution of this analysis is its presentation of the size and characteristics of the platform, which is essential for data-driven policy making.
Bez wątpienia sharing economy tworzy nowe możliwości rozwoju dla konsumentów oraz przedsiębiorców. Trend spotęgowany w ostatnim czasie wydaje się w sposób nieuchronny powodować wzrost gospodarczy oraz tworzenie nowych miejsc pracy zarówno w sensie globalnym, jak i w samej Unii Europejskiej.
W opracowaniu zaprezentowano badania związków pomiędzy teorią wolnego handlu a praktyką gospodarczą modeli sharing economy. Zaprezentowano założenia ekonomii współdzielenia, a na wybranych przykładach firm działających w analizowanym modelu gospodarowania pokazano rozwój zjawiska zarówno w Polsce, jak i na świecie. W artykule opisano też zagrożenia, jakie może powodować niczym nieskrępowany ruch nowego modelu gospodarowania. Unia Europejska dostrzega w ekonomii współdzielenia szansę na dostarczenie unijnym krajom ważnego bodźca rozwojowego. Innowacyjne modele biznesowe, mimo zaawansowanych planów uregulowania zjawiska na szczeblu wspólnotowym, mogą stać się kołem zamachowym unijnych gospodarek. Jednak nie będzie to już czysta postać wolnego handlu
Sharing economy iscurrently one of the main phenomena, primarily in the context of developing Smart Cities and smart economy. The most well-known examples of sharing economy have been in the fields of accomodation and car sharing. However, the possibilities of sharing economy are much larger. The quick development of sharing economy soon encountered the restrictions of traditional regulatory frameworks of national economies and decision-making processes of municipalities and cities, which were not ready for this phenomenon. This resulted in massive protests of traditional economy branches that request that the regulatory measures do not change - these were often implemented before the invention of the internet or the development of IT technologies. Politicians have had similar reactions, without effectively solving problems connected to the commencement of sharing economies. The paper focuses on defining the term sharing economy and on the possibilities of a new regulatory environment that would be governed by the principles of the so-called better regulation. The text defines clear critearia how to evaluate sharing economy and how to correctly estimate its potential for the development of cities, municipalities, and national economies.
Research background: There are widely recognized benefits of sharing economy for entrepreneurs and consumers. The European Commission emphasizes the importance of European countries being open to new opportunities that sharing economy brings. In order to promote the development of sharing economy, it is important to understand what factors contribute to its development. Purpose of the article: The presented paper aims to identify the main factors relevant for the growth of sharing economy and to determine whether there are factors which are more significant for the development of the sharing economy than others. Based on reviewed literature, the Authors compiled a set of indicators and employed them for research purposes. The selected indicators were assigned into four main groups: technological, political and regulatory environment, economic and social-cultural environment. Methods: The authors used two multicriteria methods (SAW and APH), which were applied to the set of indicators and modeled five different situations by attributing significance to the indicators. The Authors have applied this set of indicators for assessing the following selected countries:  Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the United Kingdom. The data covers the years 2011-2015. Findings & Value added: The results of the research show that technological readiness and social-cultural environment are significant for the development of sharing economy. For further research the Authors recommend the creation of a composite Sharing Economy Index (SHEI).
Content available remote Sharing Economy – a Challenge of the 21st Century?
The objective of the study is to point out the growing importance of sharing economy within the current discussion about the development of advanced economies after the economic crisis between 2008-2009. The study focuses on determining the growing importance of sharing economy in the context of GDP, growth factors of sharing economy in current conditions, and social benefit function of sharing economy. The study also focuses on other sharing economy challenges of the 21st century that are connected to the overall change in human behavior, growth of importance of modern technologies for everyone, trying to lower transaction costs, and increasing the quality of life of all households. The study’s conclusion aims at summarizing the importance of sharing economy for modern society in advanced economies.
The article is focused on the phenomenon of the so-called uberisation (uber economy) process, which combines technological innovations with precarious workforce management techniques in urban environment. The main aim of the paper is to describe and explain this problem in the perspective of the Neil Smith's rent gap theory on the examples of Airbnb and Uber internet platforms and to present their impact on Polish urban areas. The article uses source literature as well as public and commercial databases and reveals that the presence of global sharing economy platforms at the local level is to the existence of economic capital rather than social, even if very often it is perceived in the opposite way.
Praca została poświęcona tematyce krótkoterminowych wypożyczalni rowerów, funkcjonujących w miejskich systemach transportowych. Autorzy omówili rozwiązanie wypożyczalni typu bike-sharing jako formy praktycznego zastosowania idei gospodarki współdzielenia (ang. sharing economy), w myśl zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju. W artykule zaprezentowane zostały podstawowe wiadomości związane z wypożyczalniami rowerów oraz ich funkcjonowaniem na terenie miast. Przedstawiony został krótki rys historyczny powstawania systemów na świecie, charakterystyka generacji systemów bike-sharingu, przybliżono również zasadę korzystania z wynajmu rowerów. Celem niniejszej pracy było przybliżenie koncepcji krótkoterminowych wypożyczalni rowerów jako rozwiązania wspierającego miejskie systemy transportowe.
The work was devoted to the subject of short-term bicycle rentals operating in urban transport systems. The authors discussed the solution of the bike-sharing rental as a form of practical application of the idea of sharing economy, in accordance with the principle of sustainable development. The article presented basic information related to bicycle rentals and their operation in cities, bike-sharing historical overview, bike-sharing generations and also principles of using bike-sharing systems. The aim of this work was to present the concept of short-term bicycle rental as a solution supporting urban transport systems.
The dissemination of the idea of the sharing economy has created new opportunities in many areas of consumer life. A particular impact can be seen in the short-term rental and joint travel market. The popularity of online portals allowing shared car trips demonstrates that this is an area worth exploring. This research involved 275 respondents in order to identify the main factors conditioning the willingness to use these types of services. A confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the existence of three factors – savings, expectation and atmosphere – that determine the use of car-sharing. The article describes the entire procedure and estimates the fit of the model. Finally, limitations and recommendations for further research are provided.
Collaborative consumption is considered in the literature through the prism of borrowing and reusing resources (Lessig, 2008), making products available on secondary markets (Young, Hwang, McDonald, Oates, 2010), or even in the context of anti-consumption (Ozanne and Ballantine, 2010). Since these phenomena, constitute a completely different ground for studying the determinants of the development of collaborative consumption itself, there appeared a need to clarify the semantic scope of the concept, in order to deliberately separate those activities that will constitute its manifestations, from those that are not. The author attempts to clarify the association between the level of consumer's altruism and the inclination to participate in collaborative consumption. The analysis did not show any relationship between the various manifestations of collaborative consumption and the level of consumer's altruism, apart from a weak correlation between the level of altruism and the willingness to be involved in collaborative consumption in the future.
Konsumpcja kolaboratywna jest rozpatrywana w literaturze przez pryzmat pożyczania i ponownego wykorzystywania zasobów (Lessig, 2008), udostępniania produktów na rynkach wtórnych (Young, Hwang, McDonald i Oates, 2010) czy nawet w kontekście antykonsumpcji (Ozanne i Ballantine, 2010). Ponieważ zjawiska te stanowią zupełnie inne podłoże dla badania determinant rozwoju samej konsumpcji kolaboratywnej, pojawiła się potrzeba doprecyzowania zakresu znaczeniowego pojęcia, tak aby w sposób świadomy oddzielić te aktywności, które stanowić będą jej przejawy, od tych, które nimi nie są. Autorka niniejszego artykułu podejmuje próbę określenia zależności pomiędzy poziomem altruizmu konsumenta a skłonnością do uczestnictwa w konsumpcji kolaboratywnej1. Przeprowadzona analiza nie wykazała związku pomiędzy różnymi przejawami konsumpcji kolaboratywnej a poziomem altruizmu konsumentów, poza słabą korelacją pomiędzy poziomem altruizmu a deklaracją konsumentów do zaangażowania w konsumpcję kolaboratywną w przyszłości.
Content available Coworking : nowy produkt dla pasażera kolei
PKP SA jako firma, która zapewnia rozwiązania zaspokajające ważne społecznie potrzeby podróżnych, analizuje możliwości wdrażania usług będących wynikiem nowego ekonomicznego trendu – ekonomii współdzielenia. W artykule zaprezentowano historię i założenia tego trendu konsumenckiego, rolę i znaczenie dworców kolejowych oraz ich przewagi konkurencyjne jako lokalizacji właściwych do oferowania tego typu usług. Skonfrontowanie profilu pasażera kolei i jego oczekiwań z innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami dostępnymi na rynku pozwala na rozwój nowych produktów i usług, coworkingu, w rozumieniu miejsc, w których możliwy jest krótkoterminowy najem biurka albo sali konferencyjnej. Przeprowadzone badania wśród pasażerów PKP IC SA pokazują duży potencjał biznesowy usługi oraz możliwość wpływu na wizerunek i na markę PKP, która będzie ulegała zmianom w zależności od zapewnionego standardu usługi.
PKP SA, while providing solutions meeting traveller’s social needs, examines the possibility of development of new services, which are a result of the new economic trend - sharing economy. This essay presents the history and concept of the aforementioned trend, the role and the significance of railway stations, and their advantages as a location for this type of service. Confronting the passengers’ profile and expectations with innovative solutions allows to develop new products and services. Research carried out among the passengers of PKP Intercity SA shows great business potential for coworking spaces and its potential impact on the image of railway and the brand itself, which will gradually change depending on the provided service standard.
Content available Pokolenie wspólnych zasobów
Postęp technologiczny w sektorze ICT, spadek zaufania społeczeństwa do instytucji państwa, kryzys w roku 2008, ale też kryzys dotcomów w 2001 r. oraz zmiany społeczno- kulturowe przyczyniły się do intensywnego rozwoju nowoczesnej gałęzi gospodarki, jaką jest sharing economy. Zjawisko „globalnego dzielenia się” przybiera na sile. Bardzo szybko zmieniają się zachowania konsumentów (zwłaszcza przedstawicieli młodego pokolenia), którzy coraz mniejszą wagę przywiązują do posiadanych przedmiotów, natomiast coraz chętniej się nimi dzielą. Jest to pokolenie, które darzy niewielkim sentymentem posiadane przedmioty, dążąc do minimalizmu oraz „oczyszczania przestrzeni” W artykule podjęto próbę stworzenia profilu konsumenta korzystającego z usług gospodarki współdzielenia oraz przeanalizowano jego świadomość i oczekiwania względem gospodarki opartej na dzieleniu. Autorka opisała stosunek współczesnego konsumenta do posiadania oraz czasowego dostępu do rzeczy i usług. Wykorzystano metodę analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa, badań dokumentów oraz metodę sondażu diagnostycznego.
The technological advancement in the ICT sector, the decline in societies’ trust in state institutions, the economic crisis of 2008, the dotcom crisis of 2001, but also the sociocultural changes have all contributed to the dynamic development of the modern branch of economy that is sharing economy. The phenomenon of ”global sharing” is intensifying. The behaviors of consumers who attach less and less importance to the items they possess and share those items more and more willingly are changing rapidly (especially the behaviors of the representatives of the young generation). The young generation is a generation which feels inconsiderably sentimental about the items it possesses, seeking minimalism and ”clearance of space”. The article undertakes an attempt to create a profile of a consumer making use of the services being part of the sharing economy and to analyze the consumer’s awareness and expectations toward the economy based on sharing. The author of the article describes the attitude of the today’s consumer to the idea of possessing and to the idea of temporary access to items and services. The author of the article applies the literature analysis and criticism method, the document investigation method and the survey method.
A questionnaire survey was carried out on the use of means of transport for the purpose of moving within the city. To conduct empirical research, companies offering carsharing services, namely Traficar, Panek CarSharing, and 4Mobility Carsharing, were purposefully adopted. Empirical and survey research was conducted in 2020. The survey included 126 randomly selected people from among the inhabitants of the Warsaw agglomeration.
Access economy (gospodarka dostępu) i sharing economy (gospodarka dzielenia się) to modele charakterystyczne dla gospodarki XXI w., w których dotychczasowy paradygmat ekonomiczny, związany z własnością i posiadaniem, ulega zmianie na rzecz dostępu, współdzielenia i dzielenia. Analizowane modele przybrały także charakter nowych kierunków, dynamicznie rozwijających się w gospodarce XXI w., przede wszystkim dzięki nowoczesnym technologiom informacyjno-komunikacyjnym oraz mediom społecznościowym. Celem pracy jest charakterystyka modeli, znanych w historii myśli ekonomicznej już od setek lat, jakie w nowej odsłonie pojawiły się we współczesnej gospodarce i wpływają na decyzje ekonomiczne zarówno konsumentów, jak i producentów w kontekście innowacji. Ze względu na zakres prezentowanej tematyki, w pracy wykorzystano metodą opisową, metodę historyczno-porównawczą oraz analizę treści publikacji naukowych.
The aim of this paper is to extract and describe recent social initiatives in food consumption and distribution in Poland and indicate their characteristics related to sustainable consumption, sharing economy and collaborative consumption and to indicate the processes, mechanisms and future development options. Food is among areas that seem to adapt to those ideas more easily which means that individual consumers seem to see value in behaving in a more responsible way. In Poland, social awareness is rather limited and responsible behavior happens on a minor scale for the moment, but more international research shows the great potential of sharing economy. Food is being wasted therefore it constitutes a good ground for changing consumption habits. The paper presents four chosen social initiatives in Poland that refer to a sustainable consumption philosophy and collaborative consumption. Those mini case studies are backed by a thorough analysis of relevant literature, theme contents on websites, and results of secondary research studies dedicated to the issues discussed in the paper. Due to the qualitative character of the study, it shall be followed by more quantitative research to allow for more general insights and conclusions.
The rationale for choosing the object of research is the recognition of the socio-cultural validity of new ways of management (New Economy), interpreted as a response to the exhaustion of traditional ways in which societies function, i.e. those based on ideas of growth and ownership. The aim of the article is to analyse selected examples of redefinition of the concept of good in the context of new social narratives and the grounding of certain beliefs related to the idea of degrowth and sharing economy. The article is theoretical and references to contemporary research on cultural philosophy and social analyses of economic practice. A socio-regulatory concept of culture was adopted as a research perspective, and humanistic interpretation was used as an explanatory procedure. Qualitative data was analysed using atlas.ti, concept driven coding was used, and content analysis was limited to concept analysis and the creation of conceptual maps. The research results are supposed to show: 1. the impact of modern forms of economic practices using the Internet and IT technology on the redefinition of good, 2. how this redefinition builds the axiological background of society of collaborative consumption.
The development of the tourism sector in response to new trends mean that the number of visitors is constantly increasing. This leads to the emergence of tourism innovations, such as the sharing economy, and phenomena like overtourism, which have been investigated in the growing number of studies in recent years. This article aims to analyse the treatment of the sharing economy in articles addressing the problem of overtourism by reviewing the scientific literature on the subject included in the Scopus database. The analysis focuses on articles that address both issues.
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