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Content available Kompetencje na rynku pracy w dobie współczesności
The paper presents the problem of the current labour market, and the acquired qualifications in the light of real competences at the age of the requirements and expectations of the modern world. In addition, familiarizing with the mentioned in this article information, the authors indicate the reflection associated with getting by the young person’s skills of acquirying reliable professional competence resulting from the diversity of specializations in performing the intended work.
Rocznik Lubuski
tom 37
nr 2
The article presents the results of questionnaire studies performed on 986 students finishing first - and second - cycle studies in twenty two universities in Silesia province. The main objective of the studies was an attempt to answer the question how students see their chances to find a job, where and how they want to look for it and which skills or qualifications are, according to them, particularly desired by employers. Another aim of the research was to analyze the reasons for choosing university, area of study, virtual actions taken in case of becoming unemployed or even opinions on availability of guidance services. The research was co-financed with the resources of the European Social Fund.
Content available remote Rola rzeczoznawcy budowlanego w budownictwie a zakres wymaganych kwalifikacji
tom nr 2
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są kwestie związane z rzeczoznawstwem budowlanym nadawanym przez Polską Izbę Inżynierów Budownictwa. Przedstawiona została rola rzeczoznawcy, a także sposób uzyskania tego tytułu oraz problemy związane z niejednoznacznością przepisów prawnych w stosunku do tej grupy zawodowej.
Obtaining a title of building surveyor crowns a long process of acquiring highly specialized civil engineer's knowledge. This path begins with graduation, and then gets building licence, which is preceded by the acquisition of practical skills in the designing and construction works. The next step is professional work, which allows the use of existing knowledge, learning new skills and professional development. Reliable transition of the long engineer's professional development path can reach for the prestigious title of a building surveyor, which is the highest title in the construction industry. Special knowledge and skills in a specific area of the building industry, included in the scope of owned building licence is confirmed by this title. Building surveyor, despite the absence of specific legislation, is recognized as a specialist, expert, who provides advice and performs opinions on difficult issues that require specialist knowledge in a particular area of civil engineering. Despite the high requirements for building license owners applying for and awarding the title of a building surveyor, it is clear that the building surveyor did not receive a clear and comprehensive legal regulation, which is regretted by engineers. This problem has been continuously reported for many years, but unfortunately the situation has not been changed.
Higher education should enable students to raise their qualifications, and particularly acquire new knowledge, develop their interests, or learn to think critically. As for economics students, tertiary education should provide them with opportunity to find and follow their career path. Having this in mind, the author of the present paper discusses factors contributing to economics students' involvement in raising their qualifications. The main aim is to state why they have become less involved in doing so, and particularly in acquiring new knowledge.
The study objective was to research the impact of workers’ education and qualifications upon changes in the innovation level of economies.The professional literature often claims that knowledge translates into innovation. Higher levels of employees’ education generate more innovative ideas, which increases the general level of innovation.The spatial scope of analysis included the European Union countries during the 2004-2012 period. The paper consists of three parts. The first part explains the importance of human capital for the economy, and especially for its competitiveness and innovation. The second part presents a comparative analysis of the structure of employees in terms of the level of education and qualifications, in particular European Union states. The third part attempts to clarify the effect of the level of education of employees on the innovation of economy. The analysis has demonstrated that the level of innovation is determined by the level of both education and qualification of employees. From the point of view of the innovativeness of economy not only the post-level qualifications but also specialization is important. The qualification specialization is the type of necessary knowledge or skills of using specific devices and tools or materials or produced goods and services. The European Union countries considered to be the innovation leaders are characterized by a high proportion of highly qualified employees. Moreover, the percentage of specialists in employment is also very high. However, there is a group of countries where, despite the high proportion of specialists, innovation remains low. It seems it is due to the low „quality” employment specialists. From the point of view of innovation the participation of high-skilled workers in the total employment in the economy seems to be more important than the participation of professionals. This is due to the nature of today’s innovations that require the cooperation of employees from different disciplines and within multidisciplinary teams.
Content available Wizerunek nauczyciela na przestrzeni lat
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie problematyki wizerunku nauczyciela w świadomości społeczeństwa polskiego. Rozważania zostaną zaprezentowane na bazie analizy wyników badań własnych w kontekście badań CBOS z 2012 r.
The aim of the article is to present the problem of teacher's image in the consciousness of Polish society. The considerations will be presented on the basis of the analysis of own research results in the context of CBOS research from 2012.
Higher education should enable students to raise their qualifications, and particularly acquire new knowledge, develop their interests, or learn to think critically. As for economics students, tertiary education should provide them with an opportunity to find and follow their career path. Having this in mind, the author of the present paper discusses factors contributing to economics students’ involvement in raising their qualifications. The main aim is to state why they have become less involved in doing so and particularly in acquiring new knowledge.
Mediation is increasingly promoted as an effective means of dispute resolution within the European Union, especially in civil cases. However, in Member States that lack a strong tradition of mediation, such as Poland and Romania, mediation has developed slower than expected. In this paper, the authors argue that one reason for this may be the lack of qualified mediators for civil and employment cases in both countries. They claim that legislators should enact higher qualification standards, including requiring specialized knowledge and ensuring that mediator certification is not outsourced to private mediation organizations with low-quality training programs.
This two-part article reviews the current legal situation of professional personnel implementing hyperbaric procedures other than those used for diving. Numerous inconsistencies between the existing legal acts and the lack of legal regulations concerning procedures not financed from the State budget are shown. The first significant problem was the lack of mutual correlation of various regulations of the Minister of Health concerning hyperbaric diseases, as well as incoherence with medical and nursing specialisation programs in force in Poland. The second problem is the lack of requirements in the documents of the Ministry of Health for medical staff other than doctors and nurses, including technical staff, necessary for the implementation of a safe oxybarotherapy procedure. The situation is clearer with respect to technical personnel than in relation to medical personnel. There are provisions which strictly define the qualifications of such staff for a very narrow group of technical personnel. Although they deal with issues related to the use of hyperbaric chambers in diving, to date no other separate regulations have been developed for medical applications of hyperbaric therapy. Unfortunately, both in centres financed by the National Health Fund and in private centres, no-one observes these regulations because there is no such formal requirement. The same applies to occupational research (occupational medicine) for all groups of personnel involved in hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments. It was also found that medical hyperbaric centres not seeking funding from the budget (the National Health Fund) do not have even minimum qualification requirements for the medical staff working there. Furthermore, there is no knowledge of the requirements set out in other legal acts other than those concerning medicine.
In the article with the name „The pedagogical staff of the generally Schools in the district of Tczew on the documents of the School Tczew Inspection in the years 1935 – 1939” was described the problematic the work qualifications for the teachers of generally schools in the district of Tczew in addition to the new guidelines from the Religion und Education Ministry from the years 1934 – 1935. Really helpful while it was written, was the content of the personally teachers acts, which teachers were creating the team of the School Inspection in Tczew and were building a group in the Country Archive in Gdansk (APG). There were the qualifications cards und the observations sheets, including the evaluations and opinions, which were formed according to the new rules that were determined in the half thirties of 20th century. The Work is divided between four chapters. The first chapter describes the structure of the generally education in Pomerania, which was created as a result of the reform from year 1932. With reference to this conjuncture the new rules for the work qualifications were cleared, which were applied in the years 1934 – 1935.The second chapter presents the profiles of each education workers that were coming under the control by the school inspectors. It is indicated in this case to the affection the material und familiar situation of each teacher on his working results.The third chapter enters into the overview the results of didactical and educational work of these teachers. It describes also the aspects, which are related to the educational work of teachers for the students and their environment.The forth chapter shows the other forms of activation the teachers and increasing their own qualifications. At the end was presented the teachers’ evaluation as the conductors of schools.
Content available Modern Determinants of the Vocational Education
New education goals, a new teaching content requires from a teacher application of other, also more active teaching methods, and from students require a lot of commitment and increased independence. This paper shows selected conditions of vocational education, paying attention to the needs of acquiring new skills and the need for classification of occupations.
The article presents an important and vital role of a teacher in a school where the fundamental law of every child is health education. It underlines the importance of a proper substantive and methodological preparation of people making the most profitable, long-run investment in human health. Special attention was paid to a holistic approach to health and a conception of versatile health education recommended by WHO, UNESCO and UNICEF.
Job ads have long been of interest to researchers concerned with the issue of native speakerism as they may constitute the initial and often insurmountable barrier to career opportunities for non-native teachers of English. This article explores the requirements that potential employers place before teachers of English in job ads posted on a major Polish job offer aggregate. By means of Thematic Analysis, this research sheds more light on the demands that teachers of English need to meet in the Polish job market and investigates whether job ads in Poland disseminate the ideology of native speakerism. The results show employers may overemphasise personal qualities, such as character traits and attitudes, compared to qualifications and skills. Although the majority of job ads explored did not overtly perpetuate the ideology of native speakerism, further research is necessary to understand the extent of this issue fully.
Fundusze europejskie stanowią istotny instrument rozwoju gospodarczego państw Unii Europejskiej. Program Operacyjny Kapitał Ludzki umożliwia podjęcie działań pozwalających na podnoszenie kwalifikacji, a tym samym wykorzystanie istniejącego potencjału ludzkiego. Instytut Transportu Samochodowego w 2009 roku wystąpił z wnioskiem aplikacyjnym na realizację projektu szkoleniowego pn. „Wzrost kompetencji kadry ośrodków szkolenia kierowców” współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego. Projekt zakończył się sukcesem. Realizacja szkolenia zdecydowanie wpłynęła na zmianę jakościową zawodowego i psychospołecznego funkcjonowania uczestników, tym samym pozwalając na pogłębienie wiedzy i podnoszenie kwalifikacji niezbędnych do wykonywania powierzonych im zadań. Dokonana została jednocześnie ocena stopnia przydatności programu szkoleniowego opracowanego przez specjalistów Instytutu Transportu Samochodowego.
The European funds are one of the essential instruments of the economic development of all European Union countries. The Operational Program - Human Capital, enables to take actions, which allow to raise qualifications and by that, take advantage of the existing human potential. In 2009 the Motor Transport Institute put forward the application form for organising training project called the "Increase in competence of the drivers training centres staff", co-financed by the European Union from resources of the European Social Fund. The project was successfully completed. Running of the training process has decisively affected the qualitative change of professional and psychosocial functioning of participants, thus allowing to deepen the knowledge and raise their qualifications, which are necessary for conducting their professional tasks. An evaluation was made of the degree of usefulness of the training program, prepared by the specialists from the Motor Transport Institute.
The mandatory authorities – the municipal office and the mayor of the municipality – play an irreplaceable role at the municipal level. Both bodies are elected. These authorities influence the direction of municipal development in the upcoming term of office, the municipal representatives’ protection of citizens’ needs and interests as well as fulfilment of the tasks and obligations imposed by the law. The main aim of the article is to clarify the importance and seriousness of the mayor as the highest representative of the municipal government in the Slovak Republic. Another aim is to present new realities connected with the mayor’s office as well as new requirements associated with it.
W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze zmiany związane z wprowadzeniem nowej ustawy Prawo geologiczne i górnicze, uchwalonej w 2011 roku w tym: odmienną regulację własności złóż kopalin, uproszczenie trybu udzielania koncesji i prowadzenia ruchu zakładu górniczego w odniesieniu do kopalin objętych prawem własności nieruchomości gruntowej, w szczególności dotyczące małych przedsiębiorstw oraz doprowadzenie do pełnej implementacji dyrektywy 94/22/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (węglowodory).
The paper presents the critical changes resulting from the effectiveness of the new Geological and Mining Code passed in the year 2011. A primary amendment is the different regulation of mineral deposit properties. The new law identifies the minerals under the right of mining ownership to which the State Treasury is entitled, and the minerals affiliated with the land of land property owner. Moreover, the law simplifies the procedure for granting mining authorisations and operation of mining facilities with consideration of minerals under the right of land property ownership, and with special consideration of operations by small enterprises. Finally, the law fully implements the Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions for granting and using authorizations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons; it also simplifies the procedure for authorisation transfer between economic entities.
Systemic tools, such as the standards of professional competences and qualifications, the description of which enables them to be assigned the level of the national qualifications framework, function in the national qualifications systems as collections of information on competences important from the point of view of the labour market and educational system.It is important to recognise the potential of the relationship between the standards of professional competences and qualifications, described in accordance to the Act on ZSK, given the fact that they coexist under the Polish Integrated Qualification System.
Content available remote Młodzi pracownicy o wiedzy i kształceniu
Artykuł zawiera wyniki badań, które przeprowadzono metodą reprezentacyjną na próbie 200 osób w wybranych małych firmach, działających na terenie Częstochowy i powiatu. Materiały zbierano za pomocą ankiety zbudowanej tak, by zawierała jedynie pytania zamknięte. Poruszano problemy dotyczące wieku i wykształcenia badanych, a także kwalifikacji i możliwości ich podwyższania. Badani pracownicy (do 30 lat) wypowiadali się także na temat pracy jako wartości. Zauważa się swoisty konformizm badanych, który jest zjawiskiem nieopanowanym i w efekcie niebezpiecznym, zarówno dla nich, jak i dla firm. Jednocześnie inny fragment badań potwierdza, że młodzi pracownicy mają odpowiedni stosunek do pracy - są kreatywni i odpowiedzialni. Te fakty nie przekonują jednak kierownictwa wielu firm.
The article contains the results of a survey carried out on a group of 200 people from chosen companies, which operate in the area of Częstochowa and in its region. The survey had a form of a questionnaire composed of multiple - choice questions. The surveyed employees were asked about their age, education background, qualifications and ways of improving them. The questioned employees, at the age of under 30, expressed their ideas regarding work. Some conformist attitudes can be noticed among the surveyed workers and that may become dangerous for themselves as well as for their employers. At the some time the survey proves that young employees are responsible, creative and have the right attitude to working, but it does not convince the management of a lot of companies.
W literaturze przedmiotu kwalifikacje pedagogiczne nauczycieli są interpretowane w sposób dość różnorodny. Nierzadko utożsamiane są z poziomem wiedzy i umiejętności niezbędnych do prowadzenia pracy dydaktyczno-wychowawczej z młodzieżą. W nowszych opracowaniach coraz częściej opisywane są w kategoriach kompetencji czy standardów kompetencji. W artykule dokonano przeglądu proponowanych przez autorów komponentów kwalifikacji pedagogicznych współczesnych nauczycieli. Charakteryzują się one dużą wielowymiarowością i interdyscyplinarnością w zakresie wynikających z nich wymagań. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na konieczność wzbogacania kwalifikacji pedagogicznych nauczycieli o nowe kompetencje, do których zaliczają kompetencje psychologiczne, interpersonalne i ogólnopedagogiczne, a także kompetencje pragmatyczne, komunikacyjne, współdziałania, kreatywne, metodyczne, informacyjno-medialne i moralne oraz postulacyjne i realizacyjne. W zakończeniu przedstawiono wnioski dotyczące kształcenia i doskonalenia kwalifikacji pedagogicznych nauczycieli. Wśród treści programowych powinny się znaleźć te wszystkie zagadnienia pedagogiczne, psychologiczne, socjologiczne oraz z teorii komunikowania społecznego i obszaru dydaktyki innowacyjnej bazującej na heurezie myślenia i działania ludzkiego, które umożliwią współczesnym nauczycielom funkcjonowanie w ciągle zmieniającej się rzeczywistości społeczno-zawodowej oraz twórcze jej przeobrażanie.
Qualifications of teachers are interpreted in various ways in the literature related to the subject. It is not very rarely that they are identified with the level of knowledge and skills necessary to work with young people. In latest texts, to describe them, notions of competence or standards are more and more often used. The paper reviews the components of pedagogic qualifications of contemporary teachers listed by the authors. They are characterized by complexity and interdisciplinary approach. The authors pay attention to the necessity of enriching pedagogic qualifications of teachers with new competences, including psychological, interpersonal, and pedagogic ones, as well as those related to pragmatic performance, communication, cooperation, creation, methodology, informationmedia, morale, postulate and realization-based competences. The concluding part includes conclusions related to training and improving qualifications of teachers. The subject matter should include all the issues concerned with pedagogy, psychology, sociology, theory of communication and the area of innovation didactic based on heuristics of human thinking and doing, which will allow contemporary teachers to function in ever changing reality as well as to change it.
Forming one of the priority areas o the Czech Republic’s strategy is the activity of companies from the Czech Republic on international markets. Not all areas hold the same level of interest for Czech companies doing business internationally. Lately the opinion has prevailed that in their international enterprising, companies should be concentrating more on the markets of Eastern Europe and Russia, which seem to present a significant opportunity for them. One of the major barriers to this activity is mainly the lack of tech- nical expertise of companies. This concerns the lack of knowledge of the local customers relating to real and financial management, corporate culture, conditions for doing business, tax requirements and problems and implemen- tation of business activities. The aim of this article is to define the theoretic basis of the culturological concept of a company, to draw attention to certain basic differences in approaches of countries of Eastern Europe and Russia, which seem to be important for Czech entrepreneurs to realize business con- tacts. The methodology of the solution is founded on background research of key theoretical sources and practical experience and outputs gained within the framework of international contacts with these countries. The research and conclusions relate to resolution of a project resolved through the pro- gram “Human Resources Development” with the priority “Development o Life-long earning”, the aim o which is to increase quali ication o academic and research workers in the area of business management, and to conse- quently introduce this information into practice. This article was created within the framework of the ESF project entitled “Management in Conditions o the Countries in Eastern Europe and Russia” with identification number CZ.1/4/03/2/3/15.2/0257.
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