Previously published corpora of two-word utterances by three chimpanzees and three human children were compared to determine whether, as has been claimed, apes possess the same basic syntactic and semantic capacities as 2-year old children. Some similarities were observed in the type of semantic relations expressed by the two groups; however, marked contrasts were also uncovered. With respect to the major syntactic mechanism displayed in two-word child language, namely word order, statistically significant differences were found in all three comparisons that were tested. These results indicate that chimpanzees do not exhibit the linguistic capacities of 2-year old children.
The paper discusses the role of the superordination relation in the semantic organization of the mental lexicon. The method of three consecutive free association tests (reactions from the previous test are stimuli in the next one, so lists of stimuli are prepared for each respondent separately) was used to determine the role of different kinds of semantic relations in building some fragments of the lexicon. A detailed semantic analysis made in 1200 recurrent (symmetrical) and non-recurrent "chains" built with associations given by 50 secondary school students (Polish language users) revealed the relative importance of the superordination relation as a factor connecting elements of the mental lexicon: the hyponymy/hyperonymy relation occurs more regularly in various lexicon parts than other paradigmatic relations.
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Anthropolinguistic analysis of the semantic field of the verb cook is an attempt at presenting the evolution of the domain of cooking in English as reflected in the vocabulary pertaining to cooking terms adopted in different historical epochs. The examination of the whole network of related cooking terms (i.e. the semantic field of to cook) proves that its development is inextricably linked with the cultural and social changes, new inventions, foreign influences and many other factors.
This paper deals with certain morphosemantic relations between Croatian verbs and discusses their inclusion in Croatian WordNet. The morphosemantic relations in question are the semantic relations between unprefixed infinitives and their prefixed derivatives. We introduce the criteria for the division of aspectual pairs and further discuss verb prefixation which results in combinations of prefixes and base forms that can vary in terms of meaning from compositional to completely idiosyncratic. The focus is on the regularities in semantic modifications of base forms modified by one prefix. The aim of this procedure is to establish a set of morphosemantic relations based on regular or reoccuring meaning alternations.
У статті окреслено етапи становлення ідеографічної діалектної лексикографії в українському мовознавстві, теоретичні аспекти випрацювання методики їх укладання. Наголошено на важливості наукової спадщини професора М.В. Никончука в ділянці створення ідеографічних діалектних словників; його досвід є цінним для дослідників, які прагнуть повно відтворити лексику діалектів. Подано огляд опублікованих праць, виконаних за ідеографічною методикою. Відзначено, що представлення діалектного лексичного матеріалу у формі ідеографічного словника розширює межі традиційного діалектного тлумачного словника і максимально зберігає всю зафіксовану в говірках мовну інформацію.
The article outlines the main stages of emergence of ideographic dialectal dictionaries in Ukrainian linguistics, the theoretical aspects of working out the method of compilation thereof. Emphasis has been placed on the importance of professor M.V. Nykonchuk’s scholarly legacy in the area of compiling ideographic dictionaries based on dialectal material. His experience is extremely valuable for researchers who make attempts at fixing and presenting recorded lexical material as much as it is possible. The article provides a brief overview of dialectal works published in the previous decades. According to the author, presentation of dialectal lexical material in the form of an ideographic dictionary allows to expand the scope of a traditional, interpretive dialectal dictionary and to preserve all the recorded information.
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