The article addresses the problem of optimization of the system of musical education of preschool and primary school children by means of additional kinds of educational activities in health-caredirection. The aim of the article is to examine the nature and peculiarities of psycho-corrective influence of music therapy of preschool and primary school age in the process of their musical and educational activity. The study used the methods of the theoretical analysis of psycho-educational, philosophical and art criticism literature. The innovative technique based on using the ideas or separate elements of musical-rational psychotherapy of V.I. Petrushyna, author’s system of psycho-corrections by V. M. Draganchuk, methodology of development and complex correction of different sides of preschool and primary school children’s psyche of M. I. Chistyakova, music-therapeutics direction of musical education by system of Waldorf pedagogics. The article examines the mechanisms of psycho-corrective influence on children’s personality by means of music games, sound toning and singing songs, musical-dancing activities, rhythmic exercises, contact and contactless massage, autogenous training, breathing exercises, activation of visual images and ideas, music-improvised creativity, etc. The practical significance of the article is to develop the innovative methods of teaching music using music therapy in the system of preschool and primary school education. Considering the possibility of corrective action of music art on physical, emotional and intellectual sphere of the organism, it is understood that music is the language of nonverbal communication. As a result the main influence is made on the mood, emotions and feelings of a person. However, understanding the person as an inseparable unity of all three spheres, it is worth noting some influence on the physical and intellectual sphere, but in a different perspective. The person who interacts with music after this process becomes a qualitatively different person. The conclusions of the study indicate the efficacy and the effectiveness of the psycho-corrective influence of the music therapy on mental, emotional and volitional area of children’s personality, that leads to optimization of musical and educational process and the development of musicality in particular. A next trend of the study is seen in the implementation of music therapy in the system of training of future music teachers.
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