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In the article the view of the nature of the modern teacher, his picture as a highly individual, aimed at obtaining good results through self-realization and pedagogical skills is presented.
The main aim of the paper is to answer the question whether the use of qualified expert knowledge is a manifestation of professionalization of activities within local government and, additionally, whether it is an example of alliance of the world of science and politics, even if implemented at the local level. The basic research problem is to clarify the meaning of the term political consultancy, understood much more broadly than just advocacy activity in the field of public relations, closely correlated to the period of the election campaign. The perspective adopted in the study goes much further, treating consulting as a professional service provided at various levels of management of the local government community. The author puts forward the following hypotheses: 1) Consultancy has always been associated with various forms of governance of a given community. 2) Currently, views on the need to use consultancy services in politics are being articulated more explicitly. 3) This ongoing process can also be noted at the level of local government units, among others in Poland. 4) This phenomenon is not only discernable, but even necessary for the further development of local communities and their specific policies, which require appropriate substantive support of persons and/or institutions prepared to play such a role. The research method used is content analysis. The keywords related to the topic include political consultancy, professionalization, self-government.
Content available remote Doradca zawodowy w edukacji i na rynku pracy
The aim of the article is to show the specificity of career counsellor profession in the perspective of career counselling understood as professionalization (knowledge about professions). Nowadays, a lot of expectations and guidelines are b
tom 54
W artykule Współczesne muzeum historyczne jako instytucja gromadzenia, przechowywania i udostępniania źródeł historycznych z XIX i XX wieku skoncentrowano się na kilkunastu dotyczących tego tematu kwestiach. Już na początku zauważono, iż muzea, w tym szczególnie tzw. „historyczne”, są w praktyce jedynym miejscem gromadzenia i prawie „masowego” udostępnia dużej części istniejących źródeł, pozwalających badaczom poznać lub uzupełnić swoją wiedzę o faktach i procesach z przeszłości. Z tego powodu znajdują się one w lepszej sytuacji niż zainteresowane głównie „źródłami pisanymi” archiwa i biblioteki. Prymat w tym względzie muzeów dotyczy zwłaszcza czterech rodzajów jednocześnie źródeł, jak i eksponatów muzealnych: 1) źródeł w ogóle lub tylko sporadycznie gromadzonych w bibliotekach i archiwach, 2) źródeł dla historyków ważnych i przydatnych w badaniach pewnych zagadnień, (np. dotyczących „małych ojczyzn”, dziejów lokalnych społeczności, rodzinnych itd.), o których brak informacji w innych źródłach, z których w kwerendach historycy korzystają najczęściej 3) źródeł kultury materialnej, których szukanie w bibliotekach lub archiwach jest również bezcelowe, oraz 4) z nimi przeważnie bezpośrednio związanych źródeł służących do badań szeroko rozumianego życia codziennego. Przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy niewątpliwego bogactwa muzealnych sal i magazynów jest kilka w tym przede wszystkim liczne kontakty interpersonalne np. z zbieraczami, pasjonatami historii, środowiskami kombatanckimi czy po prostu z odwiedzającymi muzea osobami. Aby te atuty wielu muzeów odpowiednio wykorzystać i przede wszystkim zachować dla potomności kolejne źródła historyczne (w tym też te powstałe stosunkowo niedawno i jeszcze interesujące niewielu badaczy) w artykule przedstawiono też propozycję profesjonalizacji i intensyfikacji gromadzenia, przechowania i udostępniania w muzach cennych, choć przeważnie niedocenianych źródeł historycznych. Na ten proces składa się prowadzenie w tych instytucjach badań naukowych, nowoczesna digitalizacja zbiorów oraz ich odpowiednie (zgodną z oczekiwaniami zarówno zwiedzających, jak i historyków) ich eksponowanie. Poza tym niezbędne dla sukcesu tego rodzaju projektów jest fachowość i zaangażowanie pracowników muzeów, poszerzanie bazy społecznego oddziaływania tych instytucji oraz opracowanie odpowiednich, służących temu celowi metod współdziałania z placówkami naukowymi, archiwami, bibliotekami i osobami fizycznymi (np. kolekcjonerami).
tom 54
The article focuses on more than ten questions concerning the titular theme. At the very onset the author noticed that museums, in particular so-called history museums, are for all practical purposes the only institution gathering and on an almost “mass-scale” rendering available a large part of existing sources, thus enabling the researcher to become acquainted with facts and processes from the past and to supplement his knowledge. For this reason, the museums in question are in a better situation than archives and libraries interested chiefly in “written sources”. The primacy of museums in this respect pertains to four types of sources that simultaneously comprise museum exhibits: 1) sources never or only sporadically amassed in libraries and archives, 2) sources important and useful for historians studying select problems (e.g. “small homelands”, the history of local communities, family history, etc.), i.e. information absent in other sources used most often by historians for the purpose of surveys, 3) material culture sources that cannot be found in libraries and archives, and 4) sources serving research dealing with widely comprehended daily life. There are several reasons for these indubitably extensive resources of museums showrooms and storerooms, i.a. first and foremost numerous interpersonal contacts with, e.g. collectors, history lovers, veterans or simply the public - museum visitors. In order to make suitable use of these assets and preserve them for future generations the article presents proposals for the professionalisation and intensification of acquiring, storing, and rendering available valuable albeit, as a rule, insufficiently appreciated historical sources in museums. This process is composed of scientific research conducted in museum institutions as well as contemporary digitization of collections and their suitable display corresponding to the expectations of the public and historians. Just as indispensable for the success of such projects is the professional competence and involvement of the museum staff, an expansion of the base of the social impact of the institutions in question, and the preparation of suitable methods of collaboration with scientific institutions, archives, libraries and individuals (e.g. collectors).
Social and voluntary work are connected historically. The relationship between social and voluntary work has undergone specific development. Contemporary values of social and voluntary work are based on principles of democracy and human rights and their aim is to promote a socially cohesive and just society. The goal of the contribution is to analyze the perspectives of volunteering in the context of social work. In the first section the historical connection between voluntary and social work is analyzed. In the second section attention is paid to changes in social and voluntary work in relation to the modernization process of society and possibilities and perspectives of future cooperation between social and voluntary work are outlined.
nr 18
Focusing on the joint analysis of security trends and the organization of the private security market in France, this article addresses the new relationships between different security players and modern citizenship and society within the framework of metropolization. Despite the construction of an extended sovereign power, especially after the Second World War, the governments started to cooperate in the 1990s with other partners and to vary the levels of decision making in terms of security policies. Experts from private security companies or local councillors are new operators in the so-called “security co-production”. An analysis at the metropolis scale seems important in order to understand the issues related to security for two reasons: firstly, because of the particular pressure connected to the recent terrorist attacks than can affect the “identity” of the city; secondly, because “incivility” – constructed as a major political problem since the 1990s – is linked to social structures of local territories within a wider one, with differentiated means for the people who live in the metropolitan center of social framework. The social representations of order and social control are still based on the relationships between private property, transports and public (access) spaces. The new security identity of cities depends on the relationships between local policies and the socio-economic reality of citizens, including private security guards, whose life conditions are an expression of the paradoxes of modern life.
nr 3
The article describes the stages of professional development of the individual; psychological regularities and features of professionalization in student's years are analyzed.
The article presents recommendations for psychology students' professional identity formation at the university. According to authors’ point of view the most efficient method is sociopsychological training.
Content available remote Konceptualizace profesionality u vzdělavatelů dospělých
Podobně jako v jiných oborech se i ve vzdělávání dospělých stala profesionalita předmětem rychlých socioekonomických změn. Na rozdíl od jiných sfér je však profesionalita u vzdělávání dospělých mnohem složitější pojem s ohledem na obsáhlost tohoto oboru a jeho zvláštní rysy. Tento příspěvek reviduje tradiční modely profesionality z perspektivy profesionality rolí. Hlavním argumentem autorek přitom je, že není na místě konceptualizovat vzdělávání dospělých jako jednu profesi nebo jednu profesní oblast. V oboru vzdělávání dospělých existuje řada povolání, jež tvoří kontinuum. Autorky tvrdí, že profesionalizace v oblasti vzdělávání dospělých by měla být hodnocena ve světle znalostí praktiků o teoriích učení se dospělých, etické epistemologie, která řídí jejich chování, a míry důvěry, které se jim od dospělých učících se dostává, nikoli z pohledu specifických povolání, která vykonávají.
tom 33(6)
The article attempts to present the process of professionalization of social work in Poland after 1989. It was shown in terms of the classical attribution model and in the concept of Abbott, in which the essence of the pro-fessionalization process is primarily the functioning of the profession in a complex system of internal and exter-nal dependencies. Analyses indicate that the process of professionalization of social work in Poland is currently far incomplete, and the ongoing and planned changes in the social welfare system are unlikely to favour its development. We deal with specific monopolistic practices of the state in shaping the institutional foundations of social assistance in accordance with the interests of the central administration, which seeks to shift responsibility for implemented activities to external entities, retaining full and even increased possibilities of exerting influence and control. This is also reflected in the ongoing attempt to standardize social services, which is ultimately an element of deprofessionalisation of social work
tom 32(2)
This article consists of four parts. In the first I show theoretical approach to the development of Polish social work as an academic discipline from the 60s to the present time. I focus on the changes introduced in the education of staff of social assistance and how it developed as the autonomy of social work at Polish universities. The second part is dedicated to the research methodology, constructed purposes, the proposed methods, techniques and the conduct and organization of research. In the third part I analyse the collected results of research devoted to the general feedback on the direction of social work and detailed, addressing specific practical subjects such as practical training in education, social project, professional practice, specialization practice, the areas of social work. The last part are the conclusions of the research and identification of the main dilemmas related to the academic education of future social welfare staff.
The aim of the article is to indicate areas as well as the scope of professionalization of HRM in small and medium enterprises. The reason behind the undertaking of this problem may be found in the results of research conducted on SMEs that show that the owners or managing directors of such companies tend to focus on main business areas, paying less attention to other functions deemed “supporting.” One of them is the personnel function. This is in spite of the fact that professional literature considers human capital a very significant factor in the organization. Thus, the quality of HRM processes in such entities continues to be low. In its first part, the article defines the concept of HRM professionalization and indicates the main ways used in its measurement and assessment. The successive part discusses the primary areas of HRM professionalization, taking into account the specifics of SMEs. The last part is devoted to presenting and discussing the results of empirical research relating to the level of professionalization in training activities in SMEs. The analyses conducted include all the stages of the training process, where the statistical exemplification of the data constitutes a basis for the formulation of final conclusions.
Helping occupations are an integrated category for all specialists delivering social services. Thera are two main dimensions of professionalism in delivering services: (1) technical aspect associated with the accumulation of specialized knowledge about services, and (2) normative aspect related to the service ideal. Sociology of professions considers helping occupations as semi-professions: occupations under the process of professionalization. In Western Europe helping occupations emerged after Industrial Revolution and have been professionalized within the frame of modern welfare states. In Poland professionalization of helping occupations was frozen during fifty years of communism and has accelerated under the transformation and modernization of the last three decades. Like in all EU countries variety of helping specialist have reached the status of regulated occupations. Specificity of the Polish professionalization path is related to: (1) unsuccessful attempts to make social work a reference category for all helping practices, (2) construction of a legal category of the public trust professions open only for a smaller part of helping specialists, (3) ongoing processes of differentiation of assistance practices and fragmentation of social services. The Author argues that in the upcoming years public policy should be implemented to create a new order of helping professions and social services.
tom 4
nr 4
In this article we have tried to switch our attention towards the contemporary debates about the teaching profession that are more focused on a recognized reality that the profession is changing due to the development of modern society, with more complex tasks in the system of pedagogic education. Accordingly, we felt it necessary to respond to several issues raised by researchers in this problem field: what skills should teachers possess in a society that is constantly evolving and changing? What are teachers to “know” and “know how to do?” How should they be prepared to practice this profession? What types of theoretical, methodological, professional skills do teachers need to achieve? What are the most appropriate and effective primary training programs for teaching staff? Answers to these questions can only be “the professionalization of teaching career” and, in particular, the development of “professiogram” of the profession. We thought it would be useful to analyze aspects such as professionalism and professionalization, their interrelation and significance. In addition, the professionalization is realized on the basis of standard educational function, which, in its turn, indicates the presence of general and specific skills and abilities needed to realize the teaching profession.
This paper is focused on peer review used by schools as a potential means of support for mutual learning and the development of staff professionalism. It is based on empirical material obtained from The Road to Quality Improvement1, a Czech national project designed to support self-evaluation in schools. Data from 32 schools were collected by questionnaire surveys, interviews, focus groups and document analysis. Main findings are as follows: (1) a prerequisite for successful peer review is previous experience of evaluation activities and work with data; (2) peer review develops participants’ sensitivity in terms of the need for the development of evaluation skills; (3) evaluation activities and work with data develop participants’ professionalism and their potential to contribute to school development.
The reflection on the academic status of social work presented in the article is the result of a discussion during a scientific seminar organized on the initiative of the Board of the Social Work Section of the Polish Sociological Association. In June 2022, in the Gułtów Palace and Park Complex, property of the Adama Mickiewicz University in Poznań, during a two-day meeting, academics and experts from all over Poland discussed the current status and challenges that are important for social work in the context of its professionalization and academic potential. As part of the seminar, five debates were held, each consisting of a substantive introduction and discussion. The authors of this report presented their opinions, conclusions, and recommendations. The participants agreed that such discussions should be a cyclical event because they integrate around important issues having consequences not only for the development of social work but also for effectively dealing with critical social problems.
Podjęta w artykule refleksja nad akademickim statusem pracy socjalnej jest pokłosiem dyskusji w ramach seminarium naukowego zorganizowanego z inicjatywy Zarządu Sekcji Pracy Socjalnej Polskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego. W czerwcu 2022 r. w Zespole Pałacowo-Parkowym w Gułtowach, należącym do Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, podczas dwudniowego spotkania akademicy i eksperci z całej Polski dyskutowali nad obecnym stanem i wyzwaniami, jakie są istotne dla pracy socjalnej w kontekście jej profesjonalizacji i akademickiego potencjału. W ramach seminarium przeprowadzono pięć debat, każda z nich składała się merytorycznego wstępu oraz dyskusji. Autorzy niniejszego sprawozdania przedstawili wyrażane w ich trakcie opinie, wnioski i rekomendacje. Uczestnicy spotkania byli zgodni, że tego typu dyskusje powinny być cyklicznym wydarzeniem, ponieważ integrują wokół ważnych kwestii mających konsekwencję nie tylko dla rozwoju pracy socjalnej, lecz także dla efektywnego rozwiązywania ważnych problemów społecznych.
nr 2
The presented study focuses on the role played by holders of the right of patronage in the process of enforcing professionalization tendencies among the Early-Modern-Age clergy. It is based on an analysis of entries on 136 clergymen that were recorded at seven North Moravian and Silesian estates of the House of Liechtenstein in the period 1764–1767. It focuses on the issue of what priests’ professional qualities were monitored by the Liechtenstein patron and his officers, how he assessed them, what ideal of a clerical administrator did the patron employ and how this assessment influenced the priests’ career. Based on this analysis the study concludes that there existed a specific “patronage” variation of the professionalization process.
Content available remote Transformacja Sił Zbrojnych RP
Professionalization as a stage of the Polish Armed Forces’ transformation was discussed in the paper. In this process it will be necessary to subordinate the structure of expenditures (in a defined budget) to the Polish Armed Forces’ aims and tasks, taking into consideration priorities, competition on the civilian labour market and creating conditions to make the soldier’s profession competitive, as well as creating solutions showing attractive aspects of this job, innovation, creativity, fast and urgent adaptation of law and legal regulations to conduct the armed forces’ transformation.
Content available Edukacyjne wymiary profesjonalizacji pracy socjalnej
There is a lot of discussions around the process of professional education for socio-educational activity answering new challenges of training competencies of social work professionals. Academicdiscourses are related not only with the concept of professionalization, but also are focused on such kind of training, which is adequate to accepted standards and individual as well as social expectations. Undertaken discourse on educational dimensions of  professionalization of social workers is a kind of reflection on possible aspects of exploration of the problem and dilemmas connected with creating expected knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are friendly for effective social work practice.
Istnieje wiele kontrowersji wokół procesu edukacji zawodowej przygotowującej do działania socjalno-wychowawczego i odpowiadającego nowym wyzwaniom kształcenia kompetencji profesjonalnych pracowników socjalnych. Akademickie dyskusje dotyczą nie tylko istoty profesjonalizacji, ale i takiego przygotowania zawodowego pracowników socjalnych, które odpowiadałoby przyjętym standardom oraz oczekiwaniom indywidualnym i społecznym. Podjęty dyskurs nad edukacyjnymi wymiarami profesjonalizacji pracowników socjalnych jest próbą refleksji nad możliwymi obszarami eksploracji tego problemu oraz dylematami związanymi z kształtowaniem oczekiwanej wiedzy, umiejętności oraz postaw, które sprzyjałyby efektywnym działaniom zawodowym.
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