The article analyzes the problem of the absence of religious studies in Polish school education. The first part explains the status of religious studies as a discipline. In the main part, the school core curriculum in the primary school was analyzed with respect to the humanities. Then, reference was made to the presence of religion in school as catechesis. The final part presents earlier attempts to introduce religious studies to schools as well as their own ideas on this issue.
This article is to explain the basic rules of Korean shamanism. First the religious views of Koreans are presented. The importance of harmony in the lives of Koreans is highlighted. It is stressed that the concepts of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism do not exclude one another, do not erect barriers and they promote mutual tolerance and are intertwined in Korea. Next, the role of Korean shamanism in helping common people solve their problems are discussed. Korean shamanism is one of the best examples of unorganized religions and possesses features typical of such religions. Shamanism has a well-formulated system of beliefs as well as behaviours and conduct but its practices and its canons are not well-organized. Consequently, shamanism plays a latent function in society similarly as systems of values, morals, manners and emotions. The author also describes the shamanic ritual called gut. Finally, the contemporary views on and approaches to Korean shamanism are touched upon.
The main thesis of the article is the conviction that from the very beginning, religious studies has been subject to various cultural, political, ideological and, especially, worldview influences. These have given rise to questions such as: what is the basis of scientific knowledge about world religions? To what extent does it depend on the beliefs of the researchers? What are the scientific methods of acquiring this knowledge and what theories apply to it? In the article, I document that inspiration has come, and continues to come, from various directions. The ranks of religious scholars include linguists, ethnographers, anthropologists, archaeologists, orientalists, educationalists, psychologists, historians or even biblical scholars. Secular and denominational persons. Furthermore, on the basis of hermeneutic analyses of texts, I prove that Polish religious studies is not inferior in its research to Western scientific thought on religion and religiosity. I postulate a minimum of objectivity in this research, realising that it is virtually impossible without emotional involvement.
This paper provides an overview of the first detailed case study of a Buddhist congregation in Estonia. The object of this study is Triratna Buddhist Community in Estonia, which was established here in 1989 and is part of international Triratna Buddhist Community (formerly known as Friends of the Western Buddhist Order) created in the United Kingdom in 1967. Mainly through oral history and participant observation methods as well as analysis of data presented by different written and oral sources the researcher strives to give an overview of various aspects of activity connected with one particular Buddhist group in Estonia, including its practice, ordination rituals, beliefs and membership characteristics. It also includes a detailed overview of the congregation’s history and its relationship with members of Triratna congregations in Finland and the UK. It presents Buddhism as an emerging new religion in Estonia through a case study of a Western Buddhist ecumenical congregation.
У статті здійснено огляд «Української Релігієзнавчої Енциклопедії», що невдовзі з’явиться друком. Видання підготовлено академічним колективом 20 років тому. Висвітлено історію створення енциклопедії, її особливості, здобутки, проблеми та перспективи.
The article reviews the Ukrainian Encyclopedia of Religious Studies that will be published soon. The encyclopedic work was prepared by the academic team 20 years ago. The history of the encyclopedia case, its features, and achievements in religious studies, as well as problems and prospects of its publishing are covered.
The classification of Buddhist doctrines by Zongmi and the essence of religion In the paper the system of doctrinal classification (pànjiào 判教) created by the Buddhist scholar of the Chinese Tang Dynasty (618–907) Guifeng Zongmi (Guīfēng Zōngmì 圭峰宗密, 780–841) has been analyzed. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part the author describes Zongmi’s doctrinal classification, focusing on the process of the deconstruction of consecutive Buddhist doctrines. In the second part the author compares particular doctrines with the most important theories on the essence of religion. The comparison aims at revealing the limitations of those theories, when applied to the understanding of the religious systems, based on the gradual attaining of gnosis, such as the system of panjiao. In the conclusion the author suggests the creation of a synthesis of the enlisted concepts of religious studies, based on the synthesis of the Buddhist doctrines combined within the panjiao system.
This paper presents sociocultural profiles of the Ostroh Bible (1581) and the King James Version of the Bible (1611) in terms of their agency, authoritative status and regulative functions. Despite scholarly and popular attention given to both texts, no attempts have been made so far to compare them. This paper intends to break the mold and focuses on the causes and results of the collective agency of the two versions at the textual, paratextual and extratextual levels as well as on the gatekeeping role of these translations and the ways they affected the development of their respective cultures. It is also demonstrated that the OB and the KJV performed the function of “the second originals.” Also subject to analysis are the prefaces to the two editions, which disclose information about important translation figures and deal with issues of universal and sacred history.
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Religious studies similarly as ethnography, or let us say ethnology, constituted into an independent discipline on its own. This was only possible after the establishment of other institutions which in return could provide them with empirical material that would suffice for at least some basic research. Although religious studies will probably always diverge in the fulfilment of their goals from cultural and social anthropological disciplines, they can enrich ethnology with methodical multiperspective research and analytical methodological techniques. This will help to place the often incomplete picture of folk culture, and especially its spiritual aspect, in a general historical context. The documentation drawn by Dušan Jurkovič in 1892 was used during the reconstruction of the original appearance from the end of the eighteenth century (exterior and inner arrangement from the closing period of its existence). The documentation was complemented with information from archival sources, contexts of historical situation (political and religious), analogical elements and technologies proved by similar buildings of this kind in the lands of former Habsburg monarchy. The only artefacts based on material model are earthen hip knobs with weathercocks on the rooftop and a memorial plaque on the ceiling, whose originals are deposited in the Museum of region of Wallachia.
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The article deals with a problem of using the theory of a speech act in analysis of Christian sacraments in religious studies. Author finds the concept useful for many reasons. Mostly, religious studies are free of problem oftruth, because the theory tells only about felicity of creating beliefs or not. According to S. Tambiah, it lets us analyse the scale of magic in religious rituals, also Christian, like sacramental practice. In the article differentsacramental theologies, like Catholicism, Orthodox and different Protestant religions (Calvinism, Lutheranism) are looked at in terms of illocutionary power of words used during rituals and their effectiveness. It lets usillustrate the historical process of decreasing of the magical element in interpretation of basic Christian rituals.
Propozycje klasyfikacji dzieł dotyczących zagadnień ruchu zielonoświątkowego w najnowszym wydaniu klasyfikacji dziesiętnej Deweya (KDD) ujawniają wiele błędów w definicjach i historycznych pomyłek, które mogą wprowadzić spore zamieszanie przy ich katalogowaniu, jak również zmniejszyć możliwości dotarcia do odpowiednich dzieł poświęconych pentekostalizmowi tym użytkownikom bibliotek, którzy w swoich poszukiwaniach posługują się układem KDD. Artykuł identyfikuje źródła tych błędów, proponuje sposoby naprawcze i uzasadnia znaczenie regularnej współpracy między bibliotekarzami a specjalistami dziedzinowymi w celu zachowania maksymalnej precyzyjności systemu klasyfikacji zbiorów bibliotecznych i towarzyszącej mu odpowiedzialności społecznej.
Suggestions for classifying works on the subject of Pentecostalism in the most recent edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification System reveal a number of existing definitional and historical errors that could cause confusion for cataloguers as well as diminish access to works on Pentecostalism for users of libraries that rely on the Dewey Decimal Classification System. In the following article, I identify the sources of these errors, offer suggestions to remedy them, and argue for the importance of regular consultation between librarians and subject specialists in order to maintain both the accuracy and social responsibility of a classification scheme.
Is transreligious theology possible? Yes, but only as a very specific practice. If we accept the neologism „transreligious“ then we must understand it in contrast with the more traditional terms „interreligious“ and „comparative“. Interpreted this way, „transreligious theology“ describes religious discourse about ultimate reality between those with no particular religious identity. Their conversation is panreligious, treating all theological resources equally, without preference for any tradition over any other tradition. This conversation will be quite different from interreligious dialogue or comparative theology, in which participants claim a religious identity while remaining open to the insights of other traditions. Hence, „transreligious theology“ is a descriptive term rather than a prescriptive method. It is already practiced by the non-religiously affiliated who hold an interest in the spirituality of all religions. Even though it may be helpful to some, it is not a necessary practice, since effective theological development can still occur between those with specific religious identities, and by those who only study their own religious traditions.
The article explores the relation between implicit biblical patterns existing in American popular culture and video games. In analyzing a blockbuster video game, Detroit: Become Human developed by Quantic Dream studio in 2018, the text establishes three examples of the representation of a new model of messiahs/prophets in the digital context. The entire narrative revolves around undermining binary oppositions, as between religion and technology, mass culture and high culture, and Christ/Antichrist. To account for this fluidity, the major concept employed to discuss particular aspects of the games’ characters is Beebee’s definition of hybrid-messiahs.
В статье предлагается исследование психологии религии Э. Фромма и отмечается ее актуальность для современного религиоведения. Признавая изначальную доброту человеческой природы, он подвергает критике возможность возврата к традиционному религиозному укладу. Обсуждаются сложные взаимоотношения между психоанализом и религией. Отмечается недостаточность позиций по этому вопросу З. Фрейда и К. Юнга. Анализируются различные функции религии, проблема врачевания души, ритуализм, символизм и идолопоклонство современного человека. Э. Фромм делает акцент на психологической субъективности, предлагая игнорировать онтологическую проблематику, что ограничивает возможности его подхода.
The article suggests the study of the religion psychology by E. Fromm and notes its relevance for modern religious studies. Admitting the primordial kindness of human nature, he criticizes the possibility of a return to the traditional religious order. The complex relationship between psychoanalysis and religion is discussed. There is a lack of position on this issue of S. Freud and C. Jung. Various functions of religion, the problem of healing the soul, ritualism, symbolism and idolatry of modern man are analyzed. Fromm puts the emphasis on psychological subjectivity, suggesting to ignore ontological issues, which limits the possibilities of his approach.
Рассмотрение взаимоотношений человека и природы выходит за рамки естественных и социальных наук. Все существа имеют равное право на существование. Согласно православной экотеологии, именно Абсолют призвал сущности к существованию и дал им определенные права. Цель данной статьи - проанализировать значение окружающей среды в православии на примере работ русского философа и богослова Татьяны Горичевой. Ссылаясь, в частности, на философско-богословские и агиографические размышления, содержащиеся в работах автора "Святых животных", обсуждается статус природной среды в православии и ее роль в истории спасения, а также рассматривается христианский биоцентризм и антропоцентризм в православии.
Consideration of the human-nature relationship goes beyond the natural and social sciences. All creatures have an equal right to exist. According to Orthodox ecotheology, it is the Absolute who called entities into existence and gave them certain rights. The aim of this article is to analyse the significance of the environment in Orthodoxy, using the work of Russian philosopher and theologian Tatiana Goricheva as an example. Referring, among other things, to the philosophical-theological and hagiographical reflections contained in the works of the author of Holy Animals, the status of the natural environment in Orthodoxy and its role in the history of salvation is discussed, and a consideration of Christian biocentrism and anthropocentrism in Orthodoxy is undertaken.
Rozważania nad relacją człowiek–przyroda wykraczają poza obszar nauk przyrodniczych i społecznych. Wszystkie stworzenia mają równe prawo do istnienia. Zgodnie z prawosławną ekoteologią to Absolut powołał byty do istnienia i nadał im określone prawa. Celem artykułu jest analiza znaczenia środowiska naturalnego w prawosławiu na przykładzie twórczości rosyjskiej filozofki i teolożki Tatiany Goriczewej. Odwołując się do refleksji filozoficzno–teologicznej i hagiograficznej zawartych w pracach autorki Świętych zwierząt, omówiono status środowiska naturalnego w prawosławiu i jego roli w historii zbawienia oraz podjęto rozważania na temat biocentryzmu i antropocentryzmu chrześcijańskiego w prawosławiu.
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The article presents the unique collection of Quaker literature in the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It comprises 209 books printed between 1648 and 1946, acquired by the married couple Libuše Ambrosová and Miloš Vejchoda-Ambros during their stay in England in 1940-1946.
During the last decades, two major and interrelated themes have dominated the study of religion: (a) the theme claiming that the long taken-for-granted so-called secularization thesis was all wrong, and (b) the theme of the so-called “return” or “resurgence of religion”. This global revival of religion — on micro, meso and macro levels — has been chronicled in a number of important books lately. As even a quick glance in some of the many textbooks about religious studies reveal that there are many various ways of studying religion — theologically, sociologically, psychologically, anthropologically, philosophically, etc. — and they can be tackled from many different ideological or theoretical “slants” or perspectives – gender, postcolonial, orientalism, postmodernism, inside/outside, hermeneutical, etc. And it seems to be a general rule within science that the more important, complex and controversial a subject area is perceived to be, the more heated the debate about theory, method and definitions of concepts seems to be within it. Comparative religion can, very broadly, be carried out from two types of data: texts or actual living human beings. During the last thirty or so years, and in tandem with the initially mentioned two themes, the latter – what many scholars now call “lived religion” (Hall, 1997; Orsi, 2005; Ammerman, 2007; Mcguire, 2008) – have more and more come to the fore in departments of religious studies. This can be seen as a “rejuvenation” of Friedrich Schleiermacher’s opinions that the only way to study religion adequately was in and through the religious beliefs and practices of actually living human beings and that the heart of religion was to be found, not in rules and regulations, hierarchies and hymnbooks, but in the individual’s experience of dependence upon a power infinitely greater than his own. The student of religion must, in other words, concentrate, not on what people might do, ought to do, or what the textbooks say they are supposed to do, but on what they actually do, and the ways in which they actually behave, and why they do what they do — their motives, reasons or inducements for doing what they do.
This article describes the comparative theology and focuses on its critical assessment. As a scientific discipline, it has been developed mainly in Anglo-Saxon circles and recently in Germany, as well. In the first part the author presents origins and the concept of comparative theology. It is generally understood as a theological discipline which reflects on other religions within the frame of dialogue with religiological sciences, especially with the empirical comparative religion. The micro-logical nature (i.e. specific issues) and the consistently applied comparative method distinguish it from the theology of religions. It is not, however, a part of religious studies in general because it does not confine itself to mere description of religious phenomena, but it raises the question of its veracity. Comparative theologians do not distance themselves from their own religion, but they attempt to look at it from the perspective of other traditions in the context of genuine interreligious dialogue. The comparative theology is highly diverse (there is no just one conception of it). The author illustrates this diversity with the views of two comparative theologians: F.X. Clooney and R.C. Neville. The second part of the article deals with methodological issues. The methodological status of comparative theology has not been fully established yet. Two issues are particularly important here; the relation of the comparative theology with empirical religious studies and its relationship to the theology of religions. The author does not agree with the thesis that the comparative theology should replace the theology of religions. Decisive in this respect is the unclear theological nature of comparative theology. Mere focusing on the veracity of religious beliefs does not make theology out of it. The philosophy of religion raises this issue as well. On the other hand allegations of comparative theologians against the theology of religions are partly true (i.e. vagueness, apriority of judgments, underestimation of otherness/difference, etc.). In such a situation a creative cooperation of both disciplines could be the solution, with a “comparative theology of religions” as a final consequence.
Niniejszy artykuł stawia sobie za cel prezentację i krytyczną ocenę teologii komparatywnej (comparative theology). Dyscyplina ta uprawiana jest głównie w środowiskach anglosaskich, a ostatnio w Niemczech. W części pierwszej ukazano genezę oraz pojęcie teologii komparatywnej. Widzi się w niej dyscyplinę teologiczną, która w dialogu z innymi naukami religiologicznymi, zwłaszcza z empirycznym religioznawstwem (comparative religion), dokonuje refleksji nad innymi religiami. Tym, co odróżnia ją od teologii religii, jest jej mikrologiczny charakter (tj. koncentracja na zagadnieniach szczegółowych) oraz konsekwentnie stosowana metoda porównawcza. Nie jest ona jednak religioznawstwem, gdyż nie poprzestaje na zwykłym opisie zjawisk religijnych, ale stawia pytanie o ich prawdziwość. Teolog komparatywny nie dystansuje się też od własnej tradycji religijnej, ale stara się na nią spojrzeć z perspektywy innych tradycji, z którymi prowadzi uczciwy dialog. Teologia komparatywna jest zjawiskiem wysoce zróżnicowanym (nie ma jednej koncepcji tej dyscypliny). Różnorodność tę ukazano na przykładzie komparatystyki F.X. Clooney'a oraz R.C. Neville’a. Kolejna część artykułu poświęcona jest kwestiom metodologicznym. Status metodologiczny teologii komparatywnej nie jest jeszcze do końca ustalony. Dwa zagadnienia są tutaj szczególnie ważne: relacja teologii komparatywnej do empirycznych nauk o religii oraz jej stosunek do teologii religii. Autor nie zgadza się z tezą, że teologia komparatywna powinna zastąpić teologię religii. Niejasny jest przede wszystkim teologiczny charakter teologii komparatywnej. Samo podjęcie kwestii prawdziwości przekonań religijnych nie czyni z niej jeszcze teologii. Także filozofia religii podnosi tę kwestię. Z drugiej strony zarzuty teologów komparatywnych pod adresem teologii religii są po części słuszne (ogólnikowość, aprioryczność wydawanych sądów, niedocenianie inności/odmienności itd.). W takiej sytuacji można by sobie życzyć twórczej kooperacji obydwu dyscyplin. Efektem tego mogłaby być „komparatywna teologia religii”.
A review of contemporary theological publications that concern a variety of different issues lets one notice a certain regularity, i.e. frequent referring to complementary thinking or the principle of complementarity in the theological reflection. In the present article first the fact is shown that referring to complementary thinking has a significant effect on the quality and versatility of theological thinking. Complementarity that is a fruit of the Church’s Catholic character may be a way of reaching the Catholic fullness and a peculiar antidote against the threat of reducing all the wealth of the mystery of faith to some individual aspect only. In the second part a distinct presence of complementary thinking in various areas of the contemporary theological reflection is pointed to.
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