The paper presents a motion planning algorithm for a robot walking on rough terrain. The motion-planer is based on the improved RRT (Rapidly Exploring Random Tree)-Connect algorithm. The Particle Swarm Optimizati on (PSO) algorithm is proposed to solve a posture optimization problem. The steepest descent method is used to determine the postion of the robot's feet during the swing phase. The gradient descent method is used for smoothing the final path. The properties of the motion planning algorithm are presented in four cases: motion planning over a bump, concavity, step and rough terrain mocup. The maximal sizes of particular obstacle types traversable by the Messor robot with the new, optimized motion plan are given.
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a typical aircraft that is operated remotely by a human operator or autonomously by an on-board microcontroller. The UAV typically carries offensive ordnance, target designators, sensors or electronic transmitters designed for one or more applications. Such application can be in the field of defence surveillance, border patrol, search, bomb disposals, logistics and so forth. These UAVs are also being used in some other areas, such as medical purposes including for medicine delivery, rescue operations, agricultural applications and so on. However, these UAVs can only fly in the sky, and they cannot travel on the ground for other applications. Therefore, in this paper, we design and present the novel concept-based UAV, which can also travel on the ground and rough terrain as an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). This means that according to our requirement, we can use this as a quadcopter and caterpillar wheel–based UGV using a single remote control unit. Further, the current study also briefly discusses the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) SolidWorks models of the novel concept-based combined vehicle (UAV + UGV), together with a physical model of a combined vehicle (UAV + UGV) and its various components. Moreover, the kinematic analysis of a combined vehicle (UAV + UGV) has been studied, and the motion controlling kinematic equations have been derived. Then, the real-time aerial and ground motions and orientations and control-based experimental results of a combined vehicle (UAV + UGV) are presented to demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed vehicle.
Roboty kroczące, które znajdują zastosowanie w akcjach ratowniczych, korzystają z budowanej na bieżąco mapy terenu. Umieszczenie robota w nieznanym środowisku wiąże się z początkową nieznajomością takiej mapy. Do jej uzyskania konieczne jest pokonanie pewnej odległości zależnej od wymiarów geometrycznych robota oraz konfiguracji układu pomiarowego opartego o skaner laserowy 2D. Artykuł przedstawia rozwiązanie problemu poruszania się sześcionożnego robota kroczącego po nierównym terenie bez znajomości ukształtowania powierzchni. W tym celu robot wykorzystuje pomiar siły nacisku stóp na podłoże oraz akcelerometry i żyroskopy do pomiaru orientacji korpusu. W trakcie poruszania budowana jest mapa rastrowa terenu znajdującego się przed robotem, co pozwala w dalszym etapie misji na zastosowanie algorytmów kroczenia działających w oparciu o mapę.
Walking robots used in search and rescue missions require a map of the terrain which is built on-line. However, in a real mission the map of the surrounding environment is unknown. In order to built such a map performing a few steps is needed. The distance of the movement depends on geometrical dimensions of the robot and the configuration of the laser range linder measurement system. This article shows a solution to the problem of walking on rough terrain without prior knowledge of the ground relief with a six-legged robot. To accomplish this task the robot uses measurements from the IMU and sensors of the force exerted on the ground. While walking a grid map of the terrain is built. Afterwards obtained data could be used for walking with an algorithm based on the grid map.
Artykuł prezentuje metody wspomagające planowanie ruchu dla sześcionożnego robota kroczącego po nierównym terenie. Przedstawiono działanie zmodyfikowanego algorytmu wyboru punktów podparcia, metodę planowania ruchu stóp, działanie szybkiej procedury sprawdzającej stabilność statyczną robota oraz przestrzeń roboczą nóg. Zaprezentowano metodę pozwalającą na wykonywanie zaplanowanego ruchu robota. W celu weryfikacji działania systemu przeprowadzono eksperymenty w symulatorze oraz na rzeczywistym robocie, gdzie budowanie mapy otaczającego terenu odbywa się w trakcie wykonywania ruchu.
The paper presents several methods and algorithms that support locomotion planning and execution for a six-legged robot walking on rough terrain. These methods are used for foothold selection, path planning of robot's feet, to check the static stability, to verify robot workspace and to execute the planned movement. During the movement a grid map o the surrounding terrain is created by using a scanning laser rangefinder. The methods were verified on a realistic simulator and on the real six-legged walking robot.
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