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Background The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of hand grip strength (HGS) test in identifying highly stressed individuals and to examine the effect of exercise and lifestyle on HGS and stress measures. Material and methods It is cross-sectional study. Students of the Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland were asked to fill out a questionnaire, undergo body composition analysis, perform HGS test and provide a saliva sample for cortisol measurement. Results Self-rated stress (SRS) was significantly higher in pre-clinical years (PCY) compared to clinical years (CY). HGS was significantly lower in PCY males than CY males. Participants who performed some form of exercise had significantly higher HGS compared with those who did not exercise. A positive correlation between HGS and BMI was noted. Students with low HGS were found to have lower levels of salivary cortisol (SC). However, there was no significant difference in SC levels between PCY and CY students. Conclusions HGS may be a reliable method of identifying stressed individuals and promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors. HGS testing is a safe, cheap and easy to perform method for a large number of participants while being time economical.
The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the challenges and threats faced by social assistance institutions in the face of the second month of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, with particular emphasis on disturbing phenomena and behaviours involving employees of these institutions. The text, on the one hand, supported by examples derived from personal experiences and reports of the social workers themselves, on the other, by the author's observations and reflections, can serve as a warning against hasty, chaotic actions undermining the morale and reputation of the social assistance system. In the current particularly difficult time for all, it should pass the test in responsible management, coherent cooperation, developing effective solutions and missionary character – serving the ones in need.
Content available remote Psychological aspects of temporomandibular disorders – literature review
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) constitute a group of clinical problems involving the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint and associated structures. An etiological connection of TMD with psychological factors was proposed as early as the 1980’s. Indeed, the interdependence of psychological and health aspects in the patient’s treatment, place light upon the more important variables contributing to the various mental disorders that may accompany TMD. Current literature suggests a close relationship between TMD and selected psychological factors, such as personality traits, stress, depression, anxiety, and catastrophizing. Of note, anxiety-depressive disorders, somatisation and catastrophizing contribute to chronic TMD, mainly in the form of myofascial pain. Hence, knowledge of the influence of psychological factors affecting TMD, enables the identification of patients with an increased risk of chronic painful TMD.
Introduction and aim. The central nervous systems control salivary pH and Flow; hence it is considered as stress biomarker. To correlate the relationships linking test performance and the cognitive along with affective aspects for the stress of the exams, flow rate and pH levels of saliva. Material and methods. Cross-sectional research was carried out on the day of their final exam and after three months. 90 dental college students provided saliva samples for measuring pH and salivary flow rate. The saliva was collected to measure stress, anxiety, and wellbeing. Results. Salivary flow and pH were increased in the after-exam period. This is mostly due to less threat, stress, and anxiety perception. Conclusion. According to this study, perceived stress can affect salivary flow rate and pH levels, which can be used to gauge the degree of physiological reactions accurately, conveniently, and affordably to tests and variable realistic stresses.
The question of interpreter aptitude has been widely discussed in Interpreting Studies (e.g. Lambert 1991; Moser-Mercer 1994; Mackintosh 1999). Language command and cognitive skills have often been treated by interpreter trainers as the main determinants of an interpreter’s future success. However, in recent years, more and more attention from interpreting scholars has been devoted to psycho-affective factors, such as motivation, anxiety or stress resistance (e.g. Timarová and Ungoed-Thomas 2008; Rosiers et al. 2011; Bontempo and Napier 2011). This paper presents the results of a pilot study, the main objective of which was to examine whether the speed of speaker’s delivery influences the level of stress experienced by interpreting trainees during a simultaneous interpreting task. To this end, heart rate and blood pressure data were collected. The participants were asked to interpret two speeches from English into Polish. The author hypothesised that while interpreting a faster speech the participants would experience a higher level of stress than when they interpreted a slower speech. The hypothesis was corroborated only for heart rate values. No statistically significant differences were observed for either systolic or diastolic blood pressure. The study offers valuable insight into the question of stress experienced by interpreting trainees.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in restrictions in most countries. One of them was to replace traditional education in schools with online learning. Such a change could provoke a build-up of negative feelings due to insecurity and loneliness. In addition, reducing daily physical activity and closing sports venues can have a detrimental effect on health. The article presents the results of the study of the impact of distance learning on the daily physical activity and condition of physical education teachers in Poland, as well as the subjective perception of physical and mental health in this professional group. Google forms were used to collect the data. The research tool was a questionnaire. The analysis showed that distance learning had a significant negative impact on the physical and mental health of the study group. The impact of distance learning on physical and mental health is gender independent. Teachers more often negatively assessed their physical and mental health compared to the studies in previous years. Daily physical activity of the subjects decreased, and most of them increased their body weight. Less than 3% of the surveyed teachers during the blockade felt happy and full of life.
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The purpose of the analysis was to verify a model which included connections among variables crucial to the child’s upbringing process. These variables were: the discrepancy between the parental goal and child’s actual state, the difficulty experienced by the parent (which following Gurycka [1990] is understood as psychological stress) and the child’s representation in the parent’s mind. It was hypothesized that the discrepancy between the parental goal and child’s actual state might determine the diffi culty experienced by the parent. What is more, this difficulty experience might start the process of shaping the child’s negative representation in the parent’s mind. The purpose of the analysis was to discover connections among the constructs in the net of common relations. A structural equation model was used for this purpose. The calculations were conducted with the help of the IMB AMOS program. The research was conducted on a sample of 100 people, parents of children aged 3 to 10 . The results obtained confirm the suggested connections among the variables. The results confirm the good fit of the model.
Although much work has been conducted to quantify the long-term physiological effects of psychological stress, measures of short-term, low-level stress have been more elusive. This study assessed the effect of exposure of volunteers to a mild, brief, psychologically stressful event, on the functional ability of leukocytes in whole blood to respond to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) in vitro. Volunteers operated a car electric window and adjusted it to 4 pre-determined positions. Between each operation the mechanism’s polarity was covertly altered (group B) or remained unaltered (group A). For each treatment group 10 different subjects provided capillary blood samples pre- and post-stressor. Using a chemiluminescent technique termed leukocyte coping capacity, the ability of leukocytes to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in vitro was assessed. ROS release differed significantly at 10 min post-stressor between treatment groups, suggesting exposure to acute psychological stress leads to a reduced ability to respond to bacterial challenge.
The Polish women’s relationships with partners of diwerent cultures raise a lot of contro versy, emotion and conicting ratings, although this is a frequent occurrence in Great - Britain. You can o¢en see Polish women with Arabic, Hindi or even with Latin partners, but not always you can see this with a favourable opinion other Polish people. A decision about sharing a life with someone with a diwerent culture, religion or language is an interest to many researchers.
The stress influences during emergencies affect negatively the experiencing and behaviour of the involved persons as well as the solution of the arisen crisis phenomenon and its victims. The solution of the crisis phenomena belongs to demanding activities where the rescuers and volunteers encounter a high level of stress. Its influence on the psyche and organism as well is significant and therefore it is necessary to deal with solving and coping with stress situations. The education in this area plays an important role. The employees of the rescue units, volunteers should have at disposal the basic knowledge in the area of psychology for them to be able to assess the arisen situation appropriately, to respond to it adequately and to provide the first psychological aid for the crisis victims. Of course, an adequate rate of load and stress is motivating, however, if necessary, it is suitable to find an expert who based on an analysis of the given problem will suggest a possible solution method.
Oddziaływanie stresu w sytuacjach nagłych negatywnie wpływa na przeżycia i zachowania zaangażowanych osób, jak również na sposób rozwiązania powstałej sytuacji kryzysowej i na jej ofiary. Rozwiązywanie zjawisk kryzysowych należy do wymagających działań, w których ratownicy i ochotnicy narażeni są na wysoki poziom stresu. Wpływ stresu zarówno na psychikę jak i organizm jest znaczący i dlatego umiejętność rozwiązywania problemów i radzenia sobie w sytuacjach stresowych jest bardzo istotna. Edukacja w tym obszarze odgrywa ważną rolę. Pracownicy jednostek ratowniczych, a także ochotnicy powinni posiadać podstawową wiedzę w zakresie psychologii, by móc właściwie ocenić zaistniałą sytuację, odpowiednio na nią zareagować zapewnić pierwszą pomoc psychologiczną ofiarom kryzysu. Oczywiście, odpowiedni poziom stresu i obciążenia działa motywująco. Jednakże, jeżeli zajdzie taka konieczność, zalecane jest znalezienie eksperta, który, na podstawie analizy danego problemu, zasugeruje możliwy sposób rozwiązania.
Zawód funkcjonariusza służby więziennej niezmiennie jest profesją owianą nimbem tajemnicy, przez co często niedocenioną i stygmatyzowaną społecznie. W celu oswojenia więziennej przestrzeni, obalenia mitów i stereotypowych opinii, funkcjonujących w świadomości społecznej, przeprowadzone zostały badania wśród toruńskich emerytowanych funkcjonariuszy służby więziennej. Zebrany materiał na temat roli zawodowej ludzi pracujących za murem, dźwigających ogromną odpowiedzialność za bezpieczeństwo i spokój świata po drugiej stronie, pozwolił stworzyć mapę cech pożądanych w zawodzie funkcjonariusza służby więziennej, jak również odnaleźć określone sposoby pojmowania i interpretowania roli społecznej wraz z jej ułatwieniami, utrudnieniami i dylematami.
The prison officer is a profession invariably enveloped in an aura of mystery, and is often underrated and socially stigmatized. In order to familiarise prison space, overturn myths and stereotypical views, and social awareness, surveys were conducted among retired prison officers from Torun, Poland. The data gathered, which was related to the role of professional people working behind the wall, having an enormous responsibility for the safety and peace of the outside world, helped map the characteristics desired for the profession of prison officer, as well as finding specific ways of understanding and interpreting social role and its facilitation, barriers and dilemmas.
Content available Students’ Welfare during SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
Rozprzestrzenienie się wirusa SARS-CoV-2 było nieoczekiwane, również co do jego skutków. W marcu 2020 r. WHO wprowadziło stan pandemii. Społeczeństwa były zmuszone do dostosowania się do zagrażającej sytuacji. Zmiany mają oddźwięk na polach codziennych interakcji i edukacji, bardzo ważnych dla grupy badanej. W niniejszym artykule skupiono się na analizie obciążenia psychologicznego wśród młodych dorosłych. Do tego celu opracowano własne narzędzie badawcze. Pomiary dokonane na wstępnych danych doprowadziły autorów do dwóch wniosków. Otóż odnotowano istnienie grupy szczególnie wrażliwej na negatywny wpływ pandemii. W tej grupie obserwuje się częstsze występowanie negatywnych emocji i uporczywych negatywnych myśli połączonych z somatyzacją. Te same dane sugerują, że większość badanych studentów cechuje się odpowiednią adaptacją w stosunku do sytuacji pandemii. Taki rezultat uzyskano przez wprowadzenie zachowań zorientowanych na cel, rekomendowanych przez międzynarodowe i krajowe organizacje zdrowotne.
The introduced by WHO in March state of pandemic due to SARS-CoV-2 outburst forced many societies to change their everyday existence. The necessary safety regulations have been introduced in Poland influencing the so far existing way of social interactions and education. The psychological burden of the current situation on the studying young adults is analysed herein. In the scope of the current research is the welfare of the Polish students. The preliminary data suggest existence of the frail population especially susceptible to the negative influence of the pandemic. The higher prevalence of negative emotions and persistent negative thoughts combined with somatization is observed within this group. The overall adequate adjustment of the majority of the students is observed. Such result has been obtained by introduction of the goal-oriented behaviours recommended by the international and national health organizations.
The article presents a characterisation of stress situations and psychological reactions during diving. It describes the fundamental personality dimensions and temperament features, and discusses the results of research into the methods of coping with stress as well as the levels of anxiety in candidates to the position of a professional driver.
Introduction. The appearance of a mentally disabled child in the world shatters the ideals of parents who, before the child’s appearance, already have a certain image of the child and dream of the child developing well, completing school, and finding a good job. When a child with intellectual disabilities arrives, the caregivers are most often unable to imagine how the child will cope in life, and how they themselves will cope with the burden of the child’s illness. Parents must cope with many psychological, but also material, and therapeutic problems related to their child’s disorder, because in addition to the daily activities of caring for the child, for a child with disabilities there are other necessary treatments such as therapy and rehabilitation. An additional burden is the cost of treatment and rehabilitation resulting from the illness of a loved one, which may worsen the financial situation of the family. A single stressor may lead to the emergence of subsequent others, and affect the quality of life of these families. Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the specific functioning of families in which children were diagnosed with an intellectual disability (mild, moderate), especially to determine whether having a child (aged 5–8) with an intellectual disability has a significant impact on the parents of these children, mainly on coping strategies and the assessment of the quality of life of the family. Materials and methods. Stress Coping Inventory (mini COPE in the Polish adaptation of Juczyński and Oginska-Bulik), STAI Inventory in Polish adaptation (Wrześniewski, Sosnowski, Jaworowska, Ferenc), and a self-administered questionnaire which included questions about gender, age, education, place of residence, occupation, number of children, family structure, and a subjective assessment of the family and its material situation. Results. The results of the study suggest that daily stress associated with caring for a sick family member makes parents resistant to various adversities, but also deprives them of strength to act, and in some people also causes depression, anxiety, and affects relationships with others and assessment of quality of life.
Wprowadzenie. Pojawienie się na świecie niepełnosprawnego intelektualnie dziecka wiąże się z zachwianiem ideałów rodziców, mających określony obraz dziecka i marzących o tym, by właściwie się ono rozwijało, ukończyło szkołę i znalazło dobrą pracę. W momencie narodzin dziecka niepełnosprawnego intelektualnie opiekunowie najczęściej nie są w stanie wyobrazić sobie, jak poradzi sobie ono w życiu i jak oni poradzą sobie z obciążeniem wynikającym z deficytów dziecka. Muszą uporać się z wieloma problemami psychicznymi, a także materialnymi oraz terapeutycznymi, związanymi z zaburzeniami ich dziecka, ponieważ do codziennych czynności związanych z opieką nad nim dołączają jeszcze inne niezbędne zabiegi lecznicze czy rehabilitacyjne. Dodatkowym obciążeniem są także koszty leczenia i rehabilitacji, mogące pogarszać sytuację materialną rodziny. Pojedynczy stresor może doprowadzić do pojawienia się kolejnych i wpływać na jakość życia tych rodzin. Cel. Celem podjętych badań było określenie specyfiki funkcjonowania rodzin, w których znajdują się dzieci ze zdiagnozowaną niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (lekką, umiarkowaną), zwłaszcza określenie, czy posiadanie dziecka (w wieku 5–8 lat) z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną ma istotny wpływ na rodziców tych dzieci, głównie na obierane strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem oraz ocenę jakości życia rodziny. Materiały i metody. Inwentarz do Pomiaru Radzenia Sobie ze Stresem (mini COPE w polskiej adaptacji Juczyńskiego i Ogińskiej-Bulik), Kwestionariusz do Badania Poziomu Lęku Stanu STAI (wersja X1) w polskiej adaptacji (Wrześniewski, Sosnowski, Jaworowska, Ferenc) oraz opracowana ankieta własna zawierająca pytania dotyczące płci, wieku, wykształcenia, miejsca zamieszkania, pracy zawodowej, liczby dzieci, struktury rodziny oraz subiektywnej oceny sytuacji rodzinnej i materialnej. Wyniki. Uzyskane wyniki badania sugerują, że codzienny stres związany z opieką nad chorym członkiem rodziny uodparnia rodziców na różne przeciwności losu, lecz także odbiera siły do działania, a u części osób powoduje przygnębienie, lęk i wpływa na relacje z innymi i ocenę jakości życia
Introduction: A lot of research has been done on reactions of caregivers of children hospitalized for a long time and suffering from chronic diseases. There are not so much articles about the impact of short term hospitalization on family. Parent’s psychological well-being, level of stress, social support can affect children while even short hospitalization. Material: The examined group consisted of 64 caregivers of children hospitalized in Szpital Dziecięcy Polanki in Gdansk. Caregivers stayed with child during hospitalization and agreed to take part in the research. Children were average hospitalized for 7 days. Method: To gather data we used demographic and clinical survey. Caregivers were asked to estimate their level of stress. To measure way of coping with stress CISS was used, GSES to measure the level of control, CECS (showing or hiding emotions), and LOT-R (optimism). Results: There is a correlation between the caregiver’s level of stress and his/hers subjective estimation of children medical condition. There is correlation between the caregiver’s level of stress and seeking for social companionship, avoidance, and ways of coping focused on emotions. There was a correlation between level of stress and suppressing depression, and self-efficacy. Conclusions: 1) Caregiver’s high self-efficacy can decrease the level of stress – explaining to parents what they can do in their situation is very important. 2) Parents of younger children, suppressing their emotions, and very stressed should be given additional psychological help (psychoterapeutic and counseling).
Wstęp: Wiele doniesień dotyczy reakcji rodziców i opiekunów w sytuacji przewlekłej hospitalizacji związanej z ciężką chorobą dziecka. Stosunkowo mniej badań pokazuje wpływ krótkotrwałej hospitalizacji na rodzinę. Kondycja psychiczna, poziom stresu rodzica, ilość wzajemnego wsparcia może przekładać się na stan dziecka także w tej sytuacji. Materiał: W badaniu udział wzięło 65 opiekunów dzieci hospitalizowanych w Szpitalu Dziecięcym Polanki w Gdańsku. Kryteriami włączenia było przebywanie z dzieckiem i wyrażenie zgody na badanie. Średni czas hospitalizacji dziecka w badanej grupie wyniósł około 7 dni. Metoda: W badaniu wykorzystano ankiety w celu zebrania danych demograficznych i klinicznych oraz określenia nasilenia subiektywnie odczuwanego przez rodzica stresu. Wykorzystano kwestionariusz CISS (do pomiaru stylu radzenia sobie ze stresem), GSES (pomiar poczucia kontroli), CECS (pomiar stopnia ujawniania lub tłumienia emocji) oraz LOT-R (pomiar optymizmu). Wyniki: Natężenie stresu odczuwanego przez rodzica hospitalizowanego dziecka koreluje z wiekiem dziecka oraz subiektywną oceną stanu dziecka dokonywaną przez rodzica. Zaobserwowano ujemną korelację pomiędzy odczuwanym przez rodzica natężeniem stresu a poszukiwaniem kontaktów towarzyskich, unikaniem oraz dodatnią współzależność między poziomem stresu a stylem skoncentrowanym na emocjach. Wystąpiło również nieznaczne powiązanie między poziomem stresu a tłumieniem depresji oraz poczuciem własnej skuteczności. Wnioski: 1) Poczucie własnej skuteczności u opiekunów i rodziców hospitalizowanych dzieci może zmniejszać odczuwany stres – wskazywanie obszarów pozostających pod kontrolą rodziców (tego, co rodzic może robić w sytuacji choroby dziecka) może zwiększać poczucie skuteczności. 2) Rodzice młodszych dzieci tłumiący emocje smutku, przeżywający silny stres mogliby zostać objęci dodatkową opieką psychologiczną (terapeutyczne wsparcie, poradnictwo) w celu zmniejszenia poziomu przeżywanego stresu.
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