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Scientific novelty of this paper is to identify professional development of the future social teachers and to create the necessary conditions for informational and advisory support, purposeful process of interaction and collaboration with teachers of higher educational establishments and representatives of various social agencies, during which a student realizes the need for development of professionally important qualities, relevant knowledge and skills that promote success in professional activities and isolated areas of professional self-improvement: a case of self-development, practical self-development, psychological self-development. Professional self-development serves an integral component in training and is the result of conscious interaction of students with specific social environment, during which they realize the need for development of the important professional qualities, relevant knowledge and skills that promote success in professional activities and life in general. Based on the analysis of the scientific sources and scientific research the notion of socio-pedagogical conditions of professional self-development of the future social teachers as a set of circumstances and factors that provide organization and regulation of interaction of objects and phenomena of the pedagogical process to achieve this goal is substantiated. These socio-pedagogical conditions of professional self-development of the future social teachers in higher school involve students in volunteer activities of institutions and organizations that work with different types of customers, as an experimental platform for acquisition of knowledge and working out skills and students’ participation in the scientific community of the University to form a scientific curiosity, a projection that future social workers can be part of a professional community. These conditions are appropriate to apply for the organization of more efficient process of professional self-development of the future social teachers in higher school and are used to develop a comprehensive program of professional improvement. These conditions are interrelated and complementary components of a more efficient process of professional self-development of the future social teachers
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie warunków prawnych, kadrowych oraz fi nansowych, w jakich jest realizowana ochrona własności intelektualnej polskich naukowców i ich wychowanków. W tekście próbowano rozwinąć zagadnienia związane z rozwojem naukowym pracowników naukowo badawczych, w którym wskazano różnicę między uzyskiwanymi osiągnięciami a wynalazkiem, pracą dydaktyczną nauczyciela akademickiego i jego rolą wobec studentów w zapobieganiu powstawaniu plagiatów. Nawiązano do kodeksów etycznych jako narzędzi wspomagających rozumienie obowiązujących przepisów oraz omówiono statystykę rozwoju młodej kadry naukowej. Wskazano źródła nakładów fi nansowych na naukę i również pokazano ustawowe zasady regulacji związanych z wykorzystywaniem własności intelektualnej w uniwersytetach i jednostkach naukowo badawczych. W zakończeniu podano uzyskane wymierne efekty wyżej wymienionych jednostek w postaci zgłoszeń wynalazków i uzyskanych patentów a także wdrożonych licencji
The purpose of this article is to present the legal, human and fi nancial conditions, in which the protection of intellectual property of the Polish scientists and their students is implemented. The text attempts to explore the issues related to the scientifi c development of scientifi c workers. It indicates the differences between the obtained achievements and inventions, and between the didactic work of a university professor and his role in preventing the formation of plagiarism among the students. The text refers to the codes of ethics as tools helpful to understand the provisions of the existing legislation, and discusses the statistics of development of young researchers. It indicates the sources of funding the science and it also shows the statutory principles regulating the use of intellectual property in university and R&D units. At the end, the achieved measurable results of the activities of the above mentioned units are discussed – the inventions, granted patents as well as implemented licenses.
Использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий в подготовке совре- менного учителя математики является обязательным фактором его образовательной компетентности. А преимущества облачных технологий позволяют эффективно форми- ровать у будущих учителей математики мотивацию их применения в исследовательской деятельности. Учитывая стремительное развитие информационно-коммуникационных ехнологий в образовании, именно облачные технологии позволяют визуализировать особенности исследовательской деятельности будущих учителей математики.
The use of communication and information technologies in modern mathematics teacher preparation is a mandatory factor in its educational competence. As for the advantages of cloud technology, they allow effective form of future teachers of mathematics motivation for their use in research. Due to the vigorous development of information and communication technology in education, it is cloud- -based technologies allow you to visualize the properties of the research activitiesof future teachers of mathematics.
In the article the characteristic of strategies of the integration of educational and research constituents of the process of specialists’ professional training in the universities of developed countries has been given. The relevance of the problem in the context of requirements to the graduate represented in the European qualifications framework (EQF) and formulated in the Dublin Descriptor of the EQF has been proved. The conclusion has been made about the strategies of integration of educational and research activities of the university as a multilevel and multidimensional system of interconnected, interdependent, and interrelated components. The study proves that the systemic character of research-oriented strategies is achieved by an interrelation of activities at all levels of implementation, and the inclusion of these strategies into the others, directed at increasing efficiency of educational process (development of E-learning, flexible curriculum, formation of a single university educationalresearch community, development of the university campus as a broad educational environment, etc.). The strategies of solving research problem in the context of defining the mission of the higher education institution and its full realization; development of curricular and methodological foundations of research-oriented learning; development of research activity strategies aimed at integration of educational and research constituents of the process of specialists’ training; professional staff development aimed at formation of readiness to research-oriented learning, and modernization of organizational structures of the university able to realize the mission of the university have been characterized.
The author examines the problem of studying the combination of innovation and research activities of the teacher. This problem is of great importance in the teaching staff. In this context the author has analyzed the essence of the interpretation of such terms in scientific literature as «activity», «research», «research», «innovation». The authorhas proposed the definition of «innovation and research activities» as the purposeful, systematic, comprehensive, creative and experimental activities of the teacher. This activity is focused on the research of the objective laws of the educational process, to update and improve it, to ensure its development and attracting research results to practical implementation. It means the development, creation, approbation and distribution of educational innovation. The author has noted that the greatest progress is achieved by collective work of the teachers with innovative projects, indicating the peculiarities of innovation and research activities in the teaching staff. Also the author has presented the algorithmic scheme of innovation and research activities of the faculty members. The main stages of innovation and research activities such as initial conditions, the planning stage, the stage of theoretical research, the constructive stage, the stage of innovation and diffusion of innovation phase are described. The author has presented the description of key relationships between each of these stages. Special attention is paid to the planning phase, the phase of theoretical research and the positive step. The author has specifically examined the role of control when performing innovative research activities in the teaching staff. In particular, the author has identified these components of innovation and research activities as external and internal expert assessment results. The algorithmic scheme of innovation and research activities, stressed in determining the identity of the main stages of the life cycle of innovation is offered by the author. The author asserts that the proposed scheme satisfies the basic provisions of the synergetics and takes into account both internal and external influence. The directions for scientific research on the problem of innovation and research activities in the future are shown.
Content available remote Institute of Chemical Fibres - 50th Anniversary. The Transformation of Its Policy
A brief review of the Institute's research activity over the 50 years id presented. Special attention is given to the present research and development activities in the fields of natural polymers, synthetic polymers and fibres, and biomaterials.
W artykule przedstawiono przemiany działalności naukowo-badawczej Instytutu w ciągu 50 lat jego istnienia. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na obecny zakres prac badawczych w dziedzinie polimerów naturalnych, syntetycznych polimerów i włókien oraz biomateriałów.
Content available Chemistry Web Quests in Distance Learning
This article is devoted to innovative learning technology, namely web quest, an effective learning tool that promotes the cognitive activity of applicants for higher medical educational institutions, focused on today’s challenges related to forming an independent, creative, competent personality. The main attention is paid to using quests in studying chemical disciplines in distance learning. The purpose of the study is to identify the main aspects of web quests’ effectiveness in the training of future medical professionals, revealing the main stages of the organisation. Specific examples of quests are also given from my own practical experience. An analysis of recent publications on this issue was carried out, and as a result, we argue that scientific sources do not sufficiently cover tuse of web quests in the study of chemical disciplines in higher medical education institutions, which is the impetus for the study. The article presents the stages of organising quests for students in the discipline “Medical Chemistry”, which include both the actual creation of a blog (initial, thematic, address, final), as well as the choice of topic, goals, tasks, division of responsibilities between participants and publication of results during distance learning (online conferences, videos, projects, booklets, commercials, prevention essays). It is presented an analysis of a survey of teachers and students on the effectiveness of the introduction of this technology in the training of future medical professionals. The analysis of the results shows that web quests meet modern requirements for implementing the educational process in medical and educational institutions and contribute to acquiring professional competence. Teachers and students who participated in the survey noted that web quests are an effective modern technology that promotes motivation, interest in the subject and chosen profession, and the formation of key competencies that must have a modern medical professional to be competitive. Specific examples of involving students in web quests on the subject of “Medical Chemistry” during research activities in the scientific section of Cherkasy Medical Academy.
Świadomość metodologiczna jest jedną z form świadomości społecznej. Traktowana jest ona jako jeden z podstawowych regulatorów czynności naukowo-badawczych. Choć w literaturze nie brak teoretycznej refl eksji nad strukturą świadomości metodologicznej, to niewielką uwagę zwraca się na indywidualne cechy badaczy, wśród których poszukiwać można korelatów świadomości metodologicznej. Jednym z potencjalnych obszarów do prowadzenia takich poszukiwań są zmienne poznawcze ujmowane w kategoriach typów umysłów, opisujących ludzkie preferencje poznawcze za pomocą dwóch wymiarów – percepcja-intuicja i uczucia-myślenia. Innym obszarem, w którym poszukiwać można korelatów świadomości metodologicznej jest osobowość, uważana za podstawowy regulator aktywności człowieka. Autorka przedstawia wyniki badań, w trakcie których poszukiwała hipotetycznych korelatów świadomości metodologicznej.
Methodological awareness is one of the forms of social consciousness. It is considered one of the basic regulators of scientifi c research activities. Despite the abundance of theoretical deliberation over the structure of methodological awareness in literature, litt le att ention is devoted to individual qualities of researchers who can be studied for displaying correlates of methodological awareness. One of the potential areas for such studies are cognitive variables which should be understood as mind types which determine human cognitive preferences in two dimensions: perception vs. intuition and feelings vs. thinking. Personality, considered to be the basic regulator of human activity, is yet another fi eld where correlations of methodological awareness can be researched. The author presents the results of her study in which she searched for hypothetical correlates of methodological awareness.
Content available remote LCA in Poznań and Poland. Research teams and their achievements
Increasing interest of different organisations (industrial companies, governmental authorities, consultancy agencies and non-governmental organisations) in the environmental evaluation of products has caused the need of tools for its realisation. Some attempts have already been made in this field in the world, mainly for every-day life consumer products (packaging, hygiene wares and cleaners, simple household equipment, etc.). In the paper, the history and actual situation in research on LCA in Poznań (in detail) and in Poland (briefly) is presented. The main LCA research centres, key figures working there, and their professional activities are characterised.
Wzrastające zainteresowanie różnych organizacji (przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, władz administracyjnych, firm konsultacyjnych i organizacji pozarządowych) środowiskową oceną produktów wywołało potrzebę powstania metod dla jej realizacji. Pewne próby w tym zakresie zostały już dokonane na świecie, a dotyczyły one głównie przedmiotów codziennego użytku (opakowań, środków higienicznych i czystości, drobnego sprzętu gospodarstwa domowego itd.). W artykule zaprezentowana jest historia i aktualna sytuacja w zakresie badań z dziedziny LCA w Poznaniu (szczegółowo) i w Polsce (skrótowo). Scharakteryzowano ważniejsze centra badawcze i istotniejsze osoby działające w tym zakresie, przedstawiając zakres ich zaangażowania.
The problem of the professional development of young researchers in terms of Master’s training has been analyzed. The analysis of the literature references, documental and other sources gave grounds to state that the basic principle of Master’s professional training is a research-oriented paradigm. The necessity of using the innovative ideas of foreign experience for improving the quality of Master's education due to European approaches has been proved. It has been stressed that the main task of Master’s programs is the preparation of young researchers for the next stage of their career both in research activities and success achievement in various fields of employment, assistance and creation of opportunities as well as optimal conditions for their contribution to the research of a particular scientific field or discipline. An important source for defining strategic priorities of solving the problems of Master’s professional training is studying and analyzing theoretical and practical experience of leading countries (USA, Australia and UK). The features of Masters’ research training in the British experience and the ways of supporting and developing the research activities and fostering Master's professional development in UK and Ukraine have been studied. It has been considered that Master’s training should be realized on the basis of such theories as social, human, intellectual and cultural capital, career orientation, constructive and cognitive concepts, continuing education and adult education, learner-centered education, comparative studies.
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