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The present investigation studied the seasonal variation between physico-chemical parameters and phytoplankton diversity, community structure and abundance; quantitative samples were collected on a monthly basis from April 2015 to March 2016 at Parangipettai coast, the Bay of Bengal (BOB). Statistical analyses were performed on physico-chemical parameters such as salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, temperature, nitrate, nitrite, silicate, and inorganic phosphate (IP). The significant (P < 0.0005) variation among seasons as well as a high influence of these parameters was observed on phytoplankton productivity. Totally, 117 species were identified, belonging to five different classes, Coscinodiscophyceae (62%), Bacillariophyceae (17%), Fragilariophyceae (8%), Dinophyceae (8%) and Cyanophyceae (5%). Throughout the study period, the occurrence of most dominant species was observed from class Coscinodiscophyceae and Bacillariophyceae. The phytoplankton species also showed significant changes according to seasonal variations as well as the nutrient availability. Phytoplankton attained their maximum population density during premonsoon; whereas minimum population was observed during monsoon. The performed statistical analysis on phytoplankton species, the Shannon & Wiener diversity index was found to be higher during postmonsoon and lower during monsoon season. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used, to find out the seasonal relationship between phytoplankton and physicochemical parameters. Hence, the executed CCA results revealed that temperature, salinity, silicate, DO and IP have a higher influence on phytoplankton abundance.
Lice of mammals spend the entire life cycle in the host hair, thus, the microclimate found near the mammal skin is likely to influence the structure of louse communities. Here we use a comparative approach to examine the effect of mammals’ diving behavior on the taxonomic richness of their lice. We compared the mean genera richness of lice, and — as potential confounding variables — the mean species richness of host, and the mean body mass of host between diving clades and their non-diving sister clades. Louse genera richness was significantly lower in clades of aquatic mammals than on their non-diving sister clades. Host species richness was not significantly different between these clades. Body mass was significantly higher in clades of aquatic mammals, however, the direction of this difference cannot explain the difference in parasite taxonomic richness. This study suggests that mammals’ diving behavior can effectively shape their ectoparasite communities.
nr 1
We studied vegetation diversity and standing biomass in relation to site moisture (moist, wet) and different management regimes (regularly mown (A), recently abandoned (B), un-mown for at least 15 years but with mowing re-introduced recently (C), and abandoned for at least 15 years without re-introduction of mowing (D)) on floodplain grasslands in Soomaa National Park, SW Estonia. A flexible quadrate size (area inhabited by 500 ramets) was used for the estimation of life-form distribution, species richness, ramet density and weight of standing biomass. The size of the actual species pool (Spool) was also estimated and relative richness (Srel500), mean plant unit area (PUA), plant unit biomass (PUB), ramet density per square metre and standing dry biomass per square metre were calculated. Additionally, changes in Estonian floodplain grassland vegetation between the 1960s and the 1990s were analysed by comparing the life-form distribution of frequent species on floodplain grasslands in the 1960s and 1990s. Life-form distribution depended both on moisture conditions and on the management regime. Tussock-forming graminoids dominated in regularly mown moist sites and long-term unmown wet sites, while mat-forming graminoids dominated in sites with irregular management. The proportion of herb ramets was highest in unmanaged moist sites without regular mowing. In general, the life-form composition of floodplain grassland flora has shifted from low-growing herbaceous plants to tall-growing herbaceous plants during the abandonment period (from 1960s to 1990s). The effect of site moisture on the standing biomass-species richness relation and PUA was not significant, but the effect of the management regime was notable. PUA varied tenfold (mean 2.6 cm² at moist sites with the management regime B but was 25.2 cm² at un-managed wet sites). Dry standing biomass varied threefold depending on the management regime (from 263 to 763 g m⁻²). Ramet density, PUA, PUB, Spool, and life-form distribution on plots with recently re-introduced mowing (regime C) differed significantly from those of plots with regime D but did not differ from regularly mown plots (regime A). Management cessation led to a change in life-form distribution. Dominance of certain lifeforms depended on site moisture but the most obvious change was the increase of vegetation height.
W tradycyjnie pojmowanym zbiorze Listów Pawłowych jedynie w 1 Tm można znaleźć typowe wskazania dotyczące ewangelicznej postawy wobec dóbr materialnych. W listach protopawłowych myśl Apostoła rozwija się w innym kierunku: wzorem dla wiernych i punktem wyjścia jest uniżenie, ogołocenie Chrystusa, który właśnie poprzez przyjęcie ludzkiej natury obdarzył nas życiem Bożym. Paweł wpatrzony w ten wzór również „wyzuł się ze wszystkiego”, by wytworzyć w swoim życiu „przestrzeń” dla Chrystusa, aby On poprzez Apostoła mógł działać w wiernych. Na wzór Chrystusa Sługi również Paweł czuje się sługą, nie tylko swojego Pana, ale i powierzonych mu braci w wierze. Zachęca ich do wzajemnej troski i współodpowiedzialności, przypominając, iż w Chrystusie wszyscy – także, a może zwłaszcza ci najsłabsi – są członkami jednego Mistycznego Ciała, a nawet najuboższy członek wspólnoty ma bezcenną wartość, skoro Chrystus przelał za niego swoją krew. Konkretnym przejawem troski Apostoła o dobro i jedność całego Kościoła jest organizacja składki wśród wspólnot znad Morza Egejskiego dla ubogich wiernych w Jerozolimie. Paweł pragnie, by wierni traktowali udział w składce nie jako bolesne wyrzeczenie, ale jako udział w łasce, jako dowód wdzięczności wobec Boga, który nie da się prześcignąć w hojności.
In a traditional collection of The Epistles of Paul only the First Epistle of Paul to Timothy contains typical hints concerning the evangelic attitude towards material goods. In Proto-Pauline letters the Apostle’s thought is developed in a different direction: it is Christ’s humility and emptying himself which is the model for the believers and the starting point. It was through adopting human nature that Christ granted us life in God. Following this example Paul also “deprived himself of everything” to make “space” for Christ in his life and to let Christ act through him. Following the example of Christ-Servant Paul also considers himself a servant, not only of his Lord but also a servant of his brothers in faith entrusted to him. He encourages them to care about one another and to share responsibility, reminding them that all people, especially the weakest, are members of Christ Mystical Body. Even the poorest member of community is of invaluable worth since Christ shed His blood for him. The Apostle organizes collection of donations among communities at Aegean Sea for poor believers in Jerusalem, which is a clear indication of his care about the good and unity of all Church. Paul wishes the faithful to treat giving donations not as a painful sacrifice but as taking part in grace, as a proof of thankfulness towards God, who cannot be surpassed when it comes to generosity.
The analysis of income distribution in the regional perspective is an important issue in the context of the cohesion policy implemented in the EU countries, one of the postulates of which is smoothing differences in the standard of living and liquidation of poverty The aim of the study presented in the paper is to determine changes in the distribution of equivalent household incomes, and in particular the changes in the degree of inequality and the level of poverty and richness in Łódzkie Voivodship. This voivodship is an interesting object for research, as in the period of the political transformation it underwent many changes which influenced the economic situation of households. The main variable of interest was household equivalent income which was determined using three power equivalence scales. To estimate the inequalities, the study applied measures sensitive to income disparities in different parts of the distribution, namely the Gini coefficient in the central part of the distribution, the index of disparity in the extreme parts of the distribution, and the Zenga index, sensitive to inequalities at each point of the distribution. The levels of poverty and richness, i.e. phenomena related to income inequality, were analysed in the same way. Income distribution in Łódzkie Voivodship was next compared with the same indicator for the whole Poland. All the calculations were based on data for the years 2016–2020 drawn from the Household Budget Survey conducted annually by Statistics Poland. The obtained results indicate increasing income inequality in the period under consideration, with the visible discrepancy between the extremal decile groups. In 2020, the inequlities became wider; moreover, the share of households experiencing poverty increased, while the share of relatively affluent households decreased. Overally, the poverty level was higher, and the richness level was lower in the studied period in Łódzkie Voivodship than in the whole country. The analysis of the sensitivity of the indices of inequality, poverty and richness to the change in the equivalence scale demonstrates that the choice of the scale flexibility parameter affects the level of the analysed measures, but does not significantly affect the assessment of the changes in these parameters over time.
Analiza rozkładu dochodów w ujęciu regionalnym to ważne zagadnienie w kontekście polityki spójności realizowanej w krajach UE, której jednym z postulatów jest wyrównanie różnic w poziomie życia oraz likwidacja ubóstwa. Celem badania omawianego w artykule jest określenie zmian w rozkładzie ekwiwalentnych dochodów gospodarstw domowych – w szczególności w poziomie nierówności, ubóstwa i bogactwa – w woj. łódzkim. To województwo stanowi interesujący przedmiot rozważań, ponieważ w okresie transformacji ustrojowej przeszło wiele zmian, które wpłynęły na poziom i zróżnicowanie dochodów ludności. W badaniu analizowano dochody ekwiwalentne gospodarstw domowych z zastosowaniem trzech potęgowych skal ekwiwalentności. Do badania nierówności użyto miar wrażliwych na nierównomierności w różnych częściach rozkładu: współczynnika Giniego – w centralnej części rozkładu, wskaźnika zróżnicowania – w skrajnych częściach rozkładu – oraz współczynnika Zengi – wrażliwego na nierówności w każdym punkcie rozkładu. Analogicznej analizie poddano poziom ubóstwa materialnego i bogactwa, a więc zjawisk powiązanych z nierównościami dochodowymi. Rozkład dochodów w woj. łódzkim został porównany z rozkładem dochodów w Polsce. Wykorzystano dane za lata 2016–2020 pochodzące z badania budżetów gospodarstw domowych, przeprowadzanego corocznie przez GUS. Otrzymane wyniki świadczą o rosnącym rozwarstwieniu sytuacji gospodarstw domowych w woj. łódzkim, szczególnie w skrajnych grupach dochodowych. W 2020 r. nierówności wzrosły; zwiększył się również udział gospodarstw ubogich, a zmalał udział gospodarstw bogatych w gospodarstwach domowych ogółem. W badanym okresie w woj. łódzkim obserwowano wyższy niż w całym kraju poziom ubóstwa i niższy poziom bogactwa. Przeprowadzona analiza wrażliwości indeksów nierówności, ubóstwa i bogactwa na zmianę skali ekwiwalentności pokazuje, że wybór parametru elastyczności skali ma wpływ na poziom wartości analizowanych miar, ale nie wpływa znacząco na ocenę zmian tych parametrów w czasie.
Bangladesh, a country that lies on the north shores of the Bay of Bengal, has been blessed with a plethora of natural resources. St. Martin’s Island, the only coral-bearing island in Bangladesh, is undoubtedly regarded as one of the most prized possessions. It is rich in biodiversity, but truly scientific information on it is lacking. In the present investigation, 14 stations adjacent to St. Martin’s Island within the Bay of Bengal were sampled for determining the composition, spatial distribution, species richness, and diversity of pelagic zooplankton. Samples were collected in the pre-monsoon hot season. From the community of zooplankton, 34 species were reported. Most of the species belonged to copepods. Besides, Polychaeta and Cirripedia were also present in the community. The most significant species belonged to Oithona, Canthocalanus, Balanus, Euterpina, and Microsetella. Total zooplankton standing crop varied from 45,000–125,000 ind/m3 and the highest number of species (8) were observed at station 7. Strong variability in the distribution of species was observed in the studied stations. The number of genera collected at each station varied from 4–8. Data on species richness (Df) varied from 1.30–3.04 and that of the Shannon-Wiener Index (H) from 1.33–1.93. The species composition of zooplankton and the species richness and the diversity index of the population was comparable to the other studies carried out in the Central and Western Bay of Bengal.
Atlantic salmon died out in Poland during the 1980s. The current population was recreated with Latvian salmon and now forms part of the southern Baltic cohort. Polish sea trout and brown trout come from the home cohort, but have survived only with regular restocking. In Lithuania, all the salmonides are from the home cohort and have not been restocked. The aim of this study was to compare parasitic invasion in juvenile salmonides that come from Poland and Lithuania. The juvenile salmonides in this study came from the lower Oder River basin and from the middle of the Neman River. 153 fish were caught using electrofishing from 2004 to 2006. The salmonides in the Oder had been artificially restocked and those in the Neman were wild. 33 salmon, 58 sea trout and 24 brown trout came from small tributaries of the Oder; 22 salmon, 5 sea trout and 11 brown trout came from tributaries of the middle Neman River. The fish were either 0+, 1+, or 2+ years old. Their size was characteristic for their species at that age, which suggested that they were in good condition. Our examination found 6 species of parasites from 3 taxa: Cestoda – Cyathocephalus truncates; Nematoda – Cystidicoloides ephe¬meridarum and Raphidascaris acus; and Acanthocephala – Acantho¬cephalus lucii, A. anguillae and Metechinorhynchus truttae. We found all three taxa of parasites in all the salmonides that came from the tributaries of the Oder, but all three taxa were found only in salmon from the Neman tributaries. In sea trout and brown trout from tributaries of the Nemen River we found only Nematoda. The invasion frequency was much higher in salmonides that came from tributaries of the Oder River than in salmonides from tributaries of the Nemen River. In tributaries of the Oder River, 57.6% of the salmon, 62.1% of the sea trout, and 58.3% of the brown trout had parasites. In tributaries of the Nemen River, 27.3% of the salmon, 40% of the sea trout, and 36.4% of the brown trout had parasites. In salmonides from both rivers the most common parasites were C. ephemeridarum, M. truttae, and C. truncatus. The other species of parasites were found in very few cases. Older salmonides had greater numbers of parasites. Although the salmonides came from different rivers and had different origins, the species of parasites that they had were typical for their family. In conclusion, parasite invasion is similar in salmonides both from the lower Oder River basin and from the middle of the Neman River.
The richness and diversity of filamentous fungi associated with the decomposition of leaf litter of three tree species (Castanopsis accuminatissima, Styrax benzoides, and Dipterocarpus (grancilis) in evergreen tropical forest in the northeast of Thailand were studied at 6 and 12 months after leaf fall. A total of 125 taxa were identified through examining 4,362 isolates. These comprised 6 species of Zygomycetes, 19 species of Ascomycetes, 62 species of Deuteromycetes, and 38 taxa of unidentified sterile mycelium. Each decaying stage of leaf litter had a different composition of taxonomic groups. The average percent similarity between fungi assemblages of different species litter and of decomposition stage ranged between 37–44% and 6–13%, respectively. The majority of fungal taxa found had a low frequency of occurrence. Six month decaying leaves had the highest number (2,093) of fungal isolates but the fungal taxa number (35) was much lower than in freshly fallen leaves and equal to 12 month decaying leaves. The freshly fallen leaves gave the lowest number (1,103) of isolates but the number (69) of fungal taxa was much higher than that found in the 6 month and 12 month decaying leaves. The most dominant fungal taxon was Trichoderma koningii. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index showed that the initial diversity (H’) of fungal taxa from freshly fallen leaves was the highest and equals to 2.9, 2.8 and 3.0 in C. accuminatissima, S. benzoides, and D. (grancilis) respectively.
To explore and describe the species richness patterns along altitudinal, high mountain gradients, two transects – northern exposure (YG) and southern exposure (TD) at Mt. Jiuding (1200–4200 m) in Western China (31º13’– 31º46’N, 103º29’–104º05’E) were selected. They differ from south to north in climate conditions and vegetation zonation, and each transect was sampled according to a uniform method. Every 200 m along the altitudinal gradient we set a sampling belt of 3000 m × 5 m to record the tree species, and 30 plots of 5 m × 5 m within every vegetation belt were used to investigate shrub and herb species. We compared the composition of plant species and calculated the coefficient of similarity between the two transects. A Generalized Additive Model (GAM) was used to describe the richness patterns. For the whole Mt. Jiuding, the richness at all three levels (species, genus and family) showed a monotonically decreasing pattern. As for the different growth forms, richness of the trees, shrubs and pteridophytes showed hump-shaped patterns; and herbs showed a slow decreasing pattern along the altitudinal gradients. In TD transect, the richness of species, genus and family also showed monotonically decreasing patterns; tree richness decreased with the increase of altitude; the shrub richness showed a humpshaped pattern; but pteridophytes and other herbs showed wave-like patterns. In YG transect, altitudinal gradient of richness at different taxonomic levels all showed hump-shaped patterns; and the species richness patterns for different growth forms peaked at middle attitude except for the graminoids and other herbs. The evolutionary history of the vegetation in Mt. Jiuding was quite consistent, and different richness patterns along altitudinal gradients might be resulted from different contemporary ecological conditions. Human disturbance and different range of altitudinal gradients were also important factors for different richness patterns between the two transects. In our study, species in different growth forms showed different altitudinal patterns, but those species with similar requirements to environmental conditions showed similar richness patterns along altitudinal gradients.
The paper presents: a) the general differentiation of the pine forests of Europe, and b) the floristic differentiation of the ten study sites, located along the transect stretching between 50°28′ and 70°09′ N, as well as c) the relations between the geographical location and the climatic characteristics on the one hand, and the selected features of the richness and species diversity of the herb layer on the other. One can observe a dependence (p < 0.05) between the temperature and latitude on the one hand, and the number of species from some groups on the other. For the vascular plants, the indicators of linear correlation amount to, respectively, 0.64 and -0.63 (the number of the vascular species of the herb layer increases with the warming of climate and the movement towards the South), and for the numbers of lichen species: -0.81 and 0.78 (the dependencies have the opposite directions to the previous ones). The variability of the relative shares of the particular species groups is correlated with geographical location and climatic variables. Three basic patterns of spatial variability can in this context be identified. The first of these is represented by the share of the lignified chamaephytes (dwarfshrubs). In accordance with this pattern, the minimum shares are observed at the latitudes of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The second pattern of variability is represented by the shares of hemicryptophytes. In accordance with this pattern the maximum shares are observed between 53° and 56° N. The third pattern of variability is represented, in particular, by the share of the evergreen species which is proportional to the latitude.
The article showed the situations, in which gold and silver are used as a money. The majority of information like these resulted from stylistic convention Fathers of the Church.
Vox Patrum
tom 70
The turn of the 4th and 5th centuries is a period of exuberant development of a monastic life in the West. This fact was also reflected in the correspondence of the authors of this period (Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome and Paulinus Nolensis of Nola), who are considered to be the fathers of the Western monasticism. Many people entered the path of life devoted to Christ voluntarily and without dilem­mas, but there were also those who were encouraged to make this decision and yet they felt some resistance. Of this we can also find testimonies in the letters of the authors mentioned above. Among their nearly 500 letters, we find only seven that relate to the theme of calling and encouragement to the monastic life. They are directed to only three people (two soldiers and wealthy married couple), which, however, are an example of serious dilemmas and problems with entering the path of monastic life. The authors show in their letters arguments for taking up monastic life and ways of its implementation. The letters show a better and more perfect life. In letters there is no call for leaving the world in a literal way, but only a peculiar “abandonment” of the world, and above all a profound eschatological dimension of such a decision. There is a deep hope that for abandoning what is earthly, a reward that transcends earthly goods awaits for a man who undertakes a monastic life. In the face of the vanity of the world, its worries and problems, certainly a better hope is shown in the encouragements of the letters.
Oceniono jakość sensoryczną przetworów mięsnych przechowywanych w niebarierowym opakowaniu pergaminowym. Wędzonki (szynka, baleron, boczek) magazynowano w formie peklowanych półproduktów, w temperaturze bliskiej krioskopowej (-3ºC) przez 4 tygodnie i w temp. -18ºC przez 4 i 8 tygodni. Materiał doświadczalny przechowywano również w formie wyrobów finalnych w ww. zakresach temperatury (-3, -18ºC) przez 4 i 8 tygodni. Po ukończeniu składowania półprzetwory wędzono i poddawano obróbce cieplnej. Oceniano je także po dodatkowym 7-dobowym magazynowaniu w chłodziarce (w temp. 3ºC). Przechowywanie wędzonek w doświadczalnych warunkach nie powodowało dyskwalifikującego pogorszenia ich jakości sensorycznej.
The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of the storage conditions of cured, smoked and processed meat products wrapped in an non-arrier wrapping (parchment) on their sensory properties. Meat products (ham, collar, and streaky bacon) were stored as cured semi-products at a near cryoscopic temperature (-3°C) during a period of 4 weeks and at a temperature of -18°C during 4 and 8 weeks. The experimental material was also stored, as a final product, under the above mentioned conditions. After the storage, the semi-products were smoked and scalded. The experimental products were also evaluated after an additional storing period of 7 days in a refrigerator (3°C). It was stated that storing processed meat products under the experimental conditions did not significantly deteriorate their sensory qualities.
Celem pracy było porównanie jakości sensorycznej jabłek odmiany Jonagold i Idared z produkcji ekologicznej i konwencjonalnej po zbiorze i po przechowywaniu w chłodni. Ocenę sensoryczną wykonano metodą ilościowej analizy opisowej (QDA) i w kategoriach jakości konsumenckiej (ocena preferencji). Do opisania jakości zastosowano 11 wyróżników wytypowanych przez zespół ekspertów. W ocenie konsumenckiej zastosowano metodę parzystą. Odmiany jabłek różniły się pod względem wielu wyróżników sensorycznych zapachu kwaśnego, słodko-nektarowego oraz zapachu innych owoców, a także twardości, soczystości, smaku słodkiego, kwaśnego i aromatyczno-jabłkowego oraz jakości ogólnej. Metoda uprawy nie wpłynęła na jakość sensoryczną badanych odmian. Proces przechowywania przyczynił się do obniżenia jakości sensorycznej obu badanych odmian jabłek, a w szczególności ich zapachu słodko-nektarowego, zapachu innych owoców oraz trawiastego, twardości, soczystości, smaku słodkiego, kwaśnego i aromatyczno- jabłkowego oraz jakości ogólnej. W ocenie konsumenckiej jabłka ekologiczne różniły się od owoców wyprodukowanych metodami konwencjonalnymi pod względem barwy skórki w przypadku odmiany Jonagold.
The aim of the study was the comparison of sensory quality of 'Jonagold' and 'Idared' cultivars from organic and conventional production after harvest and after storage in cold store. The sensory attributes of the apples were assessed using a Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) and additionally, as a consumers' quality (preference assessment). To describe the quality, 11 distinguishing marks appointed by a panel of experts were used. In consumers' preference assessment a paired comparison test was applied. The results obtained indicated the difference between cultivars, namely in some aroma and taste attributes. The cultivars showed also difference in firmness, juiciness and in general quality. The method of production did not influence the sensory quality of apples. However the storage process has reduced most sensory attributes of the both examined cultivars, except acid odor and astringent taste. In the consumers' preference assessment of peel colour in the organic 'Jonagold' apples was better than of 'Jonagold' apples from conventional production.
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