The radiological test is cost-effective, widely available, allows for the visualisation of large areas of the skeleton and can identify long bones potentially at risk for fractures in osteolysis sites. Therefore, radiology is often used in the early stages of multiple myeloma, in the detection and characterisation of complications, and in the assessment of the patient's response to treatment. The accuracy of this method can be improved through the use of appropriate algorithms of computer image processing and analysis. In the study, the feature vector based on humerus CR images was extracted. As a result of the analysis, 279 image descriptors were obtained. Hellwig's method in the selection process was applied. It found the set of feature combinations of the largest integral index of information capacity. To evaluate these combinations, 11 classifiers were built and tested. As a result, 2 feature sets were identified that provided the highest classification accuracy in combination with the K-NN classifier. The 9-NN classifier for the first combination (2 features) was used and 5-NN for the second one (3 features). The classification accuracy (depending on the quality index used) was as follows: overall classification accuracy – 93%, classification sensitivity – 92%, classification specificity – 96%, positive predictive value – 96% and negative predictive value – 93%. Results show that: (1) the use of humerus CR images may be useful in the detection of bone damages caused by multiple myeloma; (2) the Hellwig's method is effective in the feature selection of the analysed kind of images.
Wdrożenie nowych norm europejskich dotyczących radiografii przemysłowej z użyciem pamięciowych luminoforowych płyt obrazowych, spowoduje zainteresowanie wielu laboratoriów badaniami nieniszczącymi z zastosowaniem tej nowej metody badań w miejsce dotychczasowej radiografii konwencjonalnej tj. radiografii na błonach. Radiografia komputerowa jest dość powszechnie stosowana w radiografii medycznej, gdzie podstawowym problemem jest zmniejszenie dawki promieniowania podczas badania pacjenta. Należy jednakże pamiętać, że zastosowania przemysłowe mają nieco inne wymagania niż radiografia medyczna. W artykule przybliżono jedynie nową metodę badań radiograficznych.
Implementation of the new European standards for industrial radiography with the use of memory luminophore image plates will result in the arousing of interest among an numerous laboratories in non-destructive testing with application of the new method of testing to replace conventional radiography used so far, i.e. film-screen radiography. Computer radiography is quite commonly used for medical radiography where the fundamental problem consists in reduction of the radiation dose during the examination of a patient. However, it must be kept in mind that industrial applications have a little bit different requirements when compared with medical radiography. The article describes only the new method for radiographic testing.
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