W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów geodezyjnych rzeki - cieku wodnego, jako źródła niebezpieczeństwa przejazdu oraz przewozu transportem lądowym, w tym szynowym, ludzi oraz mienia. Scharakteryzowano założenia do realizacji pomiarów na podstawie dokumentów formalnoprawnych, przedstawiono proces realizacji pomiarów przekrojów korytowych mokrych oraz wyniki pomiarów.
In this paper results of geodetic river’s measurements as the source of danger ride and land transport, among other things rail one people and goods have been presented. There are characterized background for measurements on the basis of formal and low documents. Also realization of measurement process of cross sections and results have been shown.
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The mean annual, winter half-year and summer half-year fows at 86 water level gauges in the Upper Vistula Basin in the years 1951–2015 were examined. The Ward’s hierarchical cluster analysis was used for grouping sub-catchments in reference to the standardized aforementioned fows. Trends analysis was performed for each cluster of catchments in all combinations of periods not shorter than 20 years. Spatial distribution of clusters of catchments has been analysed according to geographical locations. There are observed diferent trends in distinguished groups of catchments, wherein the substantial diferences concern long-term trends. Changes in trend direction in the years 1951–2015 were revealed, which indicate fow fuctuations. Presumably, physiographical heterogeneity of the Upper Vistula Basin is refected in no unequivocal trends occurring in clusters of catchments. Some similarities were stated in short-term trends occurring in particular groups of catchments.
Climate change arising from anthropogenic driven emissions of greenhouse gases has emerged as one of the most important environmental issues in the last two decades. One of the most significant potential consequences of climate change may be alteration in regional hydrological cycle and river flow regimes. Increased temperature is expected to increase the peak flows in snowfed rivers of Himalayas. The changing pattern of regional temperature on flood peaks deserves urgent and systematic attention over a basin which provides an insight view of historical trends. Lower reaches of Satluj River is selected for the present study. Testing the significance of observed trends in flood peaks has received a great attention recently, especially in connection with climate change. The data series available was 48 years (1967-2010). The records were subjected to trend analysis by using both non-parametric (Mann-Kendall test) and parametric (linear regression analysis) procedures. For better understanding of the observed trends, flood peaks were computed into standardised flood peak indices (SFPI). These standardised data series were plotted against time and the linear trends observed were represented graphically. The analysis of flood peaks at different observation stations in lower reaches of Satluj River showed a large variability in the trends and magnitudes. The trend analysis results of flood peaks and gauge heights indicate that the flood peaks at all sites i.e. Rampur, Suni and Kasol show increasing but statistically insignificant trends. The trends in gauge height at all sites are also showing increasing trend but Kasol is statistically significant at 95% confidence level. The fast melting of glaciers, incessant monsoon rainfall and the synchronisation of the discharge peaks are the main causes of river floods. The past flood peaks will help us to observe the frequency of occurrence of floods in certain region and to determine whether the flood peaks in the past have been same with that of the present or whether there is any deviation in the trend in relation to climate change. Such studies will help in designing mitigation and adaptation strategies towards extreme hydrological events.
The goal of the present research was to find correlations between the topographic attributes of a river valley and local ground-floor vegetation and its habitat requirements expressed by ecological indicator values (EIV), using the geographical information systems (GIS), digital elevation model (DEM), and multivariate statistical analysis. We paid special attention to the river course, which determines the differentiation in slope aspects and the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground surface. The model object was an almost latitudinal, ca. 4-km-long break section of the Sopot river, crossing the escarpment zone of the Central Roztocze Highlands, southeastern Poland. The main material comprised species lists (with estimated abundance) for each ca. 200-m-long section, according to the river valley course, separately for the left and right riverbanks, 40 sections altogether, ca. 15 000 vegetation records, and physical and chemical soil measurements. A 3-meter resolution DEM was derived from a 1:10 000 topographic map. We calculated the correlations between the topographic attributes of the valley, species richness, and the EIVs for all the species recognized in each section of the valley. We found 241 herb plant species in the ground-floor vegetation of the study area. We did not find significant differences between the two riversides (61 ±13 species per one section for the left and 63 ±17 for the right side). Thus, the parallel course of the river valley does not change the species richness on a more “sunny” and more “shiny” riverbank. However, this factor “cooperating” with other topographic attributes of the valley significantly differentiates the shape of species showing various requirements for basic habitat resources: light, moisture, soil trophy, reaction, dispersion, and organic-matter content.
Water is an element of very hard to control. Being in still movement, permanently alternates its environment. Mostly, it annexes neighbourhood lands in order to give back other ones, which were of its “possession”, so far. It happens, that it exceeds cadastral boundaries. In case of change of river course, or undermining banks by lake or sea waters and also drifting sediments and creating little islands, beaches and sand-bars, it is possible to determine these changes and, if it necessary to regulate legal status of lands situated close to the river. These operations are called “river bank boundary determination”. It is delimitation between lands covered by waters and adjacent lands. It is performed by professional surveyor on the basis of delimitation project and accepted by suitable public authorities administration. It needs knowledge of surveying and mapping law regulation, hydrology and hydrography. It also demands high scrupulosity from surveyor. It is performed on the basis of application of parties, having legal interest.
Woda jest żywiołem bardzo trudnym do opanowania. Pozostaje w ciągłym ruchu i stale zmienia swoje otoczenie. Przeważnie zajmuje sąsiednie tereny, aby oddać inne, które do tej pory były w jej „władaniu”. Zdarza się, że przekracza granice katastralne. W przypadku zmiany biegu rzeki lub podmywania brzegów przez wody jeziora lub morza, a także nanoszenia osadów i tworzenia małych wysp, plaż i mierzei, jest możliwe określenie tych zmian i, jeżeli to niezbędne, uregulowanie stanów prawnych gruntów położonych w sąsiedztwie rzeki. Te czynności noszą nazwę „ustalenia linii brzegowej rzeki”. Polegają na rozgraniczeniu pomiędzy gruntami pokrytymi wodami i gruntami przyległymi. Są wykonywane przez geodetę uprawnionego na podstawie projektu rozgraniczenia, zatwierdzonego przez stosowny organ administracji publicznej. Wymagają one znajomości przepisów prawa geodezyjnego i kartograficznego, hydrologii i hydrografii, a także dużej staranności geodety. Ustalanie linii brzegowej jest wykonywane na podstawie wniosku stron, mających interes prawny.